Python text parser

Posted by amycrystal123 on Tue, 20 Aug 2019 10:54:59 +0200

I. Project Introduction

This tutorial describes a small program that uses Python to parse plain text and generate an HTML page.

II. Relevant Technology

Python: An object-oriented, interpretive computer programming language that can be used for Web development, graphics processing, text processing and mathematical processing.

HTML: Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), which is mainly used to implement web pages.

Project screenshots

Plain text files:

Welcome to hello world


The HTML page generated after parsing is shown below.



IV. Project Explanation

1. Text Block Generator

First, we need a text block generator to divide plain text into text blocks one by one so that each text can be parsed quickly. The code is as follows:

# encoding: utf-8

def lines(file):
    //Generator, add a blank line at the end of the text
    for line in file: yield line
    yield '\n'

def blocks(file):
    //Generator, generating separate text blocks
    block = []
    for line in lines(file):
        if line.strip():
        elif block:
            yield ''.join(block).strip()
            block = []


2. Processing procedures

Through the text generator, we get one text block after another. Then we need to add HTML tags to different text blocks by the code is as follows:

# encoding: utf-8

class Handler:
    //Handler parent
    def callback(self, prefix, name, *args):
        method = getattr(self, prefix + name, None)
        if callable(method): return method(*args)

    def start(self, name):
        self.callback('start_', name)

    def end(self, name):
        self.callback('end_', name)

    def sub(self, name):
        def substitution(match):
            result = self.callback('sub_', name, match)
            if result is None: result =
            return result
        return substitution

class HTMLRenderer(Handler):
    HTML processing program,Adding corresponding blocks of text HTML sign
    def start_document(self):
        print '<html><head><title>ShiYanLou</title></head><body>'

    def end_document(self):
        print '</body></html>'

    def start_paragraph(self):
        print '<p style="color: #444;">'

    def end_paragraph(self):
        print '</p>'

    def start_heading(self):
        print '<h2 style="color: #68BE5D;">'

    def end_heading(self):
        print '</h2>'

    def start_list(self):
        print '<ul style="color: #363736;">'

    def end_list(self):
        print '</ul>'

    def start_listitem(self):
        print '<li>'

    def end_listitem(self):
        print '</li>'

    def start_title(self):
        print '<h1 style="color: #1ABC9C;">'

    def end_title(self):
        print '</h1>'

    def sub_emphasis(self, match):
        return '<em>%s</em>' %

    def sub_url(self, match):
        return '<a target="_blank" style="text-decoration: none;color: #BC1A4B;" href="%s">%s</a>' % (,

    def sub_mail(self, match):
        return '<a style="text-decoration: none;color: #BC1A4B;" href="mailto:%s">%s</a>' % (,

    def feed(self, data):
        print data


3. Rules

With handlers and text block generators, you need rules to determine what tags each text block will add to the handler. The code is as follows:

# encoding: utf-8

class Rule:
    //Rule parent class
    def action(self, block, handler):
        return True

class HeadingRule(Rule):
    //Title Rule No. 1
    type = 'heading'
    def condition(self, block):
        //Judging whether a text block conforms to the rules
        return not '\n' in block and len(block) <= 70 and not block[-1] == ':'

class TitleRule(HeadingRule):
    //Title Rule No.2
    type = 'title'
    first = True

    def condition(self, block):
        if not self.first: return False
        self.first = False
        return HeadingRule.condition(self, block);

class ListItemRule(Rule):
    //List Item Rules
    type = 'listitem'
    def condition(self, block):
        return block[0] == '-'

    def action(self, block, handler):
        return True

class ListRule(ListItemRule):
    //List rules
    type = 'list'
    inside = False
    def condition(self, block):
        return True

    def action(self, block, handler):
        if not self.inside and ListItemRule.condition(self, block):
            self.inside = True
        elif self.inside and not ListItemRule.condition(self, block):
            self.inside = False
        return False

class ParagraphRule(Rule):
    //Paragraph rule
    type = 'paragraph'

    def condition(self, block):
        return True


4. Analysis

Finally, we can parse it. The code is as follows:

# encoding: utf-8

import sys, re
from handlers import *
from util import *
from rules import *

class Parser:
    //Parser parent class
    def __init__(self, handler):
        self.handler = handler
        self.rules = []
        self.filters = []

    def addRule(self, rule):
        //Adding rules

    def addFilter(self, pattern, name):
        //Adding filters
        def filter(block, handler):
            return re.sub(pattern, handler.sub(name), block)

    def parse(self, file):
        for block in blocks(file):
            for filter in self.filters:
                block = filter(block, self.handler)
            for rule in self.rules:
                if rule.condition(block):
                    last = rule.action(block, self.handler)
                    if last: break

class BasicTextParser(Parser):
    //Plain text parser
    def __init__(self, handler):
        Parser.__init__(self, handler)

        self.addFilter(r'\*(.+?)\*', 'emphasis')
        self.addFilter(r'(http://[\.a-zA-Z/]+)', 'url')
        self.addFilter(r'([\.a-zA-Z]+@[\.a-zA-Z]+[a-zA-Z]+)', 'mail')

//Running program
handler = HTMLRenderer()
parser = BasicTextParser(handler)


Run the program (test.txt for plain text file and test.html for HTML file)

python < test.txt > test.html


V. Summary

In this small program, we use Python to parse plain text files and generate HTML files. This is just a simple implementation. Through this case, you can try to parse Markdown files.

Topics: Python encoding Programming Web Development