Python crawler - simple complete novel crawl

Posted by msing on Sun, 23 Jan 2022 08:08:27 +0100

Python crawler crawl complete novel

Python version: Python 3.0 x

Running platform: Windows


Web crawler (also known as web spider, web robot, more often called web chaser in FOAF community) is a program or script that automatically grabs World Wide Web information according to certain rules. Other infrequently used names include ants, automatic indexing, emulators, or worms..

Tip: the following is the main content of this article. The following cases can be used for reference

1, Foundation and environment

Sharp tools make good work

1.1 Web elements

If you want to crawl the content of the website, you must know how the website is rendered, which requires you to know the role of Web elements in Web page rendering (those familiar with it can skip)

Review elements

How can I know what elements a website has?

The most convenient and convenient way, shortcut key F12

After pressing F12, the browser display page is shown in the red box below:

We can see intuitively

  1. The website consists of tag pairs
  2. There are attributes and attribute values in the label pair

In order to more intuitively display the directory structure of the website, you can click the Sources (or resources) column
As shown in the figure below

We can clearly see that all we want to see appears in tag pairs or attribute values.

1.2 installation of requests and lxml Libraries

The first step of the web crawler is to get the HTML information of the web page according to the URL.
In Python 3, you can use requests to crawl web pages.
Search and extract tag pairs using lxml

  • The requests library and lxml library are third-party libraries that we need to install ourselves.

(1) Requests library and lxml library installation

In order to speed up the installation, the image of Tsinghua University is used here

pip install requests -i

pip install lxml -i

(2) Brief introduction to Requests Library

Detailed introduction here

The basic method of requests library is as follows:

Official Chinese Course

(3) Brief introduction to lxml Library

Detailed introduction here

lxml library search rules for tag or attribute values

//Select descendant node from current node
/Select direct child node from current node
@Select Properties
[@attrib]Selects all elements with the given attribute
[@attrib='value']Selects all elements with a given value for a given attribute
text()Text to select

lxml official document

2, Use steps

It is divided into directory crawling, novel chapter crawling and complete novel crawling

2.1 directory crawling

2.1.1 using Requests to obtain page information

The code is as follows:

import requests
url = ""
response = requests.get(url)

html = response.text

The results are shown in the figure below

Some of the information we need:

2.1.2 information extraction using rules in lxml

The code is as follows:

import requests
import re
from lxml import etree
url = ""
response = requests.get(url)

html = response.text
ele = etree.HTML(html)
book_names = ele.xpath("//div[@id='main']/div[@class='novellist']/ul/li/a/text()")
book_urls = ele.xpath("//div[@id='main']/div[@class='novellist']/ul/li/a/@href")
#s = ''

You can get:

2.1.3 write to the file in the form of stream

The code is as follows:

s = ''
for book_name in range(len(book_names)):
     s += book_names[book_name] + '\n' + book_urls[book_name] + '\n'
with open('title.txt','w') as file:
print("Input complete")

2.2 novel chapter crawling

2.2.1 read the title file to get the url

Here take the first novel "the story of shepherd God" as an example
The code is as follows:

import requests
from lxml import etree
with open("title.txt",'r') as file:
     s =
s = s.split("\n")

title = s[0]
url = s[1]

2.2.2 using Requests to obtain page information

response = requests.get(url)
html = response.text

2.2.3 information extraction using rules in lxml

ele = etree.HTML(html)
book_chapters = ele.xpath("//div[@class='box_con']/div[@id='list']/dl/dd/a/text()")
book_c_urls = ele.xpath("//div[@class='box_con']/div[@id='list']/dl/dd/a/@href")

2.2.4 write to the file in the form of stream

s = ""
for book_chapter in range(len(book_chapters)):
     s += book_chapters[book_chapter] + "\n" + book_c_urls[book_chapter] + "\n"
with open("chapter.txt","w") as f:

2.3 novel crawling

2.3.1 read the chapter file to get the url

with open("chapter.txt",'r') as file:
     s =
s = s.split("\n")

chapter_titles = s[::2]
chapter_urls = s[1::2]

2.3.2 using Requests to obtain page information

o_url = ""
#new_url =  o_url +  chapter_urls[0]
pbar = tqdm(range(len(chapter_urls)))
for i in pbar:
     new_url =  o_url +  chapter_urls[i]

     response = requests.get(new_url)
     html = response.text

2.3.3 data cleaning

def remove_upprintable_chars(s):
    """Remove all invisible characters"""
    return ''.join(x for x in s if x.isprintable())

2.3.4 information extraction using rules in lxml

 ele = etree.HTML(html)
 book_bodys = ele.xpath("//div[@id='content']/text()")

2.3.5 write to the file in the form of stream

s = "\n"+chapter_titles[i]+"\n"
     for book_body in book_bodys:
          c = "".join(book_body.split())
          c = remove_upprintable_chars(c)
          s += c
     with open("Shepherd God.txt","a") as f:

3, Complete code

The code is as follows:
Directory crawling

import requests
import re
from lxml import etree
url = ""
response = requests.get(url)

html = response.text

ele = etree.HTML(html)
book_names = ele.xpath("//div[@id='main']/div[@class='novellist']/ul/li/a/text()")
book_urls = ele.xpath("//div[@id='main']/div[@class='novellist']/ul/li/a/@href")
s = ''

for book_name in range(len(book_names)):
     s += book_names[book_name] + '\n' + book_urls[book_name] + '\n'
with open('title.txt','w') as file:
print("Input complete")

Novel chapter crawling

import requests
from lxml import etree

with open("title.txt",'r') as file:
     s =
s = s.split("\n")

title = s[0]
url = s[1]
response = requests.get(url)
html = response.text
ele = etree.HTML(html)
book_chapters = ele.xpath("//div[@class='box_con']/div[@id='list']/dl/dd/a/text()")
#book_author = ele.xpath("")
book_c_urls = ele.xpath("//div[@class='box_con']/div[@id='list']/dl/dd/a/@href")

s = ""
for book_chapter in range(len(book_chapters)):
     s += book_chapters[book_chapter] + "\n" + book_c_urls[book_chapter] + "\n"
with open("chapter.txt","w") as f:
print("Input completed!")

Novel crawling

import requests
from lxml import etree
from tqdm import tqdm

with open("chapter.txt",'r') as file:
     s =
s = s.split("\n")

chapter_titles = s[::2]
chapter_urls = s[1::2]
def remove_upprintable_chars(s):
    """Remove all invisible characters"""
    return ''.join(x for x in s if x.isprintable())

o_url = ""
#new_url =  o_url +  chapter_urls[0]
pbar = tqdm(range(len(chapter_urls)))
for i in pbar:
     new_url =  o_url +  chapter_urls[i]

     response = requests.get(new_url)
     html = response.text
     ele = etree.HTML(html)
     book_bodys = ele.xpath("//div[@id='content']/text()")
     s = "\n"+chapter_titles[i]+"\n"
     for book_body in book_bodys:
          c = "".join(book_body.split())
          c = remove_upprintable_chars(c)
          s += c
     with open("Shepherd God.txt","a") as f:
print("The article "record of shepherd God" has been downloaded!")


The crawler is relatively simple. It can only crawl simple novels, but it can not achieve a certain degree of data integrity. It is being improved~~

Topics: Python Windows crawler Python crawler