Practical application of canal

Posted by Vivid Lust on Sat, 18 Sep 2021 17:10:59 +0200

Practical application of canal

Understand the principle of canal

Canal is a middleware based on database incremental log parsing developed in java, which provides incremental data subscription and consumption. At present, canal mainly supports MySQL binlog parsing. After parsing, canal client is used to process the obtained relevant data. (database synchronization requires Alibaba's otter middleware, which is based on canal)

How canal works: disguise yourself as a slave and copy data from the master. Master authorization is required to read binlog. Because binlog is encrypted, the authorized user name and password can be read. After authorization, the master does not know whether the slave or canal reads his binlog. All his transmission protocols comply with the slave standard, so the master always thinks it is read from the slave.

1.mysql configuration

1.1 open the binlog module of mysql

Switch to the mysql installation path, find my.cnf(Linux)/my.ini (windows), and add the following:

log-bin=mysql-bin #Add this line, ok
binlog-format=ROW #Select row mode
server_id=1 #The MySQL replacement configuration needs to be defined and cannot be the same as the slaveId of canal

After configuration, you need to restart the database

1.2 create a canal user to manage the access rights of canal. We can control the content that can be obtained by canal by controlling the access rights of canal users

CREATE USER canal IDENTIFIED BY 'canal';    
-- GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON Database name.Table name TO 'canal'@'%' ;  

such as(Give the read, copy and copy permissions of the whole database and table): GRANT SELECT, REPLICATION SLAVE, REPLICATION CLIENT ON *.* TO 'canal'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'canal' ;

Possible problems

report errors: ERROR 1819 (HY000): Your password does not satisfy the current policy requirements

Because the password setting is too simple, MySQL has a specification for password setting, which is specifically related to validate_ password_ The value of policy

View the complete initial password rules of MySQL, and execute the following commands after logging in:

mysql> SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'validate_password%';

The length of the password is determined by validate_password_length, but can be modified by the following command

set global validate_password_length=4;

validate_password_policy determines the password authentication policy. The default level is medium, which can be modified to low through the following command

set global validate_password_policy=0;

2.canal configuration

Download address

git download may be slow or can't get down. Here's my online disk link. If it expires, you can contact me

Extraction code: wu6s

2.1 unzip tar zxvf canal.deployer-1.0.0.tar.g

2.2. Document description: there are several folders under canal

conf to configure
lib  jar package
logs  journal
 Usually these four

2.3 configuration description

The two main configuration files are and The latter is in the example folder in conf. normally, the configuration file does not need to be changed. This will be mentioned later. Here is my configuration (instance. Properties),

## mysql serverId
canal.instance.mysql.slaveId = 2 #Note that this id cannot be the same as the server in mysql configuration_ Same id

# position info
canal.instance.master.address = localhost:3306 #Own database connection address = 
canal.instance.master.position = 
canal.instance.master.timestamp = 

#canal.instance.standby.address = =
#canal.instance.standby.position = 
#canal.instance.standby.timestamp = 

# username/password
canal.instance.dbUsername = canal 
canal.instance.dbPassword = canal 
canal.instance.defaultDatabaseName = pifi #Database name
canal.instance.connectionCharset = UTF-8  #code

# table regex
canal.instance.filter.regex = .*\\..*
# table black regex =

2.4 startup

 This way, pay attention to this Linux
windows yes

2.5 viewing startup status

adopt logs/canal/canal.log and logs/example/example.log Log to judge canal Whether it started successfully.


2021-04-08 09:43:55.450 [main] INFO  c.a.o.c.d.monitor.remote.RemoteConfigLoaderFactory - ## load local canal configurations
2021-04-08 09:43:55.455 [main] INFO - ## start the canal server.
2021-04-08 09:43:55.668 [main] INFO - ## start the canal server[]
2021-04-08 09:43:56.600 [main] INFO - ## the canal server is running now ......
2021-04-08 10:36:26.771 [main] INFO - ## set default uncaught exception handler
2021-04-08 10:36:26.799 [main] INFO - ## load canal configurations


2021-04-08 09:38:49.733 [main] INFO - Loading properties file from class path resource [example/]
2021-04-08 09:38:49.885 [main] ERROR - testWhileIdle is true, validationQuery not set
2021-04-08 09:38:50.086 [main] INFO  c.a.otter.canal.instance.spring.CanalInstanceWithSpring - start CannalInstance for 1-example 
2021-04-08 09:38:50.090 [main] WARN  c.a.o.canal.parse.inbound.mysql.dbsync.LogEventConvert - --> init table filter : ^.*\..*$
2021-04-08 09:38:50.091 [main] WARN  c.a.o.canal.parse.inbound.mysql.dbsync.LogEventConvert - --> init table black filter : 
2021-04-08 09:38:50.096 [main] INFO  c.a.otter.canal.instance.core.AbstractCanalInstance - start successful....

Basically, you can write code tests directly or look at the log files above

package com.example.demo.canal;

import java.util.List;


 * @author zhang ho jian
 * @date 2021/4/8
 * @time 10:16
 * @Description :Test Canal
public class CanalTest {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        //Change the ip and port to their own canal. The default is 11111
        CanalConnector connector = CanalConnectors.newSingleConnector(new InetSocketAddress(AddressUtils.getHostIp(),
                11111), "example", "", "");
        int batchSize = 1000;
        try {
            while (true) {
                Message message = connector.getWithoutAck(batchSize); // Gets the specified amount of data
                long batchId = message.getId();
                int size = message.getEntries().size();
                if (batchId == -1 || size == 0) {
                    try {
                    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                } else {
                connector.ack(batchId); // Submit for confirmation
                // connector.rollback(batchId); //  Processing failed, rollback data
        } finally {

    private static void printEntry( List<Entry> entrys) {
        for (Entry entry : entrys) {
            if (entry.getEntryType() == EntryType.TRANSACTIONBEGIN || entry.getEntryType() == EntryType.TRANSACTIONEND) {
            RowChange rowChage = null;
            try {
                rowChage = RowChange.parseFrom(entry.getStoreValue());
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new RuntimeException("ERROR ## parser of eromanga-event has an error , data:" + entry.toString(),
            EventType eventType = rowChage.getEventType();
            System.out.println(String.format("================> binlog[%s:%s] , name[%s,%s] , eventType : %s",
                    entry.getHeader().getLogfileName(), entry.getHeader().getLogfileOffset(),
                    entry.getHeader().getSchemaName(), entry.getHeader().getTableName(),

            for (RowData rowData : rowChage.getRowDatasList()) {
                 //If you need business processing, you can do the corresponding processing here. In my case, you need to synchronize the data of multiple databases to one database, which will cause the problem of primary key conflict, so you can process the primary key here. If you are a master and slave, you don't need to use it here
                if (eventType == EventType.DELETE) {
                    System.out.println("Delete operation"+rowData.getBeforeColumnsList());
                } else if (eventType == EventType.INSERT) {
                    System.out.println("Add operation"+rowData.getAfterColumnsList());
                } else {
                    System.out.println("-------> before");
                    System.out.println("to update"+rowData.getAfterColumnsList());


    private static void printColumn( List<Column> columns) {
        for (Column column : columns) {
            System.out.println(column.getName() + " : " + column.getValue() + "    update=" + column.getUpdated());


Here, let me operate the database

You can see the console output

-------> before
preset :     update=false
besponsible_person :     update=false
breaking_current :     update=false
breaking_capacity :     update=false
switch_property : Incoming switch    update=false
switch_state :     update=false
operating_mechanism :     update=false
coal_mine_name : Smart grid simulation laboratory    update=false
equipment_manufacturer :     update=false
device_name : Switch 19    update=false
device_model :     update=false
correspondence_address : Test 3    update=false
equipment_number : 19    update=false
preset_status :     update=false
rated_capacity :     update=false
rated_voltage :     update=false
rated_current :     update=false
protector_category : ZBT-11C(DSP)Protector    update=false
protector_number : 19    update=false
Substation_no : TEST-BDS-001    update=false
short_value : 2.000000000    update=false
overcurrent_value : 1.000000000    update=false
overload_setting_value : 3.000000000    update=false
leakage_current1 : 2.000000000    update=false
leakage_current2 : 44.000000000    update=false
negative_sequence1 : 24.000000000    update=false
negative_sequence2 : 3.000000000    update=false
load_power : 2.000000000    update=false
three_phase : 12.000000000    update=false
two_phase : 12.000000000    update=false
time_setting : 321.000000000    update=false
negative_sequence_thime : 1.200000000    update=false
protector_manufacturer : 2    update=false
 to update[index: 0
sqlType: 12
name: "preset"
isKey: false
updated: false
isNull: true
mysqlType: "varchar(32)"
, index: 1
sqlType: 12
name: "besponsible_person"
isKey: false
updated: false
isNull: true
mysqlType: "varchar(100)"
, index: 2
sqlType: 12
name: "breaking_current"
isKey: false
updated: false
isNull: true
mysqlType: "varchar(100)"
, index: 3
sqlType: 12
name: "breaking_capacity"
isKey: false
updated: false
isNull: true
mysqlType: "varchar(100)"
, index: 4
sqlType: 12
name: "switch_property"
isKey: false
updated: false
isNull: false
value: "\350\277\233\347\272\277\345\274\200\345\205\263"
mysqlType: "varchar(100)"
, index: 5
sqlType: 12
name: "switch_state"
isKey: false
updated: false
isNull: true
mysqlType: "varchar(100)"
, index: 6
sqlType: 12
name: "operating_mechanism"
isKey: false
updated: false
isNull: true
mysqlType: "varchar(100)"
, index: 7
sqlType: 12
name: "coal_mine_name"
isKey: false
updated: false
isNull: false
value: "\346\231\272\350\203\275\347\224\265\347\275\221\344\273\277\347\234\237\345\256\236\351\252\214\345\256\244"
mysqlType: "varchar(100)"
, index: 8
sqlType: 12
name: "equipment_manufacturer"
isKey: false
updated: false
isNull: true
mysqlType: "varchar(100)"
, index: 9
sqlType: 12
name: "device_name"
isKey: true
updated: false
isNull: false
value: "\345\274\200\345\205\26319"
mysqlType: "varchar(100)"
, index: 10
sqlType: 12
name: "device_model"
isKey: false
updated: false
isNull: true
mysqlType: "varchar(100)"
, index: 11
sqlType: 12
name: "correspondence_address"
isKey: false
updated: true
isNull: false
value: "\346\265\213\350\257\225"
mysqlType: "varchar(100)"
, index: 12
sqlType: 12
name: "equipment_number"
isKey: true
updated: false
isNull: false
value: "19"
mysqlType: "varchar(100)"
, index: 13
sqlType: 12
name: "preset_status"
isKey: false
updated: false
isNull: true
mysqlType: "varchar(100)"
, index: 14
sqlType: 3
name: "rated_capacity"
isKey: false
updated: false
isNull: true
mysqlType: "decimal(20,10)"
, index: 15
sqlType: 3
name: "rated_voltage"
isKey: false
updated: false
isNull: true
mysqlType: "decimal(20,10)"
, index: 16
sqlType: 3
name: "rated_current"
isKey: false
updated: false
isNull: true
mysqlType: "decimal(20,10)"
, index: 17
sqlType: 12
name: "protector_category"
isKey: false
updated: false
isNull: false
value: "ZBT-11C(DSP)\344\277\235\346\212\244\345\231\250"
mysqlType: "varchar(100)"
, index: 18
sqlType: 12
name: "protector_number"
isKey: false
updated: false
isNull: false
value: "19"
mysqlType: "varchar(100)"
, index: 19
sqlType: 12
name: "Substation_no"
isKey: false
updated: false
isNull: false
value: "TEST-BDS-001"
mysqlType: "varchar(100)"
, index: 20
sqlType: 3
name: "short_value"
isKey: false
updated: false
isNull: false
value: "2.000000000"
mysqlType: "decimal(20,10)"
, index: 21
sqlType: 3
name: "overcurrent_value"
isKey: false
updated: false
isNull: false
value: "1.000000000"
mysqlType: "decimal(20,10)"
, index: 22
sqlType: 3
name: "overload_setting_value"
isKey: false
updated: false
isNull: false
value: "3.000000000"
mysqlType: "decimal(20,10)"
, index: 23
sqlType: 3
name: "leakage_current1"
isKey: false
updated: false
isNull: false
value: "2.000000000"
mysqlType: "decimal(20,10)"
, index: 24
sqlType: 3
name: "leakage_current2"
isKey: false
updated: false
isNull: false
value: "44.000000000"
mysqlType: "decimal(20,10)"
, index: 25
sqlType: 3
name: "negative_sequence1"
isKey: false
updated: false
isNull: false
value: "24.000000000"
mysqlType: "decimal(20,10)"
, index: 26
sqlType: 3
name: "negative_sequence2"
isKey: false
updated: false
isNull: false
value: "3.000000000"
mysqlType: "decimal(20,10)"
, index: 27
sqlType: 3
name: "load_power"
isKey: false
updated: false
isNull: false
value: "2.000000000"
mysqlType: "decimal(20,10)"
, index: 28
sqlType: 3
name: "three_phase"
isKey: false
updated: false
isNull: false
value: "12.000000000"
mysqlType: "decimal(20,10)"
, index: 29
sqlType: 3
name: "two_phase"
isKey: false
updated: false
isNull: false
value: "12.000000000"
mysqlType: "decimal(20,10)"
, index: 30
sqlType: 3
name: "time_setting"
isKey: false
updated: false
isNull: false
value: "321.000000000"
mysqlType: "decimal(20,10)"
, index: 31
sqlType: 3
name: "negative_sequence_thime"
isKey: false
updated: false
isNull: false
value: "1.200000000"
mysqlType: "decimal(20,10)"
, index: 32
sqlType: 12
name: "protector_manufacturer"
isKey: false
updated: false
isNull: false
value: "2"
mysqlType: "varchar(255)"

Obviously, such data is not easy to operate. See below

  for (RowData rowData : rowChage.getRowDatasList()) {
                if (eventType == EventType.DELETE) {
                    System.out.println("Delete operation"+rowData.getBeforeColumnsList());
                } else if (eventType == EventType.INSERT) {
                    System.out.println("Add operation"+rowData.getAfterColumnsList());
                } else {
                    System.out.println("-------> before");
                   /* printColumn(rowData.getBeforeColumnsList());*/

       private static  void jsonUpdate( List<Column> columns){
        JSONObject json=new JSONObject();
        for (Column column : columns) {
            json.put(column.getName(), column.getValue());
            System.out.println(("user:"+ columns.get(0).getValue()));


{"Substation_no":"TEST-BDS-001","besponsible_person":"","breaking_capacity":"","breaking_current":"","coal_mine_name":"Smart grid simulation laboratory","correspondence_address":"Test 3","device_model":"","device_name":"Switch 19","equipment_manufacturer":"","equipment_number":"19","leakage_current1":"2.000000000","leakage_current2":"44.000000000","load_power":"2.000000000","negative_sequence1":"24.000000000","negative_sequence2":"3.000000000","negative_sequence_thime":"1.200000000","operating_mechanism":"","overcurrent_value":"1.000000000","overload_setting_value":"3.000000000","preset":"","preset_status":"","protector_category":"ZBT-11C(DSP)Protector","protector_manufacturer":"2","protector_number":"19","rated_capacity":"","rated_current":"","rated_voltage":"","short_value":"2.000000000","switch_property":"Incoming switch","switch_state":"","three_phase":"12.000000000","time_setting":"321.000000000","two_phase":"12.000000000"}


If you need to monitor the data of multiple databases, you need to configure the configuration file

######### 		common argument		############# 
#canal.manager.jdbc.password=121212 = 1
canal.ip =
canal.port = 11111 #Port default 11111
canal.metrics.pull.port = 11112
canal.zkServers =
# flush data to zk
canal.zookeeper.flush.period = 1000
canal.withoutNetty = false
# tcp, kafka, RocketMQ
canal.serverMode = tcp
# flush meta cursor/parse position to file = ${canal.conf.dir}
canal.file.flush.period = 1000
## memory store RingBuffer size, should be Math.pow(2,n)
canal.instance.memory.buffer.size = 16384
## memory store RingBuffer used memory unit size , default 1kb
canal.instance.memory.buffer.memunit = 1024 
## meory store gets mode used MEMSIZE or ITEMSIZE
canal.instance.memory.batch.mode = MEMSIZE
canal.instance.memory.rawEntry = true

## detecing config
canal.instance.detecting.enable = false
#canal.instance.detecting.sql = insert into retl.xdual values(1,now()) on duplicate key update x=now()
canal.instance.detecting.sql = select 1
canal.instance.detecting.interval.time = 3
canal.instance.detecting.retry.threshold = 3
canal.instance.detecting.heartbeatHaEnable = false

# support maximum transaction size, more than the size of the transaction will be cut into multiple transactions delivery
canal.instance.transaction.size =  1024
# mysql fallback connected to new master should fallback times
canal.instance.fallbackIntervalInSeconds = 60

# network config = 16384 = 16384 = 30

# binlog filter config
canal.instance.filter.druid.ddl = true
canal.instance.filter.query.dcl = false
canal.instance.filter.query.dml = false
canal.instance.filter.query.ddl = false
canal.instance.filter.table.error = false
canal.instance.filter.rows = false
canal.instance.filter.transaction.entry = false

# binlog format/image check
canal.instance.binlog.format = ROW,STATEMENT,MIXED 
canal.instance.binlog.image = FULL,MINIMAL,NOBLOB

# binlog ddl isolation
canal.instance.get.ddl.isolation = false

# parallel parser config
canal.instance.parser.parallel = true
## concurrent thread number, default 60% available processors, suggest not to exceed Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors()
#canal.instance.parser.parallelThreadSize = 16
## disruptor ringbuffer size, must be power of 2
canal.instance.parser.parallelBufferSize = 256

# table meta tsdb info
canal.instance.tsdb.enable = true
canal.instance.tsdb.dir = ${}/${canal.instance.destination:}
canal.instance.tsdb.url = jdbc:h2:${canal.instance.tsdb.dir}/h2;CACHE_SIZE=1000;MODE=MYSQL;
canal.instance.tsdb.dbUsername = canal
canal.instance.tsdb.dbPassword = canal
# dump snapshot interval, default 24 hour
canal.instance.tsdb.snapshot.interval = 24
# purge snapshot expire , default 360 hour(15 days)
canal.instance.tsdb.snapshot.expire = 360

# aliyun ak/sk , support rds/mq
canal.aliyun.accessKey =
canal.aliyun.secretKey =

######### 		destinations		############# 
canal.destinations = example,example2 
# conf root dir
canal.conf.dir = ../conf
# auto scan instance dir add/remove and start/stop instance = true = 5

canal.instance.tsdb.spring.xml = classpath:spring/tsdb/h2-tsdb.xml
#canal.instance.tsdb.spring.xml = classpath:spring/tsdb/mysql-tsdb.xml = spring = false = = classpath:spring/memory-instance.xml = classpath:spring/file-instance.xml = classpath:spring/default-instance.xml

canal.destinations is a place where multiple data sources are configured. The names can be customized. Folders with corresponding names will be generated in your conf. you need to copy the previous configuration files

Topics: Java Database MySQL