Oracle database statement summary

Posted by rockobop on Fri, 25 Feb 2022 14:05:34 +0100

Introduction and description

Four traditional mainstream databases:

    Oracle MySQL SqlServer DB2

Non relational database: Redis MongoDB

The mainstream database is relational database: there is an association relationship between tables

When we say install database, we mean install database service

When creating a database, it refers to creating a data warehouse

The data warehouse can be divided into several blocks, and each block is called a table space;

Each table space can correspond to a user

When using the database initially, first create a user, and then assign a table space to this user

If the user is not provided with a table space to create, the default table space of Oracle will be used by default; For security purposes, a tablespace should be created for each user

. DBF means table space file, which can improve security. Users in the table space can only access the contents stored in the current table space

Standard creation process:

First create a table space, create a user, and associate the user name with this table space;

Create a new table. In this way, the new table will be created in the table space just now;

Finally, give login, add, delete and modify permissions

Create tablespace - create user (associated tablespace) - Grant login permission - Grant add, delete and modify permission

Query all tablespaces (system and its own administrator operation)

1, Create tablespace (administrator action)

create tablespace Tablespace name
datafile 'Stored path'
size 10M
autoextend on
next 10M

datafile is used to set the physical file name

Size is used to set the initial size of the tablespace

autoextend on is used to set automatic growth. If the storage capacity exceeds the initial size, it will be expanded automatically

next is used to set the size of the expanded space

How to delete a tablespace (administrator operation)

Note that you must execute the statement first, and then delete the disk space manually, otherwise Oracle will crash

drop tablespace Tablespace name

2, Create user (administrator can create user)

--Create user
create user user name
identified by password
default table Tablespace name

identified by is used to set the user's password

Default tablespace specifies the default tablespace name

The user was created successfully, but a permission was missing, resulting in login failure

Login denied login denied; Is the lack of login permission

III. grant login permission

grant connect to user name;

When creating a table, it shows that there is no operation permission

IV. grant the authority to add, delete, modify and query

grant resource to user name

Recycle permission

Note: you can't "hurt each other" at the same level, that is, delete and recycle peer users

--Reclaim login permissions
revoke connect from user name;

--Recycle add, delete and modify permissions
revoke resource from user name;

5, Give recall administrator permission

--Give administrator permission
grant dba to user name;

--Withdraw administrator privileges
revoke dba from user name;

Other process operation syntax

Oracle has several default users


Sys, system is the administrator; Scott is a regular user

Reset common password (administrator)

sys as sysdba        //Log in as system administrator
alter user user name identified by password

User is locked and unlocked

--Administrator execution:
alter user user name account unlock;

Delete user (administrator)

When deleting a user, if there is a table, the deletion fails because of security reasons; Delete all tables before deleting users

--delete user
drop user user name cascade;

Data definition language

Create alter modify drop delete

Create tablespace

--Create tablespace
create tablespace Tablespace name
datafile 'Stored path'
size 10M
autoextend on
next 10M

Create user

--Create user
create user user name
identified by password
default table Tablespace name

Create table

default Add a default value to the table

--Create table
create table Table name(
Field name type (length),
Field name type (length) default ''

Copy a table

--Create a new table from an existing table and copy a table
create table New table name as select * from Old table name;

Copy a table (do not copy the information of the table, only keep the type of the table)

--Copy only table types
--Where1=2 It means that if the table is not equal, the information of the table will not be copied when copying the table, but only the type of the table
Create table New table name as select * from Old table name where 1=2;

Copy a table (eliminate duplicate data)

--Create a new table using an existing table, and the data in the copied table is not duplicate
create table New table name as select distinct * from Old table name;

New constraints

    PK Primary key( Primary Key);UQ Only( Unique )constraint
	CK Check( Check )Constraints; FK Foreign key(Foreign Key)constraint

--Constraint syntax (can be directly after the append table)
alter table xx
add constraint Constraint name constraint type specific constraint description
For example:
alter table product add constraint PK_PNO primary key (pno);

--Add age constraint 15~40
alter table stuInfo
add constraint checkAge check(stuAge>15 and stuAge<40);

Delete constraint

--Delete constraint
alter table Table name
drop constraint Constraint name

User locked

alter user user name account unlock

Delete table

--Delete table
drop table Table name


Data manipulation language

Insert select delete delete update update

insert data

--Insert data into a table
insert into Table name values('xxx',to_date('2020-02-02','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'));

--If partial data is inserted
insert into Table name (field name, field name...) values('xxx','xxx');

Query all information in the table

--Query all information in the table
select * from Table name

Query the specified information

--Query the specified information
select * from Table name where Primary key='xx';

Select the specified row and column display

--Specify data for row and column display
select xx,xx from Table name

Filter duplicate rows

--Show filter duplicate rows
select distinct xx,xx from Table name

Sort by a rule

--Sort by a rule(Descending order of age and ascending order of student number)
select * from Table name order by xxage DESC,xxno ASC;

--for example
--ascending Ascending order
select * from sc order by mark asc;

--descending Descending order
select * from sc order by mark desc;

--The default display is asc,Can be empty

Alias display

--List alias is a custom name
--'S'|| There is a in front of the student number S
select 'S'||stuNO Student number, stuName"full name" FROM Table name

For example, aliases are sorted in descending order after they are displayed

The query does not include fields for a condition

--not in Range         !=Not equal to specific value
-- !=Efficiency ratio of not in High, not in It will cause full scan and abnormal index

--Department number is not equal to 10  !=
select * from emp where deptno!=10;
--not in 
select * from emp where  deptno not in('10','20');

Delete all information in the table

--Delete all field information in the table
delete from Table name

Delete an information in the table

-- Delete an information in the table
delete from Table name where Primary key='xx'

--Delete a message,Multiple messages can and connect
delete from Table name where xx=xx and xx=xx

Modify an information in a table

--Modify an information in a table
--Generally, data is modified according to the primary key
update Table name set xx=xx,xx=xx where Primary key=''

For example:
update Table name set sname='james' where sid=2023;

Transaction control language

Commit submit savepoint save pollback callback

Data control language

Grant grant revoke revocation

Give login permission

grant connet to user name

Grant permission for addition, deletion and modification

--Grant permission for addition, deletion and modification
grant resource to user name

Give administrator privileges

--Give administrator privileges
grant dba to user name

Recycle administrator privileges

--Recycle administrator privileges
revoke dba from user name

Reclaim login permissions

--Reclaim login permissions
revoke connect from user name

Recycle add, delete and modify permissions

--Recycle add, delete and modify permissions
revoke resource from user name

Aggregate function

Note: the queried emp table is in scott user

AVG averaging

--avg()average value

---Average wage for all
select avg(sal) from emp;

--Find the average salary of department 20
select avg(sal) average wage from emp where deptno=20;

--Find the average salary and department number of department No. 20
select deptno,avg(sal) average wage from emp where deptno=20 group by deptno;

--Group according to the department number and find the average salary of each group
select deptno,avg(sal) from emp group by deptno;

MIN minimum

--min()minimum value

--Ask for the salary of the lowest paid person in our company
select min(sal) from emp;

--Ask for the lowest wage in department 20
select min(sal) from emp where deptno=20;

--Ask for the minimum wage of each department of the company
select deptno,min(sal) from emp group by deptno;

--Group, add group by



--Ask for the salary of the highest paid person in the company
select max(sal)Maximum wage from emp;

--Ask for the highest salary in department 30
select max(sal)Department maximum wage from emp where deptno=30;

--Ask for a high salary for each department of the company
select deptno,max(sal) from emp group by deptno;

SUN summation


--Ask for the total monthly salary of the company
select sum(sal)Total salary from emp;

--Ask for the total salary paid to the 30th part of each month
select sum(sal) from emp where deptno=30;

--Ask for the total salary of each department of the company
select deptno Department number,sum(sal)Total salary from emp group by deptno;

count accumulation


--Total number of people in the company
select count(*) from emp;

--Ask for the number of people in department 20
select count(*) from emp where deptno=20;

--You'd better not use it count(*);*Represents finding all fields
select deptno,count(*) from emp group by deptno;

--Find the total number of people in each department
select deptno,count(empno) from emp group by deptno;

--Of each department... Value, as long as more than 2000
select deptno Department number,max(sal) Maximum,AVG(sal) average value,min(sal) minimum value
from emp
group by deptno
having avg(sal)>2000;

Topics: Database Oracle Back-end Data Warehouse