Playing with git, developers must know and operate GIT

Posted by sgalatas on Sun, 02 Jan 2022 06:39:39 +0100


I only sent this article because I came to write a simple operation about git at the invitation of my friends yesterday. Friends used svn as version control before. Now the company uses git as version tool. Due to time problems, I will simply sort out the GIT commands commonly used in work to facilitate friends to attribute git commands as soon as possible. A picture is attached as a souvenir.

Hahaha, it's funny to meet familiar talents!


Entering the topic, we will introduce git from the following ten aspects.

1. How to create a git project

Create a new project on gitlab or GitHub - "" create a blank project - "" enter the project name

Local operation: after obtaining the code, it is automatically bound to the remote branch

git clone address
cd Directory just downloaded
git add
git commit -m "add README"
git push -u origin master

Note: generally, after the project is created, you will be given the corresponding code example of creating a local code warehouse.

2. How do existing projects bind to remote git warehouses

cd existing_folder
git init
git remote add origin git Remote address
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"
git push -u origin master

3. Get the existing git warehouse code

There's nothing to say about this. It's git clone

git clone git://url

4. Create / switch / delete branch

Creating and deleting branches can be done in the remote warehouse. As shown in the figure

Of course, it can also be done in the local warehouse. as follows

// View the current branch and display the changed files
git status

Switch branches using git checkout

// Create a branch, creating a blank branch
git checkout -b  "Branch name
// Switch branch
git checkout Branch name

Create local branch

Switch to the branch you created

Push the created branch to the remote branch PS: when you have a local branch and the corresponding remote branch (if you accidentally delete the remote branch, don't panic. If you push up the local branch, the remote branch will be re created.)

Create a branch with remote branch management

Use git branch to check whether the new branch is successful.

// Show local branches
git branch
// Show all branches (including remote branches)
git branch -a

**Number identifies the currently used branch tag*

*Of course, the idea tool can also help us create branch information quickly

Delete branch

Delete remote branch:
git push origin --delete Branch name --Remote branch
git branch -d Branch name  --You can delete a local branch (in the main branch)

It's impossible to kill yourself in your own branch! You know

Switch to any branch to delete the local branch, execute the above command, and check the branch name and branch information through git branch -a.

5. Update / submit code

// Check whether the code is modified
git status     
//Staging modified code         
git stash      
// The code modification is directly pulled down to the local code merge, and a commit is generated, that is, merge commit
git pull = git fetch + git merege     
// rebase does not generate a commit, and the commit history is clean
git pull --rebase == git fetch + git rebase   

//Add submit all codes
git add .
//Submit multiple file code spaces. Of course, you can add them twice
git add File 1 file 2

git commit -m 'commit message'
//Only the submission with any push code added will be considered as a commit. The missing file will be added for one submission
git commit --amend 
//Push code is pushed to the current branch by default
git push 
//Push to the specified remote branch head to point to test
git push origin HEAD:test
git push origin test== git push origin test:test

//Forced push caution
git push -f

Generally, there will be convenient operations in the IDE

Click commit to identify the submission
Click revert to rollback the current code and restore the code before the generation change

6. Local staging / version fallback / version rollback

Code can be temporarily stored multiple times through git stash, and git stash pop can be continuously released. Like the stack, in and out.

// Staging Code: after entering the command, all modified codes enter the staging area and need to be released manually to display the modified file
git stash
// Release code
git stash pop

//To return the code to this submission, commit only needs the first 8 bits
git reset commitId(Need to go back commitid No.)
//Code rollback cancels this submission
git revert commitId(Need to revoke the submitted commitid No.)
Version shuttle
Git reflog Print your operation record every time

7. git log usage

8. gitinore common configurations

//Save git password
git config --global credential.helper store

git config --list	// View configuration information

git config
git config
--Of the project
git config myName	// Own user name
git config myEmail	// Own mailbox

git config --global globalName	// Global user name
git config --global globalEmail	// Global mailbox

9. gitinore does not take effect solution

git rm -r --cached .  (git rm -r -f --cached .  Force delete cache)
git add .
git commit -m "update .gitignore"

git token login

First time: set up connection with git

git remote add origin https://your

##`Insert code slice here ` Delete remote warehouse
git remote rm origin

#You can modify the alias of the connection after it has been set
git remote set-url origin https://your

Topics: git IDE