Talk about maxwell's bootstrap controller

Posted by jerbecca on Thu, 07 May 2020 17:32:36 +0200


This paper mainly studies the bootstrap controller of maxwell



public class BootstrapController extends RunLoopProcess  {
	static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BootstrapController.class);
	private final long MAX_TX_ELEMENTS = 10000;

	private final ConnectionPool maxwellConnectionPool;
	private final SynchronousBootstrapper bootstrapper;
	private final AbstractProducer producer;
	private final String clientID;
	private final boolean syncMode;
	private Long currentSchemaID;

	public BootstrapController(
		ConnectionPool maxwellConnectionPool,
		AbstractProducer producer,
		SynchronousBootstrapper bootstrapper,
		String clientID,
		boolean syncMode,
		Long currentSchemaID
	) {
		this.maxwellConnectionPool = maxwellConnectionPool;
		this.producer = producer;
		this.bootstrapper = bootstrapper;
		this.clientID = clientID;
		this.syncMode = syncMode;
		this.currentSchemaID = currentSchemaID;

	// this mutex is used to block rows from being produced while a "synchronous"
	// bootstrap is run
	private Object bootstrapMutex = new Object();

	// this one is used to protect against races in an async producer.
	private Object completionMutex = new Object();
	private BootstrapTask activeTask;
	private RowMapBuffer skippedRows = new RowMapBuffer(MAX_TX_ELEMENTS);

	protected void work() throws Exception {
		try {
		} catch ( InterruptedException e ) {
		} catch ( SQLException e ) {
			LOGGER.error("got SQLException trying to bootstrap", e);

	private void doWork() throws Exception {
		List<BootstrapTask> tasks = getIncompleteTasks();
		synchronized(bootstrapMutex) {
			for ( BootstrapTask task : tasks ) {
				LOGGER.debug("starting bootstrap task: {}", task.logString());
				synchronized(completionMutex) {
					activeTask = task;

				bootstrapper.startBootstrap(task, producer, getCurrentSchemaID());

				synchronized(completionMutex) {
					activeTask = null;


	private synchronized Long getCurrentSchemaID() {
		return this.currentSchemaID;

	public synchronized void setCurrentSchemaID(long schemaID) {
		this.currentSchemaID = schemaID;

	private List<BootstrapTask> getIncompleteTasks() throws SQLException {
		ArrayList<BootstrapTask> list = new ArrayList<>();
		try ( Connection cx = maxwellConnectionPool.getConnection() ) {
			PreparedStatement s = cx.prepareStatement("select * from bootstrap where is_complete = 0 and client_id = ? order by id");
			s.setString(1, this.clientID);

			ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery();

			while ( {
		return list;

	public boolean shouldSkip(RowMap row) throws IOException {
		// The main replication thread skips rows of the currently bootstrapped
		// table and the tables that are queued for bootstrap. The bootstrap thread replays them at
		// the end of the bootstrap.

		if ( syncMode )
			synchronized(bootstrapMutex) { return false; }
		else {
			synchronized (completionMutex) {
				if (activeTask == null)
					return false;

				// async mode with an active task
				if (activeTask.matches(row)) {
					return true;
				} else
					return false;

	private void pushSkippedRows() throws Exception {
		while ( skippedRows.size() > 0 ) {
			RowMap row = skippedRows.removeFirst();

  • The bootstrap controller inherits the RunLoopProcess, and its work method executes the doWork method; its doWork method obtains the tasks through getIncompleteTasks, and then traverses the tasks to execute the bootstrap.startbootstrap (task, producer, Getcurrentschemaid()) and pushSkippedRows methods; getcompletetasks queries the database for the record of the specified client ID whose is "complete" is 0 in the bootstrap table; pushSkippedRows method executes skippedRows.flushToDisk() first, and then traverses to remove and execute producer.push(row)



public class SynchronousBootstrapper {
	static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SynchronousBootstrapper.class);
	private static final long INSERTED_ROWS_UPDATE_PERIOD_MILLIS = 250;
	private final MaxwellContext context;

	private long lastInsertedRowsUpdateTimeMillis = 0;

	public SynchronousBootstrapper(MaxwellContext context) {
		this.context = context;

	public void startBootstrap(BootstrapTask task, AbstractProducer producer, Long currentSchemaID) throws Exception {
		performBootstrap(task, producer, currentSchemaID);
		completeBootstrap(task, producer);

	private Schema captureSchemaForBootstrap(BootstrapTask task) throws SQLException {
		try ( Connection cx = getConnection(task.database) ) {
			CaseSensitivity s = MaxwellMysqlStatus.captureCaseSensitivity(cx);
			SchemaCapturer c = new SchemaCapturer(cx, s, task.database, task.table);
			return c.capture();

	public void performBootstrap(BootstrapTask task, AbstractProducer producer, Long currentSchemaID) throws Exception {
		LOGGER.debug("bootstrapping requested for " + task.logString());

		Schema schema = captureSchemaForBootstrap(task);
		Database database = findDatabase(schema, task.database);
		Table table = findTable(task.table, database);

		producer.push(bootstrapStartRowMap(task, table));"bootstrapping started for %s.%s", task.database, task.table));

		try ( Connection streamingConnection = getStreamingConnection(task.database)) {
			ResultSet resultSet = getAllRows(task.database, task.table, table, task.whereClause, streamingConnection);
			int insertedRows = 0;
			lastInsertedRowsUpdateTimeMillis = 0; // ensure updateInsertedRowsColumn is called at least once
			while ( ) {
				RowMap row = bootstrapEventRowMap("bootstrap-insert", table.database,, table.getPKList(), task.comment);
				setRowValues(row, resultSet, table);

				Scripting scripting = context.getConfig().scripting;
				if ( scripting != null )

				if ( LOGGER.isDebugEnabled() )
					LOGGER.debug("bootstrapping row : " + row.toJSON());


		} catch ( NoSuchElementException e ) {"bootstrapping aborted for " + task.logString());

	public void completeBootstrap(BootstrapTask task, AbstractProducer producer) throws Exception {
		producer.push(bootstrapEventRowMap("bootstrap-complete", task.database, task.table, new ArrayList<>(), task.comment));"bootstrapping ended for " + task.logString());


  • The startBootstrap method of synchromousbootstrapper executes performabootstrap and completeBootstrap methods, where performabootstrap method executes producer.push (bootstrap startrowmap (task, After that, query the records according to the database, table and condition specified by the task, and then traverse the result set producer.push(row); the complete bootstrap method executes producer.push (bootstrap eventrowmap ("bootstrap complete", task.database, task.table, new ArrayList < > (), task. Comment))


The bootstrap controller inherits the RunLoopProcess, and its work method executes the doWork method; its doWork method obtains the tasks through getIncompleteTasks, and then traverses the tasks to execute the bootstrap.startbootstrap (task, producer, Getcurrentschemaid()) and pushSkippedRows methods; getcompletetasks queries the database for the record of the specified client ID whose is "complete" is 0 in the bootstrap table; pushSkippedRows method executes skippedRows.flushToDisk() first, and then traverses to remove and execute producer.push(row)


Topics: Programming Database Java