Python object-oriented student management system

Posted by baudday on Fri, 07 Jan 2022 02:14:21 +0100



  • Understand the analysis method of class internal function in the process of object-oriented programming development
  • Understand common functions, add, delete, modify and query

I. system requirements

Use the object-oriented programming idea to complete the development of student management system, as follows

  • System requirements: student data is stored in files
  • System functions: ① add, delete, modify and check student information, ② display all student information, save student information, ③ exit the system and other functions

Object oriented programming idea: analyzing roles, abstracting them into classes, defining classes, and creating objects

II. Preparation of procedure documents

2.1 analysis

  • Role analysis
    • student
    • management system

Precautions at work
1. In order to facilitate code maintenance, generally one role and one program file
2. The project shall have a main program entry, which is used to main py

2.2 creating program files

① Create a project directory, such as Student management system
② Create program file

  • Program entry file: main py
  • Student file: student registration py
  • Management system files: management system py

III. writing procedure

3.1 student registration py


  • Student information includes: Name Gender mobile number
  • Add__ str__ Magic function, easy to view student object information

3.1.2 program code

class Student registration():
    def __init__(self,full name,Gender,mobile phone):
        # Name Gender telephone
        self.full name=full name
        self.Gender=Gender phone=mobile phone
    def __str__(self):
        # The destination output is not the memory address, but the specific content
        return f"{self.full name},{self.Gender},{ phone}"
# Create an object to temporarily verify the above code
# Xiao Ming = Student("Xiao Ming", "nv",17753355555)
# Print (Xiao Ming)
"""Xiao Ming,nv,17753355555"""

3.2 management system py


  • Where to store data: File student information data
    • Load file data
    • Save modified data to file
  • Form of data storage: list storage of student objects
  • system function
    • Add, delete, modify and query
    • Display all student information
    • Save student information

3.2.1 definition class

class management system():
    def __init__(self):
        # List used to store data
        self.Student list t=[]

3.2.2 management system framework

The system functions are required to be recycled, and the user inputs different function serial numbers to perform different functions

  • step
    • A defined program entry function
      • Load data
      • Display function menu
      • User input function serial number
      • Perform different functions according to the serial number entered by the user
    • 2. Define system function functions, add / delete students, etc

Structure 1: entry function

class class_management system():
    def __init__(self):
        self.Student list=[]
    """ One entry function"""
    def run(self):
        # 1 load the file to obtain student data
        # 2 display function list
        # 3 user input selection function serial number
        # 4 realize different functions according to different serial numbers
    """Bifunctional function"""
> Above structure:  Below class , ① init Initialize student list, 
					  ② Entry function  run  And function functions  ,It's all the same   ,

Structure 2: function function

class class_management system():
    def __init__(self):
        self.Student list=[]
    """ One entry function"""
    def run(self):
		# 2 display function list
        self.Optional Features ()  #Class to call an instance method, use self
    """Bifunctional function"""
    # 2.1 display function menu
    def Optional Features ():  #There is no self in the bracket of static function
        print("Please select the following functions:")
        print("1: increase")

Structure 3 plus while – this works with main Py can run

class class_management system():
    def __init__(self):
        self.Student list=[]
    """ One entry function"""
    def run(self):
        # 1 load the file to obtain student data
        while True:
            # 2 display function list
            self.Optional Features ()  #Class to call an instance method, use self
            # 3 user input selection function serial number
            Function serial number=int(input("Please select the function you want:"))
            # 4 realize different functions according to different serial numbers
            if Function serial number==1:
            elif Function serial number==2:
            elif Function serial number==7:
    """Bifunctional function"""
    # 2.1 display function menu static function
    def Optional Features ():  #There is no self in the bracket of static function
        print("Please select the following functions:")
        print("1: increase")
        print("2: Delete")
    # 2.2 add
    def increase(self):
    # 2.3 minus
    def reduce(self):
    # 2.4 modification
    # 2.5 check
    # 2.6 display all
    # 2.7 preservation
    # 2.8 loading

# verification
if __full name__=="__main__":
    One middle school=class_management system()
    print(One middle school.Optional Features ())
    print(class_management system.Optional Features ())



  • Guided package "management system",
  • Create the object and start the program
# Guide Package
from  management system import *
# Create object startup management system
 Second middle school=class_management system()
Second middle

This big frame is ok, and the program can run normally

3.4 defining system function

3.4.1 add

  • The user is required to enter the name and gender to add the student to the system

  • step

    • User input name... Input
    • Create object = student registration class (name, gender, mobile phone)
    • Add students to the list self Student list Append (student)
  • Initial 1 code

    # 2.2 add
    def increase(self):
        # 1. Please input the user's name, etc
        # 2 create student object
        # 3 add the object to the student list
  • code
#Adding student function requires creating Student object, so first import * student registration * module >
from Student registration import *
class management system():
    # 2.2 add
    def increase(self):
        # 1. Please input the user's name, etc
        full name=input("Please enter your name:")
        Gender=input("Please enter your gender:")
        mobile phone=input("Please enter your mobile phone:")
        # 2. Create a student object. Student registration should be introduced here py
        student=Student registration(full name,Gender,mobile phone)
        # 3 add the object to the student list
        self.Student list.append(student)d
        print(self.Student list)    	

3.4.2 minus

  • The user is required to enter the name. If it is in the list, this student information will be deleted
  • step
    • User input name
    • Go through the student data list and check whether it exists. If yes, delete it. If not, print "no person found"
  • Initial 1 code
    # 2.3 minus	
    def reduce(self):
        # 1 user input student name
        # 2. If the history list is in, it will be deleted. If it is not in, it will prompt "no person found"
  • code
#Adding student function requires creating Student object, so first import * student registration * module >
from Student registration import *
class management system():
    # 2.3 minus
    def reduce(self):
        # 1 user input student name
        Minus students=input("Please enter the name of the student you want to delete:")
        # 2. If the history list is in, it will be deleted. If it is not in, it will prompt "no person found"
        for i in self.Student list:
            if i.full name==Minus students:
                # Delete the student object
                self.Student list.remove(i)
        # After going through the list,
        else:print("No one was found")
        print(self.Student list)

3.4.3 modification

The user is required to enter the name, update the object information if any, and create a new one if none

  • User input name \ gender \ mobile phone
  • Go through the student list, update it when it is, and "check no such person" when it is not


    # 2.4 modification
    def change(self):
        # 1 user input name \ gender \ mobile phone
        Change students=input("Please enter the student name to modify:")
        # 2. Go through the student list, update it when it is, and "check no such person" when it is not
        for i in self.Student list:
            if i.full name==Change students:
                i.full name=Change students
                i.Gender=input("Please enter student gender:")
       phone=input("Please enter the student's mobile phone:")
                print(f"The student information has been modified successfully,full name:{Change students},Gender:{i.Gender},mobile phone:{ phone}")
        else:print("No one was found")

3.4.4 check

The user is required to enter the name to find out whether there is

    # 2.5 check
    def check(self):
        Check students=input("Please enter the name of the student you want to find:")
        for i in self.Student list:
            if i.full name==Check students:
                print(f"The student information is as follows,full name:{Check students},Gender:{i.Gender},mobile phone:{ phone}")
        else:print("No one was found")

3.4.5 view all

View all student information in the form of demand form

    # 2.6 display all
    def View all(self):
        print("full name\t Gender\t mobile phone")
        for i in self.Student list:
            print(f"{i.full name}\t{i.Gender}\t{ phone}")

3.4.6 save student information

  • It is required to save the modified student data to the file
  • step
    • Open file
    • Write data to file
    • Close file

1 is the data written to the file the memory address of the student object? No! It should be understandable data
2 what data type should be in the file? String dictionary [{"Wang Wu": "Wang Wu", "male", "1775"}]

  • Extended dict

Function: collect the properties, methods and corresponding values of class objects or instance objects, and return a dictionary

class A():
    a=0   # Class properties
    def  __init__(self):
        self.b=1  #Instance object properties
# Returns all data in a class
# Return only instance object related

{'__module__': '__main__', 'a': 0, ....}  # Dictionary file
{'b': 1}  # Dictionary file

-Initial code

    # 2.7 preservation
    def preservation(self):
        # 1 open file
        f=open("Student information.bata","w")
        # 2 write data to file  
        # 2.1 convert [Student object] to [list dictionary]  
        [i.__dict__ for i in Student object]
        # 2.2 the file is written to str() as a string
        f.write(str(New student list))        
        # 3 close file


    # 2.7 preservation
    def preservation(self):
        # 1 open file
        f=open("Student information.bata","w")
        # 2 write data to file
        # 2.1 note 1: file writing cannot be a memory address, [Student object]] is converted to [list dictionary]
        New student list=[i.__dict__ for i in self.Student list]
        """List derivation"""
        """[{"full name":"Wang Wu","Gender":"male","mobile phone":"111"}]"""
        print(New student list)
        # 2.2 note 2: the data in the file is required to be a string. The data type needs to be converted into a string before it can be written
        f.write(str(New student list))
        # 3 close file

After saving, you can't see it in the pycharm directory. The saved file should be found in the resource manager
After opening the data file
[{'name':'aa ',' gender ':'bb', 'mobile phone':'132 '}]

3.4.8 loading student information

  • Every time a requirement enters the system, the modified data is the data in the file??
  • step
    • 1 [open file] attempts to open with r, if abnormal w opens
    • 2 [read file] the file reads a string and needs to be restored to a list: [{}] → [Student object]
    • 3 [close file]
  • code
    def load(self):
        # 1 [open file] attempts to open with r, if abnormal w opens
            f=open("Student information.bata","r")
            f=open("Student information.bata","w")
            # 2 [read file] the file reads a string and needs to be restored to a list: [{}] → [Student object]
            # 2.1 read file string
            # 2.2 restore string to list type
            New list=eval(data)
            # Create student registration class object student registration class (name, gender, mobile phone) and assign it to self Student list
            self.Student list=[Student registration(i["full name"],i["Gender"],i["mobile phone"]) for i in New list]

            # 3 [close file]


IV. all codes

4.1 student registration py

# Define class initialization information
class Student registration():
    # Initialize student information
    def __init__(self,full name,Gender,mobile phone):
        self.full name=full name
        self.Gender=Gender phone=mobile phone
    # The return value, str, is used to convert the returned memory address into
    def __str__(self):
        return f"{self.full name},{self.Gender},{ phone}"

# test
if __name__=="__main__":
    Zhang San=Student registration("Zhang San","male",1775)
    # print("name \ tgender \ mobile phone")
    print(Zhang San)
    print(Student registration)

4.2 management system py

from Student registration import *
class class_management system():
    def __init__(self):
        self.Student list=[]
    """ One entry function"""
    def run(self):
        while True:
            # 2 display function list
            self.Optional Features ()  #Class to call an instance method, use self
            # 3 user input selection function serial number
            Function serial number=int(input("Please select the function you want:"))
            # 4 realize different functions according to different serial numbers
            if Function serial number==1:
            elif Function serial number==2:
            elif Function serial number==3:
            elif Function serial number==4:
            elif Function serial number==5:
                self.View all()
            elif Function serial number==6:
            elif Function serial number==7:
            elif Function serial number==8:
    """Bifunctional function"""
    # 2.1 display function menu static function
    def Optional Features ():  #There is no self in the bracket of static function
        print("Please select the following functions:")
        print("1: increase")
        print("2: Delete")
        print("3: change")
        print("4: check")
        print("5:View all")
        print("6:Save student information")
        print("7: load")

    # 2.2 add
    def increase(self):
        # 1. Please input the user's name, etc
        full name=input("Please enter your name:")
        Gender=input("Please enter your gender:")
        mobile phone=input("Please enter your mobile phone:")
        # 2. Create a student object. Student registration should be introduced here py
        Increase students=Student registration(full name,Gender,mobile phone)
        print(Increase students)
        # 3 add the object to the student list
        self.Student list.append(Increase students)
        print(self.Student list)
    # 2.3 minus
    def reduce(self):
        # 1 user input student name
        Minus students=input("Please enter the name of the student you want to delete:")
        # 2. If the history list is in, it will be deleted. If it is not in, it will prompt "no person found"
        for i in self.Student list:
            if i.full name==Minus students:
                # Delete the student object
                self.Student list.remove(i)
        # After going through the list,
        else:print("No one was found")
        print(self.Student list)
    # 2.4 modification
    def change(self):
        # 1 user input name \ gender \ mobile phone
        Change students=input("Please enter the student name to modify:")
        # 2. Go through the student list, update it when it is, and "check no such person" when it is not
        for i in self.Student list:
            if i.full name==Change students:
                i.full name=input("Please enter student name:")
                i.Gender=input("Please enter student gender:")
       phone=input("Please enter the student's mobile phone:")
                print(f"The student information has been modified successfully,full name:{i.full name},Gender:{i.Gender},mobile phone:{ phone}")
        else:print("No one was found")

    # 2.5 check
    def check(self):
        Check students=input("Please enter the name of the student you want to find:")
        for i in self.Student list:
            if i.full name==Check students:
                print(f"The student information is as follows,full name:{Check students},Gender:{i.Gender},mobile phone:{ phone}")
        else:print("No one was found")

    # 2.6 display all
    def View all(self):
        print("full name\t Gender\t mobile phone")
        for i in self.Student list:
            print(f"{i.full name}\t{i.Gender}\t{ phone}")
    # 2.7 preservation
    def preservation(self):
        # 1 open file
        f=open("Student information.bata","w")
        # 2 write data to file
        # 2.1 note 1: file writing cannot be a memory address, [Student object]] is converted to [list dictionary]
        New student list=[i.__dict__ for i in self.Student list]
        """List derivation"""
        """[{"full name":"Wang Wu","Gender":"male","mobile phone":"111"}]"""
        print(New student list)
        # 2.2 note 2: the data in the file is required to be a string. The data type needs to be converted into a string before it can be written
        f.write(str(New student list))
        # 3 close file
    # 2.8 loading
    def load(self):
        # 1 [open file] attempts to open with r, if abnormal w opens
            f=open("Student information.bata","r")
            f=open("Student information.bata","w")
            # 2 [read file] the file reads a string and needs to be restored to a list: [{}] → [Student object]
            # 2.1 read file string
            # 2.2 restore string to list type
            New list=eval(data)
            # Create student registration class object student registration class (name, gender, mobile phone) and assign it to self Student list
            self.Student list=[Student registration(i["full name"],i["Gender"],i["mobile phone"]) for i in New list]

        # 3 [operation document] addition, deletion, modification and query

        # 4 [save file] save student data to the student list
            # 5 [close file]

# verification
if __name__=="__main__":
    One middle school=class_management system()
    print(One middle school.Optional Features ())
    print(class_management system.Optional Features ())

4.3 main program py

# Guide Package
from  management system import *
# Create object startup management system
 Student management system of No. 2 middle school=class_management system()
Student management system of No. 2 middle

Topics: Python Back-end