[Python3 Crawler] Crawl records of JS-encrypted data at once

Posted by k4pil on Thu, 16 Jan 2020 03:39:27 +0100

1. Preface

This is a record of cracking JS encrypted data on a website at:


To get the investment event information on this page, you can first confirm that the data is transmitted through AJax, not written directly in the source code of the web page.


2. Steps

1. Grab a bag

Open the developer tool, refresh the page, and select the XHR option to find the following request information:


You can see that the returned result contains a status code, a return message, and encrypt_data, which is an encrypted string. How do you decrypt it?Look down.

2. Analysis

This assumes that the decryption method is contained in a JS file, but it is impossible to open each file to find it.So lazy, press Ctrl + F to search "encrypt_data" globally and get the following results:


There is only one JS file in the result of the search, open it and format it, and then search for "encrypt_data" in this file. Although there are six matches, it can still be located basically through the context:


Here e.encrypt_data is the returned encrypted data, so guess that Object(u.a) in the code above is the decryption function!

3. Debugging

Open the JS file above in Source, break in line 10644, refresh the page, and you will see that the variable i is the interface we found earlier,'investEventVip':


The next thing to do is locate the function corresponding to Object(u.a), as shown below:


You can see that five of the six parameters of the s function have default values, and all we need to do is get the result of a.a.decode(t) and pass it into the s function.

Continue debugging, break at line 10940, press F8 to continue, and locate the function corresponding to s as follows:


Neither here nor how the s function works, first look for a.a.decode() function, a s shown below:



3. Decryption

Through previous packages, analysis, and debugging, we already know what the secret method is, but so much JavaScript code takes a lot of time to fully understand and implement in Python, so here's a lazy way to run JS code directly using the third-party library PyExecJS.

1. Introduction to PyExecJS

PyExecJS is a migration of ExecJS from Ruby.PyExecJS automatically selects the best runtime to evaluate the JavaScript program and returns the result as a Python object.If you have not already installed this library, you can use the pip command to install it:

pip install PyExecJS

Three common methods for PyExecJS libraries are as follows:

  • eval() executes a string expression and returns the result of the expression.
  • compile() is used to compile JavaScript code, such as defining functions and methods.
  • call() is used to call functions and methods defined by compile(), which can be passed by reference.

The following are examples of using the library to illustrate:

 1 import execjs
 4 n1 = execjs.eval("1 + 2")
 5 print(n1)  # 3
 7 ctx = execjs.compile(
 8     """
 9     function add(x, y) {
10         return x + y;
11     }
12     """
13 )
14 n2 = ctx.call("add", 3, 4)
15 print(n2)  # 7

2. Decrypt using Python

To decrypt using PyExecJS, you need to copy the s and decode functions you found earlier and compile them using compile as follows:

js = execjs.compile(r"""
function my_decrypt(t) {
    return new Buffer(s("5e5062e82f15fe4ca9d24bc5", my_decode(t), 0, 0, "012345677890123", 1)).toString("base64")

//Decrypt Function Dependencies
function my_decode(t) {
    c = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"
    f = /[\t\n\f\r ]/g
    var e = (t = String(t).replace(f, "")).length;
    e % 4 == 0 && (e = (t = t.replace(/==?$/, "")).length),
    (e % 4 == 1 || /[^+a-zA-Z0-9/]/.test(t)) && l("Invalid character: the string to be decoded is not correctly encoded.");
    for (var n, r, i = 0, o = "", a = -1; ++a < e; )
        r = c.indexOf(t.charAt(a)),
            n = i % 4 ? 64 * n + r : r,
        i++ % 4 && (o += String.fromCharCode(255 & n >> (-2 * i & 6)));
    return o

function s(t, e, i, n, a, s) {
    var o, r, c, l, u, d, h, p, f, v, m, g, b, y, C = new Array(16843776,0,65536,16843780,16842756,66564,4,65536,1024,16843776,16843780,1024,16778244,16842756,16777216,4,1028,16778240,16778240,66560,66560,16842752,16842752,16778244,65540,16777220,16777220,65540,0,1028,66564,16777216,65536,16843780,4,16842752,16843776,16777216,16777216,1024,16842756,65536,66560,16777220,1024,4,16778244,66564,16843780,65540,16842752,16778244,16777220,1028,66564,16843776,1028,16778240,16778240,0,65540,66560,0,16842756), _ = new Array(-2146402272,-2147450880,32768,1081376,1048576,32,-2146435040,-2147450848,-2147483616,-2146402272,-2146402304,-2147483648,-2147450880,1048576,32,-2146435040,1081344,1048608,-2147450848,0,-2147483648,32768,1081376,-2146435072,1048608,-2147483616,0,1081344,32800,-2146402304,-2146435072,32800,0,1081376,-2146435040,1048576,-2147450848,-2146435072,-2146402304,32768,-2146435072,-2147450880,32,-2146402272,1081376,32,32768,-2147483648,32800,-2146402304,1048576,-2147483616,1048608,-2147450848,-2147483616,1048608,1081344,0,-2147450880,32800,-2147483648,-2146435040,-2146402272,1081344), w = new Array(520,134349312,0,134348808,134218240,0,131592,134218240,131080,134217736,134217736,131072,134349320,131080,134348800,520,134217728,8,134349312,512,131584,134348800,134348808,131592,134218248,131584,131072,134218248,8,134349320,512,134217728,134349312,134217728,131080,520,131072,134349312,134218240,0,512,131080,134349320,134218240,134217736,512,0,134348808,134218248,131072,134217728,134349320,8,131592,131584,134217736,134348800,134218248,520,134348800,131592,8,134348808,131584), x = new Array(8396801,8321,8321,128,8396928,8388737,8388609,8193,0,8396800,8396800,8396929,129,0,8388736,8388609,1,8192,8388608,8396801,128,8388608,8193,8320,8388737,1,8320,8388736,8192,8396928,8396929,129,8388736,8388609,8396800,8396929,129,0,0,8396800,8320,8388736,8388737,1,8396801,8321,8321,128,8396929,129,1,8192,8388609,8193,8396928,8388737,8193,8320,8388608,8396801,128,8388608,8192,8396928), k = new Array(256,34078976,34078720,1107296512,524288,256,1073741824,34078720,1074266368,524288,33554688,1074266368,1107296512,1107820544,524544,1073741824,33554432,1074266112,1074266112,0,1073742080,1107820800,1107820800,33554688,1107820544,1073742080,0,1107296256,34078976,33554432,1107296256,524544,524288,1107296512,256,33554432,1073741824,34078720,1107296512,1074266368,33554688,1073741824,1107820544,34078976,1074266368,256,33554432,1107820544,1107820800,524544,1107296256,1107820800,34078720,0,1074266112,1107296256,524544,33554688,1073742080,524288,0,1074266112,34078976,1073742080), T = new Array(536870928,541065216,16384,541081616,541065216,16,541081616,4194304,536887296,4210704,4194304,536870928,4194320,536887296,536870912,16400,0,4194320,536887312,16384,4210688,536887312,16,541065232,541065232,0,4210704,541081600,16400,4210688,541081600,536870912,536887296,16,541065232,4210688,541081616,4194304,16400,536870928,4194304,536887296,536870912,16400,536870928,541081616,4210688,541065216,4210704,541081600,0,541065232,16,16384,541065216,4210704,16384,4194320,536887312,0,541081600,536870912,4194320,536887312), A = new Array(2097152,69206018,67110914,0,2048,67110914,2099202,69208064,69208066,2097152,0,67108866,2,67108864,69206018,2050,67110912,2099202,2097154,67110912,67108866,69206016,69208064,2097154,69206016,2048,2050,69208066,2099200,2,67108864,2099200,67108864,2099200,2097152,67110914,67110914,69206018,69206018,2,2097154,67108864,67110912,2097152,69208064,2050,2099202,69208064,2050,67108866,69208066,69206016,2099200,0,2,69208066,0,2099202,69206016,2048,67108866,67110912,2048,2097154), L = new Array(268439616,4096,262144,268701760,268435456,268439616,64,268435456,262208,268697600,268701760,266240,268701696,266304,4096,64,268697600,268435520,268439552,4160,266240,262208,268697664,268701696,4160,0,0,268697664,268435520,268439552,266304,262144,266304,262144,268701696,4096,64,268697664,4096,266304,268439552,64,268435520,268697600,268697664,268435456,262144,268439616,0,268701760,262208,268435520,268697600,268439552,268439616,0,268701760,266240,266240,4160,4160,262208,268435456,268701696), S = function(t) {
        for (var e, i, n, a = new Array(0,4,536870912,536870916,65536,65540,536936448,536936452,512,516,536871424,536871428,66048,66052,536936960,536936964), s = new Array(0,1,1048576,1048577,67108864,67108865,68157440,68157441,256,257,1048832,1048833,67109120,67109121,68157696,68157697), o = new Array(0,8,2048,2056,16777216,16777224,16779264,16779272,0,8,2048,2056,16777216,16777224,16779264,16779272), r = new Array(0,2097152,134217728,136314880,8192,2105344,134225920,136323072,131072,2228224,134348800,136445952,139264,2236416,134356992,136454144), c = new Array(0,262144,16,262160,0,262144,16,262160,4096,266240,4112,266256,4096,266240,4112,266256), l = new Array(0,1024,32,1056,0,1024,32,1056,33554432,33555456,33554464,33555488,33554432,33555456,33554464,33555488), u = new Array(0,268435456,524288,268959744,2,268435458,524290,268959746,0,268435456,524288,268959744,2,268435458,524290,268959746), d = new Array(0,65536,2048,67584,536870912,536936448,536872960,536938496,131072,196608,133120,198656,537001984,537067520,537004032,537069568), h = new Array(0,262144,0,262144,2,262146,2,262146,33554432,33816576,33554432,33816576,33554434,33816578,33554434,33816578), p = new Array(0,268435456,8,268435464,0,268435456,8,268435464,1024,268436480,1032,268436488,1024,268436480,1032,268436488), f = new Array(0,32,0,32,1048576,1048608,1048576,1048608,8192,8224,8192,8224,1056768,1056800,1056768,1056800), v = new Array(0,16777216,512,16777728,2097152,18874368,2097664,18874880,67108864,83886080,67109376,83886592,69206016,85983232,69206528,85983744), m = new Array(0,4096,134217728,134221824,524288,528384,134742016,134746112,16,4112,134217744,134221840,524304,528400,134742032,134746128), g = new Array(0,4,256,260,0,4,256,260,1,5,257,261,1,5,257,261), b = t.length > 8 ? 3 : 1, y = new Array(32 * b), C = new Array(0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,0), _ = 0, w = 0, x = 0; x < b; x++) {
            var k = t.charCodeAt(_++) << 24 | t.charCodeAt(_++) << 16 | t.charCodeAt(_++) << 8 | t.charCodeAt(_++)
                , T = t.charCodeAt(_++) << 24 | t.charCodeAt(_++) << 16 | t.charCodeAt(_++) << 8 | t.charCodeAt(_++);
            k ^= (n = 252645135 & (k >>> 4 ^ T)) << 4,
                k ^= n = 65535 & ((T ^= n) >>> -16 ^ k),
                k ^= (n = 858993459 & (k >>> 2 ^ (T ^= n << -16))) << 2,
                k ^= n = 65535 & ((T ^= n) >>> -16 ^ k),
                k ^= (n = 1431655765 & (k >>> 1 ^ (T ^= n << -16))) << 1,
                k ^= n = 16711935 & ((T ^= n) >>> 8 ^ k),
                n = (k ^= (n = 1431655765 & (k >>> 1 ^ (T ^= n << 8))) << 1) << 8 | (T ^= n) >>> 20 & 240,
                k = T << 24 | T << 8 & 16711680 | T >>> 8 & 65280 | T >>> 24 & 240,
                T = n;
            for (var A = 0; A < C.length; A++)
                C[A] ? (k = k << 2 | k >>> 26,
                    T = T << 2 | T >>> 26) : (k = k << 1 | k >>> 27,
                    T = T << 1 | T >>> 27),
                    T &= -15,
                    e = a[(k &= -15) >>> 28] | s[k >>> 24 & 15] | o[k >>> 20 & 15] | r[k >>> 16 & 15] | c[k >>> 12 & 15] | l[k >>> 8 & 15] | u[k >>> 4 & 15],
                    i = d[T >>> 28] | h[T >>> 24 & 15] | p[T >>> 20 & 15] | f[T >>> 16 & 15] | v[T >>> 12 & 15] | m[T >>> 8 & 15] | g[T >>> 4 & 15],
                    n = 65535 & (i >>> 16 ^ e),
                    y[w++] = e ^ n,
                    y[w++] = i ^ n << 16
        return y
    }(t), z = 0, B = e.length, j = 0, I = 32 == S.length ? 3 : 9;
    p = 3 == I ? i ? new Array(0,32,2) : new Array(30,-2,-2) : i ? new Array(0,32,2,62,30,-2,64,96,2) : new Array(94,62,-2,32,64,2,30,-2,-2),
        2 == s ? e += "        " : 1 == s ? i && (c = 8 - B % 8,
            e += String.fromCharCode(c, c, c, c, c, c, c, c),
        8 === c && (B += 8)) : s || (e += "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0");
    var F = ""
        , O = "";
    for (1 == n && (f = a.charCodeAt(z++) << 24 | a.charCodeAt(z++) << 16 | a.charCodeAt(z++) << 8 | a.charCodeAt(z++),
        m = a.charCodeAt(z++) << 24 | a.charCodeAt(z++) << 16 | a.charCodeAt(z++) << 8 | a.charCodeAt(z++),
        z = 0); z < B; ) {
        for (d = e.charCodeAt(z++) << 24 | e.charCodeAt(z++) << 16 | e.charCodeAt(z++) << 8 | e.charCodeAt(z++),
                 h = e.charCodeAt(z++) << 24 | e.charCodeAt(z++) << 16 | e.charCodeAt(z++) << 8 | e.charCodeAt(z++),
             1 == n && (i ? (d ^= f,
                 h ^= m) : (v = f,
                 g = m,
                 f = d,
                 m = h)),
                 d ^= (c = 252645135 & (d >>> 4 ^ h)) << 4,
                 d ^= (c = 65535 & (d >>> 16 ^ (h ^= c))) << 16,
                 d ^= c = 858993459 & ((h ^= c) >>> 2 ^ d),
                 d ^= c = 16711935 & ((h ^= c << 2) >>> 8 ^ d),
                 d = (d ^= (c = 1431655765 & (d >>> 1 ^ (h ^= c << 8))) << 1) << 1 | d >>> 31,
                 h = (h ^= c) << 1 | h >>> 31,
                 r = 0; r < I; r += 3) {
            for (b = p[r + 1],
                     y = p[r + 2],
                     o = p[r]; o != b; o += y)
                l = h ^ S[o],
                    u = (h >>> 4 | h << 28) ^ S[o + 1],
                    c = d,
                    d = h,
                    h = c ^ (_[l >>> 24 & 63] | x[l >>> 16 & 63] | T[l >>> 8 & 63] | L[63 & l] | C[u >>> 24 & 63] | w[u >>> 16 & 63] | k[u >>> 8 & 63] | A[63 & u]);
            c = d,
                d = h,
                h = c
        h = h >>> 1 | h << 31,
            h ^= c = 1431655765 & ((d = d >>> 1 | d << 31) >>> 1 ^ h),
            h ^= (c = 16711935 & (h >>> 8 ^ (d ^= c << 1))) << 8,
            h ^= (c = 858993459 & (h >>> 2 ^ (d ^= c))) << 2,
            h ^= c = 65535 & ((d ^= c) >>> 16 ^ h),
            h ^= c = 252645135 & ((d ^= c << 16) >>> 4 ^ h),
            d ^= c << 4,
        1 == n && (i ? (f = d,
            m = h) : (d ^= v,
            h ^= g)),
            O += String.fromCharCode(d >>> 24, d >>> 16 & 255, d >>> 8 & 255, 255 & d, h >>> 24, h >>> 16 & 255, h >>> 8 & 255, 255 & h),
        512 == (j += 8) && (F += O,
            O = "",
            j = 0)
    if (F = (F += O).replace(/\0*$/g, ""),
        !i) {
        if (1 === s) {
            var $ = 0;
            (B = F.length) && ($ = F.charCodeAt(B - 1)),
            $ <= 8 && (F = F.substring(0, B - $))
        F = decodeURIComponent(escape(F))
    return F

The call() method is then used to decrypt the call by:

js.call('my_decrypt', encrypt_data)

However, the result of this step is encrypted using base64, so you will have to decrypt it using base64.b64decode() to get the final result.


Complete code uploaded to GitHub!

Topics: Python Javascript pip Ruby