Selector summary in CSS

Posted by Shiki on Wed, 19 Jan 2022 00:20:56 +0100

I Basic selector

Basic selector:

  • Label selector: for a class of labels
  • ID selector: used for a specific label
  • Class selector: use for all tags you want
  • Universal selector (wildcard): applicable to all labels (not recommended)
.class.navSelect all elements of class = "intro"
#id#firstnameSelect all elements with id = "firstname"
**Select all elements
elementpSelect all elements
element,elementdiv,pSelect all elements and all elements

II Structure selector

element elementdiv pSelect all elements inside the element (all descendant elements)
element>elementdiv>pSelect all elements (sons) whose parent element is an element
element+elementdiv+pSelect the element immediately after the element (the nearest brother)
element~element2p~ulSelect all elements (siblings) at the same level of the element and after the element

1. Descendant selectors, separated by spaces

.div1 p {
        color: red;

Spaces indicate descendants Div1 denotes p The offspring of div1 all p.

2. The descendant selector is represented by the symbol >

div > p {
    color: red;

div's son p. And the offspring p of div.

3. Adjacent sibling elements

Used to select the sibling element next to it.

h3 + p {
        color: red;

The selector above means that the first brother next to the h3 element is selected.

4. Subsequent sibling elements

Used to select all subsequent sibling elements.

p~ul {

ul of all sibling tags after the p tag is selected.

III attribute selectors

Style elements based on attributes.

[attribute][target]All elements with target attribute
[attribute=value][target=_blank]All elements with targe attribute equal to "_blank"
[attribute~=value][title~=houdunren]The title attribute contains all the elements of the word "houdunren"
[attribute|=value][title|=hd]A word whose title attribute value is "hd", or an independent word connected by hd CMS with -
[attribute*=value]a[src*="hdcms"]The src attribute contains each element of the "hdcms" character
[attribute^=value]a[src^="https"]src attribute value for each element starting with "https"
[attribute$=value]a[src$=".jpeg"]src attribute all elements ending in ". jpeg"

1. Set the style for h1 label with class attribute

h1[class] {
    color: red;

<h1 class="container">xioafeixia</h1>

2. Constrain multiple attributes

h1[class][id] {
    color: red;

<h1 class="container" id >xioafeixia</h1>

3. Specific attribute value setting style

a[href=""] {
    color: green;

<a href="">hhh</a>
<a href="">HDCMS</a>

^The element that starts with the specified value

h2[name^="p"] {
    color: red;

<h2 name="p1">xioafeixia</h2>
<h2 name="p2">xioafeixia</h2>

$elements ending with the specified value

<h2 name="1person">xiaofeixia</h2>
<h2 name="2">xiaofeixia</h2>

h2[name$="person"] {
    color: red;

*An element with a value anywhere inside the property

h2[name*="dog"] {
    color: red;

<h2 name="bigdog">xiaofeixia</h2>
<h2 name="">xiaofeixia</h2>

~The attribute value contains the element of the specified vocabulary

The keyword must be included in the attribute, rather than specifying that the keyword is part of the word of the attribute.

h2[name~="person"] {
    color: red;

<h2 name="1person">xiaofeixia</h2>/*At this time, the first h2 does not take effect. It contains the specified vocabulary, not the target vocabulary in a vocabulary*/
<h2 name="person one">xiaofeixia</h2>

|An element that starts with a specified value or connects a dash with an attribute

h2[name|="person"] {
    color: red;

<h2 name="person">xiaofeixia</h2>
<h2 name="person-web">xiaofeixia</h2>

IV Pseudo class selector

Set style rules for elements with different states or uncertain existence.

Sum of all selectors

:linka:linkSelect all links that are not accessed
:visiteda:visitedSelect all links that have been accessed
:hovera:hoverWhen the mouse moves over an element
:activea:activeWhen clicking is happening
:focusinput::focusSelect the input element that gets the focus
:root:rootSelect the root element of the document, html.
:emptyp:emptySelect each element without child elements (including text nodes).
:first-childp:first-childSelect each element that belongs to the first child element of the parent element
:last-childp:last-childSelect each element that belongs to the last child element of its parent element.
:first-of-typep:first-of-typeSelect each element that belongs to the first element of its parent element
:last-of-typep:last-of-typeSelect each element that belongs to the last element of its parent element.
:only-of-typep:only-of-typeSelect each element that is unique to its parent element.
:only-childp:only-childSelect each element that belongs to the only child element of its parent element.
:nth-child(n)p:nth-child(2)Select each element that belongs to the second child element of its parent element.
:nth-child(odd)p:nth-child(odd)Select an odd element that belongs to its parent element.
:nth-child(even)p:nth-child(even)Select even elements that belong to their parent elements.
:nth-of-type(n)p:nth-of-type(2)Select each element that belongs to the second element of its parent element.
:nth-last-child(n)p:nth-last-child(2)As above, count from the last child element.
:nth-last-of-type(n)p:nth-last-of-type(2)Same as above, but counting starts from the last child element.
:not(selector):not§Select each element that is not an element

Pseudo class selector:

  • Hyperlink pseudo class
  • Structural pseudo class
  • Form pseudo class
  • Character pseudo class

Static and dynamic pseudo classes:

There are two types of pseudo class selectors.

(1) Static pseudo class: can only be used for styles of hyperlinks. As follows:

  • : link before clicking the hyperlink
  • After the visited link is accessed:

PS: the above two styles can only be used for hyperlinks.

(2) Dynamic pseudo class: a style that applies to all labels. As follows:

  • : hover: when the mouse is over the label
  • : active "activate": when the mouse clicks on the label but does not let go.
  • : focus is the style when a label gets focus (for example, an input box gets focus)

1. Hyperlink pseudo class

Define different states of hyperlinks

Four states of hyperlinks

a tag has four pseudo classes (corresponding to four states). As follows:

  • : link "link": before clicking the hyperlink
  • : visited: after the link has been visited
  • : hover: when the mouse is over the label
  • : active "activate": when the mouse clicks on the label but does not let go.

In css, these four states must be written in a fixed order:

a:link ,a:visited ,a:hover ,a:active

a:link {
    color: red

a:visited {
    color: green

a:hover {
    color: blue

a:active {
    color: yellow

<a href=" Com "> backers</a>

Pseudo classes can be used not only for links, but also for other elements. The following is the style settings for clicking on the form and obtaining the focus status.

input:focus {
    background: green;

input:hover {
    background: blue;

input:active {
    background: yellow;

<input type="text">

2. Structure pseudo class


div p:first-child {
    color: antiquewhite;


Select the first of the div's child elements.


    div div:first-of-type {
        color: antiquewhite;

The selection type is the first element of the div


The "only child" selector selects only one child element in the parent element and only one child element. In other words, the parent element of the matched element has only one child element and is a unique child element.

article span:only-child {
    color: red;

		<span>xiaofeixia</span>/*This element takes effect*/


Here to find out: the parent element of sapn has only one child element. The child element is then validated. The upper span also has brother elements, so it doesn't take effect.


Select the only child element in the sibling whose type is span

article span:only-of-type {
    color: red;



<div id="main" class="x">
    <div id="a">first DIV</div>
    <div id="b">first DIV</div>
    <p>first P</p>

The first xiaofeixia here takes effect.

The div selected at this time is the div with id of main, which is the element of the unique type (DIV) of the element body, so the whole div will turn red.


Select the second element and it is the of the span tag.

article span:nth-child(2) {
    color: red;

    <span>14563</span>/*Here the style takes effect*/


Select the second span element, regardless of the other elements in the middle

article span:nth-of-type(2) {
        color: red;
        <span>dsgsg</span>/*Style validation*/
    <span>jfhfgsgssgs</span>/*Style validation*/

Calculated quantity

n is 0 / 1 / 2 / 3..., here is the interlaced color change

table tr>td:nth-child(2n+1) {
    background: green;
    color: white;

<table border="1">
    <td>Backing person</td>

Style from the third

table tr>td:nth-child(n+3) {
    background: rgb(128, 35, 2);
    color: white;

Set the first three elements

table tr>td:nth-child(-n+3) {
    background: rgb(128, 35, 2);
    color: white;

Even element

Select even cells

table tr>td:nth-child(even) {
    background: green;
    color: white;

<table border="1">
    <td>Backing person</td>

Odd element

Select odd cells

table tr>td:nth-child(odd) {
    background: green;
    color: white;

<table border="1">
    <td>Backing person</td>


Get from the last element

table tr>td:nth-last-child(2n+1){
    background: green;
    color: white;

<table border="1">
    <td>Backing person</td>

Take the last two elements

main>ul li:nth-last-child(-n+2) {
	color: red;


Select the span tag from the last element.

article span:nth-last-of-type(1) {
    background: red;
    color: white;



Exclude the first li element

ul li:not(:nth-child(1)) {
    background: red;

  <li>Backing person</li>

3. Form pseudo class

:enabledinput:enabledSelect each enabled input element
:disabledinput:disabledSelect each disabled input element
:checkedinput:checkedSelect each selected input element
:requiredinput:requiredElement containing the required attribute
:optionalinput:optionalElements that do not contain the required attribute
:validinput:validForm elements that passed validation
:invalidinput:invalidForms that fail validation

Form attribute style

input:enabled {
    background: red;

input:disabled {
    background: #dddddd;

input:checked+label {
    color: green;

<input type="text" disabled>
<input type="text" name="info">

<input type="radio" name="sex" checked id="boy">
<label for="boy">male</label>
<input type="radio" name="sex" checked id="girl">
<label for="girl">female</label>

Form required style

input:required {
    border: solid 2px blue;

input:optional {
	background: #dcdcdc; 
	border: none;

<input type="text" name="title" required>
<input type="text" name="name">

Form validation style

input:valid {
    border: solid 1px green;

input:invalid {
    border: solid 1px red;

<input type="email">

4. Character pseudo class

::first-letterp::first-letterSelect the first letter of each element
::first-linep:first-lineSelect the first row of each element
::beforep:beforeInsert content before the content of each element
::afterp:afterInsert content after the content of each element

Initial capital:

p::first-letter {
    font-size: 20px;

    study hard and make progress every day

Paragraph first line processing:

p::first-line {
    font-size: 30px;

    study hard and make progress every day. study hard and make progress every day.<br>study hard and make progress every day. study hard and make progress every day

Add before and after element:

span::before {
    content: '⇰';
    color: red;
span::after {
    content: '⟲';
    color: green;

<span>Little Feixia</span>

Topics: Front-end css3 css