Product experience Officer: Tapdata Cloud && Oracle database real-time synchronization (detailed version)

Posted by bufo on Sat, 08 Jan 2022 05:33:27 +0100

Tapdata data synchronization

🌲 preface

Recently, I came into contact with a new data synchronization product: Tapdata Cloud.

Tapdata Cloud is a real-time data fusion service provided by tapdata that integrates data synchronization, data fusion (to be launched soon) and data service (to be launched soon). It can provide millisecond real-time data synchronization service and data fusion service in the scenario of cross cloud, cross region and multi type data sources.

Official website address:

This article mainly demonstrates Oracle data synchronization through Tapdata Cloud. ヾ(◍°∇°◍)ノ゙

☀️ Environmental preparation

Tapdata deployment supports three environments: Windows 64, Linux 64 and docker; This article uses the Linux 64 environment for synchronization testing.

💻 Linux environment deployment

Using Vagrant rapid deployment environment, friends who want to play can refer to: Nanny tutorial: Vagrant from introduction to supernatural play

☀️ By the way, share the Oracle database Series installed by Vagrant:

Vagrant installing Oracle family

1. Add Vagrant box

Quickly deploy a set of Linux environment with Vagrant, and the host version is centos7 9.

2. Initialize boot Linux host

Initialize Vagrantfile through the newly added box:

Vagrant boot host:

3. Vagrant connection host

Connect successfully deployed Centos environment via vagrant ssh:

To modify the root user password:

After modifying the root password, switch to the root user through su -.

🌩 Tapdata Agent local deployment

❤️ Why deploy the Tapdata Agent to the local environment? ❤️

Tapdata Agent is a key program in data synchronization, data heterogeneity and data development scenarios. The above scenarios have high real-time requirements for data flow. Therefore, by downloading Tapdata Agent and deploying it in your local environment, based on the local network with low delay, Tapdata Agent can give full play to its performance to ensure the real-time of data flow.

1. Installing the Java environment

The operation of Tapdata Agent depends on the local java environment. Therefore, before deployment, you need to check whether the local java environment has been installed. For example, use the following command on the command line:

java -version

As shown in the figure, if the java -version returns an exception, it indicates that the java environment may not be installed. Please refer to the following command to install the java environment locally (the openjdk version in this prompt is only for example):

yum -y install java-1.8.0-openjdk

After installing the local java environment, you can start downloading the Tapdata Agent.

2. Download and deploy Tapdata Agent

Please confirm that Java 1. 0 is installed in your deployment environment before installation Version 8 and correctly configure environment variables.

Tapdata Agent Download Interface:

Download the Tapdata Agent. It is highly recommended to deploy the Tapdata Agent in an independent and clean folder:

#Download the Tapdata Agent to the local environment through wget
mkdir /tapdata
cd /tapdata
wget ""

Downloading and deploying the Tapdata Agent does not require root permission, but only read and write permission to the deployment directory. Therefore, create a tapdata user:

groupadd tapdata
useradd -g tapdata tapdata

Authorize the user tabpdata to access the directory / tapdata:

chown -R tapdata:tapdata /tapdata
chmod +x /tapdata/tapdata

Switch to the tapdata user and start installing and deploying tapdata:

su - tapdata
cd /tapdata
./tapdata start backend --downloadUrl --token a/HZzXh5MDbwPGd8hCzZYYF0XXgDZ287oY34Sx3QAq5Z7zikkMRcI62kZHXq8RRJj6VrJcSY6ehw4iM8d8LW1YDkAXDfFv6XW/comFuRjivUKI0bU2CJbyb9YX2hukWTYG7rnIlkqV6c1QG//tczPtDt4Bvjy5eqwShMLprhyrzjDysD0Zqfag0tfN0rKB8YbGn87/61rWjizqFuByrG+V2RQCKmccHqWLwjAKLeMEYFUW6imRIHTrEHFQ9u5qDEDB4xza6Nz+ZeDgwNTHYQAChlL1rg+2B6g8C55dTKdQvOTiumURSbnY3Z8IURjYOw4INb5NmhUFvlcceX6OMguQVMrKfiV2vYzpSAcFKB+3KGJVj71tKGRxaSuZI5AINPxECZg+kgE2vUTMhFwZ9I2oPLDGntSWSnYp2MVqUnTNq446ikmUIuEsTTPhsiTcHO2/8oniGzy4gMGvSmofZI2w==

After the above command is executed, the log shown in the figure shows that the Agent is started successfully.

3. Tapdata Agent management commands

To manage the Tapdata Agent locally, it is recommended to set the / tapdata environment variable:

cat <<EOF>~/.bash_profile
export TAPDATA_HOME=/tapdata

source ~/.bash_profile
#Close the Tapdata Agent
tapdata stop

#Start the Tapdata Agent
tapdata start 

#Viewing the status of the Tapdata Agent
tapdata status

Introduction to Tapdata Agent local directory structure and function:

So far, the Tapdata environment preparation has been completed. 🎉

🔆 Oracle environment deployment

Similarly, Vagrant is used to install two sets of Linux host environments, and Oracle one click installation script is used to install the database:

1. Deploy Oracle 11g host

Create the installation directory and upload the installation media:

mkdir oracle11g
mkdir oracle12c
mkdir software

⭐ Installation media acquisition method: Oracle installation packageOracle one click installation script.

3. Configure Shell script

Enter the oracle11g and oracle12c directories respectively, and create the scripts Directory:

mkdir scripts
cat <<EOF>
#change root password
echo oracle | passwd --stdin root
#change sshd_config
sed -i 's/PasswordAuthentication no/PasswordAuthentication yes/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
systemctl reload sshd.service
#mkdir software dir
mkdir /soft
#cp software to softdir
cp /vagrant/* /soft
#chmod shell script
chmod +x /soft/
#install oracle database
cd /soft
./ -i -installmode single -dbv 11g -iso N

Note that the - dbv and - i parameters need to be modified according to the actual situation, and 12c needs to be modified to correspond to 12c.

3. Configure Vagrantfile script

Oracle 11G:

cd oracle11g
cat <<EOF>Vagrantfile
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| = "centos79"
  config.vm.provision :shell, path: "/Volumes/DBA/vagrant/oracle11g/scripts/"
  config.vm.synced_folder "/Volumes/DBA/vagrant/software", "/vagrant" :forwarded_port, guest: 1521, host: 1521 :forwarded_port, guest: 22, host: 22 "public_network", ip: ""
  config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vb| = "orcl11g"
  vb.memory = 2048
  vb.cpus = 2

Oracle 12C:

cd oracle12c
cat <<EOF>Vagrantfile
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| = "centos79"
  config.vm.provision :shell, path: "/Volumes/DBA/vagrant/oracle12c/scripts/"
  config.vm.synced_folder "/Volumes/DBA/vagrant/software", "/vagrant" :forwarded_port, guest: 1521, host: 1522 :forwarded_port, guest: 22, host: 23 "public_network", ip: ""
  config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vb| = "orcl12c"
  vb.memory = 2048
  vb.cpus = 2

4. Start deploying Oracle Database

cd oracle11g
vagrant up --provider=virtualbox
cd oracle12c
vagrant up --provider=virtualbox

5. Oracle 11G+12C create test data

create user tapdata identified by tapdata;
grant dba to tapdata;
conn tapdata/tapdata;
create table tapdata (id number,name varchar(100));
insert into tapdata values (1,'lucifer');
insert into tapdata values (2,'lucifer1');
insert into tapdata values (3,'lucifer2');

❤️ Friends who want to know can refer to: ❤️

💛 Data synchronization Oracle 11gr2 -- > 12C

⚡ Introduction to data synchronization

working principle:

The data synchronization function is an important function of the data center of tapdata, and it is also the core advantage of tapdata. As shown in the figure above, among the two data storage nodes, the Tapdata Agent acts as a processing bridge. After simple setting, the user can automatically read data from one node (source end) and write data to another node (target end). In the whole process, Tapdata Agent only acts as the data processing layer to ensure that the processing process meets the user's expectations. Tapdata Agent will not upload and save user data in any form.

Access, synchronization and heterogeneity:

In the data synchronization function, Tapdata middle station supports the access of multiple data stores. It not only supports the data synchronization between the same type of data stores (such as Mysql to MySQL and Oracle to Oracle), but also supports the heterogeneous data synchronization between different types of data stores (such as Oracle to MySQL and MySQL to MongoDB).

Task type:

Based on the configurability of Tapdata Agent, it supports full synchronization, full and incremental task types. Users can select the corresponding synchronization mode according to the corresponding data scenario to meet the requirements. For example, full synchronization is suitable for one-time data migration and heterogeneous scenarios, while full and incremental synchronization is suitable for real-time data migration and heterogeneous scenarios.

❤️ ORACLE configuration Tapdata (source side + target side)

Ensure that the Oracle database is successfully added and used in Tapdata. Note: Oracle real-time synchronization is based on Oracle Redo Log, so some configurations need to be performed in advance.

1. Open archive log

Log in to the database as a user with DBA privileges

sqlplus / as sysdba

Viewing the logging mode of the database

select log_mode from v$database;

If the returned result is NOARCHIVELOG, continue with the following steps:

Close database:

shutdown immediate;

Start and mount the database:

startup mount;

Open archive mode and open the database:

alter database archivelog;
alter database open;

2. Enable supplementary logging


alter database add supplemental log data;
alter system switch logfile;
SELECT supplemental_log_data_min, supplemental_log_data_pk, supplemental_log_data_all FROM v$database;


SELECT supplemental_log_data_min, supplemental_log_data_pk, supplemental_log_data_all FROM v$database;

3. Create user account

Create user accounts and assign permissions:

--It has been created previously. No more users will be created here
--CREATE USER tapdata IDENTIFIED BY tapdata;
GRANT create session, alter session, execute_catalog_role, select any dictionary, select any transaction, select any table, create any table, create any index, unlimited tablespace to tapdata;

So far, the Oracle 11G source database has been configured.

☀️ Tapdata Cloud connects Oracle 11G+12C

First, you need to open the Tapdata Cloud console.

1. Create connection

2. Select Oracle

3. Fill in key information

Fill in the information according to the prompts. For details, please refer to: Oracle create connection

Note: the Schema value here needs to be capitalized!

4. Test connection

Test whether the connection is successful. For details, refer to: Oracel's connection test and common problems

Add Oracle 12C in the same way. After adding successfully, it is displayed as follows:

🌀 Create synchronization task

After creating the connection, you need to create a task to configure data synchronization.

1. Create task

Configure the source and target connections, and select the new connection in the previous step:

2. Configure task

Set the task, select the full + incremental type this time, and the full write mode:

3. Select synchronization table

Here, select the table to be synchronized and add it to the target side:

Renaming and field mapping are also supported:

Click the finish button. If there is no response, you can try to go back to the previous step and click finish again.

4. Start task

After clicking finish, the task status is to be started, which can be started by starting the task:

First go to Oracle 12C on the target side to query whether Lucifer exists:

select * from lucifer;

Confirm that there is no Lucifer table, and start the task:

5. Operation monitoring

Click operation monitoring to see the synchronization:

6. Error reporting processing

You can see that an error is reported here. Take a look at the log records:

Because I didn't create a primary key when I created the table before, after consulting the official, I confirmed that the table must have a primary key. Therefore, add a table primary key:

alter table lucifer add constraint tb_lucifer_pk primary key (id);
alter table tapdata add constraint tb_tapdata_pk primary key (id);

After adding a table primary key, you need to reload the data source, that is, the connection test in the connection management.

Return to the operation monitoring page and resynchronize after reset:

Reset to clear the progress, return to the original, and then click start.

7. Synchronous test

Connect the Oracle 12C target side and query the data of the Lucifer table:

It is found that the data has been synchronized successfully.

Test whether the target side is synchronized after the source side Oracle 11G writes data:

Source side:

insert into tapdata values (17,'haha');
insert into lucifer values (26,'hah1a');
delete from tapdata where id=1;
delete from lucifer where id=2;

Target end:

select * from lucifer;
select * from tapdata;

Viewing the monitoring page, you can find that the operation records on the source side have been synchronized:

❤️ So far, the real-time data synchronization test between different versions of Oracle has been completed.

🌊 Write at the end

First of all, I like Tapdata's documents, which are really detailed and easy to understand!

This article shows the installation and deployment of all environments, the complete steps of data synchronization and some matters needing attention from scratch. It can be said to be perfect. After that, you should also write a tutorial on synchronization between heterogeneous databases.

Overall, Tapdata Cloud greatly reduces the technical difficulty in installation, deployment and use, and has a better entry experience than some other data synchronization products. As for the efficiency of real-time synchronization, there is no measured production, so too much evaluation is not made.