Quick browse Swift notes

Posted by mhodge87 on Sun, 20 Feb 2022 08:27:22 +0100

Quick browse Swift notes

Quick browse Swift: https://docs.swift.org/swift-book/GuidedTour/GuidedTour.html

Variables are also constants

//Multiline string, using "" ""

let quotation = """
I said "I have \(3) apples."
And then I said "I have \(3 + 4) pieces of fruit."

//Create an empty array, variable

var array = [String]()

//Create an empty dictionary. key is of String type and value is of Float type

var dictionary = [String: Float]()

//Create a dictionary. key is of String type and value is of any type

var dictionary1 = [String: Any]()


var string = "hello"

//Optional type?

var optionnalString: String? = "hello"

control flow

// if let

if let str = optionnalString {

//Optional type

//let nickName: String = nil / / error: 'nil' cannot initialize specified type 'String'
let nickName: String? = nil  // It feels like a trinocular operator. If there is no, it is nil
let fullName: String = "John"
// ??  Operator set default
let name: String = "My name is \(nickName ?? fullName)"

//Switch supports any type of comparison, not limited to integer comparison

Functions and closures


// func function name (formal parameter) - > return value
func <#name#>(<#parameters#>) -> <#return type#> {
<#function body#>
func person(fullName name: String, age: Int) -> String {
    return "\(name) age:\(age)"

//About formal parameters:
// 1. In parentheses (), the words of multiple parameters are separated by commas, which is the same as in most languages
// 2. Before the colon is the formal parameter, after the colon is an empty space, followed by the parameter type
// 3. Shape parameters can be preceded by a "parameter label". It can also not be written. If it is not written in the old version of Swift, you need to use "" to indicate that no parameter label is used. In Swift5, the existence of parameter labels is weakened. No error will be reported without writing, adding "" and compiling

//Use () to define a tuple
//Tuples can be used as function return values

func calculatesStatistics(scores: [Int]) -> (min: Int, max: Int, sum: Int) {
    var min = scores[0]
    var max = scores[0]
    var sum = 0

    for score in scores {
        if score > max {
            max = score
        } else if score < min {
            min = score
        sum += score
    return (min, max, sum)

//Function nesting
//Implementation of nesting another function in one function

//Function as the return value of another function
//Returning a function in () looks like returning a function as an element of a tuple
//((function parameter) - > return value of function)

func makeIncrementer() -> ((Int) -> Int) {
    func addOne(num: Int) -> Int {
        return num+1
    return addOne(num:)

//Function as parameter


Objects and classes

//class name

class Shape {
    // Variable
    var numberOfSides = 0
    // constant
    let sumNumbers = 100

    // initialization
    init(sides: Int) {
        numberOfSides = sides
    func simpleDescription() -> String {
        return "A shape with \(numberOfSides) sides."

//Create a shape instance

var shape = Shape()
shape.numberOfSides = 10


class rectangle: Shape {

    var sideLength: Double
    var sidWidth: Double

    // ?  Will an error be reported if sideLength and sidWidth are not added to the init function? Why?
    init(sideLength: Double, sidWidth: Double, sides: Int) {
        self.sideLength = sideLength
        self.sidWidth = sidWidth
        super.init(sides: sides)

    // Define a variable and write set and get methods by the way
    var perimeter: Double {
        get {
            return 3.0 * sideLength
        } set {
            sideLength = newValue / 3.0   // The newValue here is more interesting. After set, a tep value will be saved first, which is newValue.

    // willSet and didSet

enum and struct


enum AliasAPI: Int {
    case register = 1
    case login
    case getPersonalInfo
    case updatePersionalInfo

    func API() -> String {
        switch self {
        case .register:
            return "register/v1"
        case .login:
            return "login/v1"
        case .getPersonalInfo:
            return "getPersonalInfo/v2"
        case .updatePersionalInfo:
            return "updatePersionalInfo/v2"

let api = AliasAPI.login
let apiRawValue = api.rawValue
let apiString = api.API()

//enum APICommad: String {
//    case register
//    case login
//    case getPersonalInfo
//    case updatePersionalInfo
//func getApi(command: APICommad) -> String {
//    return command.rawValue
//let apiValue = getApi(command: .login)

enum APICommad: String {
    case register
    case login
    case getPersonalInfo
    case updatePersionalInfo
let apiValue = APICommad.login

Protocols and extensions

// protocol
//Classes, enumerations, and structures can all use protocols.

//Declare an agreement

protocol ActivitiseProtocol {
    var name: String { get }  // There's no {get} here. It's popular
    var age: Int { get }
    mutating func eat()  // Why use mutating to modify

class Person: ActivitiseProtocol {
    var name: String = ""
    var age: Int = 0
    var dog: Dog?
    func eat() {
        print("having dinner")

class Dog: ActivitiseProtocol {
    var name: String = ""
    var age: Int = 0
    func eat() {
        print("Eat dog food")

var dog = Dog()
dog.name = "Huahua"

var p = Person()
p.name = "Xiaoming"
p.dog = dog

print(p.dog?.name ?? "")

error handling

//Use this Error protocol to customize the Error type

enum XXError: Error { // Note that Error is a protocol here
    case parater
    case api
    case url
    case network

//throw throws an error, which is similar to other languages

// do- catch. It's the same as other languages

do {
} catch {

// try?

// defer

//Write a name in < > to represent a common type. This is the same as the generic type in C# and should be available in other languages

func makeArray<Item>(item: Item, numberOfTimes: Int) -> [Item] {
    var result = [Item]()
    for _ in 0..<numberOfTimes {
    return result

var myArray:[String] = makeArray(item: "value", numberOfTimes: 3)
var myArray1:[Dog] = makeArray(item: dog, numberOfTimes: 3)

Topics: Swift