Summary of String Class Common Methods for C#
The String class represents text, a series of Unicode characters.In the namespace System.String is Unicode
An ordered collection of characters used to represent text.String objects are an ordered collection of System. Char objects that represent strings.String
The value of the object is the content of the ordered collection and is immutable.
1.Compare method
The Compare method has several overloading methods that perform a comparison of two strings according to specified rules and ranges. The method returns an integer describing the relative position in the sorting of the two strings.
String str1 = "czhenya"; String str2 = "Czhenya_CSDN"; //Parameters: String 1, String 2, case sensitive Console.WriteLine(String.Compare(str1, str2)); //Output: -1 Console.WriteLine(String.Compare(str1, str2, true)); //Output: -1 //Parameters: string 1,str1 start index, string 2,str2 start index, compare length, case sensitive Console.WriteLine(String.Compare(str1, 0, str2, 0, 7)); //Output: -1 Console.WriteLine(String.Compare(str1, 0, str2, 0, 7, true)); //Output: 0
2.Concat method
Concat methods can be overloaded in a variety of ways to connect to a specified string or object.
String s1 = "C"; String s2 = "Zhen"; String s3 = "Ya"; String s4 = "_CSDN"; // This writing supports concatenation of up to four strings Console.WriteLine(String.Concat(s1, s2)); //Output: CZhen Console.WriteLine(String.Concat(s1, s2, s3, s4)); //Output: CZhenYa_CSDN // There are also three object s that are overloaded with parameter types Console.WriteLine(String.Concat(s1, 1, '2', 0.3f)); //Output: C120.3 // Connection String Array String[] strArr = { "A", "BC", "DEF", "GH", "IJKL" }; Console.WriteLine(String.Concat(strArr)); //Output: ABCDEFGHIJKL
3.Contains method
Returns a bool value indicating whether the specified String object appears in this string.
String str1 = "Czhenya"; String str2 = "Czhenya_CSDN"; // Whether str1 contains str2 (case sensitive) --> or whether str2 is a string of str1 Console.WriteLine(str1.Contains(str2)); //Output: False Console.WriteLine(str2.Contains(str1)); //Output: True // Parameter is an overload of type char Console.WriteLine(str1.Contains('c')); //Output: False Console.WriteLine(str1.Contains('C')); //Output: True
4.StartsWith and EndsWith methods
Returns a Boolean value determining whether the start/end of this string instance matches the specified string.
String str1 = "Czhenya"; String str2 = "Czhenya_CSDN"; //Does str1 start with str2 Console.WriteLine(str1.StartsWith(str2)); //Output: False Console.WriteLine(str1.StartsWith('C')); //Output: True Console.WriteLine(str2.StartsWith(str1)); //Output: True Console.WriteLine(str2.StartsWith('c')); //Output: False
5.Equals method
The Equals method can be overloaded in a variety of ways to determine whether two String instances have the same value according to certain rules.
String str1 = "Czhenya"; String str2 = "czhenya"; //Parameter is of type object Console.WriteLine(str1.Equals(str2)); //Output: False // Comparing str1 with str2 Console.WriteLine(String.Equals(str1,str2)); //Output: False // Comparing str1 with str2 is case insensitive Console.WriteLine(String.Equals(str1,str2, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); //Output: True
6.ToLower method and ToUpper method
Converts a character in a string to lowercase or to uppercase.
String str1 = "Czhenya"; String str2 = "czhenya"; Console.WriteLine(str1.ToLower()); //Output: czhenya Console.WriteLine(str2.ToUpper()); //Output: CZHENYA
7.Substring method
Substrings have two overload modes that allow you to Substring a string at a specified starting position and length.
String str1 = "Czhenya"; //Parameter: Start Index Console.WriteLine(str1.Substring(2)); //Output: henya //Parameters: start index, intercept length Console.WriteLine(str1.Substring(0, 2)); //Output: Cz
8.Split method
Split, which implements the function of splitting strings into multiple substrings according to specified characters.
//Use underscore'_"Delimited string String str2 = "Czhenya_C_S_D_"; string[] res2 = str2.Split('_'); for (int i = 0; i < res2.Length; i++) { Console.Write(res2[i] + "..."); // Output: Czhenya...C...S...D... } Console.WriteLine(); // Default parameters:StringSplitOptions.None: The return value includes an array element containing an empty string. // StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries: The return value does not include an array element containing an empty string. string[] res3 = str2.Split('_', StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); for (int i = 0; i < res3.Length; i++) { Console.Write(res3[i] + "..."); // Output: Czhenya...C...S...D... } Console.WriteLine(); //Parameters: Separate characters, separate groups, default parameters:StringSplitOptions.None string[] res4 = str2.Split('_',3); for (int i = 0; i < res4.Length; i++) { Console.Write(res4[i] + "..."); // Output: Czhenya...C...S_D_... } Console.WriteLine();
9.Replace method
The Replace method replaces the character or substring specified in this instance.
String str1 = "Czhenya_CSDN"; // Replace the character'C'in the string with the character'A' Console.WriteLine(str1.Replace('C','A')); //Output: Azhenya_ASDN // String "ABCD", replacing string "CSDN" Console.WriteLine(str1.Replace("CSDN", "ABCD")); //Output: Czhenya_ABCD
10.Remove method
The Remove method deletes the character specified in this instance.
String str1 = "Czhenya_CSDN"; //Parameter: Index to start removing Console.WriteLine(str1.Remove(7)); //Output: Czhenya //Parameter: Start removing index, remove length Console.WriteLine(str1.Remove(0,2)); //Output: henya_CSDN