1. Python number summation
# -*- codingLuft-8 -*- #Filename: test.py #author by:Leq #User input number num1 = input("Enter the first number:") num2 = input("Enter the second number:") #Summation sum= float(num1)+float(num2) #To do an operation, you must ensure that the character format is converted to the integer init or floating-point float before the operation #First display mode: format output print("The result of adding two numbers is:%d"%sum) #Second display mode:. format() print('number {0} and {1} The results are as follows: {2}'.format(num1, num2, sum))
2. Square root √ ~
# -*- codingLuft-8 -*- #Filename: square root.py num = float(input('Please enter a number: ')) num_sqrt = num ** 0.5 print(' %0.3f The square root of is %0.3f'%(num ,num_sqrt))#Floating point number 3 places after decimal point
3. Calculate triangle area; note: triangle area = (half perimeter * (half perimeter side length A) * (half perimeter side length B) * (half perimeter side length C)) xx 0.5
# -*- codingLuft-8 -*- #Filename: calculate triangle area.py #Operation process: triangle area = (half perimeter * (half perimeter side length A) * (half perimeter side length B) * (half perimeter side length C)) * * 0.5 a = float(input('Input the first side length of triangle: ')) b = float(input('Enter the second side length of the triangle: ')) c = float(input('Enter the third side length of the triangle: ')) #Calculate half perimeter s = (a+b+c)/2 #Calculated area area = (s*(s-a)*(s-b)*(s-c))**0.5 print('The area of a triangle is%0.2f'%area)
4. Generate random number
# -*- codingLuft-8 -*- #Filename: generate random number.py #Introducing random module import random print(random.randint(0,9))
5. Judge odd and even numbers
# -*- codingLuft-8 -*- #Filename: judge odd even. py num = int(input("Please enter a number to judge odd even number:")) if num%2 ==0: print('%d Even numbers'%num) else: print('%d Not even numbers'%num)
6. Determine leap year
# -*- codingLuft-8 -*- #Filename: determine leap year.py #A leap year is a year in which the whole century can be divided by 400 and the non whole century can be divided by 4 num = int(input("Please enter a year to determine if it is a leap year:")) if num%100 == 0: if num%400 == 0: print("%s Year is a leap year."%num) else: print("%s Year is not a leap year"%num) else: if num%4 == 0: print("%s Year is a leap year."%num) else: print("%s Year is not a leap year"%num)
7. Judge whether it is a prime number
# -*- codingLuft-8 -*- #Filename: Prime judgment.py #Prime number: a natural number greater than 1, except 1 and itself, cannot be divided by other natural numbers (prime numbers) (2, 3, 5, 7, etc.), in other words, the number has no other factors except 1 and itself. num= int(input("Input a number, and the system can judge whether it is a prime number or not:")) if num >1: for i in range(2,num): if num%i==0: print('%s Not prime numbers.'%num) break else: print('%s Prime number'%num) else: print("Please enter a number greater than 1")
8, factorial
# -*- codingLuft-8 -*- #Filename: factorial instance.py #Factorial: natural number, all multiplication num =int(input("Enter a number to calculate the factorial:")) f=1 if num <0: print("SORRY,Negative numbers have no factorials") if num==0: print("0 The factorial of is 1") else: for i in range(1,num+1): f=f*i # f+=1 print("%s The factorial is%s"%(num,f))
9. Multiplication table
# -*- codingLuft-8 -*- #Filename: multiplication table.py #Two for loops, print() with newline for i in range(1,10): for j in range(1,i+1): print('%s*%s=%s'%(i,j,i*j),end=' ') #The print() function has its own line feed '\ h\t', which is removed here. Let the output finish this section before line feed print() #print() == print('\n\t')
10. Judge whether it is a number [this access stock in]
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- # Python learning exchange QQ group: 857662006 # Filename : test.py def is_number(s): try: float(s) return True except ValueError: pass try: import unicodedata unicodedata.numeric(s) return True except (TypeError, ValueError): pass return False # Test strings and numbers print(is_number('foo')) # False print(is_number('1')) # True print(is_number('1.3')) # True print(is_number('-1.37')) # True print(is_number('1e3')) # True # Test Unicode # Arabic 5 print(is_number('٥')) # True # Thai 2 print(is_number('๒')) # True # Chinese numerals print(is_number('Four')) # True # Copyright number print(is_number('©')) # False
11. Python decimal to binary (bin), octal (oct), hex (HEX)
dec = int(input("Enter number:")) print("Decimal numbers are:", dec) print("Convert to binary as:", bin(dec)) print("Convert to octal:", oct(dec)) print("Convert to hex as:", hex(dec))
12. Maximum common divisor
# Filename : test.py # Define a function def hcf(x, y): """This function returns the greatest common divisor of two numbers""" # Get minimum if x > y: smaller = y else: smaller = x for i in range(1,smaller + 1): if((x % i == 0) and (y % i == 0)): hcf = i return hcf # User enters two numbers num1 = int(input("Enter first number: ")) num2 = int(input("Enter the second number: ")) print( num1,"and", num2,"The maximum common divisor of is", hcf(num1, num2))
13. Generate calendar [rookie tutorial runoob.com]
# Filename : test.py # Introduction of calendar module import calendar # Enter the specified month and year yy = int(input("Year of importation: ")) mm = int(input("Input month: ")) # Display calendar print(calendar.month(yy,mm)) #Notice the format here