Python + Tornado framework sharing

Posted by itaym02 on Thu, 06 Jan 2022 11:50:26 +0100

Today's theme:

The Tornado framework of Python belongs to a Web framework of Python. It is a Web server and Web application framework written by python.

Step 1: what is Tornado

Tornado is a Python based Web services framework and asynchronous network library.

It was first developed by FriendFeed. By using non blocking network I/O, Tornado can carry thousands of active connections and perfectly realize long connections, WebSockets and other programs that need long connections for every user.

Step 2: what are the advantages of Tornado

What are the advantages of Tornado and why should we use it?

• lightweight Web framework

• asynchronous non blocking IO processing mode

• excellent load resistance

• excellent processing performance, independent of multi process / multithreading, solves C10K problem to a certain extent

• WSGI is a full stack alternative product. It is recommended to use its Web framework and HTTP server at the same time

Step 3: how to install Tornado

pip install tornado [Install the latest stable version]

pip install tornado==version [[specify version installation]

Step 4: Tornado core content

4.1 Tornado.Web: tornado's basic web framework

• RequestHandler: encapsulates all information and processing methods for request processing

• get/post/..: Encapsulate the corresponding request mode

• write(): a method of encapsulating response information and writing response information

4.2 Tornado.ioloop: core IO loop module, encapsulating Epoll of Linux and kqueue of BSD, and the core of tornado high-performance processing.

• current() returns the IOLoop instance object of the current thread

• start() starts the IO cycle of the IOLoop object and starts listening

4.3 HttpServer listening port

• tornado.httpserver.HTTPServer(app)

• httpserver.listen(port)

4.4 HttpServer realizes multi process operation

• tornado.httpserver.HTTPServer(app)

• httpserver.bind(port)

• httpserver.start(0/None/<0/num)

Step 5: program structure and description profile:

import os


#to configure
    "template_path":os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "templates"),  #Define the address of the view page and put it in the html file
    "static_path":os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "static"),  #Define static templates and put them in {css,js and other files
    # "debug":True,  #Is it in debug mode
    "autoescape":None,  #Do not set escape character
    "cookie_secret":"QjyutYf0RBW9DRweq4s+TozDU7esgEUTqQy0M6c5II8=",  #Security cookie
    "xsrf_cookies": False,
    "login_url": "/login",
} routing profile:

import tornado.web
import Python_Tornoda.config as config
from Python_Tornoda.util import mysqldb
from Python_Tornoda.view.views import MainHandler
from Python_Tornoda.view.views import LoginHandler
from tornado.web import StaticFileHandler
import os

current_path = os.path.dirname(__file__)

class Appliction(tornado.web.Application):
    def __init__(self):
            (r"/index/(?P<page>\d*)", MainHandler),
            (r'^/(.*?)$', StaticFileHandler,{"path": os.path.join(current_path, "templates"), "default_filename": "main.html"}),
        super(Appliction,self).__init__(handers,**config.setting) view function file, take "login" as an example:

from Python_Tornoda.util.bussiness import get_data,execute_sql
from Python_Tornoda.util.Pagination import Pagination
from tornado.web import RequestHandler
import time

page_num=5 #Number of items displayed per page

#Home page after login
class MainHandler(RequestHandler):
    def get(self,page):
        sql1 = "select id,pms_name,content,status,mark,create_time from tornado_info order by create_time desc"
        itemList = get_data(sql1)

        page_obj = Pagination(pages, len(itemList), page_num)
        current_list = itemList[page_obj.start:page_obj.end]
        str_pageCtrl = page_obj.pageCtrl('/index/')
        self.render('info.html', items=current_list, current_page=page_obj.currentPage, pageCtrl=str_pageCtrl, )

class LoginHandler(RegisterHandler):
    def set_default_headers(self):
        print('-----set_default_headers:default setting----')
        self.set_header('Content-Type', 'application/json')

    def initialize(self):
        print("-----_initialize Initialization operation-----")
        print("-----_Initialize database connection-----")
        print("-----_Initialize open file-----")

    def prepare(self):
        print("-----prepare Do some preparatory work-----")
        print("-----Load configuration item-----")

    def get(self, *args, **kwargs):
        print("----get Request processing---")
        print("----Here you need to click Yes according to the page get Request to process---")
        if(username=="1" and password=="1"):

    def post(self,*args,**kwargs):
        print("----post Request processing---")
        print("----Here you need to click Yes according to the page post Request to process---")
        username = self.get_body_argument("username")
        password = self.get_body_argument("password")
        self.set_secure_cookie(username, password)
        if (username == "1" and password == "1"):

    def write_error(self, status_code: int, **kwargs):
            self.write("the server is wrong")
            self.write("it's not found")
            self.write("the other of error")

    def on_finish(self):
        print("----Processing ends and resources are released----")
        print("----release db connect----")
        print("----close a file handle----") program entry file:

import tornado.ioloop
import tornado.web
import Python_Tornoda.application as app
import Python_Tornoda.config as config

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print("starting tornado...")
    app = app.Appliction()
    httpServer = tornado.httpserver.HTTPServer(app)

Step 6: front end code

Login.html: login page code

You can see in the red box how to submit / login

Index.html: home page code after login

Step7: page effect

7.1 the login page is displayed as follows:

7.2 after login, the main page is displayed as follows:

Note: Although the page is a little simple, the sparrow is small and has all kinds of internal organs. Ha ha~

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Topics: Python Front-end Tornado