Python full stack development - Summary of Mysql knowledge points

Posted by Muncey on Mon, 06 Dec 2021 00:10:50 +0100

Summary of Myqsl knowledge points

1, Database related concepts

  1. DB: a database that holds a set of organized data containers
  2. DBMS: database management system, also known as database software (product), is used to manage data in DB
  3. sql structured query language is a language used to communicate with DBS

2, mysql common commands

1. View all current databases

show databases;

2. Open the specified library

use Library name

3. View all tables in the current library

show tables;

4. View all tables of other libraries

show tables from Library name;

5. Create table

create table Table name(
     Column name, column type,
     Column name column type

6. View table structure

desc Table name;

7. View server version

Method 1: log in to the mysql server

select version();

Method 2: no login to mysql server

mysql –version
mysql -V

Syntax specification of mysql

1. It is not case sensitive, but it is recommended that keywords be capitalized, table names and column names be lowercase
2. Each command ends with a semicolon (sometimes \ g)
3. Each command can be indented or wrapped as needed
4. Notes
Single line notes: # note text
Single line comment: - comment (– must be followed by a space)
Multiline notes: / note text/

Advanced 1: basic query


select Query list from Table name;


  1. The query list can be fields, constant values, expressions and functions in the table
  2. The query result is a virtual table

1. Single field in query table

SELECT last_name FROM employees;

2. Query multiple fields in the table

SELECT last_name,salary,email FROM employees;

3. Query all fields in the table

SELECT * FROM surface;  (Order is the order in the table)

be careful:
1. use the library before operation
2. The emphasis sign ` ` can easily identify the field

4. Query constant value

SELECT 'john'

5. Query expression

SELECT 100*98;

Note: character type and date type must use single quotation marks

6. Query function


7. Alias

#Mode 1 (use as)

SELECT 100%98 AS result;
SELECT last_name AS surname,first_name AS name FROM employees;

#Mode 2 (use space)

SELECT first_name surname,last_name name FROM employees;Benefits:

1. Easy to understand
2. If the fields queried have duplicate names, alias can be used to distinguish them

Case: query salary, and the display result is out put

SELECT salary AS "out put" FROM employees;

Note: at this time, there is a space between out and put. It is recommended to add double quotation marks

8. De duplication (add DISTINCT before the field)

All department numbers involved in the case query employee table

SELECT DISTINCT department_id FROM employees;

9. + function

 For example, select 100+90 (the two operands are numeric and add)
select '123'+90  (One of them is character type, trying to convert character type to numeric type
                      If the conversion is successful, continue to add
select 'john'+90      If the conversion fails, the character type is converted to 0
select null+0         As long as one party is null, the result must be null

concat splicing

Case: query the employee's first name and last name, connect them into a field, and display them as names

SELECT CONCAT('a','b','c') AS result;
  CONCAT(last_name,first_name) AS full name 
  employees ;


ifnull: determines whether the field or expression is null. If it is null, the specified value is returned
select ifnull (commission_pct,0 ) from employees;
isnull: determines whether a field or expression is null, returns 1 if yes, and returns 0 if No


Display the structure of departments and query all the data in it

DESC departments;
SELECT * FROM departments;

Show all jobs in employees_ ID (cannot be repeated)

SELECT DISTINCT job_id FROM employees;

All columns of the employee table are displayed. The columns are comma linked, and the column header is displayed as out_put

  IFNULL(commission_pct, 0) AS Bonus rate,
  employees ;
SELECT   CONCAT(`first_name`,',',`last_name`,',',`job_id`,',',IFNULL(commission_pct, 0)) AS out_put
FROM  employees;

Advanced 2: condition query


     Query list
     Table name
     Screening conditions


  1. Filter condition operators by condition expression: < > = < > =<=
  2. Filter logical operators by logical expression: & & |! and or not
  3. like between and in is null

1, Filter by conditional expression

Case 1: query employee information with salary greater than 12000

FROM employees
WHERE salary>12000;

Case 2: query the employee name and department number whose department number is not equal to 90

FROM employees
WHERE department_id<>90;

2, Filter by logical expression

Case 1: query employee name, salary and bonus with salary between 10000 and 20000

SELECT last_name,salary,commission_pct
FROM employees
WHERE salary>=10000 AND salary<=20000;

Case 2: query the information of employees whose department number is not between 90 – 110 or whose salary is higher than 15000

FROM employees
WHERE NOT(department_id>=90 AND department_id<=110) OR salary>15000;

Three. Fuzzy query

like features:

1. Generally used with wildcards
%Any number of characters
_ Any single character

Case 1: query the employee information of a contained in the employee name

FROM employees
WHERE last_name LIKE '%a%';

Case 2. Query the employee name and salary with the third character n and the fifth character l in the employee name

SELECT last_name,salary
FROM employees
WHERE last_name LIKE '__n_l%';

Case 3. The second character in the employee name is_ Employee name

SELECT last_name
FROM employees
WHERE last_name LIKE '_\_%'  

#(’_KaTeX parse error: Expected group after '_' at position 1: _ ̲%' ESCAPE '' (i.e. any character can be used to express ESCAPE)

2.between and

1. Using between and can improve statement conciseness
2. Including critical values
3. Do not change the order of the two critical values

Case 1: query employee information with employee number between 100-120

FROM employees
WHERE employee_id BETWEEN 100 AND 120;

Meaning: judge whether the value of a field belongs to an item in the in list
1. Use in to improve sentence conciseness
2. The value types of in list must be consistent or compatible

Case 1: query whether the employee's work type number is it_ PROG,AD_ VP,AD_ Employee name and job number of one in Pres

SELECT last_name,job_id
FROM employees
WHERE job_id IN ('IT_PROG','AD_VP','AD_PRES'); null

=Or < > cannot be used to determine null values
is null or is not null determines the null value

Case 1: query employee name and bonus rate without bonus

SELECT last_name,commission_pct
FROM employees
WHERE commission_pct IS NULL;
SELECT last_name,commission_pct
FROM employees
WHERE commission_pct IS NOT NULL;

#is null PK <=>
IS NULL: only the null value can be judged, with high readability. It is recommended to use this
< = >: it can judge both null value and ordinary value, with low readability


1. Query the employee's name, department number and annual salary with employee number 176

SELECT last_name,department_id,salary*12*(IFNULL(1+commission_pct,0)) AS Annual salary
FROM employees;

2. Query salary, last with no bonus and salary less than 18000_ name

SELECT salary,last_name
FROM employees
WHERE commission_pct IS NULL AND salary<18000;

3. Query the employees table, job_ Employee information whose ID is not 'IT' or salary is 12000

FROM employees
WHERE job_id<>'IT' OR salary=12000;
4. View the department table structure. The query results are as follows:
DESC departments;

5. Query which position numbers are involved in the Department departments table

FROM departments;

Advanced 3: sort query


select Query list
from surface
[where Screening conditions]
order by Sort list [asc|desc]

1. asc ascending desc descending is ascending by default
2. Single field, multiple fields, expressions, functions and aliases can be supported in the order by clause
3. The order by clause is usually placed at the end of the query statement, except the limit clause (last)

Case 1: querying employee information requires that wages be sorted from high to low

SELECT * FROM employees ORDER BY salary DESC;
SELECT * FROM employees ORDER BY salary ASC;

Case 2: query employee information with department No. > = 90, sort by employment time [add filter criteria]

FROM employees 
WHERE department_id>=90 
ORDER BY hiredate ASC;

Case 3: display employee information by annual salary level, annual salary [sort by expression]

SELECT *,salary*12*(1+IFNULL(commission_pct,0)) Annual salary
FROM employees
ORDER BY salary*12*(1+IFNULL(commission_pct,0)) DESC;

Case 4: display employee information by annual salary level, annual salary [sort by alias]

SELECT *,salary*12*(1+IFNULL(commission_pct,0)) Annual salary
FROM employees
ORDER BY Annual salary DESC;

Case 5: display employee name by name length, salary [sort by function]

SELECT LENGTH('last_name') Byte length,last_name,salary
FROM employees
ORDER BY LENGTH('last_name') DESC;

Case 6: when querying employee information, it is required to first increase the salary and then decrease the employee number

FROM employees
ORDER BY salary ASC,employee_id DESC;

Case synthesis:

1. Query employee name, department number and annual salary, in descending order of annual salary and ascending order of name
SELECT last_name,department_id,salary*12*(1+IFNULL(commission_pct,0)) Annual salary
FROM employees
ORDER BY Annual salary DESC,last_name ASC;
2. Select the name and salary of employees whose salary is not 8000-17000, in descending order of salary
SELECT last_name,salary
FROM employees
WHERE salary NOT BETWEEN 8000 AND 17000
3. Query the employee information contained e in the mailbox, in descending order according to the number of bytes in the mailbox, and then in ascending order according to the department number
FROM employees
WHERE email LIKE '%e%'
ORDER BY LENGTH(email) DESC,department_id ASC;

Advanced 4: common functions

Function: similar to methods in java, encapsulate a group of logical statements in the method body and expose the method name
Benefits: 1. Hiding implementation details 2. Improving code reusability
Call: select function name (argument list) [from table];
1. What is it called (function name)
2. What to do (function)
1. Single line function
Such as concat, length, ifnull, etc
2. Grouping function
Function: used for statistics, also known as statistical function, aggregate function and group function

1, Character function

1.length (number of bytes to obtain parameter value)

SELECT LENGTH('Zhang Sanfeng hahaha');

2.concat (concatenated string)

SELECT CONCAT(last_name,'_',first_name) full name FROM employees;

3.upper lower


Example: change the last name to uppercase, the first name to lowercase, and then splice

SELECT CONCAT(UPPER(last_name),LOWER(first_name)) full name 
FROM employees;

4.substr substring (intercepted character)

#Note: the index starts at 1
#Intercepts all characters from the specified index
SELECT SUBSTR('li Mochou falls in love with Lu Zhanyuan ', 7) put_put;
#Intercepts the specified character length from the specified index
SELECT SUBSTR('li Mochou falls in love with Lu Zhanyuan ', 1,3) put_put;

#Case: the first letter of the name is uppercase, the other characters are lowercase, and then_ Splicing
SELECT CONCAT(UPPER(SUBSTR(last_name,1,1)),'_',LOWER(SUBSTR(last_name,2))) out_put
FROM employees;

5.instr returns the index of the first occurrence of the substring. If it is not found, it returns 0

SELECT INSTR('Yang Bu regretted falling in love with Yin Liuxia','Yin Liuxia') AS out_put;

6.trim remove the front and back spaces

SELECT LENGTH(TRIM('     Zhang Cuishan    ')) AS out_put;
SELECT TRIM('a' FROM 'aaaaa Zhang aa Emerald aa mountain aaa') AS out_put;

7.lpad realizes left padding with specified characters

SELECT LPAD('Yin Su Su','10','*') AS out_put;

8.rpad realizes right padding with the specified characters

SELECT RPAD('Yin Su Su','10','*') AS out_put;


SELECT REPLACE('Zhang Wuji fell in love with Zhou Zhiruo','Zhou Zhiruo','Zhao Min') AS out_put;

2, Mathematical function

Round round

SELECT ROUND(1.567,2);

ceil rounds up and returns > = the smallest integer of the parameter

SELECT CEIL(-1.002);

floor rounded down and returns < = the maximum integer of the parameter




Mod remainder mod(a,b) a-a/b*b

SELECT MOD(10,-3);
SELECT 10%3;

3, Date function

now returns the current system date + time


Current date returns the current system date, excluding time


curtime returns the current time, excluding the date


You can get the specified part, month, day, hour, minute and second

SELECT YEAR('1998-1-1') AS year;
SELECT YEAR(hiredate) year FROM employees;

str_to_date converts characters in date format to a date in the specified format

SELECT STR_TO_DATE('9-13-1999','%m-%d-%Y');

date_format converts the date to characters

SELECT DATE_FORMAT('2018/6/6','%Y year%m month%d day');

Query the employee information whose employment date is April 3, 1992

SELECT * FROM employees WHERE hiredate = '1992-4-3';
SELECT * FROM employees WHERE hiredate = STR_TO_DATE('4-3-1992','%c-%d-%Y');

Query the name and employment date of the employee with bonus (xx month / xx day, xx year)

SELECT last_name,DATE_FORMAT(hiredate,'%m month/%d day %y year')
FROM employees WHERE commission_pct IS NOT NULL;

4, Other functions


5, Process control function

1.if else function

SELECT IF(10>5,'large','Small');
SELECT last_name,commission_pct,IF(commission_pct IS NULL,'No bonus','Bonus') remarks
FROM employees;

2. Use of case function I: effect of switch case

case the field or expression to judge
when constant 1 then the value 1 or statement 1 to be displayed;
when constant 2 then the value 2 or statement 2 to be displayed;
else the value n or statement n to be displayed;
/*Case: query employee salary, requirements
The department number = 30 shows that the salary is 1.1 times
The department number = 40 shows that the salary is 1.2 times
The department number = 50 shows that the salary is 1.3 times
Other departments are displayed as original wages

SELECT salary Original salary,department_id,
CASE department_id
WHEN 30 THEN salary*1.1
WHEN 40 THEN salary*1.2
WHEN 50 THEN salary*1.3
ELSE salary
END AS New salary
FROM employees;

3. Use of case function 2: similar to multiple if

when condition 1 then the value 1 or statement 1 to be displayed;
when condition 2 then the value 2 or statement 2 to be displayed;
else the value n or statement n to be displayed;
#Case: query employee salary
#If the salary is greater than 20000, level A is displayed
#If the salary is greater than 15000, level B is displayed
#If the salary is greater than 10000, level C is displayed
#Otherwise, level D is displayed

SELECT salary,
WHEN salary>20000 THEN 'A'
WHEN salary>15000 THEN 'B'
WHEN salary>10000 THEN 'C'
END AS Wage scale
FROM employees;

Summary of common functions I

Character function

length concat substr instr trim upper lower lpad rpad

Mathematical function

round ceil floor truncate mod

Date function

now curdate curtime year month monthname day hour
minute second str_to_date date_formate

Other functions

version datebase user

Control function

if case


1. Display system time (Note: date + time)


2. Query the employee number, name, salary and the result after the salary is increased by 20%

SELECT employee_id,last_name,salary,salary*1.2 'new salary'
FROM employees;

3. Sort the employee's names by initials and write the length of the name

SELECT LENGTH(last_name) length,SUBSTR(last_name,1,1) Initials,last_name
FROM employees
ORDER BY Initials;

4. Make a query to produce the following results

#<last_name> earns monthly but wants <salary*3>
#Dream Salary
#Kings earns 24000 monthly but wants 72000

SELECT CONCAT(last_name,'earns',salary,'monthly but wants',salary*3) AS 'Dream Salary'
FROM employees
WHERE salary=24000;

5. Use case when to realize the following conditions

SELECT last_name,job_id AS job,
CASE job_id
END AS Grade
FROM employees
WHERE job_id='AD_PRES';


1. Query the maximum value, minimum value, average value and total of employee salary

SELECT MAX(salary) mx_sal,MIN(salary) min_sal,ROUND(AVG(salary),2) ag_sal,SUM(salary) sm_sal
FROM employees;

2. Query the difference days between the maximum enrollment time and the minimum enrollment time in the employee table

SELECT DATEDIFF(MAX(hiredate),MIN(hiredate)) difference
FROM employees;

3. Query the number of employees whose department number is 90

SELECT COUNT(*) number
FROM employees
WHERE department_id=90;

Advanced 5: grouping query


select Grouping functions, columns(Request appears in group by behind)
from surface
[where [filter criteria]
group by Group list
[order by Clause]

be careful:
The query list must be special. It is required to be the field after the grouping function and group by
1. There are two types of filter criteria in group query

data sourcepositionkeyword
Filter before groupingOriginal tablegroup by frontwhere
Filter after groupingGrouped result setAfter group byhaving

① The condition of grouping function must be put in the having clause
② Those who can filter before grouping shall be given priority
2. The group by clause supports single field grouping, multiple field grouping (comma separated, unordered), expression and function grouping
3. You can also add sorting and put it at the end

Import: query the average salary of each department

SELECT AVG(salary) FROM employees;

Case 1: query the maximum wage of each type of work

SELECT MAX(salary),job_id
FROM employees
GROUP BY job_id;

Case 2: query the number of departments in each location

SELECT COUNT(*),location_id
FROM departments
GROUP BY location_id;

Filter criteria before adding groups

Case 1: query the average salary of each department with a character in the mailbox

SELECT AVG(salary),department_id
FROM employees
WHERE email LIKE '%a%'
GROUP BY department_id; 

Case 2: query the maximum salary of employees under each leader with bonus

SELECT MAX(salary),manager_id
FROM employees
WHERE commission_pct IS NOT NULL
GROUP BY manager_id;

Filter criteria after adding grouping

Case 1: query which department has more than 2 employees

① Query the number of employees in each department

SELECT COUNT(*),department_id
FROM employees
GROUP BY department_id;

② Filter according to the results of ① to query which department has more than 2 employees

SELECT COUNT(*),department_id
FROM employees
GROUP BY department_id

Case 2: query the maximum salary of employees with bonus of each type of work > 12000

① Query the maximum salary of employees with bonus in each type of work

SELECT MAX(salary),job_id
FROM employees
WHERE commission_pct IS NOT NULL
GROUP BY job_id;

② Continue to screen according to the results of ①, and the maximum salary is > 12000

SELECT MAX(salary),job_id
FROM employees
WHERE commission_pct IS NOT NULL
GROUP BY job_id
HAVING MAX(salary)>12000;

Case 3: query the minimum wage of each leader with leader No. > 102 and the leader No. > 5000 and their minimum wage

① Query the minimum wage of each employee under the leader

SELECT MIN(salary),manager_id
FROM employees
GROUP BY manager_id;

② Add filter condition: No. > 102

SELECT MIN(salary),manager_id
FROM employees
WHERE manager_id>102
GROUP BY manager_id;

③ Add filter criteria: minimum wage > 5000

SELECT MIN(salary),manager_id
FROM employees
WHERE manager_id>102
GROUP BY manager_id
HAVING MIN(salary)>5000;

Filter by expression or function

Case: group by employee name length, query the number of employees in each group, and filter the information with the number > 5

① Query the number of employees of each length

SELECT COUNT(*),LENGTH(last_name) len_name
FROM employees
GROUP BY LENGTH(last_name);

② Add filter criteria

SELECT COUNT(*) c,LENGTH(last_name) len_name
FROM employees
GROUP BY len_name

Group by multiple fields

Case: query the average salary of each department and type of work

SELECT AVG(salary),department_id,job_id
FROM employees
GROUP BY department_id,job_id;

Add sort

Case: query the average salary of each department and each type of work, and display it according to the average salary

SELECT AVG(salary),department_id,job_id
FROM employees
WHERE department_id IS NOT NULL
GROUP BY department_id,job_id
HAVING AVG(salary)>10000


1. Query each job_id maximum, minimum, average, sum of employee wages, and by job_id ascending order

SELECT MAX(salary),MIN(salary),AVG(salary),SUM(salary)
FROM employees
GROUP BY job_id
ORDER BY job_id;

2. Check the gap between the maximum wage and the minimum wage

FROM employees;

3. Query the minimum wage of employees under each manager. The minimum wage cannot be less than 6000, and it will not be counted if there is no manager

SELECT MIN(salary),manager_id
FROM employees
WHERE manager_id IS NOT NULL
GROUP BY manager_id
HAVING MIN(salary)>=6000;

4. Query all department numbers, number of employees and average salary, and in descending order of average salary

SELECT department_id,COUNT(*),AVG(salary) a
FROM employees
GROUP BY department_id

5. Select each job_ Number of employees with ID

SELECT COUNT(*) number,job_id
FROM employees
GROUP BY job_id;

Advanced 6: connection query

Meaning: also known as multi table query, when the query field comes from multiple tables
Cartesian product: Table 1 has m rows, table 2 has n rows, and the result is m*n rows
How does this happen: there are no valid link conditions
How to avoid: adding valid connection conditions

Classification by age:
sql92 standard: only internal connections are supported
slq99 standard [recommended] supports internal and external (left and right) links + cross links
Classification by function
Inner connection: equivalent connection non equivalent connection self link
External connection: left external connection right external connection all external connection
Cross connect

SELECT * FROM beauty;
SELECT NAME,boyName FROM boys,beauty

1, sql92 standard

① The result of multi table equivalent connection is the intersection of multi tables
② N table links, at least n-1 connection conditions are required
③ The order of multiple tables is not required
④ Aliasing tables is generally required
⑤ It can be used with all the clauses described above, such as sorting, grouping and filtering

1. Equivalent link

Case 1: query the goddess name and the corresponding male god name

FROM boys,beauty

Case 2: query employee name and corresponding department name

SELECT last_name,department_name
FROM employees,departments
WHERE employees.department_id=departments.department_id;

2. Alias the table

① Improve sentence conciseness
② Distinguish multiple duplicate name fields
Note: if the table is aliased, the query field cannot be qualified with the original table name

Query employee name, type of work number and type of work name

SELECT last_name,e.job_id,job_title
FROM employees e,jobs j
WHERE e.job_id=j.job_id;

3. Can the order of two tables be changed

SELECT last_name,e.job_id,job_title
FROM jobs j,employees e
WHERE e.job_id=j.job_id;

4. Screening can be added

Case 1: query employee name and department name with bonus

SELECT last_name,department_name,commission_pct
FROM employees e,departments d
WHERE e.`department_id`=d.`department_id`
AND e.`commission_pct` IS NOT NULL;

Case 2: query the Department name and city name whose second character is o in the city name

SELECT department_name,city
FROM departments d,locations l
WHERE d.`location_id`=l.`location_id`
AND city LIKE '_o%';

5. Add group

Case 1: query the number of departments in each city

SELECT COUNT(*) number,city
FROM departments d,locations l
WHERE d.`location_id`=l.`location_id`
GROUP BY city;

Case 2: query the Department name, department leader number and minimum wage of each department with bonus

SELECT department_name,d.manager_id,MIN(salary)
FROM departments d,employees e
WHERE d.`department_id`=e.`department_id`
AND commission_pct IS NOT NULL
GROUP BY department_name,d.manager_id;

6. Add sorting

Case: query the name of each type of work and the number of employees, in descending order by the number of employees

SELECT job_title,COUNT(*)
FROM employees e,jobs j
WHERE e.`job_id`=j.`job_id`
GROUP BY job_title

7. Three meter connection

Case: query employee name, department name and city

SELECT last_name,department_name,city
FROM employees e,departments d,locations l
WHERE e.`department_id`=d.`department_id`
AND d.`location_id`=l.`location_id`
AND city LIKE 's%'
ORDER BY department_name DESC;

2. Non equivalent connection

Case 1: query employee's salary and salary level

SELECT * FROM job_grades;

SELECT salary,grade_level
FROM employees e,job_grades g
WHERE salary BETWEEN g.`lowest_sal` AND g.`highest_sal`
AND g.`grade_level`='A';

SELECT salary,employee_id FROM employees;

3 natural connection

Case: query employee name and superior name

SELECT e.employee_id,e.last_name,m.employee_id,m.last_name
FROM employees e,employees m
WHERE e.`manager_id`=m.`employee_id`;


1. Display the maximum salary and average salary in the employee table

SELECT MAX(salary),AVG(salary)
FROM employees;

2. Query employee table_ id,last_ name,job_ ID by department_id descending, salary ascending

SELECT employee_id,job_id,last_name
FROM employees
ORDER BY department_id DESC,salary ASC;

3. Query employee table job_ The ID contains the of a and e, and a precedes e

SELECT job_id 
FROM employees
WHERE job_id LIKE '%a%e%';

4. Display the current date, remove the space before and after, and intercept the string function

SELECT TRIM(character FROM'');
SELECT SUBSTR(str,startindex);
SELECT SUBSTR(str,startindex,LENGTH);


1. Display the names, Department numbers and department names of all employees

SELECT last_name,d.department_id,department_name
FROM employees e,departments d
WHERE e.`department_id`=d.`department_id`;

2. Query the job of the employee in department 90_ ID and location of department 90_ id

SELECT job_id,location_id
FROM employees e,departments d
WHERE e.`department_id`=e.`department_id`
AND e.`department_id`=90;

3. Select some fields of employees with bonus

SELECT last_name,department_name,l.location_id,city
FROM employees e,departments d,locations l
WHERE e.`department_id`=d.`department_id`
AND d.`location_id`=l.`location_id`
AND e.`commission_pct` IS NOT NULL;

4. Select the employee information of city working in Toronto

SELECT last_name,job_id,d.department_id,department_name
FROM employees e,departments d,locations l
WHERE e.`department_id`=d.`department_id`
AND d.`location_id`=l.`location_id`
AND city = 'Toronto';

5. Query each type of work, each department, type of work name and minimum wage

SELECT d.department_name,j.job_title,MIN(salary)
FROM employees e,departments d,jobs j
WHERE e.department_id=d.department_id
AND e.job_id = j.job_id
GROUP BY department_name,job_title;

6. Query the country number with more than 2 departments in each country

SELECT country_id,COUNT(*) Number of departments
FROM departments d,locations l
WHERE d.`location_id`=l.`location_id`
GROUP BY country_id
HAVING Number of departments>2;

7. Select the name and number of the designated employee, as well as the name and number of his manager

SELECT e.last_name employees,e.employee_id 'Emp#',m.last_name manager,m.employee_id 'Mgr#'
FROM employees e,employees m
WHERE e.manager_id=m.employee_id
AND e.last_name='kochhar';

2, sql99 syntax

select query list
from table 1 alias [connection type]
join table 2 alias
on connection condition
[where screening criteria]
[group by group]
[having screening criteria]
[order by sort list]

inner connection
External connection
left outer
right [outer]
full [outer]
cross connect

① Add sorting, grouping, filtering
② inner can be omitted
③ The filter condition is placed after where and the connection condition is placed after on
④ The effect of inner join connection is the same as that of equivalent connection of sql92 syntax, which is to query the intersection of multiple tables


1) Inner connection

select query list
from table alias
inner join table 2 alias
on connection conditions;
Self link

1. Equivalent link

Case 1: query employee name and department name

SELECT last_name,department_name
FROM employees e
INNER JOIN departments d
ON e.`department_id`=d.`department_id`;

Case 2: query the employee name and work type name contained e in the name

SELECT last_name,job_title
FROM employees e
ON e.`job_id`=j.`job_id`
WHERE e.`last_name` LIKE '%e%';

Case 3. Query the city name and department number with department number > 3

SELECT city,COUNT(*) Number of departments
FROM departments d
INNER JOIN locations l
ON d.`location_id`=l.`location_id`
HAVING Number of departments>3;

Case 4: query the Department name and number of employees in that department whose number of employees is > 3, and sort them in descending order

SELECT COUNT(*),department_name
FROM employees e 
INNER JOIN departments d
ON e.`department_id`=d.`department_id`
GROUP BY department_name

Case 5. Query employee name, department name and type of work, and sort by department name in descending order

SELECT last_name,department_name,job_title
FROM employees e
INNER JOIN departments d
ON e.`department_id`=d.`department_id`
INNER JOIN jobs j 
ON e.`job_id`=j.`job_id`
ORDER BY department_name DESC;

2. Non equivalent link

Query employee salary level

SELECT salary,grade_level
FROM employees e
INNER JOIN job_grades g
ON e.`salary` BETWEEN g.`lowest_sal` AND g.`highest_sal`;

Query the number of each salary level greater than 2, and sort by salary level in descending order

SELECT COUNT(*),grade_level
FROM employees e
JOIN job_grades g
ON e.`salary` BETWEEN g.`lowest_sal` AND g.`highest_sal`
GROUP BY grade_level
ORDER BY grade_level DESC;

3. Self link

Employee name and superior name contained k in query name

SELECT e.last_name,m.last_name
FROM employees e
INNER JOIN employees m
ON e.`manager_id`=m.`employee_id`
WHERE e.`last_name` LIKE '%k%';

2, External connection

Application scenario: used to query records that one table has but another table does not
1. Query results of external connection are all records in the main table
If there is a matching from the table, the matching value is displayed
If there is no matching from the table, null is displayed
External connection query result = internal connection result + there are records in the master table that are not in the slave table
2. The left side of the left outer connection is the main table
Right outer connection right the right is the main table
3. The same effect can be achieved by exchanging the order of the two tables outside the left and right
4. Total external connection = internal connection result + yes in Table 1 but no in Table 2 + yes in Table 2 and no in Table 1

Introduction: query the goddess name whose boyfriend is not in the male god table

FROM beauty b
ON b.`boyfriend_id`=bo.`id`
WHERE bo.`id` IS NULL;

Case 1: query which department has no employees

Left outer

SELECT d.*,e.employee_id
FROM departments d
LEFT OUTER JOIN employees e
ON d.`department_id`=e.`department_id`
WHERE e.`employee_id` IS NULL;

Right outer

SELECT d.*,e.employee_id
FROM employees e
RIGHT OUTER JOIN departments d
ON d.`department_id`=e.`department_id`
WHERE e.`employee_id` IS NULL;

All external links

SELECT b.*,bo.*
FROM beauty b
ON b.`boyfriend_id`;

Cross connect (Cartesian product)

SELECT b.*,bo.*
FROM beauty b
CROSS JOIN boys bo;

sql92 and sql99

Features: more supported by sql99
Readability: sql99 realizes the separation of link conditions and filter conditions, with high readability


1, Query the boyfriend information of goddess with number > 3. If it is listed in detail, it is not filled in with null

FROM beauty b
ON b.`boyfriend_id`=bo.`id`
WHERE b.`id`>3;

2, Query which city has no department

SELECT city,d.*
FROM departments d
RIGHT OUTER JOIN locations l
ON d.`location_id`=l.`location_id`
WHERE d.`department_id` IS NULL;

3, Query employee information with department name sal or it

SELECT e.*,d.department_name
FROM departments d
LEFT OUTER JOIN employees e
ON d.`department_id`=e.`department_id`
WHERE d.`department_name` IN('SAL','IT');

Advanced 7: subquery

Meaning: select statements that appear in other statements are called subqueries or intra queries
External query statements are called primary or external queries

Location of sub query:
After select
Only scalar subqueries are supported
After from
Support table sub query
After where or having ♥♥♥
Scalar subquery (single row)
Column subquery (multiple rows)
Row subquery
After exists (related sub query)
Table subquery
According to the number of rows and columns in the result set:
Scalar subquery (result set has only one row and one column)
Column subquery (the result set has only one column and multiple rows)
Row subquery (result set has multiple rows and columns)
Table sub query (the result set is generally multi row and multi column)

#1, Behind where or having
1. Scalar subquery (single line subquery)
2. Column subquery (multi row subquery)
3. Row sub query (multi column and multi row)
① Subqueries are enclosed in parentheses
② Subqueries are generally placed on the right side of conditions
③ Scalar subqueries are generally used with single line operators

< >= <= = <>
Column subqueries are generally used with multi row operators
④ The execution of the sub query takes precedence over the main query. The conditions of the main query use the results of the sub query
in any/some all

1. Scalar subquery

Case 1: whose salary is higher than abel

① Query salary

SELECT salary
FROM employees
WHERE last_name = 'Abel';

② Query employee information to meet salary > ① results

FROM employees
WHERE salary>(SELECT salary
FROM employees
WHERE last_name = 'Abel');

Case 2: return job_ The ID is the same as that of employee No. 14. Salary is more than that of employee No. 143_ ID and salary

① Query the job of employee 141_ id

SELECT job_id 
FROM employees
WHERE employee_id=141;

② Query employee No. 143 salary

SELECT salary
FROM employees
WHERE employee_id=143;

③ Query employee name, job_id and salary, job required_ Id = ① and salary > ②

SELECT last_name,job_id,salary
FROM employees
WHERE job_id=(
	SELECT job_id 
	FROM employees
	WHERE employee_id=141
)AND salary>(
	SELECT salary
	FROM employees
	WHERE employee_id=143

Case 3: return the last of the employee with the lowest salary_ name,job_ id,salary

① Query the company's minimum wage

SELECT MIN(salary)
FROM employees;

② Query last_name,job_id,salary, and salary = ①

SELECT last_name,job_id,salary
FROM employees
WHERE salary = (
SELECT MIN(salary)
FROM employees

Case 4: query the Department id and the minimum wage of the Department whose minimum wage is greater than the minimum wage of No. 50 department

① Inquire about the minimum wage in department 50

SELECT MIN(salary)
FROM employees
WHERE department_id = 50;

② Query the minimum wage of each department

SELECT MIN(salary),department_id
FROM employees
GROUP BY department_id;

③ Screening ②, meeting min (salary) > ①

SELECT MIN(salary),department_id
FROM employees
GROUP BY department_id
HAVING MIN(salary)>(
	SELECT MIN(salary)
	FROM employees
	WHERE department_id = 50

2. Column sub query (one column and multiple rows)

Case 1: return location_id is the name of all employees in the 1400 or 1700 department

① Query location_id is the department number of 1400 or 1700

SELECT DISTINCT department_id
FROM departments
WHERE location_id IN(1400,1700);

② Query the employee's name. The department number must be one of the ① list

SELECT last_name 
FROM employees
WHERE department_id IN(
SELECT DISTINCT department_id
FROM departments
WHERE location_id IN(1400,1700)

Case 2: return to a job in another department_ ID is' it '_ Prog 'employee number, name and job of any employee with low salary in the Department_ ID and salary

Query job_id is' it '_ Prog 'any salary of the Department

SELECT salary
FROM employees
WHERE job_id='IT_PROG';

② Query employee No., name, jobn_id and any one of salary, salary < ①

SELECT last_name,employee_id,job_id,salary
FROM employees
WHERE salary<ANY(
	SELECT MAX(salary)
	FROM employees
	WHERE job_id='IT_PROG'
)AND job_id<>'IT_PROG';

Case 3: return to a job in another department_ ID is' it '_ Prog 'employee number, name and job of all low paid employees in the Department_ ID and salary

SELECT last_name,employee_id,job_id,salary
FROM employees
WHERE salary<ALL(
	FROM employees
	WHERE job_id='IT_PROG'
)AND job_id<>'IT_PROG';

3. Row sub query (result: one row with multiple columns)

Case: query the information of the employee with the smallest employee number and the highest salary

FROM employees
WHERE (employee_id,salary)=(
	SELECT MIN(employee_id),MAX(salary)
	FROM employees

① Query the minimum employee number

SELECT MIN(salary)
FROM employees;

② Query maximum wage

SELECT MAX(salary)
FROM employees;

③ Query employee information

FROM employees
WHERE employee_id=(
	SELECT MIN(salary)
	FROM employees
) AND salary=(
	SELECT MAX(salary)
	FROM employees

2, After select

Only scalar subqueries are supported

Case: query the number of employees in each department

SELECT d.*,(
	FROM employees e
	WHERE e.department_id=d.`department_id`
) number
FROM departments d;

Case 2: query the Department name with employee No. = 102

	SELECT department_name
	FROM departments  d
	INNER JOIN employees e
	ON d.department_id=e.department_id
	WHERE e.employee_id=102
) Department name;

3, After from

Case: query the salary grade of the average salary of each department

① Query the average salary of each department

SELECT AVG(salary),department_id
FROM employees
GROUP BY department_id;

SELECT * FROM job_grades;

② Linked result set and job_grade table, filter criteria, average salary between lowest_sal and highest_sal

SELECT ag_dep.*,g.`grade_level`
	SELECT AVG(salary) ag,department_id
	FROM employees
	GROUP BY department_id
) ag_dep
INNER JOIN job_grades g
ON BETWEEN lowest_sal AND highest_sal

4, After exists (related sub query)

Exists (complete query statement)
Result: 1 or 0


Case 1: query the Department name with employees


SELECT department_name
FROM departments d
WHERE d.department_id IN(
	SELECT department_id
	FROM employees


SELECT department_name
FROM departments d
	FROM employees e
	WHERE d.department_id=e.`department_id`

Case 2: query the boyfriend information without a girlfriend


FROM boys bo
WHERE bo.`id` NOT IN(
	SELECT boyfriend_id
	FROM beauty


FROM boys bo
	SELECT boyfriend_id
	FROM beauty
	WHERE bo.`id`=boyfriend_id

Case synthesis

1. Query the name and salary of employees in the same department as Zlotkey

① Query zlotkey's Department

SELECT department_id
FROM employees
WHERE last_name ='Zlotkey';

② Query the name and salary of department number = ①

SELECT last_name,salary
FROM employees
WHERE department_id=(
	SELECT department_id
	FROM employees
	WHERE last_name ='Zlotkey'

2. Query the employee number, name and salary of employees whose salary is higher than the average salary of the company

① Query average salary

SELECT AVG(salary)
FROM employees;

② Query the employee number, name and salary with salary > ①

SELECT last_name,employee_id,salary
FROM employees
WHERE salary>(
	SELECT AVG(salary)
	FROM employees

3. Query the number, name and salary of employees whose salary is higher than the average salary in each department

① Query the average salary of each department

SELECT AVG(salary),department_id
FROM employees
GROUP BY department_id;

② Link ① result set and employees table for filtering

SELECT employee_id,last_name,salary,e.`department_id`
FROM employees e
	SELECT AVG(salary) ag,department_id
	FROM employees
	GROUP BY department_id
) ag_dep
ON e.`department_id`=ag_dep.department_id
WHERE salary>;

4. Query and the employee number of the employee whose name contains the letter u who works in the same department

① Query the Department of the employee whose name contains the letter u

SELECT DISTINCT department_id
FROM employees
WHERE last_name LIKE '%u%';

② Query the employee number and name of any one of department number = ①

SELECT last_name,employee_id
FROM employees
WHERE department_id IN(
	SELECT DISTINCT department_id
	FROM employees
	WHERE last_name LIKE '%u%'

5. Query Department location_ Employee number of the employee working in the Department with ID 1700

① Query location_ Part with ID 1700

SELECT DISTINCT department_id
FROM departments
WHERE location_id = 1700;

② Query the employee number of any department number = ①

SELECT employee_id
FROM employees
WHERE department_id=ANY(
	SELECT DISTINCT department_id
	FROM departments
	WHERE location_id = 1700

6. Query the name and salary of the employee whose manager is king

① Query the employee number whose name is king

SELECT employee_id
FROM employees
WHERE last_name = 'K_ing';

② Which employee's manager is queried_ id=①

SELECT last_name,salary
FROM employees
WHERE manager_id IN(
	SELECT employee_id
	FROM employees
	WHERE last_name = 'K_ing'

7. Query the name of the employee with the highest salary and ask first_name and last_name is displayed as a column. The column name is last name and first name

① Query maximum wage

SELECT MAX(salary)
FROM employees;

② Query name of salary = ①

SELECT CONCAT(first_name,last_name) 'surname,name'
FROM employees
WHERE salary=(
	SELECT MAX(salary)
	FROM employees

Topics: Python Database MySQL