PyTorch learning notes - use of data set and data loader

Posted by bbauder on Mon, 07 Mar 2022 21:20:47 +0100

1. Purpose of using data loader in the model

In the previous linear regression model, we use very little data, so we directly put all the data into the model. However, in deep learning, the amount of data is usually very large. With such a large amount of data, it is impossible to carry out forward calculation and back propagation in the model at one time. Often, we will randomly disrupt the order of the whole data, process the data into batch es, and preprocess the data at the same time.

Therefore, the next step is to introduce the data loading method in pytorch.

2. Dataset class

2.1 introduction to dataset base class:

The base class of data set torch. Is provided in torch utils. data. Dataset, which inherits this base class, enables us to load data very quickly.

torch. utils. data. The source code of dataset is as follows:

from import Dataset

class Dataset(object):

	def __getitem__(self, index):
		raise NotImplementedError
	def __len__(se1f):
		raise NotImp lementedError
	def __add__(se1f, other):
		return ConcatDataset([self, other])

It can be seen that we need to inherit the Dataset class in the custom Dataset class, and we also need to implement two methods:

  1. __ 1en__ Method, which can obtain the number of elements through the global len() method;
  2. __ getitem__ Method, which can obtain data by passing in the index, for example, obtain the second index through dataset[i] i i i pieces of data.

2.2 data loading cases:

Here is an example to see how to use Dataset to load data:

Data source: my data is the temperature data of Gansu Province, which is text data. You can find the data at will and practice.

Read the data using pandas, and then implement the custom dataset class, which is actually the implementation of the above__ 1en__ Methods and__ getitem__ Method, the following is the code:

from import Dataset, DataLoader
import torch
import pandas as pd

data_path = r"./data/wendu_8_4_9_2.csv"

# Complete dataset class
class MyDataset(Dataset):
    def __init__(self): = pd.read_csv(data_path).values # DataFrame type, which is converted into numpy type through values

    def __getitem__(self, index):
        Must be achieved, the role is:Get a piece of data corresponding to the index
        :param index:
        return MyDataset.to_tensor([index])

    def __len__(self):
        It must be implemented to get the size of the data set
        return len(

    def to_tensor(data):
        take ndarray convert to tensor
        :param data: 
        return torch.from_numpy(data)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    data = MyDataset() # Instantiate object
    print(data[0]) # Take the first data
    print(len(data)) # Get length

3. Iterative data set

The above method can be used to read data, but there are still many contents that have not been realized:

  • Batching the data
  • Shuffling the data
  • Loading data in parallel using multithreading and multiprocessing

In PyTorch, torch utils. data. Dataloader provides all of the above methods

DataLoader usage example:

from import DataLoader
import torch
import pandas as pd

data = MyDataset() # Instantiate the object and the previously customized dataset class

# DataLoader is in this line. In fact, it can be called directly
data_loader = DataLoader(dataset=data, batch_size=2, shuffle=True, num_workers=2)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    for i in data_loader: # Can iterate

The meaning of parameters:

  • 1. Dataset: an instance of a dataset defined in advance;
  • 2,batch_size: the batch size of the incoming data, usually 32, 64, 128, 256 '
  • 3. shuffle: bool type, indicating whether to disrupt the data in advance each time data is obtained;
  • 4,num_workers: the number of threads that load data.
  • 5,drop_last: bool type. If it is true, it means that the last data is less than a batch and is deleted

The results returned by the data iterator are as follows:

One thing to note here is that if we get the length of our custom dataset class MyDataset object data and DataLoader object data at the same time_ According to the length of the loader, we will find:
data_ The length of loader is the length of data divided by batch_size. As shown below, I will batch_ If size is set to 2, it is as follows:


# Output:

At the same time, it should be noted that if the division is not complete, it will be rounded up, that is, if our batch_zize=16, but there is only one piece of data in the end. This one is regarded as a batch, which is the output of len(data_loader).

Then we can feed the data into our model.

If useful, welcome to praise, if there is any mistake, please correct, thank you!!!

Topics: Pytorch