1. Pile driving at compile time
linux>gcc -DCOMPILETIME -c mymalloc.c
linux>gcc -I. -o intc int.c mymalloc.o
Using the - I. parameter, it causes the C preprocessor to look in the current directory before searching the usual system directory
mymalloc.c: #ifdef COMPILETIME #include <stdio.h> #include <malloc.h> void * mymalloc(size_t size){ void * ptr=malloc(size); printf("malloc(%d)=%p\n",(int)size,ptr); return ptr; } void myfree(void * ptr){ free(ptr); printf("free(%p)\n",ptr); } #endif malloc.h: #define malloc(size) mymalloc(size) #define free(ptr) myfree(ptr) void * mymalloc(size_t size); void myfree(void * ptr); int.c: #include <stdio.h> #include <malloc.h> int main(){ int * p=malloc(32); free(p); return 0; }
2. Driving when linking
Linux static connector supports the use of -- wrap f flag to drive when linking. Linker will resolve f to wrap F and the symbol real f to F.
linux>gcc -DLINKTIME -c mymalloc.c
linux>gcc -c int.c
linux>gcc -Wl,--wrap,malloc --Wl,--wrap,free -o intl int.o mymalloc.o
mymalloc: #ifdef LINKTIME #include <stdio.h> void * __real_malloc(size_t size); void __real_free(void * ptr); void * __wrap_malloc(size_t size){ void * ptr=__real_malloc(size); printf("malloc(%d)=%p\n",(int)size,ptr); return ptr; } void __wrap_free(void * ptr){ __real_free(ptr); printf("free(%p)\n",ptr); } #endif malloc.h: #define malloc(size) mymalloc(size) #define free(ptr) myfree(ptr) void * mymalloc(size_t size) void myfree(void * free) int.c #include <stdio.h> #include <malloc.h> int main() { int * p=malloc(32); free(p); return 0; }
3. Driving during operation
By setting the LD? Preload environment variable, the dynamic linker searches the LD? Preload library first, and then other libraries.
linux>gcc -DRUNTIME -shared -fpic -o mymalloc.so mymalloc.c -ldl
linux>gcc -o intr int.c
linux>LD_PRELOAD="./mymalloc.so" ./intr
mymalloc.c: #ifdef RUNTIME #define _GNU_SOURCE #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <dlfcn.h> void * malloc(size_t size){ void *(*mallocp)(size_t size); char * error; mallocp=dlsym(RTLD_NEXT,"malloc"); if((error=dlerror())!=NULL){ fputs(error,stderr); exit(1); } char * ptr=mallocp(size); printf("malloc(%d)=%p\n",(int)size,ptr); return ptr; } void free(void * ptr){ void (*freep)(void *)=NULL; char * error; if(!ptr) return; freep=dlsym(RTLD_NEXT,"free"); if((error=dlerror())!=NULL){ fputs(error,stderr); exit(1); } freep(ptr); printf("free(%p)\n",ptr); } #endif //The other two are the same