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stay Python variables In addition to the integer int / floating point number float / Boolean bool mentioned in the previous article/ List list / Dictionary dict In addition, there is another type that we haven't introduced in detail. This variable type is set.
I Introduction to set set
Python set collection Braces {} are used to indicate that, unlike dict, the set set does not have a key / value pair. It mainly has the following two characteristics:
- 1. Elements cannot be repeated;
- 2.set does not record the addition order of elements, that is, it is disordered, which is similar to a dictionary;
# !usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 _*- """ @Author:Ape programming @Blog(Personal blog address): @File:Python set @Time:2021/04/04 11:00 @Motto:No small steps lead to thousands of miles. No small streams lead to rivers and seas. The brilliance of program life needs to be accumulated unremittingly! """ # Create an empty set set_a = set() # Print set print(set_a) # View type print(type(set_a)) print("***"*20) # Create a collection set_b = {"Ape theory python",False} print(type(set_b)) print(set_b) print("***"*20) # Create a dictionary dict_b = {"name":"Ape theory python","url":""} print(type(dict_b)) print(dict_b) ''' Output result: set() <class 'set'> ************************************************************ <class 'set'> {False, 'Ape theory python'} ************************************************************ <class 'dict'> {'name': 'Ape theory python', 'url': ''} '''
Code analysis: observe the above code. Although the dictionary dict and set are both composed of {}, note that the dictionary is composed of key / value pairs, and the set is composed of one data, and List list Similar elements!
II Set set common functions
- add - adds an element to the set set;
- Remove - delete the element. If the collection does not contain the deleted element, the remove() method will report a KeyError exception;
- discard - delete the element. If the collection does not contain the deleted element, there will be no prompt or exception;
- Clear - clear the blank set;
- Copy - copy a set;
- Difference - returns the difference set of multiple sets;
- difference_update - remove the element in the set, which also exists in the specified set;
- Intersection - returns the intersection of two sets without changing the set itself;
- intersection_update - returns the intersection of sets, which will change the first set through intersection operation;
- isdisjoint - judge whether two sets contain the same element. If not, return True; otherwise, return False;
- issubset - judge whether the specified set is a subset of the method parameter set;
- issuperset -- judge whether the parameter set of the method is a subset of the specified set;
- pop - randomly remove elements;
- symmetric_difference - remove the same elements in another specified set in the current set, and insert different elements in another specified set into the current set;
- Union -- returns the union of two sets;
- update - used to modify the current set. You can add a new element or set to the current set. If the added element already exists in the set, the element will only appear once, and repeated elements will be ignored;
# !usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 _*- """ @Author:Ape programming @Blog(Personal blog address): @File:Python set @Time:2021/04/04 11:00 @Motto:No small steps lead to thousands of miles. No small streams lead to rivers and seas. The brilliance of program life needs to be accumulated unremittingly! """ # Use curly braces to build a set set c = {'Qiao Feng',"duan yu","Phyllostachys pubescens","Tianlong Babu","Legend of Shooting Heroes"} # Add element c.add("Tianshan grandma") c.add(6) print("c The number of elements in the collection is:" , len(c)) print(c) # Delete the specified element c.remove("Tianshan grandma") print(c) print("c The number of elements in the collection is:" , len(c)) print("***"*20) # Determines whether the specified string is included print("c Whether the collection contains'Qiao Feng'character string:" , ("Qiao Feng" in c)) # Output True print("***"*20) # Use the set() function (constructor) to create a set set movies = set() movies.add("Tianlong Babu") movies.add("Legend of Shooting Heroes") print("movies Elements of the collection:" , movies) # The issubset() method determines whether it is a subset print("movies Whether the collection is c Subset of?", movies.issubset(c)) # Output False # The issuperset() method determines whether it is a parent set # issubset and issuperset are actually the reverse judgment print("c Is the collection fully contained books Assemble?", c.issuperset(movies)) # Output False # Subtracting the elements in the books set from the c set does not change the c set itself result1 = c - movies print(result1) # The difference() method also subtracts the set, which is exactly the same as the effect of performing the operation with - result2 = c.difference(movies) print(result2) # Subtract the elements in the books set from the c set and change the c set itself c.difference_update(movies) print("c Elements of the collection:" , c) # Delete all elements in the c set c.clear() print("c Elements of the collection:" , c) print("***"*20) # Directly create a collection containing elements d = {"python object-oriented", 'python Basics', 'python Reptile'} print("d Elements of the collection:" , d) # The intersection() method also obtains the intersection of two sets, which is exactly the same as the effect of performing the operation with & inter2 = d.intersection(movies) print(inter2) # Calculate the intersection of two sets and change the d set itself d.intersection_update(movies) print("d Elements of the collection:" , d) print("***"*20) # Wrap the range object into a set set e = set(range(5)) f = set(range(3, 7)) print("e Elements of the collection:" , e) print("f Elements of the collection:" , f) # Calculate the union of two sets without changing the e set itself un = e.union(f) print('e and f Result of Union:', un) # Calculate the union of two sets and change the e set itself e.update(f) print('e Elements of the collection:', e) ''' Output result: c The number of elements in the collection is: 7 {'Tianlong Babu', 6, 'Phyllostachys pubescens', 'Qiao Feng', 'duan yu', 'Tianshan grandma', 'Legend of Shooting Heroes'} {'Tianlong Babu', 6, 'Phyllostachys pubescens', 'Qiao Feng', 'duan yu', 'Legend of Shooting Heroes'} c The number of elements in the collection is: 6 ************************************************************ c Whether the collection contains'Qiao Feng'character string: True ************************************************************ movies Elements of the collection: {'Tianlong Babu', 'Legend of Shooting Heroes'} movies Whether the collection is c Subset of? True c Is the collection fully contained books Assemble? True {'Qiao Feng', 'duan yu', 6, 'Phyllostachys pubescens'} {'Qiao Feng', 'duan yu', 6, 'Phyllostachys pubescens'} c Elements of the collection: {6, 'Phyllostachys pubescens', 'Qiao Feng', 'duan yu'} c Elements of the collection: set() ************************************************************ d Elements of the collection: {'python Reptile', 'python Basics', 'python object-oriented'} set() d Elements of the collection: set() ************************************************************ e Elements of the collection: {0, 1, 2, 3, 4} f Elements of the collection: {3, 4, 5, 6} e and f Result of Union: {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} e Elements of the collection: {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} '''
III Set set operator
- < =: it is equivalent to calling the issubset() method to judge whether the previous set set is a subset of the subsequent set.
- >=: it is equivalent to calling the issuperset() method to judge whether the previous set set is the parent set of the subsequent set.
- –: it is equivalent to calling the difference() method and subtracting the elements of the subsequent set set from the previous set set.
- &: it is equivalent to calling the intersection() method to obtain the intersection of two set s.
- ^: the result of calculating the XOR of two sets is to subtract the elements of the intersection from the union of the two sets.
# !usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 _*- """ @Author:Ape programming @Blog(Personal blog address): @File:Python set @Time:2021/04/04 11:00 @Motto:No small steps lead to thousands of miles. No small streams lead to rivers and seas. The brilliance of program life needs to be accumulated unremittingly! """ # Use curly braces to build a set set c = {'Qiao Feng',"duan yu","Phyllostachys pubescens","Tianlong Babu","Legend of Shooting Heroes"} # Use the set() function (constructor) to create a set set movies = set() movies.add("Tianlong Babu") movies.add("Legend of Shooting Heroes") print("movies Elements of the collection:" , movies) # The issubset() method has the same effect as the < = operator print("movies Whether the collection is c Subset of?", (movies <= c)) # Output False print("***"*20) e = set(range(5)) f = set(range(3, 7)) print("e Elements of the collection:" , e) print("f Elements of the collection:" , f) # Performs an XOR operation on two sets xor = e ^ f print('e and f implement xor Results:', xor) # Directly create a collection containing elements d = {"python object-oriented", 'python Basics', 'python Reptile'} print("d Elements of the collection:" , d) # Calculate the intersection of two sets without changing the d set itself inter1 = d & movies print(inter1) ''' Output result: movies Elements of the collection: {'Tianlong Babu', 'Legend of Shooting Heroes'} movies Whether the collection is c Subset of? True ************************************************************ e Elements of the collection: {0, 1, 2, 3, 4} f Elements of the collection: {3, 4, 5, 6} e and f implement xor Results: {0, 1, 2, 5, 6} d Elements of the collection: {'python Basics', 'python object-oriented', 'python Reptile'} set() '''
IV Guess you like it
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- Python local and global variables
- Difference between Python type function and isinstance function
- Python is and = = difference
- Python variable and immutable data types
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- Python sys module
- Python list
- Python tuple
- Python dictionary dict
- Python conditional derivation
- Python list derivation
- Python dictionary derivation
- Python function declarations and calls
- Python indefinite length parameter * argc/**kargcs
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