Script function Brief 1. Export remote mysql database table data to local and save as file 2. Support the configuration of table information to be exported to the configuration file. The script will cycle the configuration file and parse the configuration file, and then complete the subsequent data export. 3. Incremental export by time is supported, with built-in time variables ${start ﹣ time} ${end ﹣ and time stamp built-in variables ${start ﹣ timestamp} and ${end ﹣ timestamp} 4. Input parameters in the form of - D are supported, such as: - D CFG = CFG ﹣ file ﹣ path ﹣ X - D starttime = yyyy-mm-dd - D Endtime = yyyy-mm-dd Script project directory project_name/bin project_name/cfg project_name/sql Take sync? M2local as an exampleScript introduction Step 1. Create the db.cfg file configuration database connection information in the CFG directory $ cat cfg/db.cfg DB_URL_="/usr/bin/mysql -h192.168.1.3 -udyb -pdyb123" Step 2. Create the sync service.cfg configuration file in the CFG directory, and configure the table information to be exported $ cat cfg/sync_service.cfg #database_name:table_name:sql_statement_file:[db_connect] cloud_tm_mi:order_info:sql/order_info.sql:default cloud_tm_mi:user_info:sql/user_info.sql:default Step 3 write the corresponding sql file in the sql directory $cat sql/order_info.sql (full export) sql_="select concat_ws(x'01',REPLACE(IFNULL(id,''),'\n',''),REPLACE(IFNULL(is_delete,''),'\n','')) from order_info ;" $cat sql/user_info.sql (exported in increments of time YYYY-MM-DD, the default time is 0:00-23:59:59 seconds yesterday, which can be specified by parameters) sql_="select concat_ws(x'01',REPLACE(IFNULL(id,''),'\n',''),REPLACE(IFNULL(username,''),'\n','')) from user_info where create_time between '${START_TIME}' and '${END_TIME}';" Step 4. Modify the path variable configuration in Temp path (temporary storage directory is used for directory path after initial download) Target? Path JOB_MARK (generally defined as the name of the project, which plays an identification role) Step 5. Configure task scheduling crontab or execute script manually . / (CFG / sync ﹣ service.cfg configuration file will be loaded by default) perhaps ./ "-D cfg=../cfg/sync_service_test.cfg" perhaps ./ "-D cfg=../cfg/sync_service.cfg -D starttime=20200302 -D endtime=20200302"
Script details (example)
bin/ script content
#!/bin/bash #Function: used to synchronize remote mysql database table data to local #Author: Ding Yibo source /etc/profile source ~/.bash_profile export LANG=en_US.UTF-8 export RUN_HOME=$(cd "$(dirname "$0")"; echo "${PWD%/*}") source $RUN_HOME/bin/ source $RUN_HOME/cfg/db.cfg JOB_MARK=pension #Definition of temporary directory and target directory TEMP_PATH=/data/mysqldata/mysqldata/database_${JOB_MARK}_temp TARGET_PATH=/data/oradata/external_table/${JOB_MARK}_service/data #Parameter processing if [[ "$1" == "-help" || "$1" == "-h" || $# -gt 1 ]]; then echo "usage: $0 "'"-D cfg=cfg_file_path_x -D starttime=YYYY-MM-DD -D endtime=YYYY-MM-DD"' exit fi if [[ $# -ne 1 ]]; then _loadConf "${RUN_HOME}/cfg/sync_service.cfg" else parameter=$1 for i in `echo $parameter|sed 's/-D//g'` do key=`echo $i|cut -d'=' -f1` value=`echo $i|cut -d'=' -f2` if [ $key == "cfg" ]; then cfg=$value; fi if [ $key == "starttime" ]; then starttime=$value; fi if [ $key == "endtime" ]; then endtime=$value; fi done echo $cfg if [ "$cfg" == "" ]; then _loadConf "${RUN_HOME}/cfg/sync_service.cfg" elif [ -f "$cfg" ]; then _loadConf "$cfg" else echo "cfg file is not exist!" exit fi _isValidDate $starttime if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "date format error!"; exit; fi _isValidDate $endtime if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "date format error!"; exit; fi _initDate "$starttime" "$endtime" fi if [ ! -d ${TEMP_PATH} ]; then mkdir -p ${TEMP_PATH} fi #Synchronize task execution body, loop through parameter file execution, and change to multi process execution if necessary for cfg in ${CFG_[@]} do dburl=`echo ${cfg}|cut -d':' -f4` database=`echo ${cfg}|cut -d':' -f1` table=`echo ${cfg}|cut -d':' -f2` sqlfile=`echo ${cfg}|cut -d':' -f3` source ${RUN_HOME}/$sqlfile if [[ "$dburl" == "default" ]]; then echo ${sql_} ${DB_URL_} -D${database} -N -e "${sql_}" >${TEMP_PATH}/${database}.${table}.dat if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "TEMP_PATH: ${TEMP_PATH}/${database}.${table}.dat" echo "TARGET_PATH: ${TARGET_PATH}/${database}.${table}.dat" if [ -f ${TARGET_PATH}/${database}.${table}.dat ]; then rm -f ${TARGET_PATH}/${database}.${table}.dat; fi mv ${TEMP_PATH}/${database}.${table}.dat ${TARGET_PATH}/${database}.${table}.dat else echo "${table} sync fail" fi fi done
bin/ script content
#Tool script function _formatDate() { _ymdhms=$1 _ymd=`echo ${_ymdhms:0:10}` _year=`echo ${_ymdhms:0:4}` _month=`echo ${_ymdhms:5:2}` _day=`echo ${_ymdhms:8:2}` _hour=`echo ${_ymdhms:11:2}` _minute=`echo ${_ymdhms:14:2}` _second=`echo ${_ymdhms:17:2}` } function _loadConf() { i_=0 for cv_ in `cat ${1}`;do if [ "${cv_:0:1}" == "#" -o -z $cv_ ];then continue; fi CFG_[$i_]=${cv_} echo "Profile content ${i_}:${CFG_[${i_}]}" i_=`expr ${i_} + 1` done } isDate_=0 function _isValidDate(){ if [[ "$1" == "" ]]; then return 0 fi date -d "$1" "+%F"|grep -q "$1" 2>/dev/null if [ $? = 0 ]; then ((isDate_++)) return 0 else return 1 fi } #Initialization time variable RUN_TIME=`date -d yesterday +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'` START_TIME="`date -d yesterday +%Y-%m-%d` 00:00:00" END_TIME="`date -d yesterday +%Y-%m-%d` 23:59:59" START_TIMESTAMP=`date -d "${START_TIME}" +%s` END_TIMESTAMP=`date -d "${END_TIME}" +%s` #Initialize time variable based on input date function _initDate() { if [[ "$1" != "" ]]; then START_TIME="$1 00:00:00" START_TIMESTAMP=`date -d "${START_TIME}" +%s` fi if [[ "$2" != "" ]]; then END_TIME="$2 23:59:59" END_TIMESTAMP=`date -d "${END_TIME}" +%s` fi }
cfg/db.cfg configuration file DB_URL_="/usr/bin/mysql -h10.1.31.12 -udyb -pdyb123" CFG / sync \ service.cfg configuration file #database_name:table_name:sql_statement_file:[db_connect] testdb:test:sql/test.sql:default sql/test.sql file sql_="select concat_ws(x'01',REPLACE(IFNULL(ORG_ID,''),'\n',''),REPLACE(IFNULL(jsjg_unified_org_no,''),'\n','')) from test where create_time between '${START_TIME}' and '${END_TIME}';"