swift Notes - Basis (2)

Posted by Bopo on Sat, 25 May 2019 20:56:24 +0200

Six, == Optinal== optional type (difficulty):

  1. One of the characteristics of swift grammar is that it is a reflection of type safety, Int?,float! Note that the symbols in the back must be close to the type in front, and there can be no blank in the middle;

    • Only Optional type can be null (nil in oc), which ensures that non-optional objects cannot be null, nor can they be assigned null.
    • Any type can be an Optional type: let tupleTest: (Int, String)? = nil;
    • When accessing attributes or instance methods, it is not necessary to judge whether the Optional object is empty every time, but to use Optional chain expression.
  2. Basic use

    • Optional: var testOp1 :Optional<Int8> = 1008611
    • String? Here? No space in front
    • Optional(name) If there is no value in an optional type, forced unpacking will cause an error
    • Name! Optional(name) is optional type of forced unpacking.
        // Declare the Optional variable testOptF type Int?, initialize to null
            var testOptF: Float? = nil
            var name: String? = nil
            // The optional chain operator is used here.
            // Here we will first determine whether testOptF is empty or not, and then perform a = 10 operation if it is not empty.
            // Otherwise, no operation will be performed.
            testOptF? = 3.1415//
            // This statement is the same as above.
            testOptF? += 10
            // Here output: testOptF = nil
            print("testOptF = \(String(describing: testOptF))")
            testOptF! += 10
            print("testOptF! = \(testOptF!)")
            if testOptF != nil {
  3. Forced dismantling:

    Starting with code somewhere, you can make sure that the object is not empty, and then you can use mandatory disassembly; that is:! Indicates that its operand expression must not be empty

  4. Optional binding

    if let obj = Optional(0) {
    if var obj = Optional(0) {

    This means that an object odj is declared and initialized using the following Opeional object expression. If obj is not empty, the statement in if is executed.

  5. Introduction to Optional

    • Optional is essentially a generic enumeration type that follows the ExpressibleByNilLiteral protocol; the Apple API defines it as follows:
    public enum Optional<Wrapped> : ExpressibleByNilLiteral {
        case none
        /// The presence of a value, stored as `Wrapped`.
        case some(Wrapped)
        /// Creates an instance that stores the given value.
        public init(_ some: Wrapped) 
        public func map<U>(_ transform: (Wrapped) throws -> U) rethrows -> U?
        public init(nilLiteral: ())
        public var unsafelyUnwrapped: Wrapped { get }
    • You can see that there are two enumeration values: none denotes null values, and sone is stored here after assignment.
  6. Common Ways and Use

    • Example

      /// c Test Optional Types
      func testOptionals() -> () {
          let testOp1 :Optional<Int> = 1008611
          print("Definition 1: Types and values before unpacking are:\(String(describing: testOp1))")
      //        Let testInt8: Int8 = Int8 (testOp1!) error
      //         print("int to int8 is:(testInt8)")
          let testOpt2 = Optional<String>("The second way of definition")
          print("Definition 2: Types and values before unpacking are:\(String(describing: testOpt2))")
          var testOpS : String?
          testOpS =  "4334675444635"
          print("Definition 3: Types and values before unpacking are:\(String(describing: testOpS))")
          print("The types and values of forced unpacking are:\(testOpS!)")
          if let deOptionS = testOpS {
              print("The binding unpacking type and value are:\(deOptionS)")
              let reserint64 = Int64.init(deOptionS)
              print("convert to int64 Yes,\(reserint64 ?? 12)")
              if let tempint64 = reserint64 {
                  let reserNSNum = NSNumber.init(value: tempint64)
                  print("convert to NSNumber Yes,\(reserNSNum)")
          let refClosure: ((_ cunS : String?)-> String?)? = {(_ cus:String?)-> String? in
              print("\(cus!)-->This is a closure reference")
              return "test case"
          let testClosWithOpt = refClosure!("Test parameters")
          print("Test closures and optional types======\(testClosWithOpt ?? "error")")
          let ss: NSString = "9876543210"
          let ll: Int64 = ss.longLongValue
          print("Turn into int64 Yes,"+"\(ll)")
    • Output result

          Definition 1: Types and values before unpacking are Optional(1008611)
          Definition 2: Types and values before unpacking are Optional("Second Definition")
          Definition 3: The type and value before unpacking is Optional("4334675444635").
          The type and value of forced unpacking are 4334675444635
          The binding unpacking type and value are 4334675444635
          The conversion to int64 is 4334675444635
          The conversion to NSNumber is 4334675444635
          Test parameters - > This is a closure reference
          Test closures and optional types =========== test cases
          Converting to int64 is: 9876543210

Seven, function

  1. Definition

    func function name (parameter type) - > return value{
    code block
    Return return value
  2. Reference labels
    • The parameter label mainly provides the caller with the meaning of the passed argument, and the formal parameter name is mainly used to refer to the inside of the function.
    • When there are multiple parameters, the parameter labels can be the same, but the parameters must be different.
  func getName(user_id userID: Int) -> String{
       return "haha"
  //user_id Reference labels   userID: Formal parameter name

func funNAME(_ name: Int) {
    print("parameter is: \(name)")

Eight, class

  1. Storage value

    • If the type is a structure or class. Usually defined as an optional type
    • If it is a basic attribute type, it is initialized directly at the time of definition.
     class Persion : NSObject {
    //    Storage attribute
        var name : String?
        var age : Int = 0
        var money : Double = 0.0
    //Calculated attribute
        var avarageSorce :Double {
            get {
                return money;
        //     Class attribute
        static var courseCount : Int = 0
     let stu = Persion()
     stu.name = "hhh"
      Persion.courseCount = 45//Class attributes must be invoked with classes 
  2. Attribute monitoring

    var name : String?{
            //In this method, the system has an identifier
            willSet {
                print(name ?? "haha")
                print(newValue ?? "444")
            didSet {
                print(oldValue ?? "haha")
  3. Class initialization method

    • > init method similar to oc
     override init() {
            //Can not call, if not call the system will be called by default
    //        super.init()
        //Custom initialization constructor
        init(name : String , age : Int) {
            self.name = name;
            self.age  = age;
    1. Class destructor

      • This method can not be displayed and can only be automatically invoked with the reference count when it has passed the runtime.
      • If a destructor is not shown, a default destructor is automatically added.
      deinit {
              print("Father is destroyed")

Nine, closure

  1. Use

    class testFun: NSObject {
        //Closure type: (parameter list) - > (parameter)
        func requ(callback : @escaping ()->()) -> () {
              DispatchQueue.global().async { () -> Void in
              let currentThread = Thread.current
              print("The current thread is\(currentThread)")
              DispatchQueue.main.async { () -> Void in
              let currentThread = Thread.current
                            print("Callback the current thread to\(currentThread)")
        //Direct call after instantiation
        testFunC?.requ(callback: { 
             print("Start requesting data")
  2. Circular Reference Problem

     weak var weakSelf  = self;

Ten, agreement

  1. Using protocol to define protocols, protocols can only store computational properties and method declarations, which are equivalent to interfaces.
  2. Use

    • Define protocol

      //Define protocol
       protocol testProtoDelate {
          func getSomething(someThing someS:String?) -> String?
      //Setting agent
      var testDelgate :testProtoDelate?
      //Trigger protocol
       let eatS = testDelgate?.getSomething(someThing: "Give me a call.")
      print("Are you all set? "+eatS!)
    • Agent Agent

      //comply with the agreement
            let FunC = testFun()
            FunC.testDelgate = self
          //  Implementing proxy in extension, testProtoDelate
             func getSomething(someThing someS: String?) -> String? {
                    print("The agreement tells me \(someS!)")
                    return "The phone has been called!"

    ———————————— Modified in 2017-09-07 ----------------------------- 07

11. Namespaces

  1. To avoid naming conflicts, Swift added a new concept called namespace.

    • Namespaces in different projects are the name of the current project by default.
    • Swift can solve the problem of renaming through namespaces. When developing Swift, we should try to use cocoapods to integrate the tripartite framework, which can effectively avoid duplication of class names.
    • Creating a class through a string is different from OC. OC can create a class directly by class name, while Swift has to add a namespace if it wants to create a class by class name.
           // 1. Dynamic acquisition of namespaces
            // Since only objects can be stored in dictionaries/arrays, is the type AnyObject?
            guard let name =  Bundle.main.infoDictionary!["CFBundleExecutable"] as? String else
                NJLog("Failed to get namespace")
            let cls: AnyClass? = NSClassFromString(name + "." + childControllerName)
             // If you want to create an object through a Class in Swift, you must tell the system the exact type of the Class.
            guard let typeCls = cls as? UITableViewController.Type else
                NJLog("cls Can not be regarded as UITableViewController")
            // Create objects through Class
            let childController = typeCls.init()

    Note: AnyObject? Because dictionaries or arrays store AnyObject types, if the key is written incorrectly or there is no corresponding value, it may cause an exception.

    12. Access Level

  2. swift provides five access levels:

    If it is not limited by display modification of any access level, it defaults to internal.

Keyword Range Explain Subclass inheritance Storage attribute Computational attributes and methods
open Any other attributes and methods that are not final ized It can only be used for class types and class type members. can Subclasses can override attributes and attributes observers of this attribute Subclasses can be overridden
public Can be used by other modules, basic elements and attributes and methods in all file scopes Can't inherit the class type it currently defines can Attributes and methods in class types cannot be modified
internal Same as public, but only in the current module Only source files in the current module can be accessed
fileprivate Same as public Only visible within the scope of the current source file (introduced in 3.0)
private Modify attributes and methods in a type Visible to the current type or object of that type

== Note: No matter the class, enumeration or structure, its initialization method can only use public at the highest level. The cumulative destructor method can not be modified with any hierarchical orientation.==

  1. The access level of an entity must be <== the minimum access level of the entity associated with it:

    • A public object cannot be defined by a type that has a lower level of access than public; it may lead to a lower level where they should not be visible.
    • open-level classes cannot inherit < their access level classes, and these low-level access classes expose their invisibility.
    • The access level of a function cannot be higher than its return type and parameters.
    • A class is limited to fileprivate, its members have fileprivate attribute by default, the class is limited to open, public, internal, its members default to internal access level;
    • Custom type can limit the access level higher or lower than the type, but other file access can not break through the limit of this type.
  2. The access level of a tuple is the lowest among its elements, and enumeration cannot define the qualified level of each element.

  3. The access level of subclasses can't be higher than that of parent classes, and subclass overhaul can raise the limit level but can't reduce it.

———————————— Modified in 2017-09-11---------------

Topics: Attribute Swift