Excerpt from "Introduction to Linux shell scripts" is not finished!!!
Conversion, Formatting
printf "%-5s %-10s %-4.2f\n" 1 Sarath 80.3456
Color reset = 0, black = 40, red = 41, green = 42, yellow = 32, blue = 44, magenta = 45, cyan = 46, white = 47
echo -e "\e[1;31m This is red text \e[0m"
Get environment variables when the process is running
cat /proc/$PID/eviron
Get the process id
pgrep gedit
Get string length
Identify the current shell
echo $0 echo $SHELL
Check if it is a superuser
if [$UID -ne 0];then echo not root else echo root fi
Integer operation
no1=4 no2=5 let result=no1+no2 let no+=6 result=$[no1+no2] result=$[$no1+5] result=$((no1+50)) result=`expr 3+4` result=$(expr $no1+5)
Floating Point Operations, Accuracy, Number, Square
echo "4*0.56" | bc echo "scale=2;3/8" | bc
no=100 echo "obase=2;$no" | bc no=1100100 echo "obase=10;ibase=2;$no" | bc
echo "sqrt(100)" |bc echo "10^10" |bc
Output text redirected to a file
#cover echo "x" > temp.txt #Append echo "x" >> temp.txt #No output ls + 2>out.txt # Individual redirection cmd 2>stderr.txt 1>stdout.txt # Are redirected to the same file cmd 2>&1 output.txt cmd &>output.txt #Discard some_command 2> /dev/null #Read from stdin, add line number output cat a* | tee out.txt |cat -n #Append cat a* | tee -a out.txt |cat -n
File redirection to command
#Read data from files cmd<file
Read stdin from file
> File Writing in Truncated Mode
File Writing in Additional Mode
# Open and read files with file descriptor 3 exec 3<input.txt echo this is a test line>input.txt exec 3<input.txt cat <&3 # Used for write truncation exec 4>output.txt # For writing additions exec 5>>input.txt
#Definition array_var=(1 2 3 4 5 6) array_var[0]="test1" #Printing echo ${array_var[0]} index=5 echo ${array_var[$index]} #Print list echo ${array_var[*]} echo ${array_var[@]} #Print length echo ${#array_var[*]}
Associative array
#statement declare -A ass_array #Embedded index declaration ass_aray=([index1]=val1 [index2=val2]) #Independent Index Statement ass_array[index1]=val1 #Get the index list echo ${!array_var[*]} echo ${!array_var[@]}
alias install='sudo apt-get install' alias rm='cp $@ ~/backup; rm $@'
Terminal information
#Get the number of rows and columns at the terminal tput cols tput lines #Move the cursor to (100, 100) tput cup 100 100 #Set the terminal background color no=0~7 tput setb no #Setting text foreground color tput serf no #Setting Text Style Bold tput bold #Set the start and end of the underline tput smu1 tput rmu1 #Delete everything from the current cursor position to the end of the line tput ed
Prevent sending output to terminal
echo -e "enter password:" stty -echo read password stty echo echo echo password read
Get the setup date and delay
#Readable format date #Timestamp seconds date +%s #Date-to-date timestamp date --date "Thu Nov 18 08:07:21 IST 2010" +%s #Get week date --date "Jan 20 2001" + %A #Date formatting printing data "+%d %B %Y" #Setting Date and Time date -s "21 June 2009 11:01:22"
- Week%a%A
- Month%b%B
- Day%d
- Fixed format date (mm/dd/yy)%D
- Annual%y%Y
- Hour%I%H
- Min%M
- Second%S
- Nanosecond%N
- Timestamp%s
sleep no_of_seconds
Debug script
bash -x script.sh sh -x script #Enable Prohibit Debugging Printing #Display parameters, commands at execution time set -x #No debugging set +x #Display input when commands are read set -v #Prohibiting Print Input set +v
Functions and parameters
function fname() { statements } fname() { statements } #recursion F(){ echo $1; F hello; sleep 1; } #export export -f fname #Get the command or function return value echo $?; #Command Reference command -p -v -k
fname(){ echo $1,$2;#Parameter 12 echo "$@";#Print all parameters'$1','$2','$3'at once in a list format echo "$*";#The parameter is treated as a single entity "$1c"c", where C is the first character of IFS. return 0; }
fork bomb
:(){ :|:& };:
#Read command output, double quotation marks to reserve spaces and newline characters output="$(COMMANDS)" output=`ls | cat -n`