Partial refresh of HTML page

Posted by meshi on Tue, 03 Dec 2019 11:12:59 +0100

/. event response refresh: refresh only when there is a request

1. Get HTML elements through JS HTML DOM or jQuery, listen for page events through DOM or jQuery, and get user requests;

2. Submit the user request to the server through Ajax, and the server will return the result after processing, and then Ajax will receive the data;

3. Load the data into the page through DOM method or jQuery method, and refresh the event response.




      type: "POST",

      url: "inquire_date.php",

      data: {


//1.Get the user request (i.e. some events) and send it to the server for processing

        date:$('#input_date input').val()


      dataType: "json",

//2.Get data from server

      success: function(data){

        if (data.success) {

          var festival = data.fetivalInquireResult;

//3.Load the acquired data into the page to refresh the page event response


        } else {

          $('#show_festival').text("Failed to get Festival");



      error: function(jqXHR){     

        alert("An error occurred:" + jqXHR.status);  






/. local auto refresh: the local page will be refreshed automatically if no request is made

1. Use timer functions such as setTimeout() to get Ajax data from the server at regular intervals;

2. Load the data into the page by DOM method or jQuery method to realize the local automatic refresh of the page.




/*Local auto refresh page data*/

function updateShow(){


    type: "GET",

    url: "inquire_date.php?data=" + "inquire",

    dataType: "json",

//1.Get data from server by timer

    success: function(data) {

      if (data.success) {

        var agesFormat = data.agesFormat;

        var daysFormat = data.daysFormat;

//2.Load the data into the page to realize automatic refresh



      } else{

        alert("Failed to get data");



    error: function(jqXHR){     

      alert("An error occurred:" + jqXHR.status);  





Topics: Javascript JQuery PHP JSON