roles of Ansible Automation Operation and Maintenance

Posted by zeb on Mon, 12 Aug 2019 11:19:52 +0200

Articles Catalogue

Introduction to Ansible roles

  • Ansible roles are designed to organize Playbook hierarchically and structurally.
  • roles is by placing variables, files, tasks, modules and processors in separate directories, and can easily include them.
  • roles are commonly used in host-based service building scenarios, and are frequently used in complex business scenarios in enterprises.
  • Organize tasks, variables, handlers, templates, files, etc. with a specific hierarchical directory structure; it is equivalent to the call of functions to cut each function into fragments for execution.

roles directory structure

role_name: Defined role name

  • files: Functions that store calls from modules such as copy or script
  • tasks: Define various task s, with main.yml and other files including calls
  • Handlers: Define various handlers, with main.yml and other files including calls
  • vars: Define variables, have main.yml, other files include calls
  • templates: Store template text invoked by the template module
  • meta: Define the specific settings and dependencies of the current role, with the main.yml file
  • defaults: There must be a main.yml file for setting default variables

Create roles

  • The path where role is stored is defined in the configuration file / etc/ansible/ansible.cfg: roles_path = etc / ansible / roles

Give an example

Use roles to install and open httpd services for the host, and add httpd to the firewall list

  • Switch to ordinary user devops and create a new directory roles in the ansible directory under the user's home directory.
su - devops
cd ansible
mkdir roles
  • Edit the ansible.cfg file to add roles
[devops@server1 ansible]$ vim ansible.cfg
inventory = ./inventory
roles_path = ./roles    #Current directory

  • Create an apache template
[devops@server1 roles]$ ansible-galaxy init apache
[devops@server1 roles]$ cd apache/
[devops@server1 apache]$ ls
defaults  files  handlers  meta  tasks  templates  tests  vars
[devops@server1 apache]$ rm -fr  tests     #You can delete these two file directories

[devops@server1 ansible]$ pwd
[devops@server1 ansible]$ ansible-galaxy list     #List all galaxies

  • Edit several main.yml files to split the contents of previous playbook.yml files.
  • Copy template files to apache's template directory
[devops@server1 apache]$ cp ~/ansible/templates/httpd.conf.j2 templates/
[devops@server1 apache]$ cd templates/
[devops@server1 templates]$ ls
  • Edit the main.yml file of task tasks
[devops@server1 apache]$ \vi tasks/main.yml
 - name: install httpd
    name: httpd
    state: present
 - name: copy httpd
    content: "{{ ansible_facts['hostname'] }}"
    dest: /var/www/html/index.html

 - name: configure httpd
    src: httpd.conf.j2    #Pay attention to modifying the path
    dest: /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
    owner: root
    group: root
    mode: 644
  notify: restart httpd

 - name: start httpd and firewalld
    name: "{{ item }}"
    state: started
    - httpd
    - firewalld
 - name: configure firewalld
    service: http
    permanent: yes
    immediate: yes
    state: enabled
  • Edit the main.yml file of the trigger handles
[devops@server1 apache]$ \vi handlers/main.yml
 - name: restart httpd
    name: httpd
    state: restarted
  • Edit the main.yml file of the variable
[devops@server1 ansible]$ vim roles/apache/vars/main.yml
http_host: "{{ ansible_facts['default_ipv4']['address'] }}"
http_port: 80
  • New apache.yml file
[devops@server1 ansible]$ vim apache.yml
 - hosts: webserver
    - apache
  • Modify the inventory file to read as follows.
[devops@server1 ansible]$ vim inventory 


  • Inspection and execution
[devops@server1 ansible]$ ansible-playbook apache.yml -C		#Detection only, no modification
[devops@server1 ansible]$ ansible-playbook apache.yml

haproxy deployment (load balancing)

  • Create a haproxy template
[devops@server1 roles]$ ansible-galaxy init haproxy
 - haproxy was created successfully
[devops@server1 roles]$ ls
apache  haproxy
  • Edit the main.yml file of the trigger
[devops@server1 haproxy]$ \vi handlers/main.yml
 - name: restart haproxy
    name: haproxy
    state: restarted
  • Copy template files to haproxy template directory
[devops@server1 haproxy]$ cp ~/ansible/templates/haproxy.cfg.j2 templates/
[devops@server1 haproxy]$ cd templates/
[devops@server1 templates]$ ls
  • main.yml file for editing task
[devops@server1 haproxy]$ \vi tasks/main.ym
 - name: install haproxy
    name: haproxy
    state: present

 - name: configure haproxy
    src: haproxy.cfg.j2    #Pay attention to modifying the path
    dest: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg
  notify: restart haproxy

 - name: start haproxy
    name: haproxy
    state: started
  • On the basis of the apache.yml file just now, edit it and add judgment conditions.
 - hosts: all
    - import_role:
        name: apache
      when: ansible_hostname in groups['webserver']
    - import_role:
        name: haproxy
      when: ansible_hostname in groups['lb']
  • Edit inventory file
[devops@server1 ansible]$ vim inventory 
server1     #Writing localhost prompts skipping



  • Implementation:
[devops@server1 ansible]$ ansible-playbook apache.yml

  • Check the haproxy service status and port after successful execution (port 80 is modified in our template file).
[devops@server1 ansible]$ systemctl status haproxy
[devops@server1 ansible]$ netstat -antlp

Implementation of keeping alive + haproxy high availability

In Blog Medium.

Topics: ansible Apache vim firewall