I. significance of obtaining standard time
When we are programming, for data approval, we need to calibrate parameters with date time values and works. Therefore, it is the best way to keep the client time consistent with the server time and keep their time consistent with the standard time.
II. Technical preparation
1. System time parameter, which is used to set local time
TSystemTime = record
wYear: Word;
wMonth: Word;
wDayOfWeek: Word;
wDay: Word;
wHour: Word;
wMinute: Word;
wSecond: Word;
wMilliseconds: Word;
2. Time zone information is the parameter of standard time
3. GetTimeZoneInformation(tzInfo) obtains the local time (time zone setting) information of the system
4. TidDayTime control, which can specify the Host to get the standard time value (string), IdDayTime1.DayTimeStr. The format of the string value is as follows:
58396 18-10-05 05:06:04 31 0 0 691.8 UTC(NIST) *
We can get the value of relevant date and time through this string.
Note: for this string, only 2-bit-year values can be obtained. For example, in the 21st century, 2000 will be added.
I tested IdDayTime1.DayTimeStr in XE10. The format is the same, so I don't understand. Why don't I return 4-digit annual value? How nice to change the new version to 4 digits!
5. Set local time (systime), set local time (API)
3. The implementation code is as follows
function TForm1.getDateTime(Host:string):string; // Time acquisition and synchronization with the network var IdDayTime1: TIdDayTime; tzInfo: Time_Zone_Information; // system parameter hBias, // Hour deviation mBias: Integer; // Minute deviation TimeStr:String; // Time character SysTime: TSystemTime; // TSystemTime is a system defined structure with 16 bytes: { TSystemTime = record wYear: Word; wMonth: Word; wDayOfWeek: Word; wDay: Word; wHour: Word; wMinute: Word; wSecond: Word; wMilliseconds: Word; end; } begin GetTimeZoneInformation(tzInfo); // Get system local time (time zone setting) information hBias:=tzInfo.Bias div 60; // Get local time zone and Greenwich small time difference mBias:=tzInfo.Bias mod 60; // Get the minute difference between the local time zone and Greenwich IdDayTime1:=TIdDayTime.Create(Application); // Create IdDayTime try IdDayTime1.Host:=Host; // Get time from hotspot TimeStr:=Trim(IdDayTime1.DayTimeStr); // Return time string Edit5.Text:=IdDayTime1.DayTimeStr; Edit6.Text:=IntTostr(Trunc(Now)); // The values of the strings are decomposed to SysTime as follows SysTime.wYear:=StrToInt(Copy(TimeStr,7,2)); // Version problem year only takes 2 digits, and 2000 will be added SysTime.wMonth:=StrToInt(Copy(TimeStr,10,2)); SysTime.wDay:=StrToInt(Copy(TimeStr,13,2)); SysTime.wHour:=StrToInt(Copy(TimeStr,16,2)); SysTime.wMinute:=StrToInt(Copy(TimeStr,19,2)); SysTime.wSecond:=StrToInt(Copy(TimeStr,22,2)); SysTime.wMilliseconds:=StrToInt(Copy(TimeStr,32,3)); except Showmessage('Failed to get time from!'); Exit; end; // Modify the acquired SysTime time value SysTime.wYear:=SysTime.wYear+2000; // Add date deviation SysTime.wHour:=SysTime.wHour-hBias; // Add hour deviation SysTime.wMinute:=SysTime.wMinute-mBias; // Add hour deviation SetLocalTime(SysTime); // Set local time Result:=FormatDateTime('yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss zzz',SystemTimeToDateTime(SysTime)); end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin IdDayTime1.Host := Edit1.Text; //Connecting hosts IdDayTime1.Port := StrToIntDef(Edit2.Text,strtoint(Edit2.Text)); //port end; procedure TForm1.Button5Click(Sender: TObject); begin Edit1.Text:=getDateTime('time.nist.gov'); end;
IV. test results, D7 and XE10.2, passed. Success depends on the return rate of the site.