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Title Description: String Multiplication
Given two non-negative integers num1 and num2 in the form of strings, the product of num1 and num2 is returned, and their product is also expressed in the form of strings.
Example 1:
Input: num1 = 2, num2 = 3
Output: "6"
Example 2:
Input: num1 = 123, num2 = 456
Output: "56088"
- The length of num1 and num2 is less than 110.
- num1 and num2 contain only numbers 0-9.
- Neither num1 nor num2 starts with zero, unless it's the number 0 itself.
- No large number type of standard libraries, such as BigInteger, can be used or input can be converted directly to integers.
A clumsy method is adopted: each bit in num1 is multiplied by num2, and the results are added up.
class Solution { public: void update( int& CF, int& temp, string& res){ if( temp >= 10) temp -= 10, CF = 1; else CF = 0; res += temp + '0'; } //string add string add( string& num1, string& num2){ if( num1.size() > num2.size()) swap( num1, num2); //num1.size() <= num2.size(); string res; int CF = 0; for( int i = num1.size() - 1, j = num2.size() - 1; i > -1 && j > -1; i--, j--){ int temp = num1[i] - '0' + num2[j] - '0' + CF; update( CF, temp, res); } for( int i = num2.size() - num1.size() - 1; i > -1; i--){ int temp = num2[i] - '0' + CF; update( CF, temp, res); } if( CF == 1) res += '1', CF = 0; reverse( res.begin(), res.end()); return res; } string mul( char& t, string& num, int count){ int CF = 0; string res; for( int i = num.size() - 1; i >-1; i--){ int temp = (num[i] - '0') * ( t - '0') + CF; if( temp >= 10) CF = temp / 10, temp %= 10; else CF = 0; res += temp + '0'; } if( CF) res += CF + '0'; reverse( res.begin(), res.end()); while( count--) res += '0'; return res; } string multiply(string num1, string num2) { if( num1 == "0" || num2 == "0") return "0"; string res = "0"; for( int i = num1.size() - 1, count = 0; i > -1; i--, count++){ string temp = mul( num1[i], num2, count); res = add( res, temp); } return res; } };