session technology, EL, JSTL

Posted by luzlin on Tue, 21 Sep 2021 21:38:07 +0200


1, session Technology


Species difference (connotation):

Creation and acquisition of session

Syntax analysis of access and deletion of session value


2, EL

Why use EL?


Species difference (connotation):

EL syntax:

EL syntax - value by variable name


Jump to a jsp through the servlet and get the collection of user data in the jsp

1. No need el

2. Use el

EL syntax - get object property values

EL syntax - get set element - List

EL syntax - get collection elements - Map

EL syntax - execute expression

EL syntax - execute expression empty operator

EL implicit object

Fetch object: param

Check box object: paramValues

3, JSTL overview


Species difference (connotation):

JSTL usage steps:

1. Guide the package and paste it directly into the lib of the project as shown in the figure

  2. Paste the following fixed instructions on the JSP page

3. Write

set tag:

out label:

  The if tag (conditional judgment) does not have else, but it can be used in another form:

Cycle label:

Traverse the collection:

Start stop and step of cycle label:

1, session Technology


Session is an object stored on the server side and used to save session data during the whole session.  

Species difference (connotation):

1. The information is saved on the server side

2. Information is stored as objects

Creation and acquisition of session

HttpSession session = request.getSession();

Gets the HttpSession object in the request.

If the return value is null, create a session.

HttpSession session = request.getSession(boolean b);

The parameter is true, which is the same as the method without parameters.

The parameter is false. If the return value is null, it will return null and will not create a session.

Syntax analysis of access and deletion of session value

Save data in the form of key value pairs:

session.setAttribute(String name,Object obj);

Get data through key value:

session.getAttribute(String name);

Delete data by key value:

session.removeAttribute(String name);


protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
	//Set character encoding
	request.setCharacterEncoding( "utf-8");
	//Set generated properties
	PrintWriter pw = response.getWriter();
	//Create Session object
	HttpSession session = request.getSession();
	//Save data to session
	session.setAttribute("username","Zhang San");
	//Delete data from session
	//Get the data from the session and print the data to the web page

2, EL

Why use EL?

Ask questions:

Is a large amount of Java code embedded in general JSP pages? When accessing data with complex structure, the code is cumbersome. Does it often need forced type conversion?  

Employee employee =(Employee) request.getAttribute("employee");
Computer comp = employee.getComputer();
String brand= comp.getBrand();

How to solve it?

EL obtains data from domain objects and automatically performs type conversion, which makes the development of JSP easier



EL is an expression language embedded in JSP pages to obtain data from fields or built-in objects and operate

Species difference (connotation):

1. Embedded in JSP pages

2. Obtain data from the domain or built-in object 3. You can operate on the obtained data

EL syntax:

${EL expression }

Value by variable name

Gets the property value of the object

Get collection elements

Execute expression

EL syntax - value by variable name

${variable name} for example: ${username}

//Save data in Servlet or JSP

request.setAttribute("username", "LiYang");

//Accessing data in JSP

Name: ${username}

Specify scope:

Scope nameName in EL



Jump to a jsp through the servlet and get the collection of user data in the jsp

In two ways:

1. No need el in
protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
		//Set character encoding
		request.setCharacterEncoding( "utf-8");
		//Set generated properties
		List<User> users=new ArrayList<User>();
		User u1=new User(1,"Zhang San","123");
		User u2=new User(2,"Li Si","123");
		User u3=new User(3,"Wang Wu","123");
		User u4=new User(4,"Zhao Liu","123");
		request.getRequestDispatcher("TestEL.jsp").forward(request, response);

TestEL.jsp in
	List<User> users=(List<User>)request.getAttribute("users");
	User u=users.get(2);

2. Use el in
protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
		//Set character encoding
		request.setCharacterEncoding( "utf-8");
		//Set generated properties
		List<User> users=new ArrayList<User>();
		User u1=new User(1,"Zhang San","123");
		User u2=new User(2,"Li Si","123");
		User u3=new User(3,"Wang Wu","123");
		User u4=new User(4,"Zhao Liu","123");
		request.getRequestDispatcher("TestEL.jsp").forward(request, response);

TestEL.jsp in

EL syntax - get object property values

<%=( (User)request.getAttribute("user") ) .getName()%>

Equivalent to the following:

Point operator:


[] operator


EL syntax - get set element - List

//Save data in Servlet or JSP

List names = new ArrayList();names.add(0, "LiYang");



//Accessing data in JSP

Name: $names [0]} < br / >

Name: ${names [1]} < br / >

//Specify element subscript with []

EL syntax - get collection elements - Map

Save data in Servlet or JSP

Map names = new HashMap();


names.put("two", "WangHua");

request.setAttribute("names", names);

//Accessing data in JSP

Name: ${names. One} < br / >

Name: ${names ["two"]} < br / >

//According to the key in the key value pair

EL syntax - execute expression

It's OK to understand. The condition judgment in EL is generally not used. Now JSTL is used

Arithmetic operatorexplainExampleresult
/Or divexcept${15 / 2} or ${15 div 2}7
%Or modSeeking remainder${15% 2} or ${15 mod 2}1
Relational operatorexplainExampleresult
==(or eq)be equal to

${23 = = 5} or ${23 eq 5}

${"a" =="a"} or ${"a" eq "a"}



! = (or ne)Not equal to${23! = 5} or ${23 ne 5}true
< (or lt)less than${23 < 5} or ${23 lt 5}false
>(or gt)greater than${23 > 5} or ${23 gt 5}true
< = (or le)Less than or equal to${23 < = 5} or ${23 le 5}false
>=(or ge)Greater than or equal to${23 > = 5} or ${23 ge 5}true
Logical operatorexplainExampleresult
&&(or and)Logic andIf a is true and B is false, ${A & & B} (or ${A and B})false
||(or)Logical orIf A is true and B is false, ${A | B} (or ${A or B})true
! (or not)Logical nonIf a is true, ${! A} (or ${not A})false

EL syntax - execute expression empty operator

If it is empty or null, return true,

Otherwise, false is returned

Used to determine whether an object or variable is null or empty

${empty name}

EL implicit object

EL implicit objects are predefined objects that can be used directly in the expression language

Fetch object: param

Check box object: paramValues

3, JSTL overview

Condition judgment in EL is generally not used. Now JSTL is used

Solve most <%% >


JSTL is a JSP standard tag library used to write various common core functions in Web applications

Species difference (connotation):

1. Use in web Applications

2. Used to write various common core functions

JSTL usage steps:

1. Guide the package and paste it directly into the lib of the project as shown in the figure

  2. Paste the following fixed instructions on the JSP page

<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c"%>

c in prefix means that all labels start with c, and if m is written in it, start with m

Position as shown in the figure:

3. Write < C: each label prompt will appear

For example: (all in the body)

set tag:

<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8"
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c"%>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Insert title here</title>
<!-- set Add data to the field and save data -->
<!-- scope=""Fill in the data wherever it is written -->
<!-- value=""What do you want to fill in -->
<!-- var=""What name do you want to fill in -->
	<!-- Save data -->
	<c:set scope="session" var="username" value="Chun Chun"></c:set>
	<!-- amount to
		HttpSession session = request.getSession( );
		session.setAttribute("usernamel","Chun Chun"); -->
	<!-- Fetch data -->

out label:

<!-- print data -->
	<c:out value="Chun Chun"></c:out>
	<!-- amount to out.print("Chun Chun") -->

  The if tag (conditional judgment) does not have else, but it can be used in another form:

<!-- If it is judged that Chunchun exists, the output is working hard -->
	<c:if test="${username=='Chun Chun'}">
		<c:out value="In efforts"></c:out>
	<!-- amount to else if -->
		<c:when test="${username=='Zhang San'}">
			<c:out value="I'm learning"></c:out>
		<c:when test="${username=='Li Si'}">
			<c:out value="at school"></c:out>
		<!-- amount to else -->
			<c:out value="Come on"></c:out>

Cycle label:

<c:set scope="session" var="cities" value="'Beijing','Shanghai','Hangzhou'"></c:set>
	<!-- loop -->
	<!-- items Property refers to what set you want to traverse -->
	<!-- var Property refers to what is generated by each traversal -->
	<c:forEach items="${cities}" var="city">
		<c:out value="${city}"></c:out>

Traverse the collection:

<c:forEach items="${users }" var="user">
		<c:out value="${user }"></c:out>

Corresponding Servlet
//request.getRequestDispatcher("TestEL.jsp").forward(request, response);
request.getRequestDispatcher("TestJSTL.jsp").forward(request, response);

Start stop and step of cycle label:

<c:forEach items="${cities }" var="city" begin="1" end="2" step="1">
		<c:out value="${city }"></c:out>

Topics: Java JSP html Java framework jstl