Pthon Learns 5_u Container Programming

Posted by Betty_S on Wed, 05 Feb 2020 04:24:50 +0100

To create an empty collection, use s=set()

d={}, default dictionary s=set() is an empty collection

The elements in a collection are out of order and cannot be obtained from a corner label

#Collection creation and traversal
s={'Lin Qingxia','High Circle','Zhang Manyu'}
for ele in s:
#Add to Collection
s = {'Lin Qingxia','High Circle','Chinese Dream'}
# s.add('zhang')
# print(s)
'''update# Traverse elements from a container to add to the current collection
         # Multiple containers''can be passed in update
#Output {1, 2, 3,'Liang Wancong','Chinese Dream', 4, 5, 6,'Lin Qingxia','Chen Qianhui','Gaoyuan'}
'''Delete Collection'''
# s.remove(5)         #If there is a direct deletion if there is no program error eg:s.remove(6)
# s.clear()           #empty
# s.pop()             #Randomly deletes an element in the set and has a return value. The set is empty
s.discard(6)          #If there is a direct deletion, if there is no program no error

Set, Subset, Superset, Union, Intersection, Difference

s1 = {1,2,3,4,5}
s2 = {3,4,5,6,7}
# s=s1.issubset(s2) is a subset, returns bool value False
# s=s1.issuperset(s2) is a superset, returns bool value False
# s=s1.union(s2) Union
# s=s1.intersection(s2) intersection
#s1.intersection_update(s2)        #Intersection, but no return value, intersection updated to s1
# s=s1.difference(s2) difference set, the union of s1-s1 and S2
# s1.difference_update(s2) difference set, but no return value, update s1
# s=s1.symmetric_difference(s2) XOR, union-intersection of S1 and S2
s1.symmetric_difference_update(s2)      # XOR, update s1

The role of sets

# The main purpose of a collection is to de-duplicate a list or element
# l = ['Zhang San','Li Si','Wang Wu','Zhang San']
t = ('Zhang San','Li Si','King Five','Zhang San')
s = set(t)
Method Explain
isalpha() Returns True if string has at least one character and all characters are letters
isdecimal() Returns True if string contains only numbers
islower() Returns True if a string contains at least one case-sensitive character and all of these (case-sensitive) characters are lowercase
isupper() Returns True if a string contains at least one case-sensitive character and all of these (case-sensitive) characters are uppercase
startwith(str) Checks if the string starts with str and returns True if it does
endswith(str) Checks if the string ends with str and returns True if it does
'''False False False False True True'''

String Operation - Find and Replace

Method Explain
find(str, start=0, end=len(string)) Detects whether str is included in a string, if start and end specify a range, checks whether it is included in the specified range, if it returns the starting index value, otherwise returns -1
rfind(str, start=0, end=len(string)) Similar to find(), but starting from the right
index(str, start=0, end=len(string)) Similar to find() method, but error if str is not in string
rindex(str, start=0, end=len(string)) Similar to index(), but starting on the right
replace(old_str, new_str, num=string.count(old)) Returns a new string, replacing old_str in string with new_str, if num is specified, no more than num times
str = 'hellohl'
#Find left-to-right ends as soon as it is found
#You can specify where to start and end looking in this range
a=str.find('l',4,len(str))     #Values to the right and left of an interval can be written very large
print(a)      #6
print(a)        #3
# Error occurs when there is no difference between index and find
print(a)   #1
a=str.replace('l','hah',4)       #4 represents the maximum number of substitutions
print(a)     #hehahhahohhah, change 4 to 2 and output hehahhahohl

Split and connect

Method Explain
partition(str) Returns a tuple, dividing the string string into a 3-element tuple (before str, after str)
rpartition(str) Like the partition() method, but look from the right
split(str="", num) Returns a list, splits the string with str as the separator, and separates only num + 1 substring if num has a specified value. str contains'\r','t','n'and spaces by default
splitlines() Returns a list separated by rows ('\r','\n','\r\n')
string1 + string2 Stitching two strings
join(seq) Returns a string, using string as a delimiter, combining all elements in seq (string representation) into a new string
str = '''hello'''
a=str.partition('e')   #('h', 'e', 'llo')
print(a)      #['he', 'lo']
# Pass Container Parameter Return String
# Segmentation of string elements
print(a)   #thellokhellojhelloghellohhellot
s = str.join(['1','2','3'])
print(s)   #1hello2hello3

toggle case

Method Explain
lower() Returns a new string, converting all uppercase characters in a string to lowercase
upper() Returns a new string, converting lowercase letters in a string to uppercase
str = '''Dell2'''
print(a)    #qell2
print(a)     #QELL2

#align text
str = 'hello'
# Default space to current length
s = str.ljust(10,'-')
print(s)                #hello-----
s = str.rjust(10,'-')
print(s)   #-----hello
s =,'-')
print(s)   #--hello---

Remove whitespace from left and right of string

str = '---hello---'
s = str.strip('-')
print(s)    #hello


classification Method Explain
query Dictionary [Key] Depending on the key value, there is no error for the key value pair
Dictionary.get (key) Depending on the key value, there is no error for key value pairs
Dictionary.keys() Can be traversed to get all keys
Dictionary.values() Can be traversed to get all values
Dictionary.items() Can be traversed to get all (keys, values)
ergodic For key in dictionary Remove the key for each element in the tuple
d = {'china':'China','england':'Britain','france':'France'}
print(a)   #China
print(a)   #France
# View objects can be converted to lists
# View objects cannot be manipulated
print(d.keys())   #dict_keys(['china', 'england', 'france'])
print(list(d.values()))  #['China','Britain','France']
# Returns a nested tuple in the list of view objects for an entry
print(d.items())      #dict_items([('china','China', ('england','UK'), ('france','France')))
for a in d:
    print(a)   '''#china
                 france '''
print(d)      #{'china':'china','england':'Britain','france':'France'}

Dictionary Add, Delete, Modify

classification Method Explain
increase Dictionary [Key]=Value If a key does not exist, a key-value pair is added; if a key exists, the value of the key-value pair is modified
Dictionary.setDefault (key, data) Key value pair does not exist, add key value pair; exist does not process
delete del dictionary [key] Delete the specified key-value pair
Dictionary. pop (key) Returns the deleted value by deleting the specified key-value pair
Dictionary.clear() Empty Dictionary
modify Dictionary [Key]=Data If a key does not exist, a key-value pair is added; if a key exists, the value of the key-value pair is modified
Dictionary.update(key=value) Take out the key-value pair of Dictionary 2, the key-value pair does not exist, add the key-value pair; if it exists, modify the value

Dictionary traversal

d = {'china':'China','england':'Britain','france':'France'}
# View object list nested tuples [(key,value),(key,value)]
 items = d.items()   #items is a list, list elements are tuples, and tuples contain keys and values

 for key,value in items:
     print(key,'  ',value)
function describe Remarks
len(item) Calculate the number of elements in a container
del item Delete variable
max(item) Returns the maximum number of elements in a container Dictionary compares key only
min(item) Returns the minimum value of an element in a container Dictionary compares key only
cmp(item1,item2) Compare two values, -1 is less than, 0 is equal, and 1 is greater than python3 cancels this function
operator describe Supported data types
+ merge String, List, Tuple
* repeat String, List, Tuple
in Existence (judgement key in dictionary) String, List, Tuple, Collection, Dictionary
not in Does not exist (key in dictionary) String, List, Tuple, Collection, Dictionary
> >= == < <= compare String, list, tuple?


Format: String [Start Index: End Index: Step]

Slice note:

* 1. The specified interval is left closed right open and contains the start index but not the end index

* 2. Step size defaults to 1 and can be omitted

* 3. From the beginning, index numbers can be omitted and colons cannot be omitted

* 4. By the end, you can add directly after the start of the index:

str = "Welcome to the Republic of China"
# Print out the first to last two (not included) strings
# newStr = str[0:-2:1]
# print(newStr)
# From the fifth to the first (not included)
# newStr = str[-5:-1:1]     #Left Close Right Open
# print(newStr)

# From the fourth to the last (including the last)

Inverse index when step size is negative

str = "Welcome to the Republic of China"
# Print out the corner labels 2 to 7 (inclusive) in reverse order
# Name Republic of China
newStr = str[2:8:-1]                #Error, because the 8 is at the beginning
# newStr = str[-3:1:-1]
# newStr = str[7:1:-1]

List tuple set dictionary derivation

# 2. Create a list of all the even numbers from 1 to 100

# l = [ele for ele in range(1,101) if ele%2==0]

Comprehensive Practice

//Determine whether the date entered by the user is a valid date

//Users can enter "20170229"
//Determine whether it is a valid date, such as "20170229" is not a valid date and "20171345" is not a valid date

1.Enter Date
2.Judge Length
3.Are they all numbers
4.Is the month satisfied:>=1  <=12
5.Date of each month in normal or leap years
# Number of days per month for the average year
p = [0,31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31]
# Number of days per month for leap years
r = [0,31,29,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31]

while True:
    # 1. Enter date
    date = input('Please enter a date:')
    # 2. Judging Length
    if len(date) != 8:
        print('Illegal date,Re-enter')
    # 3. Are they all numbers
    if not date.isdecimal():
        print('Date must be all numbers')
    # Specific date
    year = int(date[:4])
    month = int(date[4:6])
    day = int(date[6:])
    # 4.Month Satisfaction: >=1 <=12
    if month<1 or month>12:
        print('Month not satisfied')
    # Judging whether a normal year is a leap year
    monthDay = 0
    if (year%4==0 and year%100!=0) or year%400==0:
        monthDay = r[month]
        monthDay = p[month]
    # 5. Dates are monthly according to the average or leap year
    if day>monthDay:
        print('Date not satisfied')
print('Date Satisfaction')


Dictionaries are key-value pairs to store complex data

eval becomes the original type

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