web automation notes 13: parameterization, skipping use cases and generating HTML test reports

Posted by posidon on Tue, 22 Feb 2022 07:00:26 +0100



Skip use case

Generate HTML test report (Master)


1. Why parameterization
Solve the problem of redundant code

2. What is parameterization
Description: dynamically obtain parameters according to requirements

3. Parametric application scenario
Scenario: solve the problem of the same business logic and different test data. Implementation: by installing the unittest extension parameterized
1. Guide Package: from parameterized import parameterized
2. Modify the test function @ parameterized Expand (list type data)
3. Use the variable to receive the passed value in the test function
1. Single parameter: the value is list [1,2,3]
2. Multiple parameters: values are list nested primitives, such as: [(1,2,3), (2,3,4)]
3. Apply parameter values to the parameter setting variables in the test function. Note: the number of variables must be the same as the number of data values
Execution code of parameterized function:

data package Py file code

def get_data():
    return [(1,2,3),(2,3,5),(3,4,7),(4,5,9)]

TestCase. Under TestCase package Code under py file:

# Guide Package
import unittest
from parameterized import parameterized
# Create a function to test
from data.data import get_data

def add_data(x,y):
    return x + y
# Create test class
class TestAdd(unittest.TestCase):
    # Create test function
    # Use parametric Tags
    def testAdd(self,x,y,expant):
        result = add_data(x,y)

Execution result:

Ran 4 tests in 0.011s


Process finished with exit code 0


Skip use case

1. Directly mark the test function as checked (skip directly)
        @unittest.skip('description ')
Scenario: it is generally suitable for the use case where the function is realized
Execution code:

# Guide Package
import unittest
from parameterized import parameterized
# Create a function to test
from data.data import get_data

def add_data(x,y):
    return x + y
# Create test class
class TestAdd(unittest.TestCase):
    # Create test function
    # Use parametric Tags
    def testAdd01(self,x,y,expant):
        result = add_data(x,y)
    @unittest.skip("This function will be launched in the next version")
    def testAdd02(self):
        This function will be launched in the next version

Execution result:


Skipped: This function will be launched in the next version

Ran 5 tests in 0.012s

OK (skipped=1)

2. Judge whether the test function is skipped according to the conditions (if the conditions are met, skip)
        @unittest. Skipif (condition 'cause')
Scenario: if the general judgment conditions are met, it will not be executed; For example, this function is invalid when the specified version is reached
Execution code:

# Guide Package
import unittest
from parameterized import parameterized
# Create a function to test
from data.data import get_data

def add_data(x,y):
    return x + y
# Create test class
class TestAdd(unittest.TestCase):
    # Create test function
    # Use parametric Tags
    def testAdd01(self,x,y,expant):
        result = add_data(x,y)
    @unittest.skip("This function will be launched in the next version")
    def testAdd02(self):
        This function will be launched in the next version

    @unittest.skipIf(VERSION > 25 , "This function has failed")
    def testAdd02(self):
        This function has failed

Execution result:


Skipped: This function has failed

Ran 5 tests in 0.006s

OK (skipped=1)

Both methods can modify methods or test classes


Generate HTML test report (Master)

HTML report: adapted from TextTestRunner
1. Guide Package
2. Define test suite
3. Instantiate the HTMLTestRunner class and call the run method to execute the test suite
1. Copy htmltestrunner Py file to the specified directory
2. Guide Package: from HTMLTestRunner import
3. Get the file stream where the report is stored, and instantiate the HTMLTestRunner class
        suite = unittest.defaultTestLoader.discover("./",pattern = "test02*.py")
4. Execute the run method
with open ("... / erport/report.html", "wb") as f: # note: to generate html report, wb must be used and written in binary form
                    HTMLTestRunner(stream = f).run(suite)

Execution code and file structure:

import time

from tool.HTMLTestRunner import HTMLTestRunner
import unittest
# Test execution Suite
suite = unittest.defaultTestLoader.discover("./TestCase",pattern="test*.py")
# Write the query file and execute it to generate an html report
with open("./report/{}.html".format(time.strftime('%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S')),"wb") as f:
    # Instantiate the HTMLTestRunner class and execute
    HTMLTestRunner(stream=f,verbosity= 2,title="XX Project test report",description="Operating system: Linux").run(suite)

Execution result:

ok testAdd01_0 (testcase.TestAdd)
<_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stderr>' mode='w' encoding='UTF-8'> 
ok testAdd01_1 (testcase.TestAdd)
TimeElapsed: 0:00:00
ok testAdd01_2 (testcase.TestAdd)
ok testAdd01_3 (testcase.TestAdd)

Example report generation:

Difference between open and with open:
1. Common ground: open the file
2. Difference: with open = Open + close

Topics: Python Web Development Selenium software testing unittest