Scala notes (5): MySQL database configuration and scala programming

Posted by aleph_x on Sat, 04 Jan 2020 02:29:12 +0100

MySQL database installation configuration

In order to see / operate the database easily and intuitively, Navicat Premium software is generally installed to support multiple databases.
There is not much nonsense in the installation process, mainly referring to the following connections, no pit in hand test, which are the main documents:
Navicat Premium 12.0.18 / 12.0.24 installation and activation
Navicat Premium 12.0.29 / installation and activation

Scala operates mysql through JDBC, but not for non JDBC.

Scala operates mysql foundation through JDBC

The following first post others tried simple and feasible, no problem. The quantity of addition, deletion and modification is constant, which is known before input and will not change. Because it is in the program, the content of addition, deletion and modification inevitably contains variables. Later, a simple method will be given to realize it.

package ScalaSQL
import java.sql.{Connection, DriverManager}

object ScalaJDBC {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
 val url = "jdbc:mysql://"
 //Val url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost/scala test" if local test
 //The main format is jdbc:mysql://IP address / database name“
    val driver = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"//Driver name
    val user = "aitc_report"//User name
    val password = "sdkfnhi"//Password
    //Initialize data connection
    var connection: Connection = null
    try {
      connection = DriverManager.getConnection(url,user,password)
      val statement = connection.createStatement
    val rs = statement.executeQuery("SELECT name, num FROM persons")//To indicate the name of the table in the database (here, persons, num and name are scheme information respectively)
    while ( {
      val name = rs.getString("name")
      val num = rs.getString("num")
      println("name = %s, num = %s".format(name, num))
    }//Execute the query statement and return the result
      val rs2 = statement.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO `report` (`name`,`num`) VALUES ('zhangsan', '88')")//Insert new data
     val rs3 = statement.executeUpdate("UPDATE persons set num=11 WHERE `name`=\"zhangsan\"")//Update and modify existing data
    val rs4 = statement.executeUpdate("delete from persons WHERE `name`=\"zhangsan\"")//Existing data deletion
    val rs5 = statement.executeUpdate("call add_student(3)")//Perform call stored procedure operation
    } catch {
      case e: Exception => e.printStackTrace
    connection.close//Close connection, release resources

Scala operates mysql advanced through JDBC

Scala program running results may contain some variables, at this time, the content of addition, deletion, query and modification will inevitably contain variables. In addition to changing the result to the form of DataFrame as described on the Internet, another simple way is as follows:

    val datalist=List(XXXXX)//This part is omitted because of the company
    val url="jdbc:mysql://"
    val data = sc.parallelize(datalist)

    def myFun(iterator: Iterator[(String, Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Double)]): Unit = { //The parameter types of the function strictly correspond to each other, and then there will be Set
      var conn: Connection= null
      var ps:java.sql.PreparedStatement=null
      val sql="insert into `report_youxi`(`date`,`aitcsender_num`,`sjzssender_num`,`arrive`,`close`,`pop`,`click`,`CTR`)"+"values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"      conn=DriverManager.getConnection(url,"aitc_report","sdkfnhi")
      ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql)
      iterator.foreach(data => {
        ps.setString(1, data._1)
        ps.setInt(2, data._2)
        ps.setInt(3, data._3)
        ps.setInt(4, data._4)
        ps.setInt(5, data._5)
        ps.setInt(6, data._6)
        ps.setInt(7, data._7)
        ps.setDouble(8, data._8)
        ps.executeUpdate() //Execute Sql statement

Reference resources:
The second reference did not find the original link for the time being, found and added.

Topics: MySQL JDBC Scala SQL