Shell Scripting Basic Grammar Tutorial

Posted by rupturedtoad on Tue, 04 Jan 2022 07:16:14 +0100


_This paper simply records the knowledge about Shell scripting.
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    Original video Click here

1. Shell Variables

(1) Definition:

  • Variable name = variable value

    A=hello  # Define variable A whose value is hello
    echo $A  # Call the variable, note the money, "$"
    Be careful:
    	Call another form:
    		1. ${} 
  • Cancel variable: unset A

(2) Rules for defining variables:

  • Case sensitive, general uppercase
  • Cannot have special symbols
  • Single and double quotation marks for variable values with spaces
  • Variable name cannot start with a number
  • No spaces on either side of the equal sign, e.g. A = 3 is wrong

(3) Definition of variables:

1. Basic Ways

Variable name = variable value

echo $A

2. Assigning command results to variables

`` (apostrophe) or $()

echo $A

B=`data +%F`
echo ${B}

3. Interactively define variables:

read [options] variable name

-pDefine information to prompt the user
-nDefine the number of characters (limit input length)
-sDo not display (user input)
-tDefine timeout
Usage 1: User-defined variable values
read name
echo $name
read -p "Input your name:" name
Input your name:tom
echo $name

Usage 2: Variable values come from files
cat 1.txt
read ip mask < 1.txt 
echo $ip
echo $mask

4. Define variables of type:

declare [option] variable name = variable value

-iConsider variables as integers
-rDefine read-only variables
-aDefine normal arrays, view normal arrays
-ADefine an array of associations; View Associated Array
-xExport variables through environment

(4) Classification of variables

1. Local Variables

	-  Current user-defined variables,==Current process is valid, other processes or subprocesses are invalid==

2. Environmental variables

-  The current process is valid, and child processes can also be used 
-  env: View current user environment variables
  • set: View local, environment variables
  • export: variable name = variable value, changing local variable to environment variable

3. Global Variables

-  All users are valid,/env/bashrc 

4. System variables

- shell Its name and function have been fixed in itself
Built-in variablesMeaning
$?Status returned after the last command was executed; A status value of 0 indicates normal execution, while a non-zero indicates an execution exception or error
$0Name of the program or script currently executing
$#Number of parameters to follow the script
$*All parameters after the script, with parameters as a whole output, separated by spaces between each variable parameter
$@All parameters after the script, parameters are independent and all output
$1-$9The position parameter after the script, $1 for the first position parameter, and so on
${10}-${n}Extend the position parameter, the 10th position variable must be enclosed in {} braces (expanded by more than 2 digits)
$$Process number of the current process, e.g. echo $$
$!Last process number running in the background (current terminal)
!$Invoke parameters in last command history

Two and Four Operations

  • Arithmetic operations: By default, shell s can only support simple integer operations
  • Operations: +, -, *, /,%(Remainder)

(1) Four operators

Expr remembers to add spaces such as expr 10-5, the multiplication sign needs to be escaped [the actual operation seems unnecessary, I can use it without escaping]

ExpressionGive an example
$(())echo $((1+1)) output 2
$[]echo $[10-5] output 5
exprExpr 10/5 Notice the space
letn=1;let n+=1 is equivalent to let n=n+1

(2), i++ and ++ I

-  Has no effect on variables 
  • Affects the value of the expression:
    • i++: assign before operation
    • ++ i: first compute, then assign

3. Conditional Judgment

(1) Grammatical Format

	- Format 1: test Conditional expression
	- Format 2: [ Conditional expression ]
	- Format 3:[[ Conditional expression ]] ,Supporting Regularity =~

Be careful:

- Format 2 and 3,[Spaces+Expression+Spaces],There are spaces on both sides

(2) Parameters related to conditional judgment

1. Judging File Types

Judgement parametersMeaning
-eDetermine whether a file exists (any type of file)
-fDetermine if a file exists and is a normal file
-dDetermine if a file exists and is a directory
-LDetermine if a file exists and is a soft-connected file
-bDetermine if the file exists and is a block device file
-SDetermine if the file exists and is a socket file
-cDetermine if the file exists and is a character device file
-pDetermine if the file exists and is a named pipe software
-sDetermine if a file exists and is not empty (has content)

2. Judging file permissions

Judgement parametersMeaning
-rIs it readable by the current user
-wIs it writable by the current user
-xIs it executable by the current user
-uIs there suid, Advanced Rights Risk Bit
-gIs sgid, Advanced Rights Enforcement Bit
-kIs there a t bit, advanced permissions sticky bit

3. Judging the New and Old Documents [Modification Time of Files]

Judgement parametersMeaning
file1 -nt file2Compare file1 to file2
file1 -ot file2Compare file1 to file2
file1 -ef file2Compare whether the same file, or a hard link, points to the same inode

4. Common Integers

-gtgreater than
-ltless than
-geGreater than or equal to
-leLess than or equal to

5. Common judgment strings

Judgement parametersMeaning
-zDetermines whether an empty string is valid with a string length of 0
-nDetermines if the string is not empty and the length of the string is not 0
string1 = string2Determine whether strings are equal
string1 != string2Determine whether strings are not equal

6. Multiple Judgements

Logical Operators, Left to Right

-a and &&Logical and
-o and | |Logical or

Special instructions:

- &&   Previous Expressions==True==,To execute the following code 
- | |     Previous Expressions==False==,To execute the following code
- ;     ==only==Be used for==Division==Command or expression

IV. if statement

(1) if structure: fi end sign

if [ condition ];then
[ condition ] && command

(2) if...else structure

Bifurcation, alternative

if [ condition ];then
[ condition ] && command1 || command2

(3) if...elif...else structure

There are many choices, only one can go

if [ condition1 ];then
elif[ condition2 ];then

(4) Layer-by-layer nested structure

if [ condition1 ];then
	if [ condition2 ];then
	if [ condition3 ];then  
	elif [ condition4 ];then

5. Circular statements

(1) for cycle

Use occasion: known number of cycles

1. Grammatical Structure

1), List Loop

for variable in {list}
for variable in a b c

2) Loop without list

		- Number of loops user specified
for variable

3) Class C Style

for ((expr1;expr2;expr3))
expr1: Define variables and assign initial values
expr2: Decide whether to cycle (condition)
expr3: Determines how the loop variable changes and when the loop exits
for(( i=1;i<=5;i++))
		echo $i

(2) while statement

1. Grammatical Structure

# Common way
 Define Variables; while[ Expression ];do program;let i++;done
# Class C Style
 Define Variables;while((Expression));do program;let i++;done

(3) until statements

False conditions enter the loop, true exits the loop

1. Grammatical Structure

until expression [ 1 -ed -1] (( 1 >= 1))

6. Regular expressions

(1) Class I regular

  • Regular Expression, regex, or regeexp, abbreviated RE)

  • Metacharacters: e.g., dots, Star*, question mark? Wait.

  • Leading characters: Characters that precede metacharacters

1. Common

.Match any single character except line breaks
*Leading characters occur 0 or more times in a row
.*Any length characterab.*
^Beginning of line (beginning with)^root
$End of line (end with)bash$
^$Blank Line
[]Match any single character or group of single characters in parentheses[abc]
[^]Match does not contain any single or a group of single characters in parentheses[^abc]
1Match begins with any single character or group of single characters in parentheses2
3Matching does not begin with any single character or group of single characters in parentheses4

2. Other commonly used metacharacters

<Take the head of a word
>Take the end of a word
< >Exact match
{n}n consecutive occurrences of matching leading characters
{n, }Match leading characters at least n times
{n, m}Match leading characters between n and m occurrences
( )Save matched characters
\dMatch Number (grep-P)[0-9]
\wMatch Character Numeric Underline (grep-P)[a-zA-Z0-9_]
\sMatch spaces, tabs, page breaks (grep-P)[\t\r\n]

3. Regular metacharacters for extended classes

  • grep must be added-E to use, or egrep to use
  • sed must be added-r
+Match one or more leading characters
Match zero or one leading character
()Group characters (as a whole)
{n}Leading Character Repeated n Times
{n,}Leading character repeats at least n times
{n,m}Leading character repeats n to m times

(2) Class II regular

[:alnum:]Letter and numeric characters
[:alpha:]Alphabetic characters (including case)
[:blank:]Spaces and Tabs
[:lower:]Lowercase letters
[:space:]All blanks including line breaks, carriage returns, etc.

Seven. sed command

(1) Introduction

  • sed reads the contents of a file line by line and processes them as required, outputting the results to the screen
  • Source files will not be modified directly

(2) Method of use

1. Command Line Format

- sed [option] =='==Processing Action=='== file name

Common Options

-eMultiple (multiple) edits
-nCancel default output
-rUse extended regular expressions
-iEdit in place (modify file)
-fSpecify sed script file name

Common actions

Note: All actions are in single quotes.

'i'Insert content before specified line
'a'Insert content after specified line
'c'Replace all contents of specified line
'd'Delete the specified line

Search for and replace files

- sed [option] `'s/Search Content/replace content/action'` Files to be processed
- p Print; Global Replacement g
rRead from another file
wSave Content As
&Save the lookup string to reference in the replacement string
=Print line numbers
!Apply commands to all lines except the selected lines, after the number of lines
qSign out

2. Script mode

  • sed -f file
  • First line of script: #!/ Bin/sed-f

Matters needing attention:

Only one script file sed Command line list.'commands'
You cannot have any spaces or tabs at the end of each line. tab)Or other text.
If you have more than one command on a line, apply semicolon division.
Unneeded and unavailable quotation mark protection commands
#Behavior Notes Beginning with Number

8. awk command

(1) Overview

1. Overview

  • Programming language for processing text and data
  • Scan files line by line to find rows that match a specific pattern
  • gawk is the GUN version of awk

2. What can awk do?

  • awk is used to process files and data.
  • Can be used for statistics, such as site visits, IP visits
  • Supports conditional judgment, for and while loops

(2) Use

1. Command Line Mode

  • Grammatical structure:

    awk option 'Command section' file name
     Special instructions:
    	Quote shell Variables need to be used==Double quotation mark causes==
  • Introduction to Common Options

    -FDefinition character is divided by symbol, default separator is space
    -vDefine variables and assign values
  • 'Named Section Description'

    • Regular expression, address location

      '/root/{awk Sentence}'   sed Medium:'/root/p'
    • {awk statement 1; awk statement 2;...}

      '{print $0; print $1}'   sed Medium:'p'
    • BEGIN...END...

      'BEGIN{awk Sentence};{Processing};END{awk Sentence}'
      'BEGIN{awk Sentence};{Processing}'
      '{Processing};END{awk Sentence}'

2. Script mode

  • Scripting

    #!/bin/awk -f   # Define magic characters
     The following are awk List of commands in quotation marks, do not protect commands with quotation marks, multiple commands are separated by semicolons
    NR==1,NR==3{print $1"\t"$NF}
  • Script Execution

    Method 1:
    awk option -f awk The text file to be processed by the script file of
    awk -f filename
     Method 2:
    ./awk The text file to be processed by the script file (or absolute path) of
    ./ filename

(3) Internal related variables

1. Common built-in variables

variableVariable DescriptionRemarks
$0All records of the current processing line
$1,$2,$3...$nDifferent fields in a file that are symbolically split between each lineawk -F: '{print $1,$3}' 1.txt
NFNumber of fields (columns) in the current recordawk -F: '{print NF}' 1.txt
$NFLast Column$(NF-1) indicates the second last line
FNR/NRLine Number
FSDefine Interval Character'BEGIN{FS=":"};{print $1,$3}'
OFSDefine output field delimiter, default space
RSEnter record separator, default line break
ORSOutput record delimiter, default line break
FILENAMEFile name currently entered

(4) Working principle

awk -F: '{print $1,$3}' /etc/passwd
  1. awk takes a line as input and assigns it to an internal variable of $0, each of which can be called a record and ends with a line break (RS);

  2. Each row is separated by an interval character: (default is space or tab) into fields (or fields), each stored in a numbered variable starting at $1;

    Q: How does awk know to split fields with spaces?

    A: Because there is an internal variable FS to determine the character segment separator. Initially, FS is given a space

  3. awk uses the print function to print fields, which are separated by spaces because there is a comma between 1 and 3. It maps to another internal variable, called the output field delimiter OFS, which defaults to a space.

  4. When awk finishes processing a line, it gets another line from the file, stores it in $0, overwrites the original, and then splits the new string into fields and processes it. The process continues until all rows are processed.

(5) Advance

1. Format output prints and printf s

print function     Similar echo
# data | awk '{print "Month: "$2"\nYear: "$NF}'
# awk -F: '{print "username is: " $1 "\t uid is: "$3}' /etc/passwd
printf function     Similar echo -n 
# awk -F: '{print "%-15s %-10s %-15s\n", $1, $2, $3}' /etc/passwd
# awk -F: '{print "|%15s| %10s| %15s|\n", $1, $2, $3}' /etc/passwd
# awk -F: '{print "|%-15s| %-10s| %-15s|\n", $1, $2, $3}' /etc/passwd

%s Character type
%d value type
- Indicates left alignment, defaults to right alignment
printf By default, no line wraps at the end, plus \n

2. awk variable definition

# Awk-v NUM=3-F:'{print $NUM}'/etc/passwd [Note]
# awk -v NUM=3 -F: '{print NUM}' /etc/passwd
# awk -v num=1 'BEGIN{print num}'
# Awk-v num=1'BEGIN{print $num}'[Note]

Be careful:
	awk The variable defined in the call does not need to be added $

3. BEGIN...END use in awk

  • BEGIN: Represents execution before program starts
  • END: Indicates that all files are processed and executed
  • Usage:'BEGIN{before processing starts}; {In Process}; END{After Processing}'

4. awk's scripting

(1) if structure

awk option 'Regular, Address Location{awk Sentence}' file name
{if(Expression){Statement 1; Statement 2;...}}

# awk -F: '{if($3>=500 && $3<=60000) {print $1,$3}}' passwd

# awk 'BEGIN{if($(id -u)==0){print "admin"}}'

(2) if...else structure

{if(Expression){Sentence; Sentence;...}} else {Sentence; Sentence;...}}
awk -F: '{if($3>=500 && $3<=60000) {print $1"Is the average user"} else {print $1"Not an average user"}}' passwd

awk 'BEGIN{if($(id -u)>=500 && $(id -u) !=65534) {print "Is the average user"} else {print "Not an average user"}}'

(3) if...elif...else structure

{if(Expression 1) {Sentence; Sentence;...} elif(Expression 2) {Sentence; Sentence;...} elif(Representation 3) {Sentence; Sentence;...} else {Sentence; Sentence;...}}

awk -F: '{if($3==0) {print $1"Is the average user"} elif($3>=1 && $3<=499) {print $1"Not an average user"}}' passwd

10. export command

(1) What is the export command?

(2) Why should the export command be used?

  • In order for us to be able to define a variable in a sub shell without having to redefine it.

(3) How to use the export command

1. Interpretation:

2. Grammar:

  • export [options] variable name = variable value

3. Parameter description:

-fRepresents the name of the function in [variable name]
-nDelete the specified variable, note: the variable is not actually deleted, knowledge will not be output to the execution environment of subsequent instructions.
-pList all environment variables that the shell assigns to the program

3. Conclusion

  • When a script is executed, it runs in a sub shell environment, which exits automatically after the script is executed.
  • System environment variables in a shell are copied into the child shells (variables defined by export);
  • System environment variables in a shell are valid only for that shell or its child shells, and at the end of the shell the variables disappear (and cannot be returned to the parent shell).
  • Variables that are not defined by export are valid only for that shell and also for child shells.
  1. ↩︎

  2. abc ↩︎

  3. ^ ↩︎

  4. ^abc ↩︎

Topics: Linux shell bash