As a subclass of RACSequence, RACStringSequence, as the name implies, deals with string data.
Complete test case Ad locum.
Method in analysis. m:
+ (RACSequence *)sequenceWithString:(NSString *)string offset:(NSUInteger)offset { NSCParameterAssert(offset <= string.length); if (offset == string.length) return self.empty; RACStringSequence *seq = [[self alloc] init]; seq->_string = [string copy]; seq->_offset = offset; return seq; }
Initialize a RACStringSequence object and save the parameter string offset.
Test case:
- (void)test_sequenceWithString { RACSequence *sequence = [RACStringSequence sequenceWithString:@"abc" offset:0]; NSLog(@"sequenceWithString -- %@", sequence); // Print log: /* 2018-08-17 17:27:52.782259+0800 TestRACStringSequence[51424:18355473] sequenceWithString -- <RACStringSequence: 0x6040004317e0>{ name = , string = abc } */ }
- (id)head { return [self.string substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(self.offset, 1)]; }
Call the substringWithRange: method through the saved string to get the character of the specified offset offset offset position as the head value.
Test case:
- (void)test_head { RACSequence *sequence = [RACStringSequence sequenceWithString:@"abc" offset:0]; NSLog(@"head -- %@", sequence.head); // Print log: /* 2018-08-17 17:30:05.796562+0800 TestRACStringSequence[51512:18362582] head -- a */ }
- (RACSequence *)tail { RACSequence *sequence = [self.class sequenceWithString:self.string offset:self.offset + 1]; =; return sequence; }
By calling sequenceWithString:offset: to increase the offset by 1, a RACSequence object is generated as the tail value.
Test case:
- (void)test_tail { RACSequence *sequence = [RACStringSequence sequenceWithString:@"abc" offset:0]; NSLog(@"tail -- %@", sequence.tail); // Print log: /* 2018-08-17 17:31:20.424395+0800 TestRACStringSequence[51571:18366588] tail -- <RACStringSequence: 0x604000231cc0>{ name = , string = bc } */ }
- (NSArray *)array { NSUInteger substringLength = self.string.length - self.offset; NSMutableArray *array = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:substringLength]; [self.string enumerateSubstringsInRange:NSMakeRange(self.offset, substringLength) options:NSStringEnumerationByComposedCharacterSequences usingBlock:^(NSString *substring, NSRange substringRange, NSRange enclosingRange, BOOL *stop) { [array addObject:substring]; }]; return [array copy]; }
Call enumeratesubstrings inrange: method through the saved string to get the character array consisting of all characters from the specified offset offset offset to the end of the string.
Test case:
- (void)test_array { RACSequence *sequence = [RACStringSequence sequenceWithString:@"abc" offset:0]; NSLog(@"array -- %@", sequence.array); // Print log: /* 2018-08-17 17:32:16.880412+0800 TestRACStringSequence[51625:18369711] array -- ( a, b, c ) */ }