Python notes 6-string

Posted by buddymoore on Sun, 13 Feb 2022 03:04:01 +0100

Python notes

character string

I String introduction

1. Features

  • A pair of quoted strings
  • Three pairs of quoted string
sen1='''I am Jack,
		nice to meet you!'''
sen2="""I am Jack,
		nice to meet you too!"""

Note: string in three quotation marks supports line feed

# I'm Jack
sen1="I'm Jack"
sen2='I\'m Jack'

2. Output

print('My name is%s' % name)
print(f'My name is{name}')

3. Input

user=input('Please enter user name:')
print(f'The user name you entered is:{user}')

Operation results:

Please enter user name: Jack
 The user name you entered is: Jack
<class 'str'>

Process finished with exit code 0

II subscript

Subscript is also called index, through which the corresponding data can be found quickly
Note: subscript starts from 0



Operation results:


Process finished with exit code 0

III section

Slicing refers to the operation of intercepting part of the operated object. String, list and tuple all support slicing operation.

1. Grammar

sequence[Start position subscript:End position subscript:step]

Note: the end position subscript is not included, and both positive and negative integers can be used; Step size is the selection interval, which can be positive or negative integers. The default step size is 1- 1 indicates the penultimate data.
2. Examples

print(name[1:7:1]) # bcdefg
print(name[1:7]) # bcdefg
print(name[:7]) # abcdefg
print(name[1:]) # bcdefghij
print(name[::2]) # acegi
print(name[:-1]) # abcdefghi
print(name[-4:-1]) # ghi
print(name[::-1]) # jihgfedcba

Operation results:


Process finished with exit code 0

IV Common operation methods

1. Find
Find the position or number of occurrences of the substring in the string

  • find(): check whether the substring is included in the string. If it is, return the subscript of the starting position of the substring; otherwise, return - 1.

(1). grammar

String sequence.find(Substring,Start position subscript,End position subscript)

Note: the start position subscript and end position subscript can be omitted, indicating that they are searched in the whole string sequence.

(2). Examples

str="My name is Jack"
print(str.find('is')) # 8
print(str.find('is',5,10)) # 8
print(str.find('names')) # -1

Operation results:


Process finished with exit code 0

  • index(): check whether the substring is included in the string. If it is, the subscript at the beginning of the substring will be returned. Otherwise, an exception will be reported.

(1). grammar

String sequence.index(Substring,Start position subscript,End position subscript)

Note: the start position subscript and end position subscript can be omitted, indicating that they are searched in the whole string sequence.

(2). Examples

str="My name is Jack"
print(str.index('is')) # 8
print(str.index('is',5,10)) # 8
print(str.index('names')) # report errors

Operation results:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:/Users/Jack/Documents/test/", line 4, in <module>
    print(str.index('names')) # report errors
ValueError: substring not found

Process finished with exit code 1

  • rfind(): the same function as find(), but the search direction starts from the right.
  • rindex(): the same function as index(), but the search direction starts from the right.
  • count(): returns the number of occurrences of the substring in the string.

(1). grammar

String sequence.count(Substring,Start position subscript,End position subscript)

Note: the start position subscript and end position subscript can be omitted, indicating that they are searched in the whole string sequence.

(2). Examples

str="My name is Jack and his name is Jerry"
print(str.count('name')) # 2
print(str.count('is',5,10)) # 1
print(str.count('names')) # 0

Operation results:


Process finished with exit code 0

2. Modification
Modify the data in the string in the form of function

  • replace(): replace

(1). grammar

String sequence.replace(Old substring,New substring,Replacement times)

Note: replacement times: if the occurrence times of the substring are found, the replacement times are the occurrence times of the substring.
(2). Examples

str="My name is Jack and his name is Jerry"

# My num is Jack and his num is Jerry

# My num is Jack and his name is Jerry

# My name is Jack and his name is Jerry

Operation results:

My num is Jack and his num is Jerry
My num is Jack and his name is Jerry
My name is Jack and his name is Jerry

Process finished with exit code 0

Note: data can be divided into variable type and immutable type according to whether it can be modified directly. When modifying string type data, the original string cannot be changed. It is an immutable type.

  • split(): splits the string by the specified character.

(1). grammar

String sequence.split(Split character,num)

Note: num indicates the number of split characters. The number of data to be returned is num+1.
(2). Examples

str="My name is Jack and his name is Jerry"

# ['My ', ' is Jack and his ', ' is Jerry']

# ['My ', ' is Jack and his name is Jerry']

print(str.split(' ')) 
# ['My', 'name', 'is', 'Jack', 'and', 'his', 'name', 'is', 'Jerry']

Operation results:

['My ', ' is Jack and his ', ' is Jerry']
['My ', ' is Jack and his name is Jerry']
['My', 'name', 'is', 'Jack', 'and', 'his', 'name', 'is', 'Jerry']

Process finished with exit code 0

Note: if the segmented character is a substring in the original string, the substring will be lost after segmentation.

  • join(): combine strings with one character or substring, that is, combine multiple strings into a new string.

(1). grammar

Character or substring.join(A sequence of multiple strings)

(2). Examples



# I+am+Jack

Operation results:

Process finished with exit code 0

  • capitalize(): converts the first character of the string to uppercase, and all other characters are lowercase.
str="i am Jack"

Operation results:

I am jack

Process finished with exit code 0
  • title(): converts the first letter of each word in the string to uppercase.
str="i am Jack"

Operation results:

I Am Jack

Process finished with exit code 0
  • lower(): converts uppercase to lowercase in the string.
str="I am Jack"

Operation results:

i am jack

Process finished with exit code 0
  • upper(): convert the small case of the string to uppercase.
str="I am Jack"

Operation results:


Process finished with exit code 0
  • lstrip(): delete the blank character on the left of the string.
str="  I am Jack"
print(str.lstrip()) # I am Jack
  • rstrip(): delete the blank character at the right of the string.
str="I am Jack  "
print(str.rstrip()) # I am Jack
  • strip(): delete the blank characters on both sides of the string.
str="  I am Jack  "
print(str.strip()) # I am Jack
  • ljust(): returns a new string that is left aligned with the original string and filled with the specified character (default space) to the corresponding length.

(1). grammar

String sequence.ljust(length,Fill character)

(2). Examples


Operation results:


Process finished with exit code 0
  • rjust(): returns a right aligned original string and fills it with the specified character (default space) to the corresponding length of the new string.
  • center(): returns a new string centered on the original string and filled with the specified character (default space) to the corresponding length.

3. Judgment
To judge True or False, return True or False

  • startwith(): check whether the string starts with the specified substring. If yes, it returns True; otherwise, it returns False. If the start and end position subscripts are set, search in the specified range.

(1). grammar

String sequence.startswith(Substring,Subscript start position,End position subscript)

(2). Examples

str="I am Jack"
print(str.startswith('I')) # True
print(str.startswith('I',4,7)) #False
  • Endswitch(): check whether the string ends with the specified substring. If yes, it returns True; otherwise, it returns False. If the start and end position subscripts are set, search in the specified range.

(1). grammar

String sequence.endswith(Substring,Start position subscript,End position subscript)

(2). Examples

str="I am Jack"
print(str.endswith('Jack')) # True
print(str.endswith('Jack',4,7)) #False
  • isalpha(): returns True if all characters in the string are letters; otherwise, returns False.
print(str1.isalpha()) # True
print(str2.isalpha()) # False
  • isdigit(): returns True if all characters in the string are numbers; otherwise, returns False.
print(str1.isdigit()) # True
print(str2.isdigit()) # False
  • isalnum(): returns True if the string is composed of numbers or letters; otherwise, returns False.
print(str1.isalnum()) # True
print(str2.isalnum()) # False

Sunday Morning Call

Topics: Python Pycharm