Run, Big Screen-Time+Space Real-Time Four-Dimensional Data Perspective

Posted by vikramjeet.singla on Mon, 08 Jul 2019 19:17:10 +0200


PostgreSQL, recursive queries, big screen broadcasts, the most congested gateways, the busiest shops, the most congested toilets in an area, data perspective, streaming, time series data


With the development of the Internet of Things, the generation of data is faster and faster.For example, data of car passing through roads, data of user's residence, data of water mark sensor, FEED data of e-commerce, track data of online car appointment, etc.

So much data can be used for different purposes, including real-time streaming statistics, time series processing of related needs, and full analysis requirements.

These all have solutions.

Stream Computing Comes Back - PostgreSQL Strongs IoT with PipelineDB

What are the features of a time series database? Introduction to TimescaleDB time series database

ApsaraDB Left-Right Interpulsation (PgSQL+HybridDB+OSS) - Solving the Mixed Requirements of OLTP+OLAP)

Take the large screen of the command center for example, there are some requirements that are interesting, such as

1. Display the latest sensor TOP VALUE data.

2. Select a timeline to show people flow by area.


1 Output the latest values reported by all sensors

This need is very similar to the one I wrote earlier.

Accelerated Analysis and Implementation of Time Series Data Merge Scenarios - Composite Index, Accelerated Window Grouping Query, Accelerated Metamorphic Recursion

Designs a table structure where gid represents the sensor ID, val is the uploaded value, and crt_time is the time.

Suppose you have 10,000 sensors and 10 million records inserted.

create unlogged table sort_test(  
  id serial8 primary key,          -- Self-adding Primary Key  
  s_id int,                        -- sensor ID  
  val  numeric(10,2),              -- Sensor Value  
  crt_time timestamp default clock_timestamp()    -- Report time  

Write 10 million sensor test data

postgres=# insert into sort_test (s_id,val) select random()*10000, random()*100 from generate_series(1,10000000);  
INSERT 0 10000000  

Create Index

postgres=# create index idx_test on sort_test using btree(s_id,id desc);  

Recursive calls are used to get the latest values for all sensors (marked by the maximum self-increasing ID for each sensor)

create type r as (s_id int, val numeric(10,2));  -- Composite type  
with recursive skip as (    
    select (s_id,val)::r as r from sort_test where id in (select id from sort_test where s_id is not null order by s_id,id desc limit 1)   
  union all    
    select (  
      select (s_id,val)::r as r from sort_test where id in (select id from sort_test t where t.s_id>(s.r).s_id and t.s_id is not null order by s_id,id desc limit 1)   
    ) from skip s where (s.r).s_id is not null  
  )               -- There where (s.r).s_id is not null Be sure to add, Otherwise, the cycle would be dead.   
select (t.r).s_id, (t.r).val from skip t where t.* is not null;   

Ten million records, screening 10,000 latest records, took time: 129 milliseconds.

Why so fast?Because recursion is used, the amount of scanning and computation is reduced.

 s_id  |  val    
     0 | 83.55  
     1 | 91.62  
     2 | 72.70  
     3 | 45.46  
     4 | 99.97  
     5 | 17.04  
     6 |  8.96  
     7 | 25.83  
     8 | 28.10  
     9 | 26.19  
    10 | 83.03  
    11 |  1.30  
Time: 128.779 ms  

Cursors are faster, taking 10 at a time and only 0.36 milliseconds.

postgres=# begin;  
Time: 0.095 ms  
postgres=# declare cur cursor for with recursive skip as (    
    select (s_id,val)::r as r from sort_test where id in (select id from sort_test where s_id is not null order by s_id,id desc limit 1)   
  union all    
    select (  
      select (s_id,val)::r as r from sort_test where id in (select id from sort_test t where t.s_id>(s.r).s_id and t.s_id is not null order by s_id,id desc limit 1)   
    ) from skip s where (s.r).s_id is not null  
  )               -- There where (s.r).s_id is not null Be sure to add, Otherwise, the cycle would be dead.   
select (t.r).s_id, (t.r).val from skip t where t.* is not null;  
Time: 0.841 ms  
postgres=# fetch 10 from cur;  
 s_id |  val    
    0 | 83.55  
    1 | 91.62  
    2 | 72.70  
    3 | 45.46  
    4 | 99.97  
    5 | 17.04  
    6 |  8.96  
    7 | 25.83  
    8 | 28.10  
    9 | 26.19  
(10 rows)  
Time: 0.364 ms  

2 Output traffic TOP 10 intersection of a city

Compared with the first example, a convergence is made, sorted by VALUE, with the largest output.

Suppose there is a sensor at each intersection that constantly reports the amount of traffic that passes through the intersection.The large screen shows the 10 most traveled intersections.

For testing convenience, I'm still using the data from the first example, with the last one added.

postgres=# with recursive skip as (    
    select (s_id,val)::r as r from sort_test where id in (select id from sort_test where s_id is not null order by s_id,id desc limit 1)   
  union all    
    select (  
      select (s_id,val)::r as r from sort_test where id in (select id from sort_test t where t.s_id>(s.r).s_id and t.s_id is not null order by s_id,id desc limit 1)   
    ) from skip s where (s.r).s_id is not null  
  )               -- There where (s.r).s_id is not null Be sure to add, Otherwise, the cycle would be dead.   
select (t.r).s_id, (t.r).val from skip t where t.* is not null order by 2 desc limit 10;   
 s_id |  val    
  997 | 99.99  
 2233 | 99.97  
  610 | 99.97  
    4 | 99.97  
 6735 | 99.96  
  545 | 99.93  
 2992 | 99.91  
 4747 | 99.90  
  543 | 99.89  
 7229 | 99.88  
(10 rows)  
Time: 126.052 ms  

10 million records, 10,000 latest records filtered, output TOP 10, time-consuming: 126 milliseconds.

3A certain area, a certain period of time, button traffic output TOP shop

There are two more dimensions than the first two examples:

One is the time dimension, in which users can check a time period for analysis.Another is the region dimension, in which the user selects the region and outputs the data within the region.


Unlike the B-TREE index, which is stored orderly, the spatial index is a GIST index and uses a structure similar to clustering partitions. Therefore, when multicolumn composite is performed, the first output of the spatial query of the GIST combined with index sorting is not feasible and will introduce the SORT displayed.

Principle reference

Chat From Difficult Fuzzy Queries - GIN, GiST, SP-GiST, RUM Indexing Principles and Technical Background, one of PostgreSQL's unique tricks

Also, query criteria include time intervals as criteria, and it is not possible to sort indexed non-driven columns (subsegment gid+VAL).

When can I use Query + Sort of Composite Index?

Implicit sorting can only be used if all the columns preceding the sorted column are equal queries, and the order of indexes should be the same as the order of sorting.For example, index(a,b,c) supports where a=? and b=? order by c, but not where a>? And b=? Order by c, and so on.

Re-plan test data so that for testing convenience, point replaces latitude and longitude, and geometry types can be used for real business.

create table test (  
  id serial8 primary key,    -- Auto-increasing sequence  
  gid int,                   -- shops ID  
  val int,                   -- Shop Flow  
  pos point,                 -- Shop location, For ease of testing, with point Substitute latitude and longitude  
  crt_time timestamp         -- Upload Time  

Insert 10 million test data, 10,000 store ID s, 100 million random point s in the dot matrix range.

postgres=# insert into test (gid,val,pos,crt_time) select random()*10000, random()*100000, point(random()*10000, random()*10000), clock_timestamp() from generate_series(1,10000000);  
postgres=# select min(crt_time),max(crt_time) from test;  
            min             |            max               
 2017-04-13 20:04:18.969268 | 2017-04-13 20:04:54.578339  
(1 row)  

How can fast sensor maximum filtering for time + space be accelerated?

Optimize in two cases

1. Total sensors (stores) are small (e.g. 10,000 stores)

Use the index to quickly search the maximum VAL of each GID, use partial index to avoid time problems, and use CPU to complete point and surface judgment.


For example, we allow users to check a minimum time range of 2 hours, and we can create a partial index every 2 hours.(Using so many partial indexes is perverted and not elegant.It is recommended that the partition table of 10.0 be optimized to cut one partition every 2 hours.)

create index idx_test_1 on test (gid, val desc) where crt_time between '2017-04-13 20:04:18.969268' and '2017-04-13 20:04:30.969268';  

The total amount of data in this interval is about 3.5 million.

postgres=# select count(*) from test where crt_time between '2017-04-13 20:04:18.969268' and '2017-04-13 20:04:30.969268';  
(1 row)  

Use this partial index, along with recursive calls, to take out the maximum value of all stores in the area.Then, based on the point and surface judgment, the data of an area is obtained, and the output TOP 10 is sorted.

with recursive skip as (    
    select t0 from test t0 where id in   
      (select id from test where gid is not null and crt_time between '2017-04-13 20:04:18.969268' and '2017-04-13 20:04:30.969268' order by gid,val desc limit 1) -- Time parameter, take out minimum GID Maximum val. As Startup Record  
  union all    
    select (  
      select t1 from test t1 where id in (select id from test t where t.gid > (s.t0).gid and t.gid is not null   
      and crt_time between '2017-04-13 20:04:18.969268' and '2017-04-13 20:04:30.969268'   -- Time parameters  
      order by gid,val desc limit 1)   
    ) from skip s where (s.t0).gid is not null  
  )               -- There where (s.t0).gid is not null Be sure to add, Otherwise, the cycle would be dead.   
select (t.t0).* from skip t where t.* is not null  
and circle '((5000,5000), 1000)' @> (t.t0).pos  -- Area parameters  
order by (t.t0).val desc limit 10;   -- Remove top ten stores  

135 ms return

   id    | gid  |  val  |                 pos                 |          crt_time            
 1754353 | 4001 | 99997 | (4755.64117543399,5253.53815406561) | 2017-04-13 20:04:24.563999  
  600729 | 5874 | 99996 | (5507.96090625226,4394.04523000121) | 2017-04-13 20:04:20.851141  
 1137330 | 4248 | 99995 | (4332.14340358973,4383.84034205228) | 2017-04-13 20:04:22.575639  
 2609044 | 7209 | 99995 | (5809.22217573971,4967.18854177743) | 2017-04-13 20:04:27.328745  
 1330926 | 2834 | 99994 | (4153.9505450055,4986.64934188128)  | 2017-04-13 20:04:23.197925  
  208578 | 3439 | 99994 | (4186.14753056318,5103.39797474444) | 2017-04-13 20:04:19.598547  
  703010 | 5736 | 99993 | (4913.89285307378,4628.21466382593) | 2017-04-13 20:04:21.178653  
  298380 | 7680 | 99992 | (4539.91844784468,4454.29485291243) | 2017-04-13 20:04:19.884725  
  996318 | 7658 | 99992 | (4462.14715018868,5504.16304729879) | 2017-04-13 20:04:22.122626  
 3120169 | 3261 | 99991 | (4814.33014851063,4505.81138487905) | 2017-04-13 20:04:28.98197  
(10 rows)  
Time: 135.480 ms  

The execution plan is as follows

 Limit  (cost=937.82..937.83 rows=1 width=40) (actual time=147.241..147.243 rows=10 loops=1)  
   Output: ((t.t0).id), ((t.t0).gid), ((t.t0).val), ((t.t0).pos), ((t.t0).crt_time)  
   Buffers: shared hit=80066  
   CTE skip  
     ->  Recursive Union  (cost=1.00..935.54 rows=101 width=64) (actual time=0.037..141.284 rows=10002 loops=1)  
           Buffers: shared hit=80066  
           ->  Nested Loop  (cost=1.00..9.03 rows=1 width=64) (actual time=0.036..0.036 rows=1 loops=1)  
                 Output: t0.*  
                 Inner Unique: true  
                 Buffers: shared hit=8  
                 ->  HashAggregate  (cost=0.57..0.58 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=0.022..0.023 rows=1 loops=1)  
                       Group Key:  
                       Buffers: shared hit=4  
                       ->  Limit  (cost=0.43..0.55 rows=1 width=16) (actual time=0.017..0.018 rows=1 loops=1)  
                             Output:, test.gid, test.val  
                             Buffers: shared hit=4  
                             ->  Index Scan using idx_test_1 on public.test  (cost=0.43..431864.13 rows=3461209 width=16) (actual time=0.017..0.017 rows=1 loops=1)  
                                   Output:, test.gid, test.val  
                                   Index Cond: (test.gid IS NOT NULL)  
                                   Buffers: shared hit=4  
                 ->  Index Scan using test_pkey on public.test t0  (cost=0.43..8.45 rows=1 width=72) (actual time=0.012..0.012 rows=1 loops=1)  
                       Output: t0.*,  
                       Index Cond: ( =  
                       Buffers: shared hit=4  
           ->  WorkTable Scan on skip s  (cost=0.00..92.45 rows=10 width=32) (actual time=0.014..0.014 rows=1 loops=10002)  
                 Output: (SubPlan 1)  
                 Filter: ((s.t0).gid IS NOT NULL)  
                 Rows Removed by Filter: 0  
                 Buffers: shared hit=80058  
                 SubPlan 1  
                   ->  Nested Loop  (cost=1.20..9.22 rows=1 width=64) (actual time=0.013..0.013 rows=1 loops=10001)  
                         Output: t1.*  
                         Inner Unique: true  
                         Buffers: shared hit=80058  
                         ->  HashAggregate  (cost=0.76..0.77 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=0.009..0.009 rows=1 loops=10001)  
                               Group Key:  
                               Buffers: shared hit=40033  
                               ->  Limit  (cost=0.43..0.75 rows=1 width=16) (actual time=0.008..0.008 rows=1 loops=10001)  
                                     Output:, t_1.gid, t_1.val  
                                     Buffers: shared hit=40033  
                                     ->  Index Scan using idx_test_1 on public.test t_1  (cost=0.43..369056.35 rows=1153736 width=16) (actual time=0.008..0.008 rows=1 loops=10001)  
                                           Output:, t_1.gid, t_1.val  
                                           Index Cond: ((t_1.gid > (s.t0).gid) AND (t_1.gid IS NOT NULL))  
                                           Buffers: shared hit=40033  
                         ->  Index Scan using test_pkey on public.test t1  (cost=0.43..8.45 rows=1 width=72) (actual time=0.003..0.003 rows=1 loops=10000)  
                               Output: t1.*,  
                               Index Cond: ( =  
                               Buffers: shared hit=40025  
   ->  Sort  (cost=2.28..2.29 rows=1 width=40) (actual time=147.240..147.241 rows=10 loops=1)  
         Output: ((t.t0).id), ((t.t0).gid), ((t.t0).val), ((t.t0).pos), ((t.t0).crt_time)  
         Sort Key: ((t.t0).val) DESC  
         Sort Method: top-N heapsort  Memory: 26kB  
         Buffers: shared hit=80066  
         ->  CTE Scan on skip t  (cost=0.00..2.27 rows=1 width=40) (actual time=0.252..147.138 rows=317 loops=1)  
               Output: (t.t0).id, (t.t0).gid, (t.t0).val, (t.t0).pos, (t.t0).crt_time  
               Filter: ((t.* IS NOT NULL) AND ('<(5000,5000),1000>'::circle @> (t.t0).pos))  
               Rows Removed by Filter: 9685  
               Buffers: shared hit=80066  
 Planning time: 0.508 ms  
 Execution time: 147.505 ms  
(62 rows)  

2. There are many stores, but when time + space converges, the number of records is small (like millions)

In this case, consider using a time partition table.Then build the spatial index.

Locate the specified partition by time condition, filter the data by spatial index.For the filtered data, TOP stores are calculated with a small amount of CPU.


2.1 Partition tables by time (for example, every 2 hours, as explained earlier)

Slightly, I'm going to assume about 10 million data every two hours.  

2.2 Creating a spatial index

postgres=# create index idx_test_gist on test using gist(pos);  

2.3 Perspective

When entering time conditions in SQL, PostgreSQL automatically locks into partitioned tables, and I'm writing the TEST table directly for ease.

Use window query to get TOP SQL

select * from  
  select row_number() over(partition by gid order by val desc) as rn, * from test   
  circle '((5000,5000), 1000)' @> pos  -- Area parameters  
) t  
where rn = 1   -- Remove the maximum value for each store in the area  
order by val desc limit 10;     -- Remove top ten stores  


 rn |   id    | gid  |  val  |                 pos                 |          crt_time            
  1 | 7859807 | 2311 | 99999 | (4900.04640072584,4950.79724118114) | 2017-04-13 20:04:46.013424  
  1 | 4658616 | 3699 | 99999 | (5625.03716442734,5338.90711143613) | 2017-04-13 20:04:35.467025  
  1 | 1754353 | 4001 | 99997 | (4755.64117543399,5253.53815406561) | 2017-04-13 20:04:24.563999  
  1 | 6076598 | 4610 | 99997 | (5679.03681658208,4793.08029171079) | 2017-04-13 20:04:40.09587  
  1 | 6139261 | 4069 | 99997 | (5225.87833926082,4101.83480009437) | 2017-04-13 20:04:40.301817  
  1 |  600729 | 5874 | 99996 | (5507.96090625226,4394.04523000121) | 2017-04-13 20:04:20.851141  
  1 | 4281282 | 9720 | 99996 | (5036.95292398334,4731.64941649884) | 2017-04-13 20:04:34.237957  
  1 | 5579952 | 1503 | 99996 | (4271.09604235739,5250.28191972524) | 2017-04-13 20:04:38.469311  
  1 | 5310205 | 1317 | 99995 | (4439.0160869807,4796.70224711299)  | 2017-04-13 20:04:37.590451  
  1 | 1137330 | 4248 | 99995 | (4332.14340358973,4383.84034205228) | 2017-04-13 20:04:22.575639  
(10 rows)  
Time: 633.342 ms  

Execution Plan

 Limit  (cost=39265.88..39265.91 rows=10 width=48) (actual time=730.704..730.706 rows=10 loops=1)  
   Output: t.rn,, t.gid, t.val, t.pos, t.crt_time  
   Buffers: shared hit=317037, temp read=1921 written=1928  
   ->  Sort  (cost=39265.88..39266.01 rows=50 width=48) (actual time=730.702..730.703 rows=10 loops=1)  
         Output: t.rn,, t.gid, t.val, t.pos, t.crt_time  
         Sort Key: t.val DESC  
         Sort Method: top-N heapsort  Memory: 26kB  
         Buffers: shared hit=317037, temp read=1921 written=1928  
         ->  Subquery Scan on t  (cost=38939.80..39264.80 rows=50 width=48) (actual time=520.846..728.927 rows=10001 loops=1)  
               Output: t.rn,, t.gid, t.val, t.pos, t.crt_time  
               Filter: (t.rn = 1)  
               Rows Removed by Filter: 303477  
               Buffers: shared hit=317037, temp read=1921 written=1928  
               ->  WindowAgg  (cost=38939.80..39139.80 rows=10000 width=48) (actual time=520.844..703.933 rows=313478 loops=1)  
                     Output: row_number() OVER (?),, test.gid, test.val, test.pos, test.crt_time  
                     Buffers: shared hit=317037, temp read=1921 written=1928  
                     ->  Sort  (cost=38939.80..38964.80 rows=10000 width=40) (actual time=520.837..594.505 rows=313478 loops=1)  
                           Output: test.gid, test.val,, test.pos, test.crt_time  
                           Sort Key: test.gid, test.val DESC  
                           Sort Method: external merge  Disk: 15368kB  
                           Buffers: shared hit=317037, temp read=1921 written=1928  
                           ->  Index Scan using idx_test_gist on public.test  (cost=0.42..38275.42 rows=10000 width=40) (actual time=0.240..336.235 rows=313478 loops=1)  
                                 Output: test.gid, test.val,, test.pos, test.crt_time  
                                 Index Cond: ('<(5000,5000),1000>'::circle @> test.pos)  
                                 Buffers: shared hit=317037  
 Planning time: 0.140 ms  
 Execution time: 734.226 ms  
(27 rows)  

Kernel-level optimization (support for spatial GRID partition tables)

Let PostgreSQL support spatial GRID partitions (in fact, you can now use inheritance to determine which partition should be inserted using grid+mod in the trigger).

Reference below

Art and Technology Value of Honeycomb - PostgreSQL PostGIS's hex-grid

For the perspective of time + space dimension, you can create a spatial grid partition + time partition secondary partition.

When retrieving, filter directly to the target subpartition table through the partition table.Then through btree index, recursive call, filter out the peak data of each store in the candidate interval, and add a small amount of CPU operation to get the TOP store.

With this method, the query efficiency can be less than 100 milliseconds from a four-dimensional perspective of time + space.

Business optimization methods

1. For example 1 and 2, historical data is of no concern because the business side is looking at the most recent data.In addition to using recursive optimization, there are two methods.

Method 1, without recording history, replaces the insert with an insert or an update.In this way, querying sort_test always yields the latest value.

create unlogged table sort_test(  
  s_id int primary key,            -- sensor ID  
  val  numeric(10,2),              -- Sensor Value  
  crt_time timestamp default clock_timestamp()    -- Report time  
insert into sort_test(s_id,val,crt_time) values (?,?,?) on conflict (s_id) do update set val=excluded.val,crt_time=excluded.crt_time;  

Method 2 records the history and the latest status.Use triggers to do this.


When data is inserted, the last record is automatically updated.(equal number of writes and updates)


Create a status table to record the latest status, create a trigger to automatically update the latest status table when historical data is written.

create unlogged table hist(  
  id serial8 primary key,          -- Self-adding Primary Key  
  s_id int,                        -- sensor ID  
  val  numeric(10,2),              -- Sensor Value  
  crt_time timestamp default clock_timestamp()    -- Report time  
create unlogged table hist_stat(  
  s_id int primary key,            -- sensor ID  
  val  numeric(10,2),              -- Sensor Value  
  crt_time timestamp default clock_timestamp()    -- Report time  
create or replace function tg() returns trigger as $$  
  insert into hist_stat (s_id,val,crt_time) values (NEW.s_id,NEW.val,NEW.crt_time) on conflict (s_id) do update set val=excluded.val,crt_time=excluded.crt_time;  
  return null;  
$$ language plpgsql strict;  
create trigger tg after insert on hist for each row execute procedure tg();  

Insert data, automatically update to the latest state

postgres=# insert into hist(s_id,val) values(1,1);  
INSERT 0 1  
postgres=# insert into hist(s_id,val) values(1,1);  
INSERT 0 1  
postgres=# insert into hist(s_id,val) values(1,1);  
INSERT 0 1  
postgres=# insert into hist(s_id,val) values(1,1);  
INSERT 0 1  
postgres=# insert into hist(s_id,val) values(1,1);  
INSERT 0 1  
postgres=# select * from hist;  
 id | s_id | val  |          crt_time            
  3 |    1 | 1.00 | 2017-04-13 22:23:25.165286  
  4 |    1 | 1.00 | 2017-04-13 22:23:26.23929  
  5 |    1 | 1.00 | 2017-04-13 22:23:26.646152  
  6 |    1 | 1.00 | 2017-04-13 22:23:26.991189  
  7 |    1 | 1.00 | 2017-04-13 22:23:27.376265  
(5 rows)  
postgres=# select * from hist_stat ;  
 s_id | val  |          crt_time            
    1 | 1.00 | 2017-04-13 22:23:27.376265  
(1 row)  

When querying, querying the latest status table directly eliminates recursive calls.

postgres=# select * from hist_stat ;  
 s_id | val  |          crt_time            
    1 | 1.00 | 2017-04-13 22:23:27.376265  
(1 row)  

2. For example 3, because historical data is analyzed, and the dimension of analysis is time and space.

Therefore, one dimension can be used as a partition to break up the data, and after that, an index of another dimension can be built on the partition.

In this way, when querying, you can try to narrow down the data to a smaller extent.

Partitioning is supported in both space and time.(A gridded representation is recommended for spatial partitioning to facilitate finding and locating partitions).

Reference resources

Stream Computing Comes Back - PostgreSQL Strongs IoT with PipelineDB

What are the features of a time series database? Introduction to TimescaleDB time series database

ApsaraDB Left-Right Interpulsation (PgSQL+HybridDB+OSS) - Solving the Mixed Requirements of OLTP+OLAP)

Accelerated Analysis and Implementation of Time Series Data Merge Scenarios - Composite Index, Accelerated Window Grouping Query, Accelerated Metamorphic Recursion

Chat From Difficult Fuzzy Queries - GIN, GiST, SP-GiST, RUM Indexing Principles and Technical Background, one of PostgreSQL's unique tricks

Art and Technology Value of Honeycomb - PostgreSQL PostGIS's hex-grid

Topics: PostgreSQL Database SQL less