raft theory and practice [3]-lab2a explanation

Posted by DesertFox07 on Fri, 17 Jan 2020 17:47:33 +0100

Explanation of lab2a experiment

1. raft structure complementary field of raft.go.Fields should be as close as possible to Figure2 from raft's paper.

type Raft struct {
    mu        sync.Mutex          // Lock to protect shared access to this peer's state
    peers     []*labrpc.ClientEnd // RPC end points of all peers
    persister *Persister          // Object to hold this peer's persisted state
    me        int                 // this peer's index into peers[]
    dead      int32               // set by Kill()

    // Your data here (2A, 2B, 2C).
    // Look at the paper's Figure 2 for a description of what
    // state a Raft server must maintain.
    state             int           // follower, candidate or leader
    resetTimer        chan struct{} // for reset election timer
    electionTimer     *time.Timer   // election timer
    electionTimeout   time.Duration // 400~800ms
    heartbeatInterval time.Duration // 100ms

    CurrentTerm int        // Persisted before responding to RPCs
    VotedFor    int        // Persisted before responding to RPCs
    Logs        []LogEntry // Persisted before responding to RPCs
    commitCond  *sync.Cond // for commitIndex update
    //newEntryCond []*sync.Cond // for new log entry
    commitIndex int           // Volatile state on all servers
    lastApplied int           // Volatile state on all servers
    nextIndex   []int         // Leader only, reinitialized after election
    matchIndex  []int         // Leader only, reinitialized after election
    applyCh     chan ApplyMsg // outgoing channel to service
    shutdownCh  chan struct{} // shutdown channel, shut raft instance gracefully

Get the term and state of the current raft node

func (rf *Raft) GetState() (int, bool) {

    var term int
    var isleader bool
    // Your code here (2A).
    defer rf.mu.Unlock()

    term = rf.CurrentTerm
    isleader = rf.state == Leader
    return term, isleader

2. Fill in the RequestVoteArgs and RequestVoteReply structures.

type RequestVoteArgs struct {
    // Your data here (2A, 2B).
    Term         int // candidate's term
    CandidateID  int // candidate requesting vote
    LastLogIndex int // index of candidate's last log entry
    LastLogTerm  int // term of candidate's last log entry

type RequestVoteReply struct {
    // Your data here (2A).
    CurrentTerm int  // currentTerm, for candidate to update itself
    VoteGranted bool // true means candidate received vote

Implement RPC Method RequestVote

  • 1. Get the number of logs of the current node and the term of the last log to determine the term of the current node.

  • 2. If the term of the calling node is less than the current node, return the current term and do not vote for it.

  • 3. If the term of the calling node is larger than the current node, modify the term of the current node and the current node becomes follower.

  • 4. If the term of the calling node is greater than or equal to the current node term and the number of logs of the calling node is greater than or equal to the log of the current node, the calling node votes.

  • 5. The election timeout for resetting the current node after voting.

func (rf *Raft) RequestVote(args *RequestVoteArgs, reply *RequestVoteReply) {
    // Your code here (2A, 2B).
    select {
    case <-rf.shutdownCh:
        DPrintf("[%d-%s]: peer %d is shutting down, reject RV rpc request.\n", rf.me, rf, rf.me)

    defer rf.mu.Unlock()

    lastLogIdx, lastLogTerm := rf.lastLogIndexAndTerm()

    DPrintf("[%d-%s]: rpc RV, from peer: %d, arg term: %d, my term: %d (last log idx: %d->%d, term: %d->%d)\n", rf.me, rf, args.CandidateID, args.Term, rf.CurrentTerm, args.LastLogIndex,
        lastLogIdx, args.LastLogTerm, lastLogTerm)

    if args.Term < rf.CurrentTerm {
        reply.CurrentTerm = rf.CurrentTerm
        reply.VoteGranted = false
    } else {
        if args.Term > rf.CurrentTerm {
            // convert to follower
            rf.CurrentTerm = args.Term
            rf.state = Follower
            rf.VotedFor = -1

        // if is null (follower) or itself is a candidate (or stale leader) with same term
        if rf.VotedFor == -1 { //|| (rf.VotedFor == rf.me && !sameTerm) { //|| rf.votedFor == args.CandidateID {
            // check whether candidate's log is at-least-as update
            if (args.LastLogTerm == lastLogTerm && args.LastLogIndex >= lastLogIdx) ||
                args.LastLogTerm > lastLogTerm {

                rf.resetTimer <- struct{}{}

                rf.state = Follower
                rf.VotedFor = args.CandidateID
                reply.VoteGranted = true

                DPrintf("[%d-%s]: peer %d vote to peer %d (last log idx: %d->%d, term: %d->%d)\n",
                    rf.me, rf, rf.me, args.CandidateID, args.LastLogIndex, lastLogIdx, args.LastLogTerm, lastLogTerm)

Modify make

In addition to some basic initialization, a new goroutine has been opened.

func Make(peers []*labrpc.ClientEnd, me int,
    persister *Persister, applyCh chan ApplyMsg) *Raft {
    rf := &Raft{}
    rf.peers = peers
    rf.persister = persister
    rf.me = me
    rf.applyCh = applyCh
    // Your initialization code here (2A, 2B, 2C).
    rf.state = Follower
    rf.VotedFor = -1
    rf.Logs = make([]LogEntry, 1) // first index is 1
    rf.Logs[0] = LogEntry{        // placeholder
        Term:    0,
        Command: nil,
    rf.nextIndex = make([]int, len(peers))
    rf.matchIndex = make([]int, len(peers))

    rf.electionTimeout = time.Millisecond * time.Duration(400+rand.Intn(100)*4)
    rf.electionTimer = time.NewTimer(rf.electionTimeout)
    rf.resetTimer = make(chan struct{})
    rf.shutdownCh = make(chan struct{})           // shutdown raft gracefully
    rf.commitCond = sync.NewCond(&rf.mu)          // commitCh, a distinct goroutine
    rf.heartbeatInterval = time.Millisecond * 40 // small enough, not too small

    // initialize from state persisted before a crash
    go rf.electionDaemon() // kick off election
    return rf

Election Core Selection Daemon

  • In addition to shutdown, there are two channels, one is the electionTimer, which is used for election timeouts.

  • One is resetTimer, which resets the election timeout.

  • Note that time.reset is difficult to use correctly.

  • Once the election timed out, call go rf.canvassVotes()

// electionDaemon
func (rf *Raft) electionDaemon() {
    for {
        select {
        case <-rf.shutdownCh:
            DPrintf("[%d-%s]: peer %d is shutting down electionDaemon.\n", rf.me, rf, rf.me)
        case <-rf.resetTimer:
            if !rf.electionTimer.Stop() {
        case <-rf.electionTimer.C:
            DPrintf("[%d-%s]: peer %d election timeout, issue election @ term %d\n", rf.me, rf, rf.me, rf.CurrentTerm)
            go rf.canvassVotes()


  • The replyHandler is the processing after the request has been returned.

  • In order for the current node to be a leader, the RequestVote method for each node is invoked.

  • If the returned term is larger than the current term, the current node becomes a follower, resetting the election timeout.

  • Otherwise, if more than half of the nodes are voted on, they become leader s and immediately send heartbeat detection to other nodes.

// canvassVotes issues RequestVote RPC
func (rf *Raft) canvassVotes() {
    var voteArgs RequestVoteArgs
    peers := len(rf.peers)

    var votes = 1
    replyHandler := func(reply *RequestVoteReply) {
        defer rf.mu.Unlock()
        if rf.state == Candidate {
            if reply.CurrentTerm > voteArgs.Term {
                rf.CurrentTerm = reply.CurrentTerm
                rf.resetTimer <- struct{}{} // reset timer
            if reply.VoteGranted {
                if votes == peers/2 {
                    rf.state = Leader
                    rf.resetOnElection()    // reset leader state
                    go rf.heartbeatDaemon() // new leader, start heartbeat daemon
                    DPrintf("[%d-%s]: peer %d become new leader.\n", rf.me, rf, rf.me)
    for i := 0; i < peers; i++ {
        if i != rf.me {
            go func(n int) {
                var reply RequestVoteReply
                if rf.sendRequestVote(n, &voteArgs, &reply) {

runtastic Heart Rate PRO

  • 1. leader calls the AppendEntries method for each node.

  • 2. AppendEntries fails if the current node is larger than the calling node.Otherwise, modifying the current term is the largest.

  • 3. If the current node is leader, always make it follower (for leader stability)

  • 4. Vote the current node to the caller (for backward nodes).

  • 5. Time-out to reset the current node.

func (rf *Raft) heartbeatDaemon() {
    for {
        if _, isLeader := rf.GetState(); !isLeader {
        // reset leader's election timer
        rf.resetTimer <- struct{}{}

        select {
        case <-rf.shutdownCh:
            for i := 0; i < len(rf.peers); i++ {
                if i != rf.me {
                    go rf.consistencyCheck(i) // routine heartbeat

func (rf *Raft) consistencyCheck(n int) {
    defer rf.mu.Unlock()
    pre := rf.nextIndex[n] - 1
    var args = AppendEntriesArgs{
        Term:         rf.CurrentTerm,
        LeaderID:     rf.me,
        PrevLogIndex: pre,
        PrevLogTerm:  rf.Logs[pre].Term,
        Entries:      nil,
        LeaderCommit: rf.commitIndex,
    go func() {
        DPrintf("[%d-%s]: consistency Check to peer %d.\n", rf.me, rf, n)
        var reply AppendEntriesReply
        if rf.sendAppendEntries(n, &args, &reply) {
            rf.consistencyCheckReplyHandler(n, &reply)

func (rf *Raft) AppendEntries(args *AppendEntriesArgs, reply *AppendEntriesReply) {
    select {
    case <-rf.shutdownCh:
        DPrintf("[%d-%s]: peer %d is shutting down, reject AE rpc request.\n", rf.me, rf, rf.me)

    DPrintf("[%d-%s]: rpc AE, from peer: %d, term: %d\n", rf.me, rf, args.LeaderID, args.Term)
    defer rf.mu.Unlock()

    if args.Term < rf.CurrentTerm {
        //DPrintf("[%d-%s]: AE failed from leader %d. (heartbeat: leader's term < follower's term (%d < %d))\n",
        //  rf.me, rf, args.LeaderID, args.Term, rf.currentTerm)
        reply.CurrentTerm = rf.CurrentTerm
        reply.Success = false
    if rf.CurrentTerm < args.Term {
        rf.CurrentTerm = args.Term

    // for stale leader
    if rf.state == Leader {
    // for straggler (follower)
    if rf.VotedFor != args.LeaderID {
        rf.VotedFor = args.LeaderID

    // valid AE, reset election timer
    // if the node recieve heartbeat. then it will reset the election timeout
    rf.resetTimer <- struct{}{}

    reply.Success = true
    reply.CurrentTerm = rf.CurrentTerm

Handle heartbeat detection return

If the heartbeat detection fails, it becomes a follower and the reset election timed out.

// n: which follower
func (rf *Raft) consistencyCheckReplyHandler(n int, reply *AppendEntriesReply) {
    defer rf.mu.Unlock()

    if rf.state != Leader {
    if reply.Success {

    } else {
        // found a new leader? turn to follower
        if rf.state == Leader && reply.CurrentTerm > rf.CurrentTerm {
            rf.resetTimer <- struct{}{}
            DPrintf("[%d-%s]: leader %d found new term (heartbeat resp from peer %d), turn to follower.",
                rf.me, rf, rf.me, n)

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