Python Django Basics

Posted by delassus on Sun, 08 Dec 2019 07:12:25 +0100

As the most popular web framework of python, django has been loved by the majority of Python. This site is based on django. Therefore, it is necessary to summarize some basic knowledge of django to lead beginners into the python web world.

1. Basic knowledge
1.1.django command parsing
python "commands" is the encapsulation of Django admin command, and the format of python commands is more used in the project

changepassword: modify admin Password
createsuperuser: Create super administrator
check: Check project status, including: database model status
startapp: Create a new app
runserver: Operation service
makemigrations: tell django,Some changes have been made to the model and stored as migration files. In fact, some python Database management script for
migrate: Running migration files and automatically managing databases is actually running database management scripts, creating databases, tables, etc
dumpdata: Export data to json file
loaddata: from json File import data
shell: start-up django Of shell,The related environment variables are set, which is very convenient to use. In fact, they are python Of shell

1.2 installation environment
First, you need to have a Python dev environment

Install pip, easy install tool

pip install django - install the latest version of Django, or download the Django source code for installation

If you need to run multiple versions of Djanjo, you can install the virtual environment: pip install virtualenv virtualenvwrapper

1.3 creating projects and Applications

django-admin startproject project_name
cd project_name
python startapp app_name

Add the app name to in the project configuration directory

1.4 start up project

python runserver ip_addr:port

1.5 browser access


This is the access mode in the development mode. In the production environment, it needs to be deployed to apache or nginx.

1.6. Project directory details

bogon:zqxt_tmpl david$ tree
├── db.sqlite3  #Database files
├── learn  #app name
│   ├── #Module initialization file
│   ├── __init__.pyc
│   ├──  #Registered module
│   ├── admin.pyc
│   ├── #app configuration
│   ├── migrations #Database migration
│   │   ├──
│   │   └── __init__.pyc
│   ├── #Database module, used for reading and writing database
│   ├── models.pyc
│   ├── templates #html template directory
│   │   └── home.html #html file
│   ├── #Test code
│   ├── #Business logic processing, processing http requests
│   └── views.pyc
├── #Project management, including multiple commands, can create app, start project, migrate database, etc
└── zqxt_tmpl #Project directory
    ├── #Project documents
    ├── __init__.pyc
    ├── #Project settings
    ├── settings.pyc
    ├── #Project URL processing, URL entry
    ├── urls.pyc 
    ├── #After the project is published, the web server uses
    └── wsgi.pyc
//In addition, there is to complete the form processing

2. Deploy django project to apache
2.1 copy django project to / var/www / (or other directory)
Take the yue project as an example:

cp -r yue /var/www/
Collect static files and execute them at / var/www/yue /
python collectstatic

2.2 modify Apache2 configuration file

1)ports.conf Add to listen port

root@abellee:/etc/apache2# cat ports.conf
# If you just change the port or add more ports here, you will likely also
# have to change the VirtualHost statement in
# /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf
Listen 80
Listen 8888
<IfModule ssl_module>
Listen 443
<IfModule mod_gnutls.c>
Listen 443

2) create the file yue.conf in the directory / etc / apache2 / sites available

root@abellee:/etc/apache2/sites-available# cat yue.conf
<VirtualHost *:8888>
ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log
CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined
WSGIScriptAlias / /var/www/yue/yue/

Alias /static /var/www/yue/collected_static

3) create a soft link in the / etc / apache2 / sites enabled directory and restart the service

yue.conf -> ../sites-available/yue.conf
 Restart the Apache 2 service
 Browser execution:

Note: problems will be encountered during deployment

1.First, it must be ensured that: python /var/www/yue/yue/ No mistake
2.If found django 403 Error, please yue/ Delete in csrf Protection mechanism, directly in Mid search setting
3.Need to add django Project directory to Python Of path in Add to file:
import sys
paths =["/var/www/yue"]
for path in paths:
if path not in sys.path:

Topics: Python Django Database shell