python practice project 8: generate random test paper file

Posted by davidtube on Fri, 01 Nov 2019 23:03:16 +0100

Description: matches the capitals of 50 states in the United States.

Here are the tasks the program needs to complete:
Create 35 different test papers.
Create 50 multiple choice questions for each test paper in random order.
Provide each question with a correct answer and 3 random wrong answers in random order.
• write test papers into 35 text files.
• write answers in 35 text files.
This means that the code needs to do the following:
Keep the States and their capitals in a dictionary.
• for the test text file and answer text file, call open(), write(), and close().
Use random.shuffle() to randomly adjust the order of problems and multiple options.
 1 #!/usr/bin/python
 2 # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
 4 import random,os
 5 #Set the storage path of test papers and answers
 6 testPath='F:\\Test'
 7 answerPath='F:\\Answer'
 8 #Determine whether the path exists. If not, create a
 9 if not os.path.exists(testPath):
10     os.mkdir(testPath)
11 if not os.path.exists(answerPath):
12     os.mkdir(answerPath)
13 #Save the test data in a dictionary. key For the state name, value Name of capital
14 capitals = {'Alabama': 'Montgomery', 'Alaska': 'quesNumuneau', 'Arizona': 'Phoenix',
15             'Arkansas': 'Little Rock', 'California': 'Sacramento', 'Colorado': 'Denver',
16             'Connecticut': 'Hartford', 'Delaware': 'Dover', 'Florida': 'Tallahassee',
17             'Georgia': 'Atlanta', 'Hawaii': 'Honolulu', 'Idaho': 'Boise', 'Illinois':
18             'Springfield', 'Indiana': 'Indianapolis', 'Iowa': 'Des Moines', 'Kansas':
19             'Topeka', 'Kentucky': 'Frankfort', 'Louisiana': 'Baton Rouge', 'Maine':
20             'Augusta', 'Maryland': 'Annapolis', 'Massachusetts': 'Boston', 'Michigan':
21             'Lansing', 'Minnesota': 'Saint Paul', 'Mississippi': 'quesNumackson', 'Missouri':
22             'quesNumefferson City', 'Montana': 'Helena', 'Nebraska': 'Lincoln', 'Nevada':
23             'Carson City', 'New Hampshire': 'Concord', 'New quesNumersey': 'Trenton', 'NewMexico':
24             'Santa Fe', 'New York': 'Albany', 'North Carolina': 'Raleigh',
25             'North Dakota': 'Bismarck', 'Ohio': 'Columbus', 'Oklahoma': 'Oklahoma City',
26             'Oregon': 'Salem', 'Pennsylvania': 'Harrisburg', 'Rhode Island': 'Providence',
27             'South Carolina': 'Columbia', 'South Dakota': 'Pierre', 'Tennessee':
28             'Nashville', 'Texas': 'Austin', 'Utah': 'Salt Lake City', 'Vermont':
29             'Montpelier', 'Virginia': 'Richmond', 'Washington': 'Olympia', 'WestVirginia':
30             'Charleston', 'Wisconsin': 'Madison', 'Wyoming': 'Cheyenne'}
31 #Cycle 35 times to create 35 sets of test papers
32 for fileNum in range(35):
33     #os.path.quesNumoin:Connect the path and file name, and the corresponding file location can be determined.
34     quesFile=open(os.path.join(testPath,'question%s.txt' %(fileNum+1)),'w')
35     answerFile=open(os.path.join(answerPath,'answer%s.txt' %(fileNum+1)),'w')
36     #Write the title information of the test paper
37     quesFile.write('Name:\n\nDate:\n\nPeriod:\n\n')
38     quesFile.write((' '*20)+'state Capitals Quiz(Form %s)' %(fileNum+1))
39     quesFile.write('\n\n')
40     #Write state name to a list
41     states=list(capitals.keys())
42     #Use random.shuffle()Function to sort the contents of a list randomly
43     random.shuffle(states)
44     #Cycle to create 50 topics
45     for quesNum in range(50):
46         #Get the right answer
47         correctAnswer=capitals[states[quesNum]]
48         #Write all answers to a list
49         wrongAnswers=list(capitals.values())
50         #Delete the correct answers in the list to get a list of all the wrong answers
51         del wrongAnswers[wrongAnswers.index(correctAnswer)]
52         #Get 3 answers randomly from the list of wrong answers
53         wrongAnswers=random.sample(wrongAnswers,3)
54         #Put the normal answer and 3 wrong answers into a list of options
55         answerOptions=wrongAnswers+[correctAnswer]
56         #Sort the list of options randomly
57         random.shuffle(answerOptions)
59         #Write title quesFile
60         quesFile.write('\n%s.What is the capital of %s?\n' %(quesNum+1,states[quesNum]))
61         #Write options to quesFile
62         for k in range(4):
63             quesFile.write('\n%s.%s' %('ABCD'[k],answerOptions[k]))
64         quesFile.write('\n')
66         #Write answers answerFile
67         answerFile.write('%2s.%s\n' %(quesNum+1,'ABCD'[answerOptions.index(correctAnswer)]))
68     quesFile.close()
69     answerFile.close()

Operation result:


Topics: OS X Python