Green date format or 2018-08-08 format converted to 20180808 format
/* Conversion date: 20180808 */ transformData (date) { let _date = new Date(date) let m = (_date.getMonth() + 1) < 10 ? '0' + (_date.getMonth() + 1) : (_date.getMonth() + 1) let d = _date.getDate() < 10 ? '0' + _date.getDate() : _date.getDate() let _result = _date.getFullYear() + '' + m + '' + d; return _result }
Get the date n days ago and convert to 2018-08-08 format
/* Get date n days ago */ getDate () { let myDate = new Date(); let dateNow = new Date(myDate - 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * n); let nowY = dateNow.getFullYear(); let nowM = dateNow.getMonth() + 1; let nowD = dateNow.getDate(); let enddate = nowY + '' + (nowM < 10 ? '0' + nowM : nowM) + '' + (nowD < 10 ? '0' + nowD : nowD); return enddate }
Calculate the number of days between two dates (green date or 2018-08-08 date format)
/* Calculate days between two dates */ daysBetween (date1, date2) { var aDate = new Date(date1) var bDate = new Date(date2) var aDay = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; var diffDay = (bDate - aDate) / aDay return diffDay },
Compare the size of two dates (date format is 2018-01-01 or green date format)
/* Calculate the size of two dates date1 is greater than date2 return - 1 */ tab (date1, date2) { var oDate1 = new Date(date1) var oDate2 = new Date(date2) if (oDate1.getTime() > oDate2.getTime()) { return -1 } else { return 0 } },
Get the date of the previous month and the previous 13 months, or the date of the previous day and the previous 31 days
/* Obtain the dates of the previous month and the previous 13 months or the previous day and the previous 31 days */ getDate (type) { if (type === 'm') { let dEnd = new Date() // Get previous month date let yEnd = dEnd.getFullYear() let mEnd = dEnd.getMonth(); mEnd = ((mEnd === 0) ? (12) : (mEnd)); mEnd = mEnd < 10 ? '0' + mEnd : mEnd; // Date before acquisition 13 months ago let yStart = dEnd.getFullYear() - 1 return {start: yStart + '-' + mEnd, end: yEnd + '-' + mEnd} } else if (type === 'd') { let myDate = new Date(); // Get one day date let dateNow = new Date(myDate - 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 1); let nowY = dateNow.getFullYear(); let nowM = dateNow.getMonth() + 1; let nowD = dateNow.getDate(); let enddate = nowY + '-' + (nowM < 10 ? '0' + nowM : nowM) + '-' + (nowD < 10 ? '0' + nowD : nowD); // Get 31 day date let dateLast = new Date(myDate - 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 30); let lastY = dateLast.getFullYear(); let lastM = dateLast.getMonth() + 1; let lastD = dateLast.getDate(); let startdate = lastY + '-' + (lastM < 10 ? '0' + lastM : lastM) + '-' + (lastD < 10 ? '0' + lastD : lastD); return {start: startdate, end: enddate} } },