static keyword explanation
package com.mao.oop.demo07; //Static: public class Student { private static int age;//Static variable multithreading! private double score;//Non static variable public void run(){ go();//Non static methods can call things in static methods } public static void go(){ } public static void main(String[] args) { go();//Static methods can call static methods, but non static methods cannot be called } } package com.mao.oop.demo07; public class Person { //2: Assign initial value { //Code block (anonymous code block) System.out.println("Anonymous code block"); } //1: Execute only once static { //Static code block System.out.println("Static code block"); } //3 public Person(){ System.out.println("Construction method"); } public static void main(String[] args) { Person person1 = new Person(); System.out.println("==============="); Person person2 = new Person(); } } package com.mao.oop.demo07; //Static import package~ import static java.lang.Math.random; import static java.lang.Math.PI; public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println(random()); System.out.println(PI); } }
abstract class
The abstract modifier can be used to modify a method or a class. If a method is modified, the method is an abstract method; If you modify a class, it is an abstract class
Abstract classes can have no abstract methods, but classes with abstract methods must be declared as abstract classes
An abstract class cannot use the new keyword to create an object. It is used to allow subclasses to inherit
Abstract methods have only method declarations and no method implementations. They are used to implement subclasses
If a subclass inherits an abstract class, it must implement an abstract method that the abstract class does not implement, otherwise the subclass must also be declared as an abstract class
package com.mao.oop.demo08; //Abstract abstract class: class extensions: single inheritance interface can inherit more than one public abstract class Action { //Constraint ~ someone helped us achieve it //Abstract, abstract method, only method name, no method implementation public abstract void doSomething(); //1. You can't use the abstract class new. You can only rely on subclasses to implement it: constraints! //2. Ordinary methods can be written in abstract classes //3. Abstract methods must be in abstract classes //Abstract: Constraints //An abstract class cannot be a new object. Does it have a constructor? //What is the meaning of abstract classes? Improve development efficiency } package com.mao.oop.demo08; //All methods of an abstract class that inherit its subclasses must implement its methods ~ unless~ public class A extends Action { @Override public void doSomething() { } }
Common class: only concrete implementation
Abstract classes: concrete implementations and specifications (abstract methods) are available
Interface: specification only
An interface is a specification. It defines a set of rules, which embodies the idea of "if you are... You must be able to..." in the real world.
The essence of interface is contract, just like our law. After making it, everyone will abide by it
The essence of OO is the abstraction of objects. The interface can best reflect this. Why we discuss design patterns only for languages with abstract ability (such as C + +, java, c# etc.) is because what design patterns study is actually how to abstract reasonably
The keyword for declaring a class is class, and the keyword for declaring an interface is interface
package com.mao.oop.demo09; //Abstract thinking ~ Java //The keyword defined by interface and the interface need to have an implementation class public interface UserService { //Constant ~ public static final int AGE = 99; //All definitions in the interface are actually Abstract public abstract void add(String name); void delete(String name); void update(String name); void query(String name); } package com.mao.oop.demo09; public class TimeService { void timer() ; } package com.mao.oop.demo09; //Abstract class: Extensions //Class can implement the implements interface //If you implement the class of the interface, you need to rewrite the methods in the interface //Multi inheritance ~ realize multi inheritance by using interface public class UserServiceImpl implements UserService,TimeService { @Override public void add(String name) { } @Override public void delete(String name) { } @Override public void update(String name) { } @Override public void query(String name) { } @Override void timer() { } } /* effect: 1.A constraint 2.Define some methods for different people to implement~ 3.public abstract 4.public static final 5.The interface cannot be instantiated ~, there is no constructor in the interface~ 6.implement Multiple interfaces can be implemented 7.You must override the methods in the interface~ */
Inner class
An internal class is to define another class within a class. For example, if a class B is defined in class A, class B is called an internal class relative to class A, and class A is an external class relative to class B
Member inner class
package com.mao.oop.demo10; //A java class can have multiple class classes, but only one public class public class Outer { private int id = 10; public void out(){ System.out.println("This is the method of an external class"); } public class Inner{ public void in(){ System.out.println("This is the method of the inner class"); } //Get the private properties of the external class public void getID(){ System.out.println(id); } } } package com.mao.oop; import com.mao.oop.demo10.Outer; //There is only one main method per project public class Application { public static void main(String[] args) { Outer outer = new Outer(); //Instantiate the inner class through this outer class Outer.Inner inner = Inner(); inner.getID(); } }
Static inner class
Local inner class
Anonymous Inner Class
There is no name to initialize the class, so there is no need to save the instance to the variable
package com.mao.oop.demo10; public class Text { public static void main(String[] args) { //Anonymous inner class: there is no name to initialize the class, and there is no need to save the instance to the variable~ new Apple().eat(); UserService userService = new UserService() { @Override public void hello() { } }; } class Apple{ public void eat(){ System.out.println("1"); } } interface UserService{ void hello(); } }