Script writing in python -- installation and use of pyautogui

Posted by atrum on Mon, 27 Dec 2021 09:59:36 +0100


Installation of pyautogui


Use size to get the display resolution of the screen

Use position to get the current position of the mouse

Mouse movement

moveTo: move the mouse to a position on the screen

moveRel (move): move based on the current position

Mouse click

Click: click the mouse

doubleclick: double click the mouse

mouseDown and mouseUp: mouse press and release

Mouse drag

Mouse scrolling

Screen processing

screenshot: full screen capture

locateOnScreen: find the location of the screenshot

keyboard entry

keyDown and keyUp: keyboard press and keyboard release

press: release immediately after pressing the key

typewrite(): continuous typing

Prompt information

prompt box

Selection box

Input password

Enter common content

The following is my study and arrangement of pyautogui, one of the most important libraries for scripting in python. I hope it will be helpful to share with you

Tip: during the initial use of pyautogui, I found that the click on Google browser failed, and others have not been found yet

Installation of pyautogui

You can use cmd to enter pip install pyautogui to install the library


The control of the mouse is based on the position on the screen. For example, the display resolution of my computer is 1920 ✖ 1080, that is, starting from the upper left corner of the screen, the horizontal direction to the right represents x, 1920 small pixel blocks in a row, and the vertical direction down represents y, and 1080 pixel blocks in a column, just like a large coordinate system, except that there is only the first quadrant in the whole screen

Use size to get the display resolution of the screen

Examples are as follows:

from pyautogui import size

Use position to get the current position of the mouse

from pyautogui import position

Mouse movement

moveTo: move the mouse to a position on the screen

It can be seen from the above that the coordinates of the upper left corner are (0, 0) and the lower right corner is (19201080). An example is as follows

from pyautogui import moveTo
moveTo(1684,1059,duration=3)#1684 and 1059 are the positions to be moved, and duration represents the time to perform the move, in seconds

moveRel (move): move based on the current position

from pyautogui import moveTo,moveRel

#Move from the current mouse position to 100 to the right and 200 to the down, and the process time is set to 2 seconds

Mouse click

Click: click the mouse

from pyautogui import click
#click specifies the coordinates. You can also set the duration from execution to clicking this location, as well as the left, middle or right buttons

doubleclick: double click the mouse

from pyautogui import doubleClick
#The parameters are the same as clicking, except now double-click the mouse

mouseDown and mouseUp: mouse press and release

from pyautogui import mouseDown,mouseUp
mouseDown()   # Mouse down
mouseUp()    # Mouse release

Mouse drag

dragTo: drag the mouse to a position

dragRel: drag according to the logarithm table of the current position

Dragging the mouse is similar to moving the mouse, but compared with moving the window, a difference test is done

from pyautogui import moveTo,mouseDown,mouseUp

from pyautogui import dragTo,mouseDown,mouseUp


During the test, it was found that the combination of moveTo and mouse press can drag a window, but dragTo can't

Mouse scrolling

from pyautogui import scroll

scroll(300)#Pass in an integer. A positive number means sliding the roller up
scroll(-300)#Slide the roller down

Screen processing

screenshot: full screen capture

The screenshot will be saved in the same directory where the script is saved

from pyautogui import screenshot
screenshot().save('Screenshot.png')#jpg format is also supported. Please try other formats

Crop captures screenshots of any size, such as crop((

locateOnScreen: find the location of the screenshot

Find the screenshot location here is to find the location that matches the saved screenshot on the screen

from pyautogui import locateOnScreen

keyboard entry

keyDown and keyUp: keyboard press and keyboard release

Multiple keys can be pressed at the same time by pressing and releasing the keyboard, such as ctrl+v pasting. In order to achieve multiple keys at the same time, we also have hotkey('ctrl','c '), which can accept multiple parameters, press them in the incoming order, and then release them in the opposite order

from pyautogui import keyDown,keyUp
keyDown('space')   # Press the spacebar
keyUp('space')    # Release the spacebar



press: release immediately after pressing the key

It can be regarded as a combination of press and release. For example, if we want to send a message, press enter, and it will be released after pressing. Therefore, press is widely used

The case of letters does not affect the keys. For example, Enter can be written as press ('Enter ') and press ('end')

There are two key positions, such as Shift, followed by left or right, press('shiftleft ')

It should be emphasized that the Enter key is recognized as line feed and can be replaced by \ n, that is, press('enter')=press('\n '), and the tab key can be replaced by \ t

The up, down, left and right keys are up, down, left and right respectively

typewrite(): continuous typing

typewrite here can recognize case

from pyautogui import typewrite
#The first parameter is the content to be entered, and the second parameter is the interval between each key press
#You can also pass in a list of individual strings
#An uppercase S will be entered

Prompt information

prompt box

from pyautogui import alert
print(alert(text='A test',title='test'))
#Click OK to return to OK

Selection box

from pyautogui import confirm
print(confirm('Please select gender',buttons=['male','female']))
#Your hits will be output


Input password

from pyautogui import password
print(password('Please enter your password'))
#The password just entered will be output

Enter common content

from pyautogui import prompt
print(prompt('Please enter your account number'))
#The content just entered will be returned



Topics: Python Back-end