Variables and data types
As like as two peas in Java, there is not much to say here.
// Single-Line Comments /* multiline comment */ /* * Documentation Comments */
variable and constant
Constant: a variable that will not be changed during program execution
// variable // var variable name [: variable type] = initial value var i:Int = 20 // constant // val variable name [: variable type] = initial value val j:Int = 10
No variables where constants can be used
Naming conventions for identifiers
The character sequence used by Scala when naming various variables, methods, functions, etc. is called an identifier. That is: any place where you can name yourself is called an identifier.
Naming rules
The identifier declaration in Scala is basically the same as that in Java, but the details will change. There are three rules:
- Begin with a letter or underscore followed by letters, numbers, and underscores
- Starts with an operator and contains only operators
- Any string included in backquotes, even Scala keywords
String output
- Connect via +
- printf usage: string, passing value through%
- String template (interpolation string): get variable value through $
object Test04_String { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val name:String = "zihoo" val age:Int = 21 // Connect via + println(age + "Year old" + name + "study scala") // *Used for string copying and splicing multiple times println(name * 3) // printf usage: string, passing value through% printf("%d Year old%s study scala\n", age, name) // String template (interpolation string): get variable value through $ println(s"${age}Year old ${name}study scala") // Format template string val num:Double = 3.1415926 println(f"The number is ${num}%1.2f") // Three quotation marks represent the string and keep the original format output of multi line string val sql = s""" |select * |from | student |where | name = ${name} and age = ${age} |""".stripMargin println(sql) } }
keyboard entry
In programming, if you need to receive the data input by the user, you can use the keyboard to input statements to obtain it.
import object Test05_StdIn { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { // Input information print("Please enter your name:") val name:String = StdIn.readLine() print("Please enter your age:") val age:Int = StdIn.readInt() print(s"welcome ${age}Year old ${name}study scala") } }
Read write file
There is no way to encapsulate writing files in scala. But we have learned before that Java methods can be written directly in Scala, so we can use Java methods to write files.
import{File, PrintWriter} import object Test06_FileIO { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { // Read data from file Source.fromFile("src/main/resources/test.txt").foreach(print) // Write data to file val writer = new PrintWriter(new File("src/main/resources/output.txt")) writer.write("Hello Scala from Java") writer.close() } }
data type
All data in Scala are objects and subclasses of Any
In Scala, data types are divided into two categories: value type and reference type. Both value type and reference type are objects
Scala data types still adhere to the principle of automatic conversion from low-precision value types to high-precision value types
StringOps in Scala is an enhancement to String in Java
Unit corresponds to void in Java. It is used for the position of the return value of the method, indicating that the method has no return value. Unit is a data type, and only one object is (). Void is not a data type, but a keyword.
Null is a type, and only one object is null. It is a subclass of all reference types.
Nothing is a subclass of all data types. It is mainly used when a function has no explicit return value, because in this way, we can return the thrown return value to any variable or function.
Integer type
Scala's integer type is used to store integer values, such as 12, 303456, and so on
data type | length | describe |
Byte | 1 | 8-bit signed complement integer. The range of values is - 128 - 127 |
Short | 2 | 16 bit signed complement integer. The range of values is - 32768 - 32767 |
Int | 4 | 32-bit signed complement integer. The range of values is - 2147483648 - 2147483647 |
Long | 8 | 64 bit signed complement integer. The range of values is - 9223372036854775808 - 9223372036854775807 |
Character type
It can represent a single character, and the character type is char
Empty type
data type | describe |
Unit | Indicates no value, which is equivalent to void in other languages. The result type used as a method that does not return any results. Unit has only one instance value, written as () |
Null | Null, null type has only one instance value null |
Nothing | Nothing type is at the lowest level of Scala's class hierarchy; It is a subtype of any other type. When a function determines that there is no normal return value, we can use nothing to specify the return type. This has the advantage that we can assign the returned value (exception) to other functions or variables |
Type conversion
Automatic type conversion
Automatic promotion principle: when there are multiple types of data mixed operation, the system will first automatically convert all data into the data type with high precision
When assigning a value type with high precision to a value type with low precision, an error will be reported. Otherwise, automatic type conversion will be carried out
(byte, short) and char are not automatically converted to each other
Byte, short and char can be calculated. When calculating, they are first converted to int type
package chapter02 object Test08_DataTypeConversion { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { // Automatic promotion principle: when there are multiple types of data mixed operation, the system will first automatically convert all data into the data type with high precision val a1: Byte = 10 val b1: Long = 2200 val result: Long = a1 + b1 var resultInt: Int = (a1 + b1.toInt) // When assigning a value type with high precision to a value type with low precision, an error will be reported. Otherwise, automatic type conversion will be carried out val a2: Byte = 10 val b2: Int = a2 var c2: Byte = b2.toByte // (byte, short) and char are not automatically converted to each other val a3: Byte = 10 val b3: Char = 'b' // val c3: Byte = b3 // error // Byte, short and char can be calculated. When calculating, they are first converted to int type val a4: Byte = 10 val b4: Short = 203 val c4: Char = 'b' val result4: Int = a4 + b4 } }
In addition, Scala also provides a very powerful implicit conversion mechanism (implicit functions, implicit classes, etc.).
Cast type
The inverse process of automatic type conversion, which converts the numerical type with high precision to the numerical type with low precision. A forced conversion function should be added when using, but it may reduce the accuracy or overflow, so pay special attention.
object Test08_DataTypeConversion { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { // Cast type // Convert high precision to low precision val n1: Int = 2.5.toInt println(s"n1: ${n1}") val n2: Int = -2.7.toInt println(s"n2: ${n2}") // The strong conversion symbol is only valid for the nearest operator, and parentheses are often used to raise the priority val n3: Int = 2.3.toInt + 3.7.toInt val n4: Int = (2.3 + 3.7).toInt // Conversion of numeric type and String type // Value -- > string val number: Int = 27 val str: String = number + "" println(str) // String --> number val number2: Int= "12".toInt } }