Python Learning Journal Socket Module

Posted by madsm on Sat, 14 Sep 2019 21:42:42 +0200


Sockets are an abstraction layer through which applications can send or receive data, open, read, write, and close like files.Sockets allow applications to plug I/O into the network and communicate with other applications on the network.A network socket is a combination of IP addresses and ports.

Development: Sockets were originally a network communication interface developed by the University of California, Berkely, for Unix systems.Later, with the development of TCP/IP network, sockets became the most common application interface and the most common API for application development on the Internet.



Implement information exchange between Sever and Client based on TCP protocol

Sever side:

import socket
sk = socket.socket()            #Create a socket for the server
sk.bind(('',8080))     #Bind Address to Socket

sk.listen()                     #Listen Link
conn,addr = sk.accept()         #Receive client connections and addresses
ret = conn.recv(1024)           #Receive client information
print(ret)                      #Print client information

conn.send(b'hi')                #Send information to client
conn.close()                    #Close client connections
sk.close()                      #Close Server Socket

Client side:

import socket
sk = socket.socket()             #Create Client Socket
sk.connect(('',8080))   #Attempt to connect to server

sk.send(b'hello')                #Send message to server
ret = sk.recv(1024)              #Receive messages from the server
print(ret)                       #Print messages sent by the server

sk.close()                       #Close the client's socket

Sever side and Client side should receive and send information, not just receive or receive but execute Sever side before executing Client side.

Encountered a problem where the address was already in use when restarting the server


How can clients and servers have multiple conversations?

Sever side:

import socket
from socket import SOL_SOCKET,SO_REUSEADDR
sk = socket.socket()              #Create a socket for the server
sk.bind(('',8080))       #Bind Address to Socket
sk.listen()                       #Listen Link
conn,addr = sk.accept()           #Receive client connections and addresses

print(addr)                       #Print client address
ret = conn.recv(1024)             #Receive client information
print(ret)                        #Print client information
conn.send(b'hi')                  #Send information to client
print(addr)                       #Print client address
ret = conn.recv(1024)             #Receive client information
print(ret)                        #Print client information
conn.send(b'hi')                  #Send information to client

conn.close()                      #Close client connections
sk.close()                        #Close Server Socket

Client side:

import socket
sk = socket.socket()                #Create Client Socket
sk.connect(('',8080))      #Attempt to connect to server

sk.send(b'hello')                   #Send message to server
ret = sk.recv(1024)                 #Receive messages from the server
print(ret)                          #Print messages sent by the server
sk.send(b'hello')                   #Send message to server
ret = sk.recv(1024)                 #Receive messages from the server
print(ret)                          #Print messages sent by the server

sk.close()                          #Close the client's socket

Execution results:

So we can complete the process of sending and receiving messages all the time just by having the Sever end receive and send messages in a loop, and the Client end send and receive messages in a loop after connecting to the Sever end, but this process is a dead loop and we need to add some conditions to make it more perfect

Sever side:

import socket
import time
from json import dumps
from socket import SOL_SOCKET,SO_REUSEADDR
sk = socket.socket()                                                                    #Create a socket for the server
sk.bind(('',8080))                                                             #Bind Address to Socket
sk.listen()                                                                             #Listen Link
conn,addr = sk.accept()                                                                 #Receive client connections and addresses

while 1:
    ret = conn.recv(1024).decode('utf-8')                                               #Receive client information
    if ret.strip() == 'bye' or ret.strip() == 'bye'.capitalize():                       #Conditions for Jumping Out of Cycle
        conn.send(b'bye')                                                               #Send out bytes Type Bye
        print('Client has disconnected!')
    print(time.asctime(time.localtime(time.time())) + ' ' +  dumps(addr) + ':' + ret)   #Format Print Message from Client
    sendInfo = input(time.asctime(time.localtime(time.time())) + ' <<<')
    conn.send(sendInfo.encode('utf-8'))                                                 #Send information to client

conn.close()                                                                            #Close client connections
sk.close()                                                                              #Close Server Socket

Client side:

import socket
import time
sk = socket.socket()                                                                #Create Client Socket
sk.connect(('',8080))                                                      #Attempt to connect to server

while 1:
    sendInfo = input(time.asctime(time.localtime(time.time())) + ' <<<')
    sk.send(sendInfo.encode('utf-8'))                                               #Send message to server
    ret = sk.recv(1024).decode('utf-8')                                             #Receive messages from the server
    if ret.strip() == 'bye' or ret.strip() == 'bye'.capitalize():                   #Conditions for Jumping Out of Cycle
        sk.send(b'bye')                                                             #Send out bytes Type Bye
        print('Sever has disconnected!')
    print(time.asctime(time.localtime(time.time())) + ' ["", 8080]:' + ret)#Format messages from print servers

sk.close()                                                                          #Close the client's socket

Execution results:

Implement information exchange between Sever and Client based on UDP protocol

Implement simple messaging

Sever side:

import socket
sk = socket.socket(type=socket.SOCK_DGRAM)      #Create Server Socket
sk.bind(('',8080))                     #Bind Server Socket

msg,addr = sk.recvfrom(1024)                    #Receive client information and address
print(msg.decode('utf-8'))                      #Decode and print the information passed by the client
sk.sendto(b'Hello client!',addr)                #take bytes Address to which type of information is sent to the client

sk.close()                                      #Close Server Socket

Client side:

import socket
sk = socket.socket(type=socket.SOCK_DGRAM)      #Create Client Socket
ip_port = ('',8080)

sk.sendto(b'Hello sever!',ip_port)              #Client sends information
ret,addr = sk.recvfrom(1024)                    #Receive the address and information of the server
print(ret.decode('utf-8'))                      #Print received information

sk.close()                                      #Close Client Socket

Execution results:



Topics: Python socket network Unix JSON