python-lambda expression and built-in function

Posted by dreglo on Sat, 24 Aug 2019 08:55:33 +0200


1 lambda expression (anonymous function)

Used to represent simple functions

lambda expression, in order to solve the case of simple functions:

def func(a1,a2):       =====> func = lambda a1,a2:a1+a2  # The function gets the return value directly, where the return is hidden
    return a1+a2       Simplify
# Triple operation, in order to solve the simple case of if else, such as:
if 1 == 1:
    a = 123
    a = 456

a =  123  if 1 == 1 else 456

# lambda expression, in order to solve the case of simple functions, such as:
def func(a1,a2):
    return a1 + 100 

func = lambda a1,a2: a1+100
func1 = lambda : 100 

func2 = lambda x1: x1 * 10

func3 = lambda *args,**kwargs: len(args) + len(kwargs)

DATA = 100
func4 = lambda a1: a1 + DATA
v = func4(1)

DATA = 100
def func():
    DATA = 1000
    func4 = lambda a1: a1 + DATA
    v = func4(1)

func5 = lambda n1,n2: n1 if n1 > n2 else n2
v = func5(1111,2)

The lambda expression can only represent a function in one line, and can only use parameters as variables.


# Exercise 1
def func0(x):
    v = USER_LIST.append(x)
    return v 

result = func0('alex')

# Exercise 2

def func0(x):
    v = x.strip()
    return v 

result = func0(' alex ')

############## Summary: All listing methods are basically returned None;All methods of strings basically return new values #################
# Exercise 3
func1 = lambda x: USER_LIST.append(x)

v1 = func1('alex')

# Exercise 4
func1 = lambda x: x.split('l')

v1 = func1('alex')

# Exercise 5
func_list = [lambda x:x.strip(), lambda y:y+199,lambda x,y:x+y]

v1 = func_list[0]('alex ')

v2 = func_list[1](100)

v3 = func_list[2](1,2)


All methods of the list basically return None, and all methods of the string basically return new values.

2 built-in functions

Functions are divided into: custom functions and built-in functions

At present, python's built-in functions are divided into several categories:

  • 1. Coercive Conversion

    bool() / int() / str() / list() / dict() /tuple() / set()

  • 2. Input and output

    print() / input()

  • 3. Other

    len() / open() / id() / range() / type()

  • 4. Mathematical Relevance

      1. Absolute value of abs()

        v = abs(-1)
        print(v)   # 1
      2. Converting float() to floating-point (decimal)

        v = 55
        v1 = float(v)
        print(v1)    # 55.0
      3. max() finds the maximum

        v = [1,2,33,5,9]
        result = max(v)
        print(result)   # 33
      4. min() Find the minimum

        v = [1,2,311,11,8]
        v2 = min(v)
        print(v2)  # 1
      5. sum() summation

        v = [1,2,311,11,9]
        v1 = sum(v)
        print(v1)  # 334
      6. Quotient and remainder of divmod() dividing two numbers

        a,b = divmod(1001,5)
        print(a,b)   # 200  1

        Plus: String Formatting:'Your Little Wife -% s'% (i,) - - - > Later, (i,) If there is only one variable in parentheses, it can be written as:'Your Little Wife -% s'% I.

        # Exercise questions should be paginated to show the data.
            //Display 10 data per page
            //Let the user enter the page to view: page number
        USER_LIST = []
        for i in range(1,836):
            temp = {'name':'Your Little Wife-%s' %i,'email':'' %i }
        # Total number of data items
        total_count = len(USER_LIST)
        # 10 items per page
        per_page_count= 10
        # Number of total pages
        max_page_num,a = divmod(total_count,per_page_count)
        if a>0:
            max_page_num += 1
        while True:
            pager = int(input('Which page do you want to see?'))
            if pager < 1 or pager > max_page_num:
                print('The page number is not valid. It must be 1. ~ %s' %max_page_num )
                # Page 1: USER_LIST [0:10] - > 0123456789
                # Page 2: USER_LIST[10:20]
                # Page 3: USER_LIST[20:30]
                start = (pager-1) * per_page_count
                end = pager * per_page_count
                data = USER_LIST[start:end]
                for item in data:
      • 7.pow

        pow(x,y) denotes the Y power of X

        v = pow(2,3)
        print(v)   # 8
      • 8.round retains decimal places after decimal points and rounds them around.

        V = round(1.127,1/2)
        print(v)   # 1.1 / 1.13
  • 5. Binary conversion correlation

    • bin() converts decimal to binary

      num = 13
      v1 = bin(num)
      print(v1)  # 0b1101
    • oct() converts decimal to octal

      num = 8
      v1 = oct(num)
      print(v1)  # 0o10
    • int() converts other decimal systems into decimal systems

      # Converting binary to decimal
      v1 = '0b1101'
      result = int(v1,base=2)
      print(result)  # 13
      # Conversion of octal system to decimal system
      v1 = '0o1101'
      result = int(v1,base=8)
      # Converting hexadecimal system to decimal system
      v1 = '0x1101'
      result = int(v1,base=16)
    • hex() converts decimal to hexadecimal

      num = 16
      v1 = hex(num)
      print(v1)  # 0x10


      # 1 byte equals 8 bits
      # IP:  ->  001010010 . 001010010 . 001010010 . 001010010
      # 1. Please convert each decimal number in IP = into binary and connect it to produce a new string.
      ip = ""
      ip_list = ip.split('.') # ['192','168','12','79']
      result = []
      for item in ip_list:
      # 2. Please convert each decimal number in IP = into binary: 
      #          0010100100001010010001010010001010010 - > decimal value.
      # 3232238671
      ip = ""
      ip1 = ip.split('.')
      lis = []
      for i in ip1: 
      # val = ','.join(lis)
      # b = val.replace('0b', '')
      # b1 = b.split(',')
      b1 = ','.join(lis).replace('0b', '').split(',')
      e = []
      #f or c in b1:
      for c in ','.join(lis).replace('0b', '').split(','):
          if len(c) < 8:
              val = 8 - len(c)
              d = list(c)
              d.insert(0,'0' * val)
              d1 = ''.join(d)
      f = ''.join(e)
      f1 = int(f,base = 2 )
  • 6. Coding correlation

    • chr converts decimal digits into corresponding strings in Unicode encoding

      v = chr(65)
      print(v)   # A
    • ord finds its decimal system in Unicode encoding based on characters

      v = ord('in')
      print(v)    # 20013
    • Application:

      import random
      v = random.randint(65,90)
      print(v)   # Random numbers between 65 and 90
      import random
      data = []
      for i in range(6)
          v = random.randint(65,90)
      print(''.join(data))   # 6-bit random string validation code
      import random
      def get_random_code(length=6):
          data = []
          for i in range(length):
              v = random.randint(65,90)
          return  ''.join(data)
      code = get_random_code()
      print(code)    # 6-bit random string validation code
      import random # Import a module 
      v = random.randint(Start,termination) # Get a random number
  • 7. Higher-level built-in functions

    • map loops through each element (the second parameter), then lets each element execute a function (the first parameter), saves the results of each function execution into a new list, and returns.

      V1 = [11,22,33,44]
      # The first parameter of map(x,v1) must be a function, and the second parameter must be of iterative type (which can be cycled for)
      def func(arg):
      # map(func,v1)    # It does not print arg after execution, which is a feature of py3, which will be executed after PY3 is not executed yet.
      result = map(func,v1)  # Then add the return value of the function to a []
      # Print (result) py2 returns the list directly
      # Print (result) PY3 won't, it will get an object / thing, and if you want to return the list, you need to force it to be converted into a list.
      print(list(ruselt))  # result gets an object <map.objecta... > To print the list, you need list()
      v1 = [11,22,33,44]
      result = map(lambda x:x+100,v1)
      print(list(result)) # special
    • filter

      Result = filter (function, parameter)

      v1 = [11,22,33,'asd',44,'xf']
      def func(x):
          if type(x) == int:
              return True
          return False
      result = filter(func,v1) # [11,]
      result = filter(lambda x: True if type(x) == int else False ,v1)
      result = filter(lambda x: type(x) == int ,v1)
    • Reduc accumulates to get a result

      Reduc is no longer a built-in function for py3, but it is included in py2's built-in function.

      import functools
      v1 = ['wo','hao','e']
      def func(x,y):
          return x+y
      result = functools.reduce(func,v1) 
      result = functools.reduce(lambda x,y:x+y,v1)
  • 8. Class-related

      1. Type, view type

        class Foo:
        obj = Foo()
        if type(obj) == Foo:
            print('obj yes Foo Objects of classes')
      2. issubclass

        Determine whether a class is a subclass of another class or its base class.

        Issubclass (class 1, class 2) class 1 - > subclass name, class 2 - > base class name

        class Base:
        class Base1(Base):
        class Foo(Base1):
        class Bar:
      3. isinstance

        Determine whether an object is an instance (object) of a class or its base class

        class Base(object):
        class Foo(Base):
        obj = Foo()
        print(isinstance(obj,Foo))  # Determine whether obj is an instance (object) of the Foo class or its base class
        print(isinstance(obj,Base)) # Determine whether obj is an instance (object) of the Foo class or its base class
      4. super

        class Base(object):
            def func(self):
                return 123
        class Foo(Base):
            def func(self):
                v1 = super().func()
        obj = Foo()
        # super().func() goes to the parent class to find the func method and executes it
        class Bar(object):
            def func(self):
                return 123
        class Base(Bar):
        class Foo(Base):
            def func(self):
                v1 = super().func()
        obj = Foo()
        # super().func() finds func methods and executes them one by one according to the inheritance relationship of the class.
        class Base(object): # Base -> object
            def func(self):
        class Bar(object):
            def func(self):
        class Foo(Base,Bar): # Foo -> Base -> Bar
        obj = Foo()
        # Multiple Inheritance
        # super().func() finds func methods and executes them one by one according to the inheritance relationship of the class to which the self object belongs.

        super(). The method to find

        super().func() finds func methods one by one and executes them one by one according to the inheritance relationship of the class to which the self object belongs (from left to right).

        super follows mro order to find the previous class

        supper().func() is not looking for the parent class, but according to the order of mro, find their corresponding next class

Topics: Python Lambda encoding