Shell script: shell function base

Posted by Cheap Commercial on Thu, 10 Feb 2022 17:49:33 +0100

1. Functions

What is a function?

  1. A function is a block of function code that can be used many times, a closed (space), and can be called freely in the code. Encapsulation of functions can reduce duplicate code development and improve code utilization. Functions can be passed along, using pre-defined content within the function to process different data parameters that are passed in.
  2. Functions can also be objects or values, and they can exist in variables, arrays, and objects.
  3. A function can be passed as a parameter to a function and returned by the function, while the function has properties.
  4. Functions always have return values (except for constructors, which return constructor function calls by default and display returns when the constructor call is executed)

Basic Shell Function Format


function Function name {
	Command Sequence


Function name{
	Command Sequence

Function return value

Functions can be passed as parameters and returned as return values. Can $be used in scripts? The variable displays the value.
Principles of Use

  • The return value is taken as soon as the function ends because $? Variable returns only the exit status code of the last command executed
  • Exit status code must be 0~255, exceeding time value will be divided by 256

Give an example:
(1) Defining functions with functions

function lizi{
read -p "Please enter a number:" a
return $a
echo $?
echo "The results are: $a"

(2) Define with lizi() {command sequence}

lizi (){
	read -p "Please enter a number:" a
return $a
echo $?
echo "The results are: $a"

Parameter transfer of functions

You can pass parameters to a function when it is called. Inside the function body, the value of the parameter is obtained in the form of $n, for example, $1 for the first parameter, $2 for the second parameter,... Even if the position parameter is used for parameter transfer.
Give an example:
Method 1: Find the product of two numbers

function chenji {
   sum=$[$1 * $2]
   echo $sum

read -p "Please enter the first parameter:" first
read -p "Enter the second parameter:" second
chenji $first $second

Method 2: Find the product of two numbers

chengji () {
   sum=$[$1 * $2]
   echo $sum
chengji $1 $2

Scope of function variables

  • Functions are valid in Shell scripts only in the current Shell environment
  • Variables in Shell scripts are globally valid by default
  • Limit variables to functions using local commands

Give an example:

aaaa () {
 local i         #Setting local variables
 echo $i
i=9             #Global Environment
echo $i

aaaaa () {      
 i=8		#local is not added, that is, it is a global variable
 echo $i
echo $i

2. Function Recursion

What is function recursion?

Recursive function call (a special nested call): In the process of calling a function, the function itself is called directly or indirectly.

Recursion must have two distinct phases:

  1. Recursive: Call recursively one level at a time, emphasizing that the scale of each recursive problem that enters the next level must be reduced
  2. Backtracking: Recursion must have a clear end condition that ends when it meets the condition and begins one layer at a time.

The essence of recursion is to approach a final result by repeating it over and over again

Typical Function Recursion----Factorial

What is a factorial?

The product of multiplying consecutive natural numbers from 1 to n, called a factorial, with the symbol n! Express. Such as 5!= 1 × 2 × 3 × 4 × 5. Provision 0!= 1

Give an example:
First example: factorial recursion

fact (){
     if [ $1 -eq 1 ]
        then echo 1
        local temp=$[$1 - 1]
        local result=$(fact $temp)
        echo $[$1 * $result]
read -p "Please enter the number you want to calculate:" num
result=$(fact $num)
echo $result

Example 2: Catalog recursion

myfunc (){
    for i in $1/*
            if [ -d $i ]
                then echo "$2$i"
                myfunc "$i" " $2"
                if [ -x $i ]
                    then  echo "-----$2$i"
for a in $(echo $PATH)
        myfunc $a ""

3. Function Library

What is a function library?

Personally, the shell function library is essentially a script that contains multiple functions (functions are universally applicable).

Give an example:

New Function Library

jiafa() {
   echo $[$1 + $2]

chengfa() {
   echo $[$1 * $2]

jianfa() { 
   echo $[$1 - $2]

chufa() {
if [ $2 -ne 0 ];then
   echo $[$1 / $2]
   echo "$2 Cannot be zero"

jiecheng() {
	 if [ $1 -eq 1 ]
        then echo 1
        local temp=$(jianfa $1 1)
        local result=$(jiecheng $temp)
        echo $(chengfa $1 $result)
.  /root/
read -p "Enter the first parameter value:" first
read -p "Enter the second parameter value:" second

result1=`jiafa $first $second`
result2=`chengfa $first $second`
result3=`jianfa $first $second`
result4=`chufa $first $second`
result5=`jiecheng $first`
echo $result1
echo $result2
echo $result3
echo $result4
echo $result5

Topics: Linux shell