Spring Cloud Alibaba technology stack

Posted by jaygattis on Mon, 29 Nov 2021 06:29:06 +0100

Spring Cloud Alibaba Dubbo

1, Project introduction

Dubbo Spring Cloud is developed based on Dubbo Spring Boot 2.7.1 and Spring Cloud 2.x. whether the developer is a Dubbo user or a Spring Cloud user, it can be easily controlled and the application can be migrated upward at a cost close to "zero". Dubbo Spring Cloud is committed to simplifying Cloud Native development costs, improving R & D efficiency and application performance.

The first Preview Release of Dubbo Spring Cloud was released together with Spring Cloud Alibaba 0.2.2.RELEASE and 0.9.0.RELEASE, corresponding to Spring Cloud Finchley and Greenwich respectively (hereinafter referred to as "F" version and "G" version respectively)

2, Function completion

Since Dubbo Spring Cloud is built on the native Spring Cloud, its service governance capability can be considered as Spring Cloud Plus, which not only completely covers the native features of Spring Cloud, but also provides a more stable and mature implementation. The feature comparison is shown in the following table:

3, Construction of framework

We will build the project framework as shown in the figure

3.1 build spring cloud Dubbo examples

Spring cloud Dubbo exmaps is a parent project used to version control and remove public dependencies for child projects.

3.1.1 create project

Create a module using IDEA:

Select Maven:

Click Next to proceed to the Next step:

Parent: you must select the spring cloud Alibaba examples we created earlier.
Name: the name of the spring cloud Dubbo examples project
Click Finish to finish creating the project.

So far, the spring cloud Dubbo examples project has been created.

3.1.2 add dependency

Open pom.xml of the project and add the following:


3.1.3 modify the packaging method of the project


3.1.4 the complete pom.xml file is as follows

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0"

3.2 build Dubbo API

The Dubbo API will store interfaces for publishing services.

3.2.1 creating Dubbo API project

Create a sub module using IDEA.

Select Maven project:

Click Next to proceed to the Next step:

Parent: select spring cloud Dubbo examples
Name: Dubbo API
Click Finish to finish creating the project:

3.2.2 the complete pom.xml file is as follows

The pom.xml file of Dubbo API is as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0"

3.3 build Dubbo provider

3.3.1 create Dubbo provider project

Build a Dubbo provider to be a service provider.
Create a module using IDEA:

Select Maven project:

Click Next to proceed to the Next step:

Parent: select spring cloud Alibaba examples
Name: dubbo-provider
Click Finish to finish creating the project.

3.3.2 modify Maven's packaging method

Maven project will be packaged in a jar by default by the class file in the target directory. This jar cannot be run directly. We need to modify its packaging method to spring boot packaging, so that the packaged project can be run directly.
Modify pom.xml and add the following content:


In this way, the project will eventually be packaged into a jar that can be run directly through Java jar

3.3.3 complete pom.xml file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0"

3.4 building Dubbo consumer

3.4.1 create Dubbo provider consumer project

Build a Dubbo provider to be a service provider.
Create a module using IDEA:

Select Maven project:

Click Next to proceed to the Next step:

Parent: select spring cloud Alibaba examples
Name: dubbo-consumer
Click Finish to finish creating the project.

3.4.2 modify Maven's packaging method

Maven project will be packaged in a jar by default by the class file in the target directory. This jar cannot be run directly. We need to modify its packaging method to spring boot packaging, so that the packaged project can be run directly.
Modify pom.xml and add the following content:


In this way, the project will eventually be packaged into a jar that can be run directly through Java jar

3.4.3 the complete pom.xml file is as follows

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0"

3.4.4 complete project structure

4, Code perfection

4.1 improvement of Dubbo api code

4.1.1 define Dubbo service interface

Dubbo service interface is a remote communication contract between service provider and consumer, which is usually declared by ordinary Java interface.

The code is as follows:

public interface EchoService {
	String echo(String message);

4.1.2 project packaging

The Api project is mainly to publish the interfaces defined in rpc.
We can use Maven's normal packaging method to package the compiled class file into jar.

After successful packaging, the jar of the project is located at:

4.2 improvement of Dubbo provider code

4.2.1 add dependency

Add the following dependencies in the dependencies of pom.xml of Dubbo provider.


4.2.2 implement the interfaces defined in Dubbo API

The code is as follows:

public class EchoServiceImpl implements EchoService {

	public String echo(String message) {
		return "[echo] Hello, " + message;

4.2.3 add profile

The contents are as follows:

		# dubbo service scan benchmark package
		base-packages: com.bjsxt.service.impl
		subscribed-services: dubbo-provider
		# dubbo protocol
		name: dubbo
		# dubbo protocol port (- 1 indicates auto increment port, starting from 20880)
		port: -1
		# Mount to the Spring Cloud registry
		address: spring-cloud://localhost
		# Dubbo app name
		name: dubbo-provider
		# Spring Boot 2.1 needs to be set
		allow-bean-definition-overriding: true
			# Nacos service discovery and registration configuration
				server-addr: localhost:8848

4.2.4 startup

The code is as follows:

public class ProviderServiceApplication {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		SpringApplication.run(ProviderServiceApplication.class, args) ;

4.3 improvement of Dubbo consumer code

4.3.1 add dependency

Add the following dependencies in the dependencies of pom.xml of Dubbo consumer:

	<!-- Dubbo Spring Cloud Starter -->

4.3.2 add profile

The contents are as follows:

		# Mount to the Spring Cloud registry
		address: nacos://
		subscribed-services: dubbo-provider
	port: 8080
	# Dubbo app name
	name: dubbo-consumer
		# Spring Boot 2.1 needs to be set
		allow-bean-definition-overriding: true
			# Nacos service discovery and registration configuration

4.3.3 startup

The code is as follows:

public class ConsumerServiceApplication {

	private EchoService echoService ;
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		SpringApplication.run(ConsumerServiceApplication.class,args) ;
	public ResponseEntity<String> rpc(){
		return ResponseEntity.ok(String.format("Call result

4.4 remote call test

  • Start the Nacos server
  • Start Dubbo provider
  • Start Dubbo consumer
    To view the Nacos console:

    Browser access:

    The call has been successful;

5, Load balancing call test

5.1 start multiple service providers

Modify the code of the implementation class in the service provider:

Start multiple:

Use Clt+D again to copy one:

Start the 2:

Now, there are 3 sets running at the same time:

View Nacos:

5.2 call test using consumer load balancing


Load balancing test succeeded.

Spring Cloud Alibaba RocketMQ

1, RocketMQ introduction

RocketMQ is an open source distributed messaging system. Based on highly available distributed cluster technology, RocketMQ provides low latency and highly reliable message publishing and subscription services. At the same time, it is widely used in many fields, including asynchronous communication decoupling, enterprise solutions, financial payment, telecommunications, e-commerce, express logistics, advertising marketing, social networking, instant messaging, mobile applications, mobile games, video, Internet of things, Internet of vehicles, etc.

It has the following characteristics:

  • It can ensure strict message order
  • Provide rich message pull mode
  • Efficient subscriber level scalability
  • Real time message subscription mechanism
  • 100 million message accumulation energy

2, RocketMQ basic usage

2.1 download RocketMQ

Open with browser:
The reason why we choose version 4.4.0 here is that our spring cloud alibaba version is 2.2.0.RELEASE, and the version of rocketMQ controlled in it is 4.4.0.

2.2 RocketMQ directory analysis

Copy the compressed package to the software directory and decompress it with the compression software.

Benchmark: contains some performance test scripts;
Bin: executable file directory;
Conf: configuration file directory;
Lib: third party dependence;
LICENSE: authorization information;
Note: version announcement;

2.3 configuring environment variables

Locate the dialog box for configuring environment variables:

Click new to create an environment variable:

  • Variable name: ROCKETMQ_HOME
  • Variable value: D:\devtools\rocketMQ\rocketmq-all-4.4.0-bin-release

2.4 startup of rocketmq

We go to ${rocketMQ}/bin and start and stop commands in this directory.

2.4.1 start NameServe

Note: do not close the pop-up black window.

2.4.2 starting Broker

./mqbroker.cmd -n localhost:9876

Of which:
-n localhost:9876 is to specify the address of the nameserver

2.5 stopping of rocketmq

Close the pop-up black box directly to stop the namesrv and broker of RocketMQ.

2.6 installation of rocketmq console

Rocketmq console can visualize MQ message sending!

2.6.1 download RocketMQ console

2.6.2 copy to the software directory

2.6.3 run the jar

java -jar rocketmq-console-ng-1.0.0.jar --rocketmq.config.namesrvAddr=

Of which:

After successful operation:

3, Introduction to Spring Cloud Stream

Spring Cloud Stream is a framework for building message based microservice applications. It creates a stand-alone spring application with production level based on SpringBoot, and uses Spring Integration to connect with Broker.
Spring Cloud Stream provides a unified abstraction of message oriented middleware configuration, and introduces the unified concepts of publish subscribe, consumer groups and partition. Spring Cloud Stream has two internal concepts: Binder and Binding:

  • Binder: a component integrated with external message middleware to create Binding. Each message middleware has its own binder implementation.

    For example:
    Kafka implements KafkaMessageChannelBinder, RabbitMQ implements RabbitMessageChannelBinder, and RocketMQMessageChannelBinder implements RocketMQ.

  • Binding: includes Input Binding and Output Binding.
    Binding provides a bridge between the message middleware and the Provider and Consumer provided by the application. It enables developers to only use the Provider or Consumer of the application to produce or consume data, and shields the contact between developers and the underlying message middleware.

4, Test framework construction

We will create a spring cloud bus rocketmq example project to test all its functions.

4.1 build spring cloud bus rocketmq example

Spring cloud bus rocketmq example will remove the common dependencies of sub modules.

4.1.1 create a Maven project using IDEA

Select Maven project:

Click Next and fill in the following contents:

Parent: we choose spring cloud Alibaba examples
Name: spring-cloud-bus-rocketmq-example
Other items remain unchanged.
Click Finish to complete the creation.

4.1.2 add dependency

Open the pom.xml file of the project, and we add the following content:


4.1.3 complete pom.xml file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0"

4.2 build rocketmq produce example

produce represents the producer of the service and is used to send messages.

4.2.1 create a Maven project using IDEA

Select Maven:

Click Next to add the following:

Parent: spring-cloud-bus-rocketmq-example
Name: rocketmq-produce-example
Click Finish to finish creating the project

4.2.2 modify Maven's packaging method

We may need to publish this project using jar in the future. Here, we add the packaging plug-in of spring boot:


4.2.3 the complete pom.xml file is as follows

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0"

4.3 build rocketmq produce example

4.3.1 create a Maven item using IDEA

Select Maven:

Click Next to add the following:

Parent: spring-cloud-bus-rocketmq-example
Name: rocketmq-consumer-example
Click Finish to finish creating the project

4.3.2 modify Maven's packaging method

In order to package and publish as a jar in the future, we add a packaging plug-in:


4.3.3 complete pom.xml file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0"

4.4 the complete structure of the project is as follows:

5, Improve the rocketmq produce example project

5.1 add a profile

The configuration information is as follows:

# The address of the rocketmq server nameserver

# stream->binding->output(input)
# output1
# Destination address for sending message
# Default type of message
# Producer group
# Synchronous sending of messages

# output2 is mainly used to send transaction messages
# A transaction message was sent

# output3 uses it to manually pull messages




5.2 add an open class

public class RocketMQProduceApplication {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		SpringApplication.run(RocketMQProduceApplication.class, args);

5.3 adding MQSource

Define output in Source:

* Read the output in our configuration file
public interface MQSource {
	MessageChannel output1() ;
	MessageChannel output2() ;//Demonstrates the sending of transaction messages
	MessageChannel output3() ;

4.5 add configuration class

The code is as follows:

public class MQConfig {

5.4 add a class to send messages

public class SendService {

	private MQSource source;
	* Send a simple test message
	* @param msg
	* @throws Exception
	public void send(String msg) throws Exception {
	* Add tags when sending messages
	* @param msg
	* @param tag
	* @param <T>
	* @throws Exception
	public <T> void sendWithTags(T msg, String tag) throws Exception {
		Message message = MessageBuilder.createMessage(msg,
			new MessageHeaders(Stream.of(tag).collect(Collectors
				.toMap(str -> MessageConst.PROPERTY_TAGS,String::toString))));
	* Send an object message
	* @param msg
	* @param tag
	* @param <T>
	* @throws Exception
	public <T> void sendObject(T msg, String tag) throws Exception {
	Message message = MessageBuilder.withPayload(msg)
		.setHeader(MessageConst.PROPERTY_TAGS, tag)
	* Send messages for transactions
	* @param msg
	* @param num
	* @param <T>
	* @throws Exception
	public <T> void sendTransactionalMsg(T msg, int num) throws Exception {
		MessageBuilder builder = MessageBuilder.withPayload(msg)
		builder.setHeader("test", String.valueOf(num));
		Message message = builder.build();
		public void sendMassiveMessage(String msg) {

5.6 transaction messages often require us to monitor and check back

Create a new class:

The code is as follows:

* TransactionStatus.CommitTransaction: Message submission: when the message status is CommitTransaction, it means that consumers are allowed to consume the current message
* TransactionStatus.RollbackTransaction: Message rollback means that the MQ server will delete the current half message and consumers are not allowed to consume it.
* TransactionStatus.Unknown: Intermediate status indicates that the MQ service needs to initiate a backcheck operation to detect the execution status of the current sender's local transaction.

	txProducerGroup = "myTxProducerGroup",
	corePoolSize = 5,
	maximumPoolSize = 10)
public class TransactionListenerImpl implements RocketMQLocalTransactionListener {
	*The message producer needs to execute the local transaction in the executelocal transaction. When the transaction half message is submitted successfully, the execution is completed
	After completion, you need to return the transaction status code.
	* @param msg
	* @param o
	* @return
	public RocketMQLocalTransactionState executeLocalTransaction(Message msg, Object o)
		Object num = msg.getHeaders().get("test");
		if ("1".equals(num)) {
				"executer: " + new String((byte[]) msg.getPayload()) + " unknown");
			return RocketMQLocalTransactionState.UNKNOWN; // This will cause the local transaction to be queried again
		else if ("2".equals(num)) {
				"executer: " + new String((byte[]) msg.getPayload()) + " rollback");
			return RocketMQLocalTransactionState.ROLLBACK; // The semi message will be deleted by the mq server and the consumer will not consume the message
			"executer: " + new String((byte[]) msg.getPayload()) + " commit");
		return RocketMQLocalTransactionState.COMMIT; // When a semi message is submitted, the consumer will consume the message.

	* Implement the checkLocalTransaction method, which is used to check the local transaction execution and respond to the transaction status
	MQ My broker,
	* After execution, the corresponding transaction status code needs to be returned
	* @param message
	* @return
	public RocketMQLocalTransactionState checkLocalTransaction(Message message) {
		System.out.println("check: " + new String((byte[]) message.getPayload()));
		return RocketMQLocalTransactionState.COMMIT;

5.7 build a simple model

The code is as follows:

5.8 sending of test message

public class SendMessageController {
	private SendService sendService ;
	* Send a simple message
	* @param msg
	* @return
	* @throws Exception
	private ResponseEntity<String> sendSimpleMessage( @RequestParam(required = true)
	String msg) throws Exception {
		return ResponseEntity.ok("Sent successfully") ;
	* Send a message and tag it
	* @param msg news
	* @param tags Label of the message
	* @return
	* @throws Exception
		private ResponseEntity<String> sendMessageWithTag( @RequestParam(required = true)
	String msg,@RequestParam(required = true)String tags) throws Exception {
		return ResponseEntity.ok("Sent successfully") ;
	* Send object message
	* @param user
	* @param tags
	* @return
	* @throws Exception
	public ResponseEntity<String> sendObjectMessage(User user,String tags) throws
	Exception {
		return ResponseEntity.ok("Sent successfully") ;
	* Send a transaction message, that is, a half message
	* @param msg
	* @param num type
	* @return
	* @throws Exception
	public ResponseEntity<String> sendTransactionMessage(String msg ,int num) throws
	Exception {
		return ResponseEntity.ok("Sent successfully") ;
* Send a lot of messages
* @param msg
* @return
* @throws Exception
public ResponseEntity<String> sendMassiveMessage(String msg) throws Exception {
	return ResponseEntity.ok("Sent successfully") ;

5.9 startup

The code is as follows:

public class RocketMQProduceApplication {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		SpringApplication.run(RocketMQProduceApplication.class, args);

6, Improve the rocketmq consumer example project

6.1 add profile

The contents are as follows:

# Address of rocketmq nameserver

# stream->bindings->input
# input1

# input2

# input3

# input4

# input5 manual message pull




6.2 add a Sink

Add input in Sink:

public interface Sink {
	SubscribableChannel input1();
	SubscribableChannel input2();
	SubscribableChannel input3();
	SubscribableChannel input4();
	PollableMessageSource input5();

6.3 creating listeners for messages

* receive
public class ReceiveService {

	public void receiveInput1(String receiveMsg) {
		System.out.println("input1 receive: " + receiveMsg);
	public void receiveInput2(String receiveMsg) {
		System.out.println("input2 receive: " + receiveMsg);
	public void receiveInput3(@Payload User user) {
		System.out.println("input3 receive: " + user);
	public void receiveTransactionalMsg(String transactionMsg) {
		System.out.println("input4 receive transaction msg: " + transactionMsg);

6.4 actively pull messages from mq server

Use scheduled tasks to actively pull messages from the server:

public class PullMessageTask {
	private Sink sink ;
	@Scheduled(fixedRate = 5*1000)
	public void pullMessage(){
		sink.input5().poll((message) -> {
			String payload = (String) message.getPayload();
			System.out.println("pull msg: " + payload);
		}, new ParameterizedTypeReference<String>() {

6.5 model class

Copy directly from the production:

6.6 configuration class

New MQConfig:

The code is as follows:

public class MQConfig {

6.7 startup

public class RocketMQConsumerApplication {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		SpringApplication.run(RocketMQConsumerApplication.class ,args);

7, Test case test

7.1 start service

Start 2 services:

  • rocketmq-produce-example
  • rocketmq-consumer-example

7.2 sending message test

7.2.1 sending simple strings


7.2.2 sending tagged messages

7.2.3 sending object message


7.2.4 sending transaction messages




7.2.4 manually pull messages


Topics: Zookeeper Back-end Distribution Spring Cloud rpc