Summary of Common Methods of SQL Server Index Maintenance

Posted by iriedodge on Sat, 22 Jun 2019 23:55:35 +0200

Index maintenance is an important task in the daily maintenance of database. In fact, the index maintenance of SQL Server mainly focuses on the following three issues.
  1. Overindexing
  2. Insufficient index
  3. Index fragmentation rate

This paper also introduces some practical daily maintenance methods and tools from these three perspectives.


Over-indexing means that there are many non-aggregated indexes on each table, and some non-aggregated indexes are seldom used. Too many indexes will lead to the decrease of efficiency of data addition and deletion, the increase of database volume, and the increase of maintenance cost of index and statistical information. It is suggested that similar indexes should be checked regularly. It is better to have no more than 10 indexes on each table.

Through the following two DMV s, the index utilization is checked periodically to determine whether the index is needed or not. The function sys.dm_db_index_operation_stats gives the operation of insert, update and delete on an index. The view sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats gives an overview of all methods of accessing the index.
       I.[NAME] AS [INDEX NAME], 
         ON I.[OBJECT_ID] = A.[OBJECT_ID] 
            AND I.INDEX_ID = A.INDEX_ID 

         I.[NAME] AS [INDEX NAME], 
           ON I.[OBJECT_ID] = S.[OBJECT_ID] 
              AND I.INDEX_ID = S.INDEX_ID 


As you can see from the above results, there are two indexes in the Country RegionCurrency and AdressType tables that have not been used. If the two indexes have not been used after many checks, it is recommended to delete them.

Insufficient index

Insufficient index refers to the lack of index or index, but not covering the required columns, the query effect is not good. The latter can also be summed up as inappropriate index. So let's see how we can find the missing index.

SQL Server provides the following four DMV s for querying missing index. When the SQL Server restarts, the content in the system view will be updated, and this information needs to be saved regularly.
  1. sys.dm_db_missing_index_details Returns the details of the missing index.
  2. sys.dm_db_missing_index_group_stats Returns a summary of the missing index group.  
  3. sys.dm_db_missing_index_groups Returns which missing indexes are in the missing index group.
  4. sys.dm_db_missing_index_columns Returns the column of the missing index in the table.
How to build a new index by detecting missing index, method reference Using Missing Index Information to Write CREATE INDEX Statements .

The following statement executes the following query on each library to view the recommended index, including the creation statement. However, before creating the index, it is necessary to synthesize the existing indexes in the scale and whether they can be merged.
Use DB
dm_mid.database_id AS DatabaseID,
dm_migs.avg_user_impact*(dm_migs.user_seeks+dm_migs.user_scans) Avg_Estimated_Impact,
dm_migs.last_user_seek AS Last_User_Seek,
OBJECT_NAME(dm_mid.OBJECT_ID,dm_mid.database_id) AS [TableName],
'CREATE INDEX [IX_' + OBJECT_NAME(dm_mid.OBJECT_ID,dm_mid.database_id) + '_'
+ REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(ISNULL(dm_mid.equality_columns,''),', ','_'),'[',''),']','') +
WHEN dm_mid.equality_columns IS NOT NULL AND dm_mid.inequality_columns IS NOT NULL THEN '_'
+ REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(ISNULL(dm_mid.inequality_columns,''),', ','_'),'[',''),']','')
+ ']'
+ ' ON ' + dm_mid.statement
+ ' (' + ISNULL (dm_mid.equality_columns,'')
+ CASE WHEN dm_mid.equality_columns IS NOT NULL AND dm_mid.inequality_columns IS NOT NULL THEN ',' ELSE
'' END
+ ISNULL (dm_mid.inequality_columns, '')
+ ')'
+ ISNULL (' INCLUDE (' + dm_mid.included_columns + ')', '') AS Create_Statement
FROM sys.dm_db_missing_index_groups dm_mig
INNER JOIN sys.dm_db_missing_index_group_stats dm_migs
ON dm_migs.group_handle = dm_mig.index_group_handle
INNER JOIN sys.dm_db_missing_index_details dm_mid
ON dm_mig.index_handle = dm_mid.index_handle
WHERE dm_mid.database_ID = DB_ID()
ORDER BY Avg_Estimated_Impact DESC


When creating index, it is recommended to do so in the following order.

  • To rank equal data at the top
  • Ranking unequal data after equal data rows
  • Column include data in the include clause of the create index statement
  • To determine the order of equal rows of data, rank the rows selectively, ranking the rows with the highest selectivity at the top

Index fragmentation rate

When data is added, deleted and modified, the database automatically maintains the index. But over time, these operations can cause data discontinuity. This can have an impact on lookup performance.

First, observe the severity of index fragments.

Internal Fragmentation: There is a lot of free space in the data page;

External Fragmentation:

  • Pages or sections placed on hard disks are discontinuous, i.e. data tables or indexes are scattered across multiple ranges, and pages that store data tables or indexes are not stored continuously according to instances.
  • The order of logical data is different from that of instances on the hard disk.
1. Discontinuity of observation data with DBCC SHOWCONTIG
create index idCreditCard on CreditCard(CreditCardID)  with drop_existing
DBCC showcontig(CreditCard,idCreditCard)

The parameters in the red box reflect the external discontinuity. The index idCreditCard uses 43 pages and 6 zones. The cursor scan area is converted five times, averaging 7.2 pages per zone, with a scanning density of 100%, a logical scan fragment of 0, and a fragmentation rate of 33.33%(= the number of zones skipped during reading/the total number of zones used).

The last two parameters, Avg. Bytes Free per Page and Avg. Page Density (full), reflect the internal discontinuity. The larger the average number of free bytes per page, the more serious the internal discontinuity is.

Data discontinuity can be observed by defining a temporary table.

--BDCC Showcontig to show the fragmentation of table or index
create table #fraglist
objectName char (255),
objectID int,
IndexName char(255),
IndexID int,
Lvl int,
countPages int,
countRows int,
MinRecSize int,
MaxRecSize int,
AvgRecSize int,
ForRecSize int,
Extents int,
ExtentSwitches int,
AvgFreeBytes int,
AvgPageDensity int,
ScanDensity decimal,
BestCount int,
ActualCount int,
LogicalFrag decimal,
ExtentFrag decimal
insert #fraglist exec('DBCC showcontig(CreditCard,idCreditCard) with tableresults')
select * from #fraglist

2. Adoption sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats Observation of data discontinuity

View the index discontinuity of the Department table:

select a.index_id,name,avg_fragmentation_in_percent from sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats
as a join sys.indexes as b on a.object_id=b.object_id
and a.index_id=b.index_id;

View fragmentation of all indexes in the database

use DB;
SELECT OBJECT_NAME(ind.OBJECT_ID) AS TableName, AS IndexName, indexstats.index_type_desc AS IndexType, 
FROM sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats(DB_ID(), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) indexstats 
INNER JOIN sys.indexes ind  
ON ind.object_id = indexstats.object_id 
AND ind.index_id = indexstats.index_id 
WHERE indexstats.avg_fragmentation_in_percent > 5
ORDER BY indexstats.avg_fragmentation_in_percent DESC


3. Decide whether to reorganize or rebuild the index according to the status of data fragments.

When the index fragmentation is greater than 5%, less than or equal to 30%, reorganize the index is recommended; when the index fragmentation rate is greater than 30%, rebuild the index is recommended. Rebuild Index consumes performance, and it is recommended to do it in off-hours. At the same time, it is recommended to rebuild index in online way to reduce the number of lock applications.
  • Reorganization index:
ALTER INDEX IX_Employee_OrganizationalLevel_OrganizationalNode ON HumanResources.Employee
  • Reconstruct the index:
ALTER INDEX IX_TransactionHistory_TransactionDate
ON Production.TransactionHistory
REBUILD Partition = 5
  • Maintenance plan rebuilding index
At the same time, for the self-built SQL Server database, you can also create maintenance plans.( maintenance plan ) To rebuild the index.

Topics: Database SQL Fragment less