Shell command - pwd, rm for file and directory operations

Posted by gemmerz on Fri, 29 Nov 2019 20:15:32 +0100

File and directory operations - pwd, rm

1. pwd: display the current location information

Function description of pwd command

The pwd command displays the absolute path of the current working directory to switch back and forth between directories.

Syntax format of pwd command

pwd [OPTION]...
pwd [parameter options]

Option description of pwd command

There are only two pwd options, which are not commonly used, so I will not elaborate:

Practical operation of pwd command

Example 1: execute pwd command without any parameters

[root@oldboyedu  ~]# pwd
/root                                    <-->Absolute path
[root@oldboyedu  ~]# cd /etc/init.d/
[root@oldboyedu  /etc/init.d]# pwd
/etc/init.d                             <-->Absolute path

2. rm: delete file or directory

Function description of rm command

rm command is used to delete one or more files or directories. It is dangerous. Please use it carefully.

Syntax format of rm command

rm [OPTION]... FILE...
rm [parameter options] [file or directory]

Option description of rm command

The rm option is relatively simple. Table 1 shows the parameters and descriptions of the rm command

Table 1: parameters and description of rm command

Parameter options Explanation (with * as the focus)
-f Force deletion, ignore nonexistent files, do not prompt for confirmation*
-i Need to confirm before deleting
-I Delete more than three files or require confirmation before recursive deletion
-r Recursively delete directories and their contents*

Practical operation of rm command

Experimental environment

[root@oldboyedu  ~]# mkdir -p /data/dir{1..3}
[root@oldboyedu  ~]# touch /data/file{1..3}.txt
[root@oldboyedu  ~]# tree /data/
├── dir1
├── dir2
├── dir3
├── file1.txt
├── file2.txt
└── file3.txt

3 directories, 3 files
[root@oldboyedu  ~]# cd /data/
[root@oldboyedu  /data]# ls
dir1  dir2  dir3  file1.txt  file2.txt  file3.txt

Example 1: direct rm execution

[root@oldboyedu  /data]# rm file3.txt        
rm: remove regular empty file 'file3.txt'? n   <-->input y Confirm, enter n cancel
[root@oldboyedu  /data]# Alias rm < -- > the system aliases rm (masks the full path of the preceding \ or command)
alias rm='rm -i'

Example 2: forced deletion

[root@oldboyedu  /data]# RM - F file3.txt < >
[root@oldboyedu  /data]# ls
dir1  dir2  dir3  file1.txt  file2.txt

Example 3: recursive deletion

[root@oldboyedu  /data]# mkdir -p dir1/a/b
[root@oldboyedu  /data]# tree dir1
└── a
    └── b

2 directories, 0 files
[root@oldboyedu  /data]# rm dir1
rm: cannot remove 'dir1': Is a directory
[root@oldboyedu  /data]# The RM - R dir1 < -- > - R parameter is used to delete the directory
rm: descend into directory 'dir1'? y
rm: descend into directory 'dir1/a'? y
rm: remove directory 'dir1/a/b'? n
[root@oldboyedu  /data]# The combination of Rm-rf dir1 < -- > should be used with caution

As for today's writing, if you have any questions or mistakes, you are welcome to comment and point out the confusion

Topics: Operation & Maintenance