PC side web page effects

Posted by simoesp on Sat, 26 Feb 2022 06:07:13 +0100

PC side web page effects

1, Element offset offset series

1. offset overview

Offset translates to offset. We can dynamically get the position (offset) and size of the element by using the relevant attributes of offset series

  • Gets the distance of the element from the position with the positioning parent element
  • Gets the size (width and height) of the element itself
  • Note: the returned value has no units

offset series common attributes

element.offsetParentReturns the parent element with positioning as the element. If none of the parent elements are positioned, body is returned
element.offsetTopReturns the offset of the element above the parent element with positioning
element.offsetLeftReturns the offset of the parent element with the left border of the positioning parent element
element.offsetWidthReturns the width of itself, including padding, border and content area. The returned value does not contain units
element.offsetHeightReturns the width of itself, including padding, border and content area, and returns the value without unit

2. Difference between offset and style

  1. offset can get the attribute value in any style sheet; Style can only get the style values in the inline style sheet
  2. The value obtained by offset series has no unit; style.width gets a string with units
  3. offsetWidth includes padding + border + width; style.width does not contain the value of padding + border
  4. offsetWidth and other attributes are only readable and can only be obtained but not assigned; style.width is read-write and can be obtained or assigned

2, Element viewable area client series

Client is translated as the client. We use the relevant attributes of the client series to obtain the relevant information of the element visual area. Through the relevant attributes of the client series, we can dynamically obtain the border size and element size of the element

element.clientTopReturns the size of the top border of an element
element.clientLeftReturns the size of the left border of an element
element.clientWidthReturns the width of the content area, including padding, but excluding borders. The returned value does not contain units
element.clientHeightReturns the width of the content area, including padding, but excluding borders, and returns a value without units

1. Execute function now

Functions that can execute themselves immediately without calling


(function() {})();  // The last parenthesis can be regarded as the meaning of call, or you can add the function name (function() {} ());
(function(a, b)  {    console.log(a + b);})(1, 2);(function(a, b)  {    console.log(a + b);}(1, 2));

The biggest function of immediate execution function is to create a scope independently. All variables in it are local variables and will not conflict with external variables, avoiding the problem of naming conflict

2. pageshow event

This event is triggered when the page is displayed, regardless of whether the page is from the cache or not. In the reload page, pageshow will be triggered after the load event is triggered; Judge whether it is the pageshow event triggered by the page in the cache according to the persisted in the event object, Guangxi cadre training school https://www.ganxun.cn/searchschool/gx.html Note: this event is added to the window

addEventListener('pageshow', function(e) {    alert('hello');    if (e.persisted)  // e.persisted returns true, which means that this page is a page {console.log("events retrieved in memory");}})

3, Element scroll series

1. Element scroll series attribute

Scroll translates to rolling. We can dynamically get the size and rolling distance of the element by using the relevant attributes of the scroll series

element.scrollTopReturns the distance to the upper side of the rolled up, and returns the value without unit
element.scrollLeftReturns the distance to the left of the rolled up, and returns the value without unit
element.scrollWidthReturns its own actual width (content width), excluding borders, and returns a value without units
element.scrollHeightReturns its actual width, excluding borders, and returns a value without units

4, Summary of three series


  • offsetWidth: returns the width of itself, including padding, border and content area. The returned value does not contain units
  • clientWidth: returns itself, including padding and content area width, without borders, and returns a value without units
  • scrollWidth: returns its actual width without borders, and returns a value without units

Main usage:

  • The offset series is often used to obtain the element position: offsetLeft, offsetTop
  • The client series is often used to obtain the element size: clientWidth, clientHeight
  • scroll is often used to obtain the rolling distance: scrollTop and scrollLeft
  • Note: the page scrolling distance passes through window Pagexoffset get

5, mouse

1. mouseenter mouse event

  • The mouseenter event is triggered when the mouse moves over the element
  • Similar to mouseover, the difference between them is
    • mouseover mouse will trigger when it passes through its own box and sub box. mouseenter will only be triggered through its own box
    • This is because mouseenter doesn't bubble
  • Matched with mouseenter: the mouse will not bubble when leaving mouseleave

6, Animation function encapsulation

1. Animation implementation principle

Core principles:

  • Continuously move the box position through the timer setInterval

Implementation steps:

  1. Get the current position of the box
  2. Add 1 movement distance to the current position of the box
  3. Use the timer to repeat this operation continuously
  4. Add a condition to end the timer
  5. Note that this element needs to add positioning before you can use element style. left
<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head>    <meta charset="UTF-8">    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">    <title>Document</title>    <style>        div {            position: absolute;            left: 0px;            width: 100px;            height: 100px;            background-color: pink;        }    </style></head><body>    <div></div>    <script>        // Animation principle / / get the element position var div = document querySelector("div");        //  Add a movement distance to the current position of the box / / div.style left = style. offsetLeft + 1 + "px";        //  Use the timer to repeat the above operations continuously. Var timer = setinterval (function() {if (div.offsetleft > = 400) {/ / stop the animation and stop the timer clearinterval (timer);} div.style. left = div.offsetLeft + 1 + "px";        },  30)    </script></body></html>

2. Encapsulation of animation functions

Note that the function needs to pass two parameters, the animated object and the moving distance

// Obj target object target location function animate(obj, target) {/ / let us have only one timer to execute the element; clear the previous timer and only keep the current timer to execute clearinterval (obj. Timer); VAR timer = setinterval (function() {if (obj. Offsetleft > = target) {/ / stop the animation. The essence is to stop the timer clearinterval (timer);} obj. style. left = obj. offsetLeft + 1 + "px";    },  30)    }var div = document. querySelector("div");//  Call the function animate(div, 300);

3. Buffer animation principle

Buffering animation is to change the movement speed of elements. The most common is to stop the speed slowly


  1. Let the distance of each movement of the box slowly decrease, and the speed will slowly fall down
  2. Core algorithm: (target value - current position) / 10 as the distance step of each movement
  3. The stop condition is to stop the timer when the current box position is equal to the target position
// Obj target object target location function animate(obj, target) {/ / let's use only one timer to execute the element; clear the previous timer and only keep the current timer to execute clearinterval (obj. Timer); VAR timer = setinterval (function()) {/ / write the step value into the timer / / change our step value to an integer without decimal places. Var Step = (target - obj. Offsetleft) / 10; Step = step > 0? Math.ceil (step): math.floor (step); if (obj. Offsetleft > = target) {/ / stop the animation. The essence is to stop the timer clearInterval(timer);        }        obj.style.left = obj.offsetLeft + step + "px";    }, 30)}var div = document.querySelector("div");//  Call the function animate(div, 300);

Uniform Animation: the box is the current position + fixed value

Jog Animation: current position of the box + changed value ((target value - current position) / 10)

You can make animation functions from 800 to 500

When we click the button, we judge whether the step is positive or negative

  1. If it is positive, the step size is rounded up
  2. If it is negative, the step size is rounded down

4. Add callback function to animation function

Callback function principle: as a parameter, the function is passed to another function as a parameter. When the function is completed, the function passed in is executed. This process is called callback

function animate(obj, target, callback){  // Callback refers to the callback function / / when calling, callback () clearinterval (obj. Timer); Var timer = setinterval (function() {var Step = (target - obj. Offsetleft) / 10; Step = step > 0? Math.ceil (step): math. Floor (step); if (obj. Offsetleft > = target) {clearinterval (timer); / / the callback function is written to the end of the timer / / if (callback)// {/ / call the function. If there is no such function, it will not call / / callback(); / /} / / you can also use callback & & callback();} obj. style. left = obj. offsetLeft + step + "px";    },  30)}var div = document. querySelector("div");//  Call the function animate (div, 800, function() {alert ("Hello world");})

5. Throttle valve

Prevent the rotation chart button from playing too fast due to continuous clicking

Purpose of throttle valve: when the content of the previous function animation is executed, execute the next function animation, so that the event cannot be triggered continuously

Core idea: use callback function to add a variable to control, lock function and unlock function

vaar fflag = true;div.addEventListener("click", function() {    if (flag)    {        flag = false;  // Open throttle animate (UL, 300, function() {flag = true; / / close throttle})})

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