RHCE learning notes -- rh124

Posted by Leppy on Sat, 01 Jan 2022 08:49:15 +0100

After learning rh124, rh134 and rh254, you can take the certification examination.

This is part of rh124

Chapter 1 accessing the command line

1.1 log in to the Linux system and run simple commands

There are two ways to physically access Linux: tty (terminal) and console (control).

There is also a concept of virtual terminal (ctrl + Alt + F {1... 6}) in the Linux system, which allows us to better access the Linux system.

When the software side accesses Linux, it can execute commands and call resources through the shell. Bash shell (GNU Bourne again shell) is the default shell for many Linux distributions.

Several shell conventions:

1.2 launching applications in GNOME environment

Workspace toggle Ctrl+ Alt + up and down arrows

1.3 practice using the bash shell to execute commands

Several simple command examples

date # Display date
passwd #Change Password
file  # View file types
head # Look at the file from the beginning
tail #View at the end of the file
wc  ##Number of line characters

## Historical command
history # View history commands 
!num Or! str #View the running echo of the corresponding number of the history command
Esc + . # Quickly complete the parameters of the previous command

There are some shortcut keys in the bash command line to make us use the shell more efficiently

Chapter 2 managing files from the command line

2.1 Linux file system hierarchy

/usrInstalled software, shared libraries, including files and static read-only program data. Important subdirectories are:
-/ usr/bin: user command
-/ usr/sbin: system management command
-/ usr/local: local customization file
/etcConfiguration files specific to this system
/varVariable data specific to this system remains permanent between system startup. Dynamically changing files (such as databases, cache directories, log files, printer spooling documents, and website content). Can be found under / var.
/runRuntime data for processes started since the last system startup. This includes ID files, lock files, and so on. The contents of this directory are recreated on restart
/homeThe home directory where ordinary users store their personal data and configuration files.
/rootThe home directory of the super administrator user root.
/tmpGlobal writable space for temporary files. Files that have not been accessed, changed or modified within 10 days will be automatically deleted from the directory. There is also a temporary directory / var/tmp. If the files in this directory have not been accessed, changed or modified within 30 days, they will be automatically deleted.
/bootFiles required to start the startup process
/devContains special device files for the system to access hardware.

2.2 find files by name

Find out the absolute path and relative path. Those starting with / are absolute paths. There's nothing to say.

2.3 managing files using command line tools

Objective: to be able to create, copy, link, move and delete files and subdirectories in various directories.

## cp mv rm mkdir
cp file1 file2 file3 dir ## Copy multiple files to dir mv and rm at one time. The same is true
## The - r parameter is usually added to handle directory related operations

2.4 using pathname extension to match files

Objective: use metacharacters and extension techniques to improve file management efficiency

  1. Document general configuration

get help

3.1 obtaining local help information

man [-k] [-K] string

-k keyword

3.2 get online help

Enter sosreport under root to generate a tar XZ file (tar -xvJf), you can use md5sum to verify the file hash and cat to read the file content

4 create, view and edit text files

4.1 output redirection to file or program

Standard input, standard output and standard error

Other documents start with signal 3.

> file          # Redirect stdout to overwrite files
>> file         # Redirect stdout to append files
2>file          # Redirect stderr overwrite file
2> /dev/null    # /dev/null black hole
>file 2>&1      # stderr and stdout overwrite the same file, the same & > file   
>>file 2>&1      # stderr and stdout append the same file, the same as & > > file   

Pipe symbol

The pipe character connects the standard output of the first command to the standard input of the next command

When both pipeline characters and redirection commands exist, the shell will give priority to commands inside the pipeline, such as commands

ls > /tmp/saved-output | less

There will be no output after execution, because the result of ls has been redirected to the file instead of being piped to the next command.

To solve this problem, you can use the tee command to write the file in the form of - i overwrite and - a append


ls -l |tee /tmp/saved-output |less

4.2 editing text files from the shell prompt

vim use, you can search the Internet for detailed tutorials

Compensation is noted that in the command mode, hjkl can be used as up, down, left and right buttons, and o can be inserted in the next line

4.3 editing text files with graphic editor

There's nothing to remember about the use of gedit

ctrl +o open file

ctrl + n new file

Manage local linux users and groups

5.1 users and groups

The configuration files for users and groups are / etc/passwd and / etc/group

id       # Display user id and group id
ps       # Display instantaneous dynamic [common parameter - aux]
newgrp   # Switch the user group command and log in to another group

The relationship between users and groups can be 1 to 1, 1 to many, many to one, and many to many

5.2 obtaining super user access rights

It is recommended to switch to super user only when necessary

The su command directly switches to other user identities. su username starts the non login shell and will not switch to the corresponding user's home directory. The sudo command requires the user to configure in / etc/sudoers. Sudo is to enter the current user password to ensure the security of the root password.

5.3 manage local linux users and account groups

useradd           # Add user
usermod           # It can be used to modify user accounts
userdel           # Without the option, only the user is deleted, and the related files are not deleted. Generally, the - r parameter is added to delete all the files related to the user at the same time
passwd    # Set the password. root can modify the passwords of all users


5.4 manage local group accounts

groupadd  [-g gid] [-r System group] groupname
groupmod  [-g gid]  [-n name]
groupdel   # / etc/group and / etc/gshadow will be modified. If the current group is a user's primary group, it cannot be deleted. You need to modify the user group first

5.5 managing users and passwords

chage  # Change password period
       # example chage -m 0 -M 90 -W 7 -l 14 student modify student The minimum password period of the account is 0 days, and the maximum password period is 90 days        # Remind to change the password 7 days before the period, and extend it for 14 days
usermod -L -U  username # Lock user or unlock user
usermod -s /sbin/nologin username # User login is restricted through nologin shell, but resource access is not restricted

6 using linux file system permissions to control system permissions

6.1 Linux file permission system

rwx read, write, execute. It's very basic to find out kogn Chu's main genus, group and other

6.2 managing file system permissions from the command line

chmod [u,g,o,a] [+,-,=][r,w,x] filename # Change file permissions. It can also be used as chmod 755 filename, - R recursive directory
chown [-R] user:group file/dir  #  Change primary group
chgrp [-R] group filename # Change file group

6.3 manage default permissions and file access

Manage special permissions and default umask. linux has three special permissions

Example of setting special permissions

chmod u+s filename
chmod 2750 filename # Here is setgid, setuid=4, setgid=2, sticky=1 

redhat has a default file permission of 666 and a directory permission of 777. Umask is used to set a mask to restrict the permission of a new file. When a new file is created, its initial permission is determined by the file creation mask. Every time a user registers and enters the system, the umask command will be executed. You can modify the permission through umask, such as umask 007. All the rwx permissions of the newly created file permission other group will be removed.

Initial permissions for files (or directories) = Maximum default permissions for files (or directories) - umask jurisdiction

Permanently change umask through Add umask command after bashrc file or modify / etc/bashrc and / etc/profile configuration files directly through root user.

7 monitoring and managing linux processes

7.1 process

Process status can be divided into running, sleep, zombie, etc

systemd is the parent of all linux processes.

ps [aux][lax][-ef] #Lists the process status of the current system

The processes in square brackets are usually kernel processes. ps is only displayed once. top can continuously observe the processes

7.2 control operation

A session can be understood as a terminal

A job can be understood as a command or a collection of commands. It may be a process group, including pipeline characters

fg %1
bg %1
ctrl+z ctrl+c

7.3 interrupt process

You can send signals to the foreground to stop the process, such as ctrl+c, ctrl+z, ctrl + / and so on

kill -l # List common signals
killall [-signal] [-u] comman_pattern# Using the process name to kill a process can kill a group of processes with the same name
pkill [-signal][-U][-G][-P][-t] command_pattern #Use the name of the process to kill the process, similar to kill

Log off user as administrator (pkill)

w # You can view the users currently logged in to the system and the cumulative activities
pstree # You can view the parent-child relationship and use the parent process to terminate the process

The following figure shows how to log off a user by killing a process

7.4 monitoring process activities

Load balancing value: the linux kernel calculates the average load index based on the exponential moving draw of the load (the cumulative number of CPUs requested by active system resources). The calculation result is expressed as the average number of processes running the process queue in the past 1 minute, 5 minutes and 15 minutes

cat /proc/loadavg
0.00 0.01 0.05 2/199 30259
top  # Similar to windows process management
w    #Number of login users

Generally, if the load balancing value is less than 1, it indicates that the resource utilization is reasonable, and if it is greater than 1, it indicates that there are resources waiting.

8 control services and Daemons

8.1 identify automatically started system processes

The system daemon and network service started by systemd service and socket word unit can be listed

systemd unit

systemctl -t help can list the available units of systemd. The focus is on service

systemclt status servicename.service # View service status

systemctl list-units --type=service # List servcie service units
systemctl status sshd  # View specific services
systemclt is-enabled sshd  # Check whether a service is started or not

8.2 control system services

It can control system daemons and network services through systemctl

Unit dependency

9 configuring and protecting openssh

9.1 accessing the remote command line Using ssh

ssh remotehostname # Log in as current user
ssh root@remotehostname # Log in as root
ssh root@remotehostname command # Run a single instruction remotely

9.2 configure authentication of ssh key

ssh password free login

ssh-keygen # Generate public-private key
ssh-copy-id root@remotehost  # Add the public key to the machine to which you want to log in without secret

9.3 customize ssh service configuration

The ssh configuration file is placed in / etc/ssh/sshd_config

# Disable root login
PermitRootLogin no
# Only the root user is allowed to authenticate with the key
PermitRootLogin without-passwd

# Password login is prohibited. You can only log in through a key
PassWordAuthentication no

The ssh service needs to be restarted for the configuration to take effect

10 analyzing and storing logs

10.1 log system architecture and log system files

The system D-JOURNAL daemon provides an improved log management service

The rsyslog service is an enhanced version of syslog. Write them to a permanent file in the / var/log directory

/var/log/messages # Log, system, other
/var/log/secure  # Authentication, security related
/var/log/maillog  # Mail and mail related logs
/var/log/cron   # System time related to planned tasks
/var/log/boot.log  # Log files generated during system startup

For system log priority, classification and details, please refer to the help manual

man 5 rsyslog.conf

10.2 viewing log system files

Configuration file / etc / rsyslog Conf, each five-day to file location is configured under the #####RULES### field

Log file rotate prevents the file system in / var/log from filling up. It is usually done in combination with cron.

tail -f log file # Show the last 10 and scroll, f = follow
logger -p user.notice hello  # Send log p= priority, which is usually used to test the correctness of rsyslog configuration

10.3 viewing systemd log entries

journalctl find events

The systemd log stores the log data in a structured binary file with an index and cannot be read directly by a text editor. It should be viewed with journalctl

Note that each restart will clear the systemd log

journalctl -o verbose displays log details

10.4 save systemd log

You can configure systemd journal to store logs on disk instead of memory. By default, systemd logs are stored in / run/log/journal, and permanently retained logs are placed in / var/log/journal. At the same time, it supports log rotation mechanism to clear every month

mkdir /var/log/journal
chown root:systemd-journal /var/log/journal
chmod 2775 /var/log/journal
reboot  # Or send the special signal USR1 to the system D-JOURNAL process as root
journalctl  -b -1 # View the systemd log of the last time the system was started

10.5 keep the system time accurate

Time synchronization is very important for analyzing logs between multiple systems

timedatectl # Displays the current time related system settings
timedatectl  list-timezones  # List available time zones
timedatectl set-timezone  # Set time zone
timedatectl set-time "2021-06-18 15:00: 00"  # Set time
timedatectl set-ntp true/false    #Set ntp switch

Configuring and monitoring chronyd

The chronyd service is usually an imprecise local hardware clock (rtc keeps accurate) by synchronizing with the configured ntp server

11 manage Red Hat Enterprise linux Network

11.1 network concept

Four layer network model and osi model

11.2 verifying network configuration

ip addr show eth0   # Display ip address
ip -s link show eth0   # See eth0 connection status
ip route               
ping -c3  # c3 means sending three packets
tracepath            #Link tracking

Ports and services

Common port names and services are listed in / etc/services

ss and nestat

ss -ta  # display all tcp socket
netstat -ta

11.3 configuring the network using nmcli

NetworkManager is a daemon that monitors and manages network settings. The configuration file directory of network configuration is / etc / sysconfig / network scripts

nmcli command details

11.4 edit network profile

Configuration file storage location / etc / sysconfig / network scripts / ifcfg-

After the configuration is completed, the configuration can take effect by reboot ing the machine or reloading the connection

nmcli con reload
nmcli con down "ID"
nmcli con up "ID"  
## Reconnecting the network one by one may result in failure to connect to the host. Be careful to confirm whether the configuration is correct or reboot is safer

11.5 configuration host name and name interpretation

hostname    # Same as cat /etc/hostname
hostnamectl set-hostname   # Set static hostname
hostnamectl status

Configure host name resolution / etc/hosts

getent hosts hostname # Test hosts file host resolution

If a host name is not found in the hosts file, the system will resolve / etc / resolvs conf. Generally, you can modify the configuration file directly or update the configuration file through network manager

nmcli con mod ID ipv4.dns IP  # ID is the network interface configuration
nmcli con mod ID +ipv4.dns IP  # Add configuration
host [hostname]   # Test dns connection

12 archive files and copy files between systems

12.1 manage compressed tar archives

tar supports gzip, bzip2 and xz compression or decompression

Usage can refer to


12.2 copy files securely between systems


scp file1 file2 root@server2:/root/ # Copy file1 and file2 to the remote / root directory
scp -r root@server2:/var/log  /tmp  # -r

The disadvantage of sftp is that folders cannot be transferred

sftp [user@]host  ##Download or synchronize files through push and get

12.3 secure synchronization of files between systems


rsync -nav /var/log /tmp  # n the parameter executes null operation, and the simulation operation will not be changed. Ensure that the file is not overwritten or deleted
rsync -av  /var/log /tmp  # Copy directory to destination directory
rysnc -av /var/log/ /tmp  # Copy files in directory to target directory

Installing and updating software packages

13.1 RPM package and yum


Yum is the rpm package manager, which can automatically handle dependencies. Yum configuration file / etc / yum conf. Yum repository / etc / yum.com repos. d/*

cat /etc/yum.repos.d/xxx.repo #Viewing the configuration, gpgcheck=0 means that gpgkey, baseurl, name, enabled, etc. are not verified
yum repolist   # Warehouse list
yum list all |less  # Get installed packages

13.2 update using yum management software

yum help
yum list all httpd
yum info httpd
yum search keyword
yum provides /var/www/html 
yum whatprovides   # What package is the anti query command in.
yum provides       # Inverse query what package the file is in.

yum install httpd -y  # install httpd, assume yes
yum update
yum remove httpd

yum group

View historical operation records

All installation logs are placed in / var / log / yum log

yum history    # yum installation history
yum history undo 3 # Installation with undo number 3

13.3 enable yum software repository

yum repolist all    #  Current yum enabled 
yum-config-manager -enable "repo name" # Enable or disable yum warehouse
yum-config-manager -add-repo="http://xxxxx "# or create a new file in / etc/yum.repos.d /

# rpm configuration package for repository
rpm -import http://xxxxxx
yum localinstall  http://xxxx/xxx.rpm

13.4 check rpm package file

The rpm user program can obtain information about the contents of the software package file and the installed software package from the local database or the package file itself

rpm -q -a  # Query all installed packages
rpm -q pkgname # pkgname is currently installed
rpm -q -p pkgfile.rpm  
rpm -q -f filename  # Equivalent to yum provides, which package provides the query file

Install the local package files using yum or up2date

yum localinstall # Same as RPM -ivh * RPM, use yum to keep yumhistory

# Extract files from rpm package
rpm2cpio xxx.rpm|cpio -id "*txt" # Extract the txt suffix file in the software package

14 accessing linux file system

14.1 identify file systems and devices

Mount, unmount, mount point / mnt/

Partition, block device

ll /dev/sda #

Logical volume management (LVM)

Physical storage media, physical volume, volume group, logical volume

df -h # Look at the partition
du -h   # catalogue

14.2 mounting and unmounting file systems

Manually mount the file system

The root user is required to mount

blkid    # View block device uuid
mkdir /mnt/mydata
mount /dev/vda1 /mnt/mydata/ #mount 

blkid /dev/vdb1/  # see
mount uuid="xxxxxxx-xxxxxxx-xxxxxxx-xxxx"  /mnt/mydata

Default manual mount to directory / mnt

If there are files in the directory used for mounting, the original file cannot be accessed after mounting, and the original file can be accessed only after uninstallation

Uninstall is available through

umount /mnt/mydata # umount [mount point] 
lsof /mnt/mydata  # See what processes are currently using mount points

If the mount point is being used by a process and cannot be unloaded, you can process the corresponding process through the lsof command and try again

After usb flash memory is inserted, it can be automatically mounted on the graphical interface at / run/media//

14.3 connection between production documents

Hard links and soft links can be referred to https://www.jianshu.com/p/dde6a01c4094

Hard link

ln file1 /tmp/file2  # Create a hard link for file1
ls -li file1 /tmp/file2  #When viewing two files, the innode value and attribute are the same, and the storage space is shared
rm -f file1  # Delete file1
cat /tmp/file2 # After deleting file1, the hard link file2 is still unaffected
#Hard links can only link files, not directories

Soft links are equivalent to windows shortcuts

ln -s file1 /tmp/file2
ls -l /tmp/fiel    #File attributes are lrwxrwxrwx such 
rm -f file1
cat /tmp/file2  # After deleting file1, file2 will become a dead link

#Directories can create soft links

14.4 finding files in the system

The locate command searches for results based on file names or paths in the locate database

locate -i # Case insensitive
locate -n 5 # Return the number of results. For example, 5 results are output here
# The locate database will be updated automatically every day through scheduled tasks. root can update the database through the updatedb command

find real-time search in file system

find / -name    # Search by file name, wildcards are supported
find / -iname   # Case insensitive
find / -user student -group mail -perm 777 -size [10k,+10k,-10k,M,G] -type [f,d,l,b] -links [+1 Number of links] #Other attributes can be deleted

15 using virtualization

15.1 managing local virtual machine hosts

KVM kernalbased virtual machine

libvirt package provides the function of managing virtual machines, which can be managed through the graphical interface virtual manager

Command line tool virsh

15.2 installing a new virtual machine

Mainly the use of virtual manager and graphical operation. slightly


1 use kickstart to install automatically

Can refer to https://blog.csdn.net/mpu_nice/article/details/107922312

Without environmental practice, the meaning of learning is to know such a function when needed

1.1 define Anaconda Kickstart system

1.2 creating and editing kickstart files

System config kickstar & call the graphical tool for configuration and follow the steps.

Or edit the configuration file through a text file.

You can check whether the kickstart configuration file is correct through ksvalidator. If correct, no results are returned.

1.3 deploying a new virtual system using kickstart

Create configuration file -- > -- > configuration file sent to installer -- > -- > Anaconda points to the configuration file to install the system

2 using regular expressions through grep

2.1 fundamentals of regular expressions

Regular expression summary

2.2 matching text with grep

grep (global search regular expression and print out the line) prints matching regular expressions

grep -i 'cat$'  file # Case insensitive
ps aux | grep '^student' #  Pipeline parameter

### grep common parameters
-v # Invert the selection to print lines that are not included
-r # A data search that recursively matches regular expressions is applied to a set of files or directories
-A <Number> # Displays the number of rows after regular matches
-B <Number>  # Displays the number of rows before regular matches
-e # Multiple - e options provide multiple regular expressions and will be used with logical or

grep -e 'cat' -e 'dog' file -A 1 # Displays the line containing cat or dog and the line following it

3 creating and editing files using vim

vim User Guide

In the command mode, hjkl you can move the cursor up, down, left and right, ^ to the beginning of the line, $to the end, gg to the first line of the document, and G to the last line of the document.

Command line mode: help can get help documents. In the shell environment, you can use vmtutor to view the tutorial

Topics: Linux