python encapsulation inheritance polymorphism

Posted by scorpioy on Wed, 26 Jan 2022 04:43:04 +0100

Private properties and methods (implementation encapsulation)

Python has no strict access control restrictions on class members, which is different from other object-oriented languages. About private properties and private methods The main points are as follows:

        1. Generally, we agree that attributes starting with two underscores are private. Others are public.

        2. Private properties (Methods) can be accessed inside the class

        3. Private properties (Methods) cannot be accessed directly outside the class

        4. The class name can be used outside the class_ Private property (method) name "access private property (method)"

#Test private properties and methods

class Student:

    def __init__(self,name,age): = name
        self.__age = age    #Private property

    def __work(self):       #Private method

e = Student("Zhang San",18)


@property decorator

@Property can change the calling mode of a method into "property call". Here is a simple example,

#Test @ property usage

class Employee:
    def salary(self):
        return 10000

emp1 = Employee()

Description of three object-oriented features

python is an object-oriented language, which also supports the three features of object-oriented programming


Hide the properties and implementation details of the object, and only provide necessary methods. It is equivalent to "encapsulating details" and only exposing "related calling methods" The "encapsulation" is realized by the way of "private attributes and private methods" above.


Inheritance can make subclasses have the characteristics of parent classes and improve the reusability of code. From design It is an incremental evolution. When the original parent class design remains unchanged, new functions can be added or existing algorithms can be improved.


Polymorphism means that the same method call will produce different behaviors due to different objects.


Syntax format

Python supports multiple inheritance. A subclass can inherit multiple parent classes. The inherited syntax format is as follows:

Class subclass class name (parent class 1 [, parent class 2,..]):

Class body

If no parent class is specified in the class definition, the default parent class is the object class. In other words, object is the parent class of all classes, which defines some default implementations common to all classes, such as:_ new_ ().

When you define a subclass, you must call the constructor of the parent class in its constructor. The calling format is as follows:

Parent class name_ jinit__ (self, parameter list)

#Basic use of test inheritance

class Person:
    def __init__(self,name,age): = name
        self.__age = age    #Private property

    def say_age(self):
        print("Age 19")

class Student(Person):

    def __init__(self,name,age,score):
        Person.__init__(self,name,age)  #The initialization method of the parent class must be explicitly called, otherwise the interpreter will not call it
        self.score = score

#Student -- > person -- > object class

s = Student("jack",19,90)
print(s._Person__age)   #Calling the private property of the parent class

Inheritance and override of class members

1. Member inheritance: the subclass inherits all members of the parent class except the constructor.

2. Method Rewriting: subclasses can redefine the methods in the parent class q, which will override the methods of the parent class, also known as "Rewriting"

#Rewriting of test methods

class Person:
    def __init__(self,name,age): = name
        self.__age = age    #Private property

    def say_age(self):
        print("My age:",self.__age)

    def say_introduce(self):
        print("When my name{0}".format(

class Student(Person):

    def __init__(self,name,age,score):
        Person.__init__(self,name,age)  #The initialization method of the parent class must be explicitly called, otherwise the interpreter will not call it
        self.score = score

    def say_introduce(self):
        '''Override parent method'''
        print("Report to the teacher, my name is:{0}".format(

s =Student("jack",16,90)

dir() and mro()

The built-in function dir() allows us to easily see all the properties of the specified object

The inheritance hierarchy of this class can be output through the class method mro (or the class attribute mro).

Rewrite__ str__ () method

Object has a -_ str_ () method, which is used to return -- a description of the "object", corresponding to the built-in function str(). It is often used in the print0 method to help us view the information of the object- str_ () can be overridden

#Test rewriting object__ str__ ()

class Person:   #Inherit object class by default
    def __init__(self,name,): = name

    def __str__(self):
        return "my name is :{0}".format(

p = Person("JCAK")

multiple inheritance

Python supports multiple inheritance. A subclass can have multiple "direct parent classes". In this way, it has the characteristics of "multiple parent classes". However, because this will be extremely complicated by the "overall level of the class", try to avoid using it.

super() gets the definition of the parent class

In the subclass, if we want to get the method of the parent class, we can do it through super(). super() represents the definition of the parent class, not the parent object.


Polymorphism means that the same method call may produce different behaviors due to different objects. Note the following 2 points about polymorphism:

        1. Polymorphism is the polymorphism of methods, and there is no polymorphism of attributes.

        2. There are two necessary conditions for polymorphism: Inheritance and method rewriting


class Man:
    def eat(self):
        print("Eat when you are hungry")

class Chinese(Man):
    def eat(self):
        print("Chinese people eat with chopsticks")
class English(Man):
    def eat(self):
        print("The British eat with a fork")
class Indian(Man):
    def eat(self):
        print("Indians eat with their hands")

def ManEat(m):
    if isinstance(m,Man):             #Polymorphism is a method call, which calls different methods according to different objects
        print("Can't eat")


Overloading of special methods and special properties and operators

Common special methods
__init__Construction methodObject creation: p = Person()
__del__Deconstruction methodObject recycling
_-repr_ ,_ str_Printing, convertingprint(a)
__call__function calla()
__getattr__Dot operationa.Xxx
__setattr__Attribute = value
__getitem__Index operationa[key]
__setitem__Cable bow | assignmenta[key]=value
Operator overloading
operatorSpecial methodexplain
<,<=,==__It_ ,_ le_,_ eq_Comparison operator
>,>=,!=_gt_ ,_ _ge_ _ne_Comparison operator
|,^,&__or__ ,_ xor_ _and_Or, XOR, and
<<,> >_lshift_ ,_ _rshift_Move left and right
*,/,%,//_mul_ ,_truediv_  __mod_ _floordiv_Multiplication, floating-point division, modulo (remainder), integer division
**__pow__Exponential operation
Special properties
Special propertiesmeaning
obj__dict__Object's attribute dictionary
obj__class__The class to which the object belongs
class.__bases_Base class tuple of class (multiple inheritance)
class.__base_Base class of class
class.__mro__Class hierarchy
class. __subclasses_ ()Subclass list

Shallow and deep copies of objects

#Shallow and deep copies of test objects
import  copy
class MobilePhone:
    def __init__(self,cpu,screen):
        self.cpu = cpu
        self.screen = screen

class CPU:
    def calculate(self):
        print("Start calculation")
        print("cpu Object:",self)

class Screen:
    def show(self):
        print("Show a nice picture")
        print("screen Object:",self)

#Test variable assignment
c1 = CPU()
c2 = c1
print("Test shallow copy")
#Test shallow copy
s1 = Screen()
m1 = MobilePhone(c1,s1)
m2 = copy.copy(m1)
#Test deep copy
print("Test deep copy")
m3 = copy.deepcopy(m1)


#Test combination
class A1:
    def say_a1(self):

class B1(A1):
    def __init__(self):

b1 = B1()

class A2:
    def say_a2(self):

class B2:
    def __init__(self,a):
        self.a = a

a2 = A2()
b2 = B2(a2)

Topics: Python Back-end